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Found 3,907 results

  1. iegal

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Big hello; This is my first post on this forum after lurking for quite a while. Just wanted to say I have lost 5 pounds in three weeks following plan. Great start for me and I am close to half way there, maybe even want to pursue losing back down to my lowest weight. Although the scale has stalled this week - I feel better, less bloated and have found some encouragement. Being on track is a wonderful feeling! Hugs. I love my sleeve and have no regrets.
  2. Jenn31MA

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    Ok so this past week i have been good (still ate a few sugary things but oh well) and i counted carbs and worked out....FINALLY broke my three month stall...i weighed in at 193.0 on the button this morning. I have been pretty much 195.9 to 196.9 the past three months. I did see a day of 194.8. yay!!! I made sure i didn't go over 1200 but not below 1000 calories a day. Walked 45 minutes at lunch and a few times after work and then some days i walked at the track near my house then ran up and down the stairs on the bleachers (that's an awesome workout). Now just need to add in some weigh training and i think ill be good. My surgeon had to push my 1 year appt back from 9/9 to 9/23 so that gives me a few extra weeks to get closer to 100lb mark. That was my original goal at my one year surgiversary but that only gives me 2.5 lbs to lose 13 lbs..so ill shoot for that with my surgeon. I hope everyone is doing great. I find that going back to basics just throws me all off. Since this is a life long journey you need to find out what works for you in a normal capacity. Just sometimes finding it might take awhile (three months for me).
  3. Question for all of you... how many calories is everyone averaging? I’ve been on my three week stall for about 3 weeks now. 😩😩 I’m six weeks out and I’m averaging about 600-800 calories a day with around 60-80g of protein. I’ve been hitting my fluid goals and trying to be active (though I could do better on working out). I know stalls are normal but 3 weeks seems like an excessive amount of time to be stalled for so soon after surgery.
  4. I stalled for 2.5 weeks, finally lost three pounds, then for the last week or two have been gaining and losing the same 2-3 lbs. I’m only 2.6 pounds down since September 1. I’m really hoping the loss starts picking up sometime soon, I was expecting for more than an average of 1.3 lbs per week... 😩😫😩😫
  5. The size 9/10 jeans I bought do not make me happy about my three week (so far) stall but I guess they make it tolerable.

  6. Finally broke the week three stall. :) Two days of losing!

  7. Looks like the three week stall from hell is over. Lost one pound. probably would have been more if it didn't coincide with my TOM but whatever. I'll take it. Feels good to have the scale move.

  8. I think this dreadful stall is finally over. Scale moved down three pounds after not moving at all for three weeks.

  9. Officially hit the infamous three week stall...poop.

  10. Hey ya, Unfortunately the stall is still here. I was in Chicago for the last three days, and it was hard getting my protein and water in, but calories remained low, and the scale still has not moved. I have decided to hide the scale, and will not measure for the next two weeks. It is really not very encouraging.

  11. Have a fill appt today at 430! Hope it helps! I've been stalled now for three weeks...booooo

  12. I'm three weeks out, and I've hit my first stall. I didn't think it would happen so quickly, but I just saw someone referring to it as "the three-week stall", so I guess I'm on target. :unsure:

    1. blizair09


      Try not to stress; it is completely normal, and most everyone goes through the first stall at week 3. My loss pre-op was very linear -- 3 pounds a week every week for six months. Post-op, it is more of a step function. I drop 8-10 pounds in 1-1.5 weeks, and then I stall for 1-1.5 weeks. Then it repeats. It is maddening, but it is the reality of the situation.

    2. BayougirlMrsS


      this will happen from time to time.... evaluate what your doing.... what your eating and how much... and your exercise... When i hit a stall... i would up the movement or start something new

      You prob. started taking in more food... this is when you need to start moving more.

      YOu know the old saying..... Eat less-move more

    3. Didjit


      Thanks for the insight! Always helpful to know others have gone down the same road before me.

  13. Inner Surfer Girl

    Liquid diet weight loss...

    It is possible. Almost everyone loses a lot of Water weight when they start a new diet. In addition, you are burning all the energy stored in your liver (the reason for the pre-op diet). There is a reason every commercial diet advertised on TV advertises that if you follow their diet you can lose up to twenty pounds in two weeks. Everything that goes into this rapid weight loss will balance out when you hit a stall about three weeks after surgery.
  14. rewind

    Hit the 3 week stall

    Hang in there. Don't weigh yourself often, maybe once a week. And focus on a heathly diet, not weight lost. I was sleeved Feb 25th and lost 13 pounds the first week, following 17 from my preop diet. Then I stalled for THREE WEEKS! Talk about depressing, reading about those who lost 100 pounds in 5 days, lol. Much of the result is up to your biology. I stalled for about three weeks, then I lost 2, then 7 in a week, then a few more, then 0..... I weigh again tomorrow. After 8 weeks my total is 48 pounds. Probably not breaking any records, but I think we have to remember it is an individual journey. I have struggled with it too. I thought the first month was the hardest. If you have protein shakes, add some whey to them. There is a strawberry one that really enhances the flavor in a shake. Also, try making a quiche. I put bacon and sausage (both finely chopped) in mine, and ate it for several meals a day for several days. It felt great to finally eat some real food! I'm sure others will comment and I hope to learn from their experience too.
  15. Inner Surfer Girl

    Almost 4 weeks out and stalled

    Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing weight. We all experience periodic stalls and almost everyone experiences a stall about three weeks after surgery. Just follow your program. Track your food. Get in AT LEAST 64 oz of liquid a day. Focus on reaching your Protein target every day. The sooner you can get in ALL of your protein the better for both healing and weight loss. Take all of your Vitamins and supplements as instructed. Exercise when cleared. And, stay off the scale. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  16. csawesome


    Despite my scale going up by three pounds this week, today my regular pants wouldn't stay up. I put on jeans that were too small when I bought them three years ago. From a 26w presurgery to 22 (with a small waist) a little over 2 weeks post op. Embrassing the stall. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
  17. James Marusek

    Weight loss

    It is not normal for your weight loss to come to a prolonged dead stop after the 3rd week. So you will need to investigate the cause. What type of surgery did you have? I had RNY gastric bypass and did not encounter a stall that lasted more than a couple days during the beginning. Sleeve patients tend to encounter more stalls and their stalls last longer. So you might consult your surgeon's office about this. The three most important elements after RNY gastric bypass surgery are to meet your daily protein, fluid and vitamin requirements. Food is secondary because your body is converting your stored fat into the energy that drives your body. Thus you lose weight. Weight loss is achieved after surgery through meal volume control. You begin at 2 ounces (1/4 cup) per meal and gradually over the next year and a half increase the volume to 1 cup per meal. With this minuscule amount of food, it is next to impossible to meet your protein daily requirements by food alone, so therefore you need to rely on supplements such as protein shakes.
  18. Inner Surfer Girl

    not really a "stall"

    Tips? Yes, focus on getting in all of your Water and Protein (64 grams of protein seems low) and stay off the scale. You are healing. Your body is in flux. Your primary job right now is staying hydrated and getting in enough protein. None of us lose at a constant or steady rate. We all experience stalls. Most of us experience our first stall about three weeks after surgery. Also, you are correct: 4 days does not make a stall. Just follow your program, stay off the scale, and embrace the stall. http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  19. Inner Surfer Girl

    19lbs 1month out

    500 calories is really low. You probably will experience slow weight loss until you can get your calories higher. You don't mention protein. Getting enough protein is critical for healing and weight loss. What is your protein target? How are you doing at reaching that target. My guess is that at 500 calories you aren't. That said, stalls and slow downs are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing a significant amount of weight. We all experience stalls and just about everyone experiences a stall about three weeks after surgery. I highly recommend you: 1) let go of the idea of predicting your own weight loss and comparing it to other people, and 2) stay off the scale. You may want to weigh infrequently, especially early out. Just follow your program. Make sure you are getting at least 64 oz of Fluid a day. Reach or exceed your protein target every day. Take your Vitamins and supplements as directed. Exercise when cleared. Stay off the scale. And, Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall.
  20. Jb1176

    Breaking the stall

    I think this is excellent advice. I've had two stalls since surgery 4/13 - at week three and week 10. Both lasted about 10 days. I just stayed with the program and followed the advice above. The weight eventually started coming off again.
  21. catwoman7

    Stall at week 3 already?

    almost everyone experiences that. In fact, we have an official name for it - "the three-week stall". If you do a search on it, you'll probably find thousands of threads on it
  22. I am three weeks out and I have heard that some people have a stall during this time. I am experiencing this now. How long does it last? And is there anything I can do to jump start the process? I am only taking in about 400-500 calories a day. I can't do much exercise because I ripped a stitch a few days ago on my left side which is very painful and doc says I need to take it easy for the next couple weeks and heal. Any information is helpful. Thanks!
  23. BlessedBeyondMeasure2012

    Fighting with my head today

    I am having some crazy head hunger today. I haven't had too much since surgery 5 weeks ago but today it is getting to me. I haven't given in, nor will I (I'm more hard headed than that) but boy am I craving some carbs/sugar today. I finally broke my almost three week stall and it is great to see the scale going back down. I've been doing really good on my diet, lots of protein, super low carbs, lots of fluids. So where the heck is this coming from??? Of course the donuts and banana nut muffins sitting on the counter outside my office aren't helping anything. I ate my tuna salad for lunch and I am not hungry but my mouth wants to have the munchies bad. Not much longer and I'll start on another bottle of water, maybe that will help...
  24. I had RNY gastric bypass surgery which is different than mini-bypass, so my answers may not be of much help. So let's see. You lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks, but then in the next week, you gained 2.2 pounds back. It is not unusual for individuals after weight loss surgery to hit stalls, even gaining a little weight during the journey. It is fairly common. The three most important elements after surgery are to meet your daily Protein, Fluid and Vitamin requirements. food is really secondary because your body is converting stored fat into the energy that drives your body. Thus you lose weight. It concerns me that you have stopped taking your protein shakes. My guidelines read a minimum of 75-90 grams of protein per day. 180 ml of milk is 6.3 ounces of milk which has 6 grams of protein since you are drinking 2 of these per day, that gives you 12 grams of protein 100 grams of meat gives you 26 grams of protein 1 egg provides 6 grams of protein. So overall you are consuming 44 grams of protein a day which is much less than your goal. If you fortify your milk by adding a 1/4 cup of dry milk to each glass of your liquid milk, this would add an additional 6 grams of protein per glass of milk. That would put your total up to 56 grams per day. Still a little on the low side. It will be hard to meet you daily protein requirement without using protein shakes. So I would recommend experimenting with the various forms out there. In general I hate protein shakes. But I had to consume them at least until I could reach my protein requirements from meals alone. You don't have to like protein shakes, only tolerate them. For me I found that I could tolerate Muscle Milk Light (vanilla Cream) powder blended with Water and with a half a banana blended in. So that is what I used.
  25. magnificent2015

    6 month stall / plateau

    So I was sleeved on January 6th, I'm approaching my 6 month surgeriversary in three days. My starting weight the day of surgery was 303 pounds, so i've lost about 94 pounds. Since about 6/25 I've been stalled, fluctuating between 208 & 210. I've heard of a dreaded 6 month stall and I'm not quite sure what I can do to kick my weight loss back into high gear. On any given day I can eat between 500-1000 calories. It honestly depends on how much restriction I have on the particular day. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am also fairly active and workout for 45 minutes to 1.5 hours a few times per week if my schedule permits. I also stick to eating a keto-based diet and try tostay away from carbs as much as possible and I try to get at minimum 60grams of protein in per day.

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