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Found 1,208 results

  1. I was sleeved in July 2014. Began at 240 lbs and got as low as 140. I maintained at 145 for 2 years. The last 6 months, I've been eating more and noticing the scale going up. I am now 155. I'm panicking because I don't EVER want to go back to where I was. But, I'm hungry all the time. Previously, after surgery my Spouse would have to make me eat. I had my surgery in Tijuana. So I'm not sure who to see in United States to address this. Could my sleeve be broken?
  2. Hi, My surgery date was 3.16.16. Pretty quickly I began losing weight and achieved my weight goal in November 2016. My weight has stayed pretty close to 166-172 lbs since then but in the late 2 months my weight has jumped to 181 lbs. I am very concerned and afraid of this. Last month I weighed myself and was 181 lbs and Tuesday it was the same. I have ramped my excercise back up and clamped back down on the foods I am eating again. Has anyone had anything like this happen? Were you just as terrified? What reasons were you given as to what is a factor of the weight gain. Any tips anyone can give me to get rid of those 10 lbs? Thanks a Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. So I got surgery in December of 2011. My heaviest was 290-ish and my lowest post-op was 220. I admit that I didn't follow the rules and I drink pop now and looking back I would have lost so much more had I done everything right. It was just so nice to not worry about food for once in my life and eat what I wanted and not gain weight. I was only 17 so I was so young and stupid! Anyway I just had a baby, obviously gained weight from that. I was up to 270 when I finally gave birth and with some effort and help with medicine, I am now 244. I want to get down to my goal weight so I can finally get rid of the sagging skin and just feel more confident but I notice that I am eating more than I could. Obviously a little stretch is normal post op but I feel like depending on the food, I can eat so much more. I want to just lose the rest of the weight and ideally get down to 150-170. I have heard of the "re-sleeve diet" and was curious if anyone had success with that. I don't think I would qualify for a re-sleeve surgery. But if there anything I could do to utilize my sleeve again being 5+ years post op.
  4. I had my gastric sleeve surgery on April 12th 2016 and I could tell there was a problem right after. I couldn't keep anything down I found out I had a kink in my sleeve. They sent me to gastrointestinal doctor who dialated it with a balloon on August 12th 2016, October 20th 2016, and again on April 28th 2017 (it kinked 3 times so far and I think it is kinking again). But I made it from day of surgery weight of 254 to 162 in January 2017 I was happy as a clam. Recently I've been gaining weight I had to cut my working out quite a bit because I had to have knee surgery on may 12th 2017 I also have fallen off the good food wagon a bit and started drinking soda more then i should and cut back on water which I shouldn't have. I'm going to start back to a healthier lifestyle and cut the soda to low to none amount. I have gained almost 15lbs in the last 5 or so months and I am so scared that I will gain it all back. I need support on my journey, words of encouragement, someone to say you are going to be ok. I went to put on a pair of jeans I did fit in fine before this morning and they were a tight I broke down and cried, I feel i may be going backwards.
  5. I had my gastric sleeve surgery on April 12th 2016 and I could tell there was a problem right after. I couldn't keep anything down I found out I had a kink in my sleeve. They sent me to gastrointestinal doctor who dialated it with a balloon on August 12th 2016, October 20th 2016, and again on April 28th 2017 (it kinked 3 times so far and I think it is kinking again). But I made it from day of surgery weight of 254 to 162 in January 2017 I was happy as a clam. Recently I've been gaining weight I had to cut my working out quite a bit because I had to have knee surgery on may 12th 2017 I also have fallen off the good food wagon a bit and started drinking soda more then i should and cut back on water which I shouldn't have. I'm going to start back to a healthier lifestyle and cut the soda to low to none amount. I have gained almost 15lbs in the last 5 or so months and I am so scared that I will gain it all back. I need support on my journey, words of encouragement, someone to say you are going to be ok. I went to put on a pair of jeans I did fit in fine before this morning and they were a tight I broke down and cried, I feel i may be going backwards.
  6. Hello everyone so my surgery was June 12th and I was losing weight pretty steady and as of this week I've gained 9 pounds and I don't understand why cause all I have each day is my protein shake and some meat like turkey or chicken and I can't eat that much when I do so I'm getting really discouraged and depressed is this normal or is there something wrong please help
  7. Hello everyone. I had surgery scheduled for July 25th but due to my weight gain(yeah yeah, I know spare me the lecture please !) the surgeon does not feel comfortable going forward with the original date. So yeah, I know this is for safety reasons---I have to shrink my liver but still am disappointed. I know surgery is not the end all be all--I'm currently seeing a therapist regarding my food issues and emotional eating patterns. I guess this just makes me feel like a failure, like I went through all the pre op visits and now I am set back. Better safe though , I am trying to see the bright side of things. Thanks for the vent session.
  8. Is this normal? I am day 3 post-op and I weigh 4lbs more than on my surgery day.
  9. I am 8 years out from my sleeve surgery and have gained about 50lbs. Anyone else have this issue? Any ideas on how to lose the weight? I can't lose it the way I use to lose weight, pre surgery habits. Any ideas?
  10. Leesa926

    Weight gain

    Just need to post this for some help and encouragement. I had my sleeve Dec 2015 and lost about 80 lbs. I felt good and only wanted to lose another 20 or so pounds. These past few months I took on a new position at work and have moved so weight loss was not really at the forefront. I still feel good restriction the problem is I noticed I snack a lot more even from before surgery. I knew it was bad and getting out of hand but just got off the scale and I'm actually up 10 lb. I know this isn't the end of the world but of course I start feeling like I ruined my sleeve. I have a plan to start fresh again tomorrow maybe even try the 5-day reset. Just looking for others who may have gone through this and bounce back or anything you can help me with. I know what I'm doing wrong and I know what I need to change. I keep telling myself I have lost 75 lb even before surgery with Weight Watchers so now I have to think I am just a normal person that needs to lose weight. For some reason I keep getting scared that it is going to be harder because of the surgery which doesn't really make sense but I guess I'm freaking out a little bit. I guess the feeling of the honeymoon being over just has me really upset right now that I didn't take full advantage and may have ruined it. Thanks! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. Hi All, I am considering a revsision from a lap band to a sleeve. I've gained all my 150-lbs. back from my initial weight loss. I realize there is a forum just for band-to-sleeve but I'd like to hear from people who've had their sleeve many years. I am concerned I will gain my weight back just like I always do. And then I'll be with most of my stomach gone. I am also afraid of constant nausea, diarrhea, etc. complications. I know there can always be problems. I worry because this is a no-going-back procedure. I've had problems with my lapband and it is unfilled, but now I have this option of getting it removed and trying something else. With permanent removal of part of my stomach, there's no revision to turn to. I guess bypass would be an option. So scared of that. Any replies appreciated.
  12. Hi everyone I'm sorry if these questions have been asked before it's been a while since I've been on this site. I had my sleeve surgery done 5 years ago so I have been through a lot of ups and downs and I would say I'm on the more experienced side of being a sleever..... I am at a stage now where I have put on quite a bit of weight, probably over 20 kgs since I hit my goal weight. I lost overall 55 kgs on the sleeve and I was so happy. There has been a few complications such as a hiatus hernia operation, appendicitis and I've recently had surgery on my ankle which has made me put on even more weight. I am trying to get back to my goal weight and I am finding it difficult to shift any weight. I have POS which makes it hard too. I've tried shake diets, low carb diets and I lose maybe a few kgs, then put it back on if I even have one day of eating something such as bread. I'll admit I'm not in the best place the moment, most days I'm sad and down about this and all I want to do is get back to what I was. I wanted to know if anyone has gone through what i am currently going through and have you been successful in losing weight again? I really need advice and some tips and the best people would be the ones who are going through this journey with me. Thank you.
  13. I had Bypass 6/29/2017. I gained weight from surgery. Is that normal?
  14. Hi I'm about 3.5 years out of surgery .since last fill Ive lost about 50 pounds in total But in the last 8 months I've gained about 10 pounds. I now have slime backing up if I eat too quick and some acid back flush through the night, and some weird noisy burping and gurgling noises coming from the throat can the band tighten up through weight gain ? reasons for gain are sliders lots of business meals and lots of long haul flying any comments welcome
  15. Hey everyone! I'm 9 months post op VSG and have lost about 105 pounds so far (including pre-op liquid diet). Everything in general has been good so far, except for the past two weeks I've been experiencing a lot of abdominal and side pain after eating, and also some really terrible bloating, gas, nausea, and constipation. Did an ultrasound a few days ago and it turns out I have a contracted gallbladder full of stones. I know that the only way to get rid of gallbladder problems is to do gallbladder removal surgery, but I've been doing a lot of research and I've been finding that A LOT of people have been complaining that they experience uncontrolled weight gain after gallbladder removal. Despite eating healthy, exercising, and limiting the consumption of fats, people seem to rapidly gain huge amounts of weight, especially in the abdomen, and find it impossible to lose it. As a bariatric patient this of course scares the heck out of me! I don't want to do this surgery and ruin what I've worked so hard to achieve with my weight loss, and I still have so much more weight I want to lose until I hit my goal. What should I do? Has anyone else had gallbladder removal after wls? Did it impact your weight loss or give you any unwanted side affects after surgery? I'm so scared of having to do this surgery. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  16. Hey everyone! I'm 9 months post op VSG and have lost about 105 pounds so far (including pre-op liquid diet). Everything in general has been good so far, except for the past two weeks I've been experiencing a lot of abdominal and side pain after eating, and also some really terrible bloating, gas, nausea, and constipation. Did an ultrasound a few days ago and it turns out I have a contracted gallbladder full of stones. I know that the only way to get rid of gallbladder problems is to do gallbladder removal surgery, but I've been doing a lot of research and I've been finding that A LOT of people have been complaining that they experience uncontrolled weight gain after gallbladder removal. Despite eating healthy, exercising, and limiting the consumption of fats, people seem to rapidly gain huge amounts of weight, especially in the abdomen, and find it impossible to lose it. As a bariatric patient this of course scares the heck out of me! I don't want to do this surgery and ruin what I've worked so hard to achieve with my weight loss, and I still have so much more weight I want to lose until I hit my goal. What should I do? Has anyone else had gallbladder removal after wls? Did it impact your weight loss or give you any unwanted side affects after surgery? I'm so scared of having to do this surgery. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  17. I had the procedure on September 27th and since then lost around 70 pounds.. but I recently checked my weight and in the past 20 days I gained 5 pounds. I feel my diet has increased and I haven't been exercising. Is it possible to start gaining weight so fast? Or is it just fluctuating? Im really stressed.
  18. Hey guys, I was sleeved on 5/16, and I lost 10 lbs in the first 10 days, and since I started purees I have stopped losing weight and actually have gained 3 lbs. I know they say you can stall at week 2 or 3, but this is so beyond frustrating. How in the world have I GAINED weight? I haven't eaten more than 800 calories in a day. I know I just need to keep at it, it is just so upsetting that I went through all of this and I'm not getting any results. (Not losing inches either, I checked). Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app
  19. Has anyone gained weight when they first started eating regular foods ? And if so I would like to hear what happened......HELP!!!! Is this normal ?
  20. I'm 3weeks post RNY and gained 2 lbs in the past two days. How is this possible?!
  21. Hi all, Recently had a slew is off issues happen in the span of a couple of months. This past year has been an emotionally difficult one when a loved one was diagnosed with an illness and it spiraled into resolve when they passed just recently. The stress of this came a week before my wedding and bam, my depression hit. I started to notice I was starving myself for hours and then munching on chocolate and popcorn. We had to entertain guests and mourn privately in the middle of this chaos, lo and behold I weighed myself last night (first time in a month) and cried to see I was 8 lbs heavier. I am so discouraged and so disappointed in myself. I find the motivation to continue being healthy is harder than ever and I still feel sadness from all the recent stresses and how it's weighed me down. I am mourning quite hard and feel almost self-destructive because of the loss. My husband (as we're a recently married couple) expressed his sadness to my weight gain and though he has been supportive of my stress and understands the reasoning, couldn't help but say he was disappointed in me too. I want to feel confident but I am notorious for being a depression eater (I starve and graze on crap typically) and I am terrified my stress will cause my hormones and body to just keep responding by gaining weight. I need some support feeling ever so discouraged that I won't finish my journey and lose the last 30 lbs I need to get to my end goal.
  22. My weight loss has been pretty steady at about 2lbs a week until I started exercising this week. I have gained 2 lbs. I haven't changed my eating habits. How do I keep my weight loss from stalling while including exercise? I'm 16 wks post surgery
  23. I am so dissapointed with myself. It has been a rough year for me and I have returned to seek comfort food. As a result, I have gained 10lbs back.
  24. beachdreams17

    Weight Gain/Stall

    Hi! I had my sleeve done 3/27 and initially lost 30 ponds in 4 weeks. YAY! Then I didn't lose anything and now I've gained a few pounds. It's possible that I'm PMS'ing but I'm SO sad/frustrated. I've been very vigilant w/what I'm eating and trying to exercise. I've had a few complications since the surgery including getting a kidney infection and getting put back into the hospital. I haven't been going to the bathroom which worries me. My dietician at my hospital is not very helpful and just wants me to see someone else. It's quite upsetting because I really want this to work. My drs are aware of all of this but man is is this frustrating. I did drink one day but only vodka/water and am freaked that I ruined this. I don't feel like I really know who to talk to about this with because I'm feeling like it's not working now w/the stall/weight gain SO early on. Help! Height: 5'10" Surgery Weight: 264 Current Weight: 237 Goal Weight: 160
  25. So I'm not off the rails by any means, but struggling to get even a few lbs off. I'm 2 yrs & 8 months post VSG. And 4 months post LBL. Up until my LBL I'd consistently maintained a 130 lbs weight loss. Maintaining that loss was not without effort. My diet in check, track everything I eat, exercise 6 days a week. Immediately after LBL I feel like a switch got flipped. My weight bounced around a bit with the expected weight loss with my skin removal (which was minor as it truly was just skin being removed) and then the expected gain with swelling and of course lack of activity while I recovered. Nothing that concerned me. But now I'm up 7 lbs and I can't seem to shake it. I've locked down my eating, increased my water intake, I've been back to previous amount of cardio for over two months, I'm keeping a tight control on sugar and carbs which is much harder these days, getting in all my protein and still the scale isn't moving. It's like my body is intent on holding onto the extra weight. What gives!!!! I feel like if my calorie intake goes above 1,000 a day, I gain weight which is crazy. I was able to maintain eating 1200-1400 a day before. I know it's just 7 lbs, but 7 becomes 10. And fear of returning to old habits and regaining weight is always top of mind with me. I'm sure I'm not alone. Hoping this is just part of the recovery.

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