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Found 17,501 results

  1. Wendy79


    What’s the longest anyone has experienced a stall for? My longest stall has lasted almost 2 months and I’m 7 months post op and I’m having trouble losing my last 10 lbs.
  2. I slept till after four am! Better than I thought. Today is the day! I gotta be at the hospital at 8:30 a.m. (45 min drive which isn’t bad for my rural area). I got nerves! My life is already better by loosing 90 lbs this calendar year, over 100 in less than 18 months. Good things gotta be in store for me. It’s my time to live life and be happy and not embarrassed about my size all the time. good luck to all going through pre op, post op or surgery today, or even just preparing… we are all in this together.
  3. Hi guys. I am 1 week and a few days post Op from my sleeve surgery. I’m a little concern because I have notice that I am able to drink Water like normal. I’m also able to drink Protein Shakes without a problem. I had mash potato and I was able to eat a good amount without having to feel horrible. I know everyone is different. I just find it strange. Has anyone dealt with this? I’m just nervous that this surgery did not work.
  4. Hi guys. I am 1 week and a few days post Op from my sleeve surgery. I’m a little concern because I have notice that I am able to drink water like normal. I’m also able to drink protein shakes without a problem. I had mash potato and I was able to eat a good amount without having to feel horrible. I know everyone is different. I just find it strange. Has anyone dealt with this? I’m just nervous that this surgery did not work.
  5. This is the longest one so far, but each time is a little longer so I was expecting this. STILL...... my 6 my 6 month follow up is Wednesday and I really wanted to be below 300 when I went in. I know I'm still doing well, it's just a personal goal I had that I'm bummed I won't meet. I won't see them again until my 1 year follow up, so maybe I'll have a big jump for them to see by then. Have I mentioned how much I hate stalls? Because I do. I really do. Gotta just keep on keepin on and eventually the stall will break and I'll drop again. Just super annoying.
  6. Well a few weeks ago i posted about my unique anatomy,  via having  situs inversus,  my care coordinator reached out to a provider in Delaware with no luck she recommends i look for a provider closer to home which is North Carolina . Uuugh so once agian im back to squre 1 anybody know bariatric surgeons in North Carolina,  not in Pinehurst that takes Surgery Plus Benefits desperately looking thanks

  7. Hi all! Wondering wondering if anyone else has gone through this. I had surgery in September on the 15th I lost 20 lb immediately the first two weeks now I'm on week 7 and have not lost any more weight still just the 20 lb from the first two weeks. I am getting enough protein but am having a hard time not getting in too many carbs with it too I don't like protein shakes and I am lucky enough that nothing I've tried so far has irritated my stomach so I can eat anything. I stay away from greasy and high fatty foods and pop and sugar. But I am still getting around 700 to 1200 calories per day I walk like 30 minutes per day if not more. But I am not losing anything. I am so nervous or should I say worried that because I can eat anything I won't be losing any more weight any ideas from any of you? Anyone else have this long of a stall this soon after surgery ? Sent from my SM-G991B using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. Hello, I had gastric sleeve 10/17/22 and I’m feeling defeated. Let me start off by saying I have been preparing myself for this surgery for almost a year. I started my pre op diet 4 weeks before my surgery and lost 20lbs, then had a 2 day liquid diet. My sw was 286.8 and day of surgery it was 268.8. my surgery went great and when I got home I weighed 269.0 but I figured that I was swollen and still really gassy from surgery. that’s not my problem though. I’m SO hungry. My post op diet consists of 1 week clear liquid, 1 week of thicker liquids, then onto purée. Well pretty much since I got home I’ve been eating creamy soups as I just couldn’t tolerate the broth any longer. I am so sick of broth I can’t stand it. And even worse tonight I snuck a couple pieces of elbow macaroni. I tolerated it just fine but I’m scared I’m just going to eat like I did before. I even ate a couple spoons of mashed potatoes last night. I know I’m not supposed to but my mind is lying to me telling me I’m starving. I’m not looking to get lectured…maybe just some advice.
  9. I'm 5 weeks post op and live in Sydney Australia. I'm feeling quite good no serious side effects from my banded gastric sleeve. Started my journey end of July and have lost over 20kgs so far. I set myself a goal and decided that when I hit 20kgs loss I would go and get my hair done professionally. Haven't been to the hairdresser in about 5 years. Set yourself small goals and reward yourself because you deserve it. This is not an easy process to go through so make sure you follow through with your rewards
  10. Really having a hard time not falling back into my old way of thinking and eating (or not eating, as it were). My husband pointed out today that I'm restricting again. He said he noticed it Friday and all through the weekend. I've been in a lot of pain because I pulled 2 muscles in my back, have had a lot of stress the last week, and instead of going to over eating like I used to, I fell back into my new "old" habit of restricting. I was worrying I would overeat, and I guess I went right back into my new "fall back" habit of just not eating much of anything. My husband made notes on what he saw me eating and I had 450 calories and 18 carbs on Friday, 413 calories and 14 carbs on Saturday and 344 calories and 10 carbs on Sunday. I honestly didn't even notice it, and that really freaks me out. I can fall back into it that easily and it doesn't even faze me. I drink so much water now (flavored only, because plain water is EW) that I honestly didn't even feel hungry. I hate that I swapped one disordered way of thinking for another. PLEASE pay close attention to your feelings, thoughts, and habits. DO NOT tell yourself that because you're fat/obese/overweight or whatever that you can't develop an ED. Trust me, you can. And it can sneak up on you and smack you in the head when you don't expect it to. I thought I was doing so well. Been logging my food, not cheating, not restricting, doing my therapy, and then BAM. Here we go again. Be kind to yourself, but be mindful and aware.
  11. Hi all, I am one week post op (Sleeved on 10/11/22). I am feeling like I cant get in the rythm of what is right for me. Pros: - Been getting all fluids down - Have not had much pain, only where they pulled stomach out -Been able to walk and move around - Only had gas pain for 3 days -Normal bowl movement Cons: - I don't like the taste of sweetness. So I am having a hard time getting my protein in from shakes and protein water. Any recommendations for other sources of protein? -I've been able to have some strained soup/ broth. But I am only able to take like 4 table spoons over an hour. How is it expected to get all protein in while trying to get water in as well through out the day? - The bariatric advantage multi vitamins are terrible. I am not able to take them so I started taking 4 Flinstone vitamins a day. I know these are not good enough for a person who just had bariatric surgery. I am taking my gallstones pills, calcium, iron, and b-12 with no problem. Are there any other recommendations for Bariatric Multivitamins? Smaller or better tasting? Any input is appreciated. I feel that protein and supplements are very important with the new change to my body. Thanks guys!!!
  12. I'm 4 weeks post op tomorrow and starting to feel a little discouraged. I can't do the puree so I start eating real foods . Just small portions small bites and chew chew chew . Which is working great and I finally have energy again . The problem is I have only lost 20 lbs since my surgery and I feel like I should have lost more by now. I am not able to get in the protien I k ow I need so I'm worried I am failing. Sent from my SM-G991B using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. surgery date of Nov 3 2022 is fast approaching!  can’t wait for this new chapter to begin

    1. Rebecca-RN


      Good luck dear!! Looks like you’ve come a long way!

      my surgery is scheduled in just three more days and I’m so excited! You keep on keeping on sis and don’t forget when doing your two week pre op liquid diet, to just handle it one day at a time - it will pass - and it is so so important to really stick with it!

  14. Hi Everyone, I’m 8 weeks post op and I’ve been having nausea throughout the day for about three weeks now. My doctor ordered zofran and I wouldn’t say it’s been helpful, the nausea still comes and goes all day or lasts for a few hours off and on. My mouth will just water terribly and it feels terrible and I don’t want to do anything because I feel sick. With the nausea came a bad taste in my mouth off and on and nothing tastes the same that I eat either. The thought of even my favorite foods sounds yuck. I’ve paid attention to try and pin point what is triggering the nausea but I see no rhyme or reason to it! (I take omeprazole 40 mg twice a day, which I’ve taken for 10+ years.) I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this, or has any thoughts? Is this normal? I’m a worrier so I worry something is wrong. thanks for the help!
  15. skinnyqueen22

    weight stalling

    hi everyone!! I am coming up to my 1 year post op, but i haven’t lost all the weight my dr said i should’ve lost. i’m starting to get worried. is this normal? i have about 50lbs more to lose (i’ve lost 120 already) yet im stuck at 195, and im working out, eating fairly healthy, but i do tend to lack on protein. is this something someone else struggled with??
  16. I’m 4 weeks post op and I have been nauseous since I had my surgery. It’s too the point I can’t eat or drink. Water makes me the most nauseous with or without crystal light. It feels like the water gets stuck. My surgeon did an ultrasound last week and said I need my gallbladder removed. I’m hoping this fixes the nausea. Anyone else had these symptoms ?
  17. Did anyone go back to work after one week of surgery? Office desk job. How was it with sitting? Was it hard to stay on track with sips and walking? Did you have belching or Nausea?
  18. Hi! Excited...nervous....scared. I'm sure all the normal emotions pre surgery. Looking for advice on what to expect in hospital immediately after surgery and the weeks after. Any "wish someone had told me this" type of advice???
  19. I am 8 weeks out from surgery, I have had a couple of days of really poor eating and bad choices. I feel lost and afraid I am not sure what to do I don’t want to fail at this!
  20. Hello, My name is Desire’e and I am new to the group. Just needing a little advice and hopefully a sense of encouragement. I am 7 weeks out from my revision surgery from gastric sleeve to gastric bypass. I have only lost 27 lbs so far, and I have followed the rules to the T!! Anyone else gone through this after a revision?
  21. HealthyVibes

    4 weeks down!

    Hi! Just a little update 4 weeks after my RNY. I'm 43, have lupus and gained a lot of weight after 3 years of steroids. The extra weight adds more complications to my disease and I have really struggled to lose it on my own. I was 309 before surgery, 295 day of and currently at 278. I'm 5'8" and have always been a bigger woman with my lowest weight at 215. But at that weight I was very active, fit and healthy... until I got sick. This has not been an easy process for me and I was really losing my mind at the 3 week mark. But after week 4, I'm finally feeling a little more energy and a little more human. Some things I didn't really expect: I've become lactose intolerant. I sometimes get sick (nausea and crampy) after just sipping water. And I use the restroom much more frequently than I did before, which makes me a little nervous to socialize and even more nervous to travel. I hope this gets better! Other than that, I'm learning that slow progress is still progress! And I've already discontinued 2 of my lupus related meds, so I know I made the right choice! If anyone is having a hard time, I hope this helps.. it WILL get better!
  22. Hey guys, First post here. I feel like such a failure. I had the sleeve back in 2019. Got pregnant, then needed back surgery all before I hit the year mark. Let's just say I gained most of my weight back. I'm thinking about a revision because I'm having issues with gerd and my hernia. I went to a support meeting last night and the instructor suggested I try and go on pre surgery liquid diet again and see if I get the restriction back. Can anyone refresh my memory on what that looks like besides protien drinks?
  23. I lost a lot of weight quickly but this week I am gaining. I am not eating a lot but the scale is moving up. I remember seeing a lot of people around week three hit a stall, but not a gain necessarily. I am wondering if this is because I am eating soups and I have sodium retention. How was your third week? Were you able to get it moving again, if so any tips?
  24. At a loss here. went to Mexico and had surgery Aug 12. Less than 24 hours after surgery I had to leave Tijuana because of the civil unrest going there. I have only heard from the dietician once they do not answer my emails or messages through WhatsApp. to the point where I paid a dietician on my own here in Canada. I went from consuming pre-surgery over five 6000 cal a day to now always sticking between 1000 and 1200 as per dietician. I used to only walk 500 to 1000 steps a day and I’m now doing 5000 to 6000 minimum a day. i have not smoked a cigarette even since before surgery. I went for a colonic cleanse last week and I’m taking many many supplements. because of kidney issues when I do take protein powders I cannot take them anymore according to my doctor and dietician so I make sure to get lots of protein through Greek yoghurt and chicken or ham or turkey or other vegetables. I started off day of surgery at 386. after surgery I was 373. When I made it back home to Canada five days later (stayed in California to rest before flight back) my doctor Weighed me at 367. Five weeks later I am at 365. I have never puked, and for over a month I would get feelings of being starving now finally I’m starting to get where my stomach says hey you’re full but I’ve always been very careful to track everything that goes in my mouth from day one. I am making sure to get all my liquids in. I am so depressed at this point I don’t know what to do and I just feel like giving up and saying screw it and going back to my old habits. I’m beginning to wonder if maybe the doctor in Mexico messed up the surgery or if there’s something really wrong with me I’ve gone to my family doctor four times and she doesn’t seem that concerned and said that she’ll keep an eye on it. has anybody else go through this?
  25. Hi everyone, So just want some feedback as I weighed in today and started pureed food 1 week ago. I have 6.2lbs back of the 11lbs I lost the first 2 weeks. Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong? As anyone else experienced this?

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