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Found 17,501 results

  1. summerseeker

    When did your weightloss stop ?

    I lost for about 2 years then I decided that I felt ok with my weight and size. I then increased my calories to 1500 a day and I am stable at this weight. I don't do strenuous exercise, just gentle walking. Oddly enough I have dropped a size in the last 6 months ?? but no weight.
  2. Well I can tell you I’m 57 it’s been 5 years since my surgery and I can say I have hit my spot where my weight stays where it is, any walking or working out I do just kinda tones my body I have not seen any major muscle gain or anything like that since I have plateaued with my weight. I take it as it is what it is and just maintain.
  3. Wellington4321

    Everyday diet post surgery.

    Your information on the SADi is mostly inaccurate. I had it in 2014 and can eat a horse every day and not gain weight (caveat that you'll need to poop out a horse everyday). There is virtually nothing off limits if I am willing to put up with gas and bloating that eating in excess will cause. I lost about 152lbs over a year or so, and after an initial regain of 25 to 30lbs, I stabilized a few years out. I eat a lot of good quality foods including potatoes but also plenty of ice cream and chocolate. The ice cream, onions, and carbonated drinks all cause gas. I've probably developed some level of tolerance after eating so much of it. The Sadi is an awesome option from my experience so I would highly recommend you seriously consider it. Also fewer vitamins and malabsorption issues.
  4. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Love the term onederland 😂 @NickelChip @BlueParis don’t get discouraged, you’re so much smaller than a lot of us and I would expect it to take longer or for you to have more prolonged stalls than when you weighed more. I know it can be frustrating but you’re doing great! 😘 Weightloss always slows way down when you’re closer to a “normal” weight. Whatever that may be. Oh and WTG on the no drinking! Maybe you can try high protein snacks like quest protein chips or roasted edamame to up your protein? @RonHall908 you look great! hope ev1 is still doing well, I can’t stop myself from weighing everyday, even when I try not too, I end up on the scale anyway. But that’s ok, I go up and down also but I know intellectually that it’s most likely water weight. I stop losing or gain briefly every time I do any exercise and I’m pretty sure it’s water weight. I also agree with @NickelChip that I do think the “stalls” are often related to not enough calories ( also over carbing it, I don’t really exercise much and have PCOS so I don’t metabolize carbs well and try to avoid simple carbs as much as possible) Your body going into starvation mode is truly a real thing and does happen. I seem to notice my most steady weight loss when I follow my diet 95% of the time and then have a cheat meal/day and eat crap I’ve avoided all week like fattening restaurant yummy food like chips and queso or chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes. I might stay the same or gain a pound right after then drop several pounds. Plus for me it keeps me from craving all the unhealthy food ALL the time, bc I LOVE food and know that eating only healthy food 100% of the time is unattainable for me. I’ll eventually cheat and fall off the wagon hard! Oh and for anyone feeling disappointed in the slow losses take @LisaCaryl’s advice and go by how your clothes feel or better yet,take measurements if you can. My hubby helps me take my measurements and I log them on the Baritastic app. Even when my scales not moving I’ve lost lots of inches and my clothes are big. Plus I’m back into my small “fat” pants lol 😁 oh and @NickelChip, I feel you on the sweets, I use light and fit Greek yogurt and Russel Stovers sugar free chocolates for desserts! My hubby even likes the Russel Stovers chocolates and can’t tell they’re sugar free. Keep on keepin on guys! 😘
  5. CarolineLittle

    Let's Collect Some Data!

    1. Basics: GENDER, AGE, HEIGHT Female, 50, 5 feet 0 inches 2. Total Weight lost in the 6 months BEFORE surgery (if any) 6.4 kilos or 14 pounds 3. Weight on DAY OF SURGERY. 148.6 kilos or 327 pounds 4. Weight at 1 MONTH POST surgery 137.6 kilos or 302 pounds 5. Weight at 3 MONTHs POST surgery 127.8 kilograms or 281 pounds 6. Weight at 6 MONTHs POST surgery 117 kilograms or 257.4 pounds 7. Weight at 12 MONTHs POST surgery 105.7 kilograms or 232.5 pounds
  6. Happy Stylist

    Weight loss shots

    Has anyone tried doing the weight loss shots? My surgery was just over a year ago and I still haven’t lost 50lbs. I started out with a lower BMI. So my surgeons are ok with where I’m at but I’m not. So I’m looking into the shots to help me a long. Just wondering if anyone else has had any luck
  7. Hi! I was banded with a Realize band in 2008. Went from 235 to 150 and I've been between 150 and 165 for years. I'm now having serious complications with the band. Lots of complications but the worst is an "oozing sore" around 75% of my Esophagus. I've had such great success with the band and I'm nervous about going to a RNY. I really don't want to weigh less than 150. Is a revision just going to put me back into rapid weight loss? Any revision weight loss/gain stories are greatly appreciated. I need someone to hold my hand!
  8. summerseeker

    Post-op diet troubles!

    I just could not do puree, I did soups instead. I chewed any big lumps or squished them with the back of my spoon. I found a lot of these forward steps difficult. My team were very happy with me going at a slow and steady pace that suited my new stomach. When I was ready I went straight to regular foods like minced meats and vegetables and well cooked stews and casseroles. You will find what you can eat one day will not be ok another day. My new stomach has tantrums even now. Just do your best. I was so turned off food and was never hungry. I had a filthy taste in my mouth all the time, numerous tooth brushings never altered this. I too had deep regrets, everything I ever knew about eating was altered. I had to find new ways to find pleasure because now we have to eat to live and not the other way around. You will get there, just ride this out. Your hormones are running wild at the moment so it is all against you at the moment. Weight gains and stalls are all par for the course. You will get them all the time. A full bowel, a salty meal or salty broth can cause a temporary weight gain. Just stick to the plan and believe , it works. Soon you will be able to make your teams water and protein goals then you will feel so much better. People think that doing WLS is the easy option. Its not, especially early on. Contact your team and tell them your struggles. Get counselling if you need it. Chat and vent on here, we all have. Everyone has had similar issues.
  9. Okay I am a second timer. I had gastric sleeve 3/9/21 and I gained it back. I am considering the SADI and I am looking for information about it. I have posted on the revision forums and the duodenal switch forum without response. Is this just a really rare procedure or am I posting in the wrong place? I worry that even if this is the right surgery for me I may regret it if I can’t find the support along the way because it is less common.
  10. I'm scheduled for sleeve surgery in three days, and I'm experiencing serious cold feet. I'm a 44-year-old male, 5'9" tall, weighing 270 pounds. I've struggled with yo-yo dieting for over 21 years, with my highest weight being 280 pounds and my lowest 198 pounds. I've had success with intermittent fasting and restricted calorie intake, but I've regained the weight. I suffer from mild sleep apnea, which causes heavy snoring and comes with its challenges. Thankfully, I don't have any other health problems, and I take medication that contributes to weight gain, though I doubt they'd make me fatter the 270 pounds than I am now; they just make it harder to lose weight. I'm feeling uncertain about the necessity of the surgery since I'm not extremely heavy and overall healthy. I'm also worried about only being able to eat small quantities in one sitting, and the idea of changing my body scares me. Yet Im also excited to get this option available
  11. yes - a majority of people do have a 10-20 lb rebound gain, usually in year 3. It's not inevitable, but it does seem to happen to most of us. maintenance wasn't too hard for a year or so - but since then, it's been a challenge. I hate that I constantly have to watch everything I eat and log every morsel, but for me anyway, if I quit doing that for too long, my weight starts heading north. Everyone is going to have a range of normal (as opposed to one specific number), since weight can fluctuate up or down by a couple of lbs any given day. So give yourself an acceptable range - maybe a 5 lb range. Once you hit the top of that range (or go over It - eek!), it's all hands on deck until you get back down comfortably within range again. so a struggle, yes, but then, a lot of my never-been-obese women friends have to do the same thing. I know it's easy to think that some people can eat anything and not gain weight, but I think that's an extreme minority. I think another thing that's an adjustment is the idea of weight maintenance itself. I've spent a huge chunk of my life either gaining weight or trying to lose weight. Maintaining within a certain range was a foreign concept for me...
  12. I thought I was gaining ground and hadn’t thrown anything up in several days, but then I attempted to eat chicken breast for dinner last night and after only a couple bites I was sick because it felt stuck. I just can’t seem to chew it rough or eat slow enough. I only keep attempting it because it seems to be higher in protein than a lot of other meats. The scale is moving for me again so woohoo!!! I’m down to 176lbs. I was 207lbs when I started. I got a new ring that monitors activity so I’m up and moving now. Only 6000 steps a day but it’s a start! Thank you to everyone in my little group here for all your posts. My surgery was February 22nd. I have my post op appt next week on the 25th. I’m hoping my weight loss is on track.
  13. I totally sympathise. But honestly this sounds completely within normal limits. There's no way you're going to have this surgery, stick to your programme, and not lose a heap of weight. It's just that the loss isn't linear. There are times when you lose half a pound a day (early!) and times when you lose a quarter of a pound a week. And all manner of gains and plateaus and whatever in the middle of that. And you'll be eating much the same and exercising much the same so there's no rhyme or reason to it! I hope you don't get hung up on this - you've already proven that you are losing inches. I truly hope you get to where you want to be asap.
  14. Wow... You are absolutely right that you need to find a new doctor, because this one clearly has no understanding of extreme weight loss patients or about weight/BMI in general. I could almost understand if she didn't know how big you used to be, but if she knows you went from 421 pounds to 183 and still doesn't think that's enough, she is woefully ignorant. It's not just a matter of principle, here, but the question of whether she is knowledgeable enough about extreme weight loss to treat you effectively. She should be embarrassed that you, the patient, had to educate her on the fact that the number on the scale/BMI chart means nothing on its own. The only hope here is that this could prompt her to educate herself on weight loss.
  15. ToInfinityAndBeyond

    Reassurance Requested re: Stalls In Later Months

    “I'm curious if you have gotten a bodyfat test that shows increased muscle mass 9 months after surgery coupled with weightlifting?” Great question! I do an InBody assessment once a month. One month I gained 7/10 lb in muscle but then this last month I lost both muscle and fat Very interesting video by Dr V This is helpful. Thank you!
  16. I'm pre-op. Scheduled for a sleeve on sept. 12th. I have 2 daughters (11 and 13) who saw me struggle with my weight and try diverse diets all their lifes. I have never openly complained about my weight in front of them, always talking about ""health"" instead, but they are not dumb..... They are both slim/ healthy weight, but one of them barely eats and tends to eat to much sugar..... I just dont know HOW to explain what I'm about to do to my body in order to lose weight. I don't want to screw them up (more?) about weight and dieting......... My dad died of a heart attack at 46 (I'm 42) so I'm thinking of, one again, leading the explanation with the health mindset. How did you do it?
  17. Wildflower Bohême

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    I'm happy today because I have lost 109 lbs from my high weight! I downloaded a coloring page from Etsy to track my weight loss, and once I hit that goal (literally on New Year's Day), I downloaded another one with my next goal. It's fun to color with crayons (and kids water colors, when I couldn't find my crayon box for a while) I keep them on my big magnetic white board. When I'm in a stall or gain a couple of pounds, I don't/can't remove any pounds, because they're already colored in. I just wait until I can color in new spaces. I recommend trying something like this, if it resonates with you!
  18. ShoppGirl

    Food Before and After Photos

    Has anyone looked into the lower calorie options in the factor75 meals. They are not cheap but they are prepared but they are fresh and they have vegan and keto options as well. I assume this would be an option to consider for those in maintenance for busy nights but I’m not the greatest at reading labels. I am currently looking into converting to SADi and just want to get started with something while I do my research and the insurance process (I was sleeved 3/9/21 and gained the weight back). I never did learn to understand all the macros and stuff the first time around which I’m sure contributed to my regain. I’m am just curious if anyone who understands all that has researched them and has any feedback about them.
  19. I was cleared for everything except weights at four weeks out. I was cleared for weights at eight weeks out. So you're fine as far as timing goes. your weight loss likely stopped for one or both of these reasons: 1) you're in a stall. If so, make sure you're sticking to your program and stay off the scale for a while. You're going to lose weight if you're in a calorie deficit, so as long as you're compliant, the stall WILL break and you'll be on your way again. 2). you're building muscle. Muscle is much denser and heavier than fat. When you gain muscle, your weight can stay the same (or even increase), while at the same time, your body looks leaner. I wouldn't stop with the Body Pump classes, though. Your weight will eventually start heading down again if you stick to your eating plan.
  20. Edward

    Band revision?

    Band replaced in 2014 so yes 10yr mark and weight gain and no restriction what so ever at this point. Have 14cc band and supposedly I'm at 6cc. He is very cautious will fills. His bed side matter is great but where I live there are not a lot of experts. May go see my original surgery one hour away as he is now in a big group with lots of experts. I have a suspicion that the tube got punctured at my last fill since it took forever to find the port with the needle. He did mention scare tissue, healing, my history of slips etc. Maybe I'm over thinking it. Thanks so much.
  21. Sophay

    Send help

    Hey! Very very new here however not new to the band! (Banded Oct 2022) when I first had it fitted I lost most of the weight I wanted to. Took a good couple of months and 1 fill of 1ml (taking me from 5.5-6.5ml in a 10ml band) I was happy. The weight was coming off, people were noticing, I felt better in my body (less weight to carry around and I felt loads more confident in my appearance too!) over the summer months I really struggled to eat anything with the weather being hot I put a lot of it down to that.. I had 0.5ml removed taking me down to 6ml in total. During winter I debated having some back in but figured with Christmas approaching I wasn’t overly concerned with my weight. I stepped on the scales a few week back and realised I’d regained a whole stone. So I booked in for a fill. I only had 0.25 put in 6.25 total) and I’ve realised very quickly that I literally cannot eat anything!! I can have two bites of a sausage and be done because anymore I’m at the toilet with regurgitation! :( this obviously is not healthy and so far my weight has stalled but I don’t know what to do for the best as if I have some removed, I’m going back to weight gain… can anybody offer any advice on what is the best thing to do?
  22. My scale is slowing down again... so being a U Tube junkie, I found this 10 minute video that explains why what the scale says isn't that important. It's worth a watch ! She gives a good , simple explanation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2oBp1GuwMY
  23. 1. Basics: GENDER, AGE, HEIGHT F, 33, 168 CM 5'5/5'6? 2. Total Weight lost in the 6 months BEFORE surgery (if any) 0 3. Weight on DAY OF SURGERY. 198/90 KG 4. Weight at 1 MONTH POST surgery 172/78.2 KG 5. Weight at 3 MONTHs POST surgery 148/67.4 KG I am at 5 months post op 131.78/59.9 KG 8. Type of Surgery (Sleeve, ByPass, etc...) Gastric sleeve
  24. are u unhappy with your weight loss?
  25. I think it counts. When I list my high weight, for example, it is my highest weight ever before WLS. That is different than pre-surgery weight, which was my weight on the day of the surgery. Congrats for your success and wishing you continued success.

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