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  1. tigk29


    I had to sit through the a seminar as well, and then when I went for my first consultation, I was there for 6 hours meeting with the surgeon, therapist, exercise therapist, and several others. Because the Wish Center is in partnership with the Hospital that does the surgery, the whole procedure is within a price range I can afford. My insurance wont pay for anything even though the docs are in network. I attended several different seminars with different doctors and the Wish Center was my favorite. I felt very comfortable asking tons of questions and the staff was very friendly. As far as the alcohol goes the last thing I want to do is get really drunk and puke, Yuck! I just didn't know what people were told about having drinks in moderation.
  2. Alot of folks already said more or less the same thing, but I'll throw in my 2 cents anyway: I chose sleeve because: I was afraid of dumping (but...I dump anyway) I wanted to continue using NSAIDs (but...I ended up not needing them anymore anyway) I was personally freaked out a bit by the re-routing of my intestines (but...not cutting out my stomach? lol) I DID NOT have GERD. I only had a choice between sleeve and bypass cuz those were the only ones covered by my insurance, so I didn't consider any other procedure. I think that one's results with WLS has more to do with the person, than with the type of surgery. I'm convinced I would have had the same result if I had the bypass. But that's just me. Some background and current statuses: I'm 5'2", almost 50yr old female, started off at 235 lbs at the beginning of my 2 week pre-op diet...2.5 years ago. I got to goal of 127 lbs in 7 months (108 lbs lost at that time). I settled into 115 lbs by 10 months post-op and stayed there basically since...but not without a bit of effort on my part. 3 times I got up to 120 lbs for a few consecutive days, and subsequently made efforts to get back down to 115. And 4-5 times I went sub-110 lbs for a few consecutive days, but didn't have to make any effort at all to get back to 115, go figure. This morning I was 109.2 lbs. I consumed very little calories during weight loss phase, and exercised regularly starting month 3 (running/walking mostly, and minimal strength training daily). No complications, nor issues other than those expected (dump with sugar, foamies/chest pressure if I eat too much or too fast, need to barf if I drink with my meals, burp like a teenage boy) At 2.5 years out, up until a month ago, I was averaging around 1800 cals a day with regular exercise (running & strength training 4-5 times a week). Currently I'm playing around with calories as I'm sidelined on the exercise front, which explains my lower weight these days cuz I haven't figured it out yet. I mostly eat salads (by choice, I LOOOVE salads!) , but I also eat desserts, spicy stuff, fried stuff, fatty stuff, drink coffee, alcohol and carbonated water. On rare occasions I eat bread or potatoes, but I don't eat rice nor regular pasta. I max out at about 1 to 1.5 cups of food per sitting (more if its salad) My lab results have consistently been uneventful (my last one was in November last year). So....so far so good. I have no illusions that I will be like this forever...but that's on me, not my sleeve.
  3. FuelMan

    Suicidal thoughts with obesity?

    I have said it once and I will say it again, MORBID OBESITY is in fact comitting suicide. Being really FAT is wanting to DIE weather you admit it or not. Some where, some time you think I ain't worth this so you figure you might as well kill yourself a fork full at a time. Just like the alcoholic might not want to kill him him or her self, but when the doctor say's if you don't stop drinking you will die, and you keep drinking. Well.......... what do you call that ???? I call it SUICIDE. So............when the doctor tell you, you have got to lose weight or you will die, and you keep eating. What do you call they ???? I call that SUICIDE as well. Now I am not talking about you chubby's out there who have something like a 100 lbs to lose, or something like that, I am talking about the really FATTIES, the over 300 or 400 club. You might not have said: Gee, I want to kill myself today, but by your actions and you behaivor you are saying I want to DIE, I am not worth Living. I know this is a tuff qustion and not a lot of us want to admit this openly, but admit it or not........... the truth is you are killing youself just by eating the way we do. This is not a fun or popular subject to talk about, and nobody wants to admit they really want to die, but let's face the fact people......... we had better start to be honest with ourself's if we are doing this. I know 2 people who after getting banded, one had a nervious breakdown, and the other freaked out so much she had the BAND REMOVED !!!!!! Now that's to me seems crazy. But, if we are really ready to do this, we have to start to look at why we are eating ourself's to death, and admit we have this death wish. I call myself an "Enlighten Fat Person", because I admit that I am fat and know what I can do and what I can't do. Before my enlightenment, I would sit in those plastic chairs and have them break, or....... God Help Me....... go on a ride at Great Adventure's and not be able to fit in the sit with the safty bar down, and then have to get off the ride in front of 100's of people. Now I ask you....... is that an enlighten fat person ??? I think not. Today, I know, I am fat and I don't try and hid it or avoid the topic of eating or or weight. If I am out, I eat like I do at home, I don't try and just have a salad, and then on the way home, gorge myself at burger king or the like. That was NUTS, and it was making me NUTS, all the hiding and sneaking, NO MORE, if I am eating I will eat what I like and not try to blow smoke up people's butt, having them think... "Gee What Is Wrong With Butch ?? He Hardly Eats At All !!!!! No More lies, and deseat, I am what I am....... FAT. And I Eat Too Much. Today I can't eat the way I once did, because of the Life saving BAND. But...... even though I lost 200+ lbs I am still Fat, I still weigh 370 and have another 100 lbs before I can get a Pannic-ta-me. That's where they remove the spare tire (that's a TRUCK TIRE) from around the middle of me. I am going for a max fill this June and I am going to lose this last part fast, I have to be rid of this, I am at a place where it's been too long. I have been Banded for 4+ years and I am too old to wait. Sorry to be so blunt, but let's not blow smoke up each others BUTT, and start saying the truth about ourself's and being FAT. Butch Seaman
  4. DevilMayKare

    Suicidal thoughts with obesity?

    Just out of curiousity... what results were you expecting to see? It would be interesting to see the results of this poll in the general population. Let's see, who would that be??? The alcoholics, the sex addicts, the workaholics, the druggies...uh... no? How about the "General Population" of people who have NO addictions, No compulsions, no weaknesses nor flaws and are successful and happy in their lives? Who ARE those guys anyway? The Borg?
  5. I don't know the medical science behind the drinking and the band- but my surgeon's post-op instructions stated no alcohol until 6-8 weeks after banding (then all the usual caveats about calories etc.). I held out until the 4th week after surgery and was fine. I am a big social drinker (weekends only) and light beer was my favorite. I quit all carbonation on the pre-op diet - so I don't drink light beer anymore. Instead, i do a shot of clearl liquor (lowest calories) usually absolute vodka - then fill the rest of the glass with ice and water. I then add in crystal light or equivalent. I can drink 4-5 of those during the night - same buzz as before the band (i've noticed no difference) and never sick etc. I'm like you - i count in the calories and i continue to steadily lose weight. I can't tell you what will happen if you try any alcohol in the 2nd week - you may want to check other threads on here - as i'm sure it's been discussed. BEST OF LUCK TO ALL OF US IN OUR JOURNEYS!
  6. morelgirl

    Fast food and alcholic drinks??

    Understood. I try to avoid fast food. It's high calorie, fairly low satiety, and loaded with who knows what that would probably gross me out if I knew it was in my food. If I'm forced into it, I also try to go for Wendy's chili. The important thing is that whatever you choose, control your portion size and count your calories. And still practice small bites and slow chewing. As far as alcohol goes, it's a similar story-- control your portions and count the calories. Wine is, in my opinion, the best bet. It's socially acceptable to nurse a glass of wine forever, you have a variety of flavors and styles to choose from, and it's not mixed with anything carbonated or high in sugar/calories to add to its negative impact. Also, there are proven health benefits to red wine in particular, provided it's consumed in moderation (1 glass per day). Don't be surprised or insulted by people who caution you after reading this type of question. In the end, everyone just wants to help you succeed. Good luck!
  7. Jachut

    Club Soda ?? Off topic

    Um, probably becuase she LIKES it? Why do you assume there would be any other reason? I really like club soda and ice as a drink. I vastly prefer it over still Water. Its also great half half with white wine to reduce your calorie and alcohol intake. I can handle carbonation fine though and my doctor doesnt believe it needs to be avoided.
  8. I say the same thing!! So many skinny people pick and barely eat now I am with em...I think it makes some feel uneasy but I just have to keep it moving and keep my eye on the prize! Not having alcohol has been so hard but I just keep saying it's not forever just for a year! Small sacrifice for a new and improved me!
  9. mammadukes112

    Drinking...shots, mixed drinks, etc?

    OH I know the feeling. I loved and love my cocktails. I havent drank any cocktails in a while but did have 2 glasses of wine last week and woo felt good. Im on occasion going to do what you are asking about. We need to make lifestyle changes and I dont see anything wrong on occasion. Dont over do it I cant bare the thought of throwing up from alcohol. July 4th is huge at my house and i was sweating it but Im going to have 2 drinks in the night and thats it. good luck
  10. I can have any food I want to at this point- I have no food issues after surgery. However, I choose not to drink any carbonated beverages or alcoholic beverages, and I choose not to eat gluten which eliminates a bunch of the "naughty" foods like bread, pasta, cookies, cake, etc., and I also choose not to eat dairy products. I am physically able to eat them, and I definitely enjoy eating them, but I have decided to follow a Paleo diet for health reasons, and it is working really well for me.
  11. Big girl banded

    The new Smoke-Free Ohio Law

    Tired O man- I understnad what you are saying and saw what you meant in your last post about the job. Many smokers begin around 16-22.. that IS the age of consent and they know that it is addictive that and alcohol abstinece is pushed and pused in school. HOWEVER.. one of my favorite customers quit smoking after 45 yrs. He just deceided and quit. Sure he was cranky a little but he got thru it. If HE can do it any one can. I also find it ironic that he LOOKS like the Marborlo man... very wrinkly like a sharpei. But he is very happy he did it. I am happy too. I think this guy is great and want him around as mucha s possible. Also once he quit 8 regulars ( they all hang out) decided to quit together. 6 did and havent smoked in 5 months or so. The other 2 gave up. Still these are old smokers who finally wanted to get rid of the habit. I am proud of all of them and hope they can continue to resist.
  12. Cascavel

    Sticky Situation

    The steri-strips didn't leave any residue but my port incision bled a little the night of surgery so they slapped a big gauze pad over it with lots of tape. It's been almost 3 weeks since surgery and the tape marks are still there. I was able to get the tape marks off my arm where the IV was by scrubbing HARD with a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol on it. My port area is still just sore enough that I haven't been brave enough to do the same around there. Anyone know of anything that works w/o vigorous rubbing? Cascavel
  13. anonemouse

    The new Smoke-Free Ohio Law

    To my knowledge, no one has talked about restricting people's smoking inside their homes. What has been discussed is the restriction of smoking in businesses and in public. If someone chooses to have a business in their home, they are consciously agreeing to abide by laws governing businesses, including smoking laws. There is proof that second-hand smoke can give you cancer. It may take a lot of it, or it may not. I am certain that some people are more susceptible to cancer caused by smoke. Now, if someone wants to kill themselves, they can go right ahead. But things are different if they are doing something that can cause other people to become ill or die. Let me put it this way: As long as you are at least 21, you can legally drink as much alcohol as you want. Heck, you can kill yourself with it if you want, and no one can stop you. But if you sit behind the wheel of a car or do something else while intoxicated that puts other people at risk, it becomes illegal. Again, I couldn't care less if someone wants to kill themselves with cigarrettes. But if they risk my health or the heath of the people around me, you better believe that I will lobby to have their smoking rights restricted.
  14. SilentBotts

    Dumping syndrome for Sleevers?

    I'm not sure if it's dumping but I found that I have a very similar reaction to sugar alcohols. Intense abdominal pain, sometimes with diarrhea.
  15. taylokat

    Why Lie?!?!

    I'm an alcoholic...Sober over 20 years. When I'm out with a group of people I always get asked, "why aren't you drinking?" It's much easier to say "I just don't like it but thank you anyway" rather than explain I'm a recovering alcoholic. I'm very new to this weight loss journey, not even sure I will qualify, but if I do get surgery I plan on using the same logic I do with my sobriety. Basically it's nobody's business but if I feel someone will benefit from my story and they will keep things confidential, I will share it.
  16. Typically want to avoid alcohol prior to surgery. For one you are attempting to shrink your liver, making it process alcohol, is making it work harder. Alcohol also dehydrates you which is exactly the opposite of what you want to be doing. Even just a glass.. its best to avoid.
  17. What part of that plate did you try to eat at 23 days out? And is a Bahama mama a cocktail? I still can't eat rice and I'm over 3 year out. And choosing not to eat Pasta and breaded shrimp keeps me at goal weight. Alcohol would have burned my stomach that early out. Are those things on your plan? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. I drink the occasional glass of white wine. Can't handle any alcohol with carbonation.
  19. rmeza62


    Try to avoid citric foods or drinks, and no alcohol, I notices that when I drink something that contains alcohol I feel sick and the pain starts. I have tried something that works for me when I'm in pain, try taking just a little tip of a spoon of (sodium carbonate) Arm & Hammer with some water and see the difference.
  20. jingleboob


    alcohol is pretty harsh on your stomach under the best of circumstances... your stomach is healing right now. Wait a bit... it's not worth the chance of damage for a glass. I'm 5 months out and did add wine to my "diet" about 2 months post op... just a glass or two, but I do avoid it for the week after a fill for those same reasons. My major alcohol bummer is Champagne... I heart it, and the carbonation means it's a big bad no now. Wine just makes me miss it more....
  21. Well my name is Jennifer I had my lap band put in on April 3, I started at 240-230 when I went to my first appointment. Because of my insurance it took me from October till April to finally get my surgery. Today I am five days post op and weigh 211 witch is awesome. But I actually started my journey about a year and a half ago after years of living with constant pain and fatigue I had acquired health coverage and was able to see a doctor. I was told that I had non alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver or Fatty liver disease and they gave me at most ten years. I also had polycystic ovarian syndrome, high cholesterol, and problems with my knees. Knowing all this set me into a bit of a depression for a couple of months. I couldn't sleep but I could eat so one of those late nights of watching tv I saw a commercial for True Results and decided to make a appointment to see what it was all about. And now I am five days post op and on my way to being a healthier me.
  22. ☠carolinagirl☠

    What Are You Reading?

    i am almost done with this one..very long book very detailed.......will miss the characters when its finished From Lesley Lokko, an outstanding new voice in women's fiction, comes a story of family, love, grief, and power. In this sweeping family saga, Amber Sall has the world on a platter---everything a girl could ever want. She has a handsome, powerbroker father, an older brother she adores, scads of money, and two best friends, Becky and Madeline. But none of that satisfies her lifelong desire to win her father's love, and for success in a career on the basis of her own talents, not her family's power and money. Watching her beloved brother fail both tests only makes Amber more determined to succeed. Through the decades, she and Becky and Madeline need each other's support through the best and the worst that women can experience, but can their friendship survive? Max Sall, Amber's father, is a distant, self-made man, whose lust for power comes from his tragic childhood. He drove Amber's society mother to alcoholism by openly keeping a mistress in Rome. His daughter with that mistress, Paola Rossi, is spoiled by her mother. She grows up to be a beautiful, glamorous member of the international jet set, yet she is still envious of everything Amber has, and determined to do what her mother never could: get a man to marry her. But when Paola finally marries, the result is more disastrous than she ever could have dreamed. Moving easily from London to Africa, Bosnia to New York, Saffron Skies is an unforgettable story of wealth, ambition, family, friendship, passion, loyalty, and betrayal."
  23. Butterflywarrior

    Hate sugar free stuff. What do I do?

    yes, I'm aware that the pancreas still produces insulin in reaction to anything sugar or sugar like. I was merely responding to the posters response that they were using stevia but stopped bc they didn't want anything artificial or fake ... And, for me since I'm also allergic to artificial sweeteners, I'm pleased to have Protein powder flavors sweetened with stevia for variety. So far, tge unflavored Isopure experience is nasty! Also, stevia is so potent, you need very small amounts of it so that is probably a positive thing but that's just a opinion not necessarily a fact lol The problem with this logic is that simply coming from a plant and thus not being artificial doesn't necessarily mean we should be filling up on it. Sugar comes from a plant, too. Splenda is simply a modified sucrose molecule, thus it is technically plant based as well. Cocaine is made from cocoa leaves, heroin is made from poppy seeds and alcohol will form in the bottom of your trash can if it's left out long enough with any plant based material in it. Eating sweet foods, regardless of how abd whybthey are sweet causes cravings for sweet foods. Diet Coke contains no sugar, yet it promotes a response from your pancreas similar to regular Coke. Your brain perceives sweetness and prepares for an onslaught of sugar, even if there is none.
  24. word of ewaRNING, oops............ when banded.......... olcohola (alcohols) is very more effectives.he,he,he.........
  25. Melody2006

    Waiting, waiting, WAITING!!

    I felt the same way as you and knew with my insurance it was a green light automatically. (The bariactric center is inside the hospital I work at and get my insurance). What you need to do is ask your surgeons office what your particular insurance requires and how you can speed a long the process while you wait. Thats what I did. In 2 months I had all my stuff done and I was banded. It's all what your insurance requires. Also ask what your pre-opt diet is going to be before surgery. I didn't expect that part. 2 weeks of liquids only before surgery, and 2 weeks of liquids only after surgery. No food for a month! I didn't expect that part. That was hard Now I'm to mushy foods (banded 7/15/08) and I'm waiting for a fill. Feels like I'm dieting on will power alone. I'm just following the lap band rules. This isn't the easy way I expected. I'm working for every pound lost. I now keep a pedometer on at all times and go for 12,000 steps a day no matter what. I'm working for this and have been working for every pound lost since I decided on the surgery. Your journey starts today. You start following the band rules today. (No straws, No caffeine, No non-natural sugars, No smoking, No alcohol, Cut back on bread & Pasta, Protein first, Vegetables 2nd, carbs if you have room left. Smaller portions, eat only until satisfied. no drinking liquids with meals, and 60 grams of protein a day, 64 oz of Water a day.) You don't need to wait to be banded. Banding just forces you to stick to the rules and takes stomach hunger (not head hunger!) out of the equation. Wish someone would have told me that upfront. Your journey starts today if you choose so. Best of luck.

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