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Found 2,865 results

  1. Congratulations! I am 2 lbs away from that and waiting patiently for my 3 week stall to break. Can't wait!
  2. My doctor told me that everyone hits a plateau for a few weeks. "3 week stall" is what I've heard its been called. He said the body is adjusting to taking in more calories. He said after that I will start losing again. I haven't hit a plateau yet, but I'm dreading it too because I guess in my mind I just constantly need to see good results. I am a little over 3 weeks post-op by the way.
  3. CrazyJaney

    Weight stalling

    I'm 2.5 weeks post op. I'm in a stall and it's so frustrating. I lost 28 preop which was great but only 17 (not only but you know) since surg - pretty Much all of that in 10 days. So 45 pounds since last August. I've read all about the 3 week stall and I kept telling myself to just let it go but it's harder to deal with than I thought it would be. I'm doing everything right, except exercising. Do you exercise when you're eating 600 calories a day? I'm lightheaded and muscle fatigued when I just carry something. Maybe I'm rushing it. I just really don't want to screw this up, I mean, really! I did this huge thing to help insure suscess. How utterly frustrating it is to stall!!!!! I too hold onto weight during my period, at least I did presleeve. To eat 600 calories a day and not lose weight is just really discouraging. I'm sorry I'm venting on your thread. I've read everything I can and *know* it's normal but in the back of my mind, it feels like failure.
  4. amytug

    Making up a goal

    I'd like to set a weightloss goal weight for June 1st, but how does one go about setting a realistic but not too easy/obvious goal? I was sleeved march second. Sw 224 CW 198 Gw 173? That's 25 lbs down in the next 8 weeks. Think that's too much for me? Watch me hit my 3 week stall right now and throw me all off. Lol
  5. 1Cor2:9

    3 Week Stall

    I am a little over three weeks out from my surgery and I am experiencing a stall. I am exercising and following the orders from my surgeon's office. Does anyone have suggestions of how to get over this stall? I only weigh myself once a week, so that I do not drive myself crazy. I know that if I continue to do what I am presently do the stall may work itself out without any additional steps taken, but if I can do something to send it on its way faster let me know.
  6. UK Cathy

    JUNE 10, 2013, MY BEGINNING

    You are going through the dreaded 3 week stall, do not worry it happens to most people. Everyone gets over it and goes on to lose more weight. One your journey you might have a few stalls, for some people they last days and for others weeks! They are frustrating but have patience and perseverance and you will be fine.
  7. Lots of people complain that they have a 3 week stall and lots of people seem to feel depressed and regret having had surgery. I think this is a great explanation as to why. One of the challenges some patients face after weight loss surgery is a condition described as the hibernation syndrome. This is a group of symptoms that include feeling fatigued, depressed and lack of motivation to do any physical activity. Patients often feel upset and become plagued by thoughts that the surgery was as mistake.. This can be quite alarming to patients recovering from the surgery and recognizing the signs assist in getting over this stage in recovery. Hibernation syndrome is common in the first few weeks after the surgery. It is caused by the low number of calories being consumed and the reduced activity associated with this time of healing. The body perceives that it is starving and triggers an evolutionary response that has helped humans survive famines. The main aim of the response is to slow us down to conserve energy and thus resulting in; tiredness, need for sleep, lack of motivation and depression. It is important to understand that these symptoms are normal and will pass with time. Most patients notice improvement in their symptoms around 4-6 weeks after the operation and the improvement is brought by increasing protein in the diet, taking the multivitamin tablets, increasing the metabolic rate with exercise and return to work and the encouragement patients get as they shed the extra weight. A supportive family member or friend is a great help during this time.
  8. Did you hit a the typical stall around week 3 or 4? I promised myself I wouldn't complain about the 3 week stall but I'd love to see the scale move again. Just wondering how long it lasted if you did encounter it.
  9. Shelly12

    Las Vegas Anyone ?

    I am still always tired and I am 4 weeks out and have been nauseous for 4 weeks. I also have pain in my throat and stomach when eating and was told by my regular dr that I haven't given myself time to recoup. I had my surgery on a Wednesday, ended up having to stay overnight, took the rest of that week off, had the weekend off, that Monday was a holiday and I went back to work that Tuesday. But Dr Umbach and everyone in his office is great!!!! I am trying to take some steps backwards and drink more shakes instead of introducing more food because I really don't want to mess this up. I lost 20 lbs the first 2 weeks and nothing since then. But I've seen alot about the dreaded 3 week stall. Mine has turned into a 3 & 4 week stall. I've tried to start working out a bit but was told by my regular dr that it is too soon. Which is confirmed by my weak and sore tummy when I do workout. I walk everyday at work on my breaks. I'm still trying to do some things; work my arms and legs, but I'm trying to take things slower. I have really been pushing myself too much.
  10. mylighthouse

    Worried I'm not going to lose any more!

    Hello, You have lost about 42 lbs since your surgery date, correct? So, you have lost that much in about 4 months. That is not terrible. However, you still have quite a bit to lose. Personally, I do not think that you have reached your final weight. You have been at a 3 week stall, and many times, a 2-4 week stall is followed by some good weight loss. Keep doing what you are doing by logging your food. Check those CARBS. You didn't mention what your carb intake is, and they can really sneak in there if we let them, and they will prevent weight loss. Most people around here seem to get good results with low carb. For myself, I did 20-30 grams a day of carbs right out of the gate until I increased to 40-50 a day at the 10 month mark. If you are already low carb, or ultra low carb, then change it up and go up on carbs a little. I think you're doing great with the exercise. Good for you with 2-3 miles a day. I think if you follow the rules with your food, then you don't really need to up the mileage right now.
  11. SnohoGal98296

    For the love of sweet Jesus.....

    Thank you Mdm R.! I appreciate your ability to write about the frustrations we all feel from time to time. I have to say the most maddening posts for me are the ones who, when you try to direct them to an existing post that have tons of feedback on their topic, say "I don't wanna look at previous threads! - I want people to respond to me!" Because that tells me they aren't here to learn, they are only looking for an ego stroke! I hope that Newbies to do read this post of Mdm R's, because atleast if they want to post a 3 week stall post, they might preface it with a "I can see that 3 weeks stalls are common... But I would love to hear from those of you who have experienced it, I just need to hear that this too shall pass" (Note to self: save this post for myself for about July 3rd) I have said it before and I say it again Mdm R for Guv-ner!
  12. Armygalbonnie

    After liquid food

    Search the topic "3 week stall" and that will provide you with some valuable information. It's common. Your body is adjusting to the caloric intake.
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need serious help!

    Hey Stacy, sounds like the classic 3 weeks stall to me. Most of us will lose really well for the first and second week combined. Majority of the weight lost is Water however. From the 3rd week on, our bodies start adjusting to what we are feeding it (in this case, what we aren't). It also starts to hold on to everything we put in, including water. It makes perfect sense that we stall out for a few weeks at this time. You will probably just have to wait it out. You seem to be doing really well from what I've read. I'd only add maybe an extra 16 oz water bottle to your day to help start things flushing out again. Also, are you doing any type of physical activity? You're still fresh out of surgery so I wouldn't suggest anything demanding at all, but a light walking routine daily might help. Perhaps a few sessions of 15 minutes per day (you might tire easily this early out, I did!!!). Walking and now running are my #1 workouts because when I'm doing this and pushing myself, I'm losing! You also have to keep positive as you can! Look at the glass half full... and I know everyone's heard this a million times. Weight loss is such a roller coaster ride, but just as we're taking care of our outside, we have to take care of the inside too. How much have you lost? Are you down any sizes yet? Try to find little gems to keep you on the bright side... I know personally it's not always easy. Wishing you the very best! Hang in there. Your stall will pass!!!
  14. That 3 week stall is a PITA for sure! You are doing everything right and the weight will start coming off again. Look for the NSVs when you hit stalls. My experience has been that I lose inches when I am not losing pounds. You lose weight, then your body has to adjust things before you will lose more. Two weeks ago, I was bouncing up and down the same 5 pounds, but my pants got so loose they fell off. Now I'm losing between half and one pound a day again. It WILL happen and the stall WILL break.
  15. Kimmey16

    Memphis, TN

    Hello, I am better. I am almost finish with the antibiotics and I am able to get my food, Protein shakes and Vitamins. I have switch to the Multivitamin patch from this website store because I have taking pills, I hate the taste of them. Although, I am at the "3 week stall" I have lost 40 lbs since I first started the program. He is amazing. Keep me updated. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G750A using the BariatricPal App
  16. Some of my family members think I'm losing too much too fast. I've been pretty fortunate in that the weight has steadily come off (except for the traditional 2-3 week stall). Does the loss eventually pretty much stop or plateau? What do you do if it keeps coming off and you can't keep up with your calorie intake? I'm 3 months out, down 42 lbs, (74 since my highest weight). I struggle with sliming, so some days I don't get a good amount of calories. Other days I do fine. Worrying for nothing??
  17. so, I have heard of it, the three week stall, but I don't like it very much. I think part of my problem is that I am not taking in enough fluids or just throwing them up. I just took some mirilax because I havent had a bowel movement in a week. Yes, I said a week. I have RA and am on pain medication and that doesn't help at all. so when does this stage pass. I am so discouraged!
  18. Hey guys. So its been 2 months now ( almost) and i am about 50 pounds down. I went through a 2-3 week stall but all of a sudden i have been losing .8-1 pounds a day again. I started working out 3-4 x a week and even joined the GOLDS GYM CHALLENGE. I started at 270 and am right this second 221. Lately I eat a bite of whatever the family eats. This morning they ate french toast and bacon and orange juice. I had 1 slice of bacon and a cup of juice and was full. so on... usually its the bite of the meat I eat and veggies. anyhoo things are going great. before pics yesterday pic at 222
  19. Brief Story: I weighed 275 when I started the 6 month Supervised Diet Visits. I got down to 262 the day of surgery which was Oct 28th. I weight 242.5 today. I have been 242.5 since Nov 18 and the scale will not move. I started tracking my Protein and calories a week ago in Sparkpeople. I get 60 to 65 grams of Protein a day. I'm drinking 50+ oz of Water a day. I'm getting 600 to 800 calories a day. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. I exercise 30 to 45 minutes a day at least 5 days a week. I feel like the biggest failure. I've heard of 1 week stalls, maybe 2, but I'm going on a 3 week stall. Is this normal? My next doctor's appointment is Dec 18th. I can't believe that I'm failing at this too. I didn't think I would, but it feels now like I am.
  20. shanda7182


    Yep stoongal, the 3 week stall is a mess! But we will get through this!!!!!! We must hang in there
  21. tabby76

    Weight loss post op

    Thanks everyone! I will search for the 3 week stalls. I know it's a slow progression but that quick weight loss was great. I want this to be a permanent fix to my previous problem, so I will be patient.
  22. Texarkolina

    im not convined

    You are really early out. It takes time to get the hang of it. The weight loss for me has been sporadic, which can be very frustrating. Do a search for 3-week stall on this site and you will find tons of people that are experiencing what you are. We all lose weight differently and at a different speed. I am a little bit of a slow loser, but I am losing and you will too. Back up to the basics and follow your nutritionist's plan. You will see results.
  23. First, the dreaded 3 week stall happens to everybody. I know that wasn't your question but thought I'd put that out there. ???? Secondly, walking an hour that soon out seems like a LOT. While walking is awesome and we all need to do it, I think you should start off a little less ambitious and work yourself up to doing more. For me, that would be too much and I wouldn't be motivated to go out there and do it again. Try just walking for 30 minutes and then build from there. Lastly, I'm almost 2 years out and I started working with a personal trainer at around 6 weeks out. I still work with him today. I needed that accountability. Someone who I knew was depending on me to show up. I also had that financial accountability that I was paying for a service. I do not think everyone should get a trainer, it's just what works for me. I also update my social media when I workout and it helps hold me accountable because my friends and family notice when I don't. It's also been helpful for them and a lot of friends have jumped on the fitness bandwagon...most have no idea I had surgery. Hope this helps. Good luck...you're going to do great!
  24. If you have that kind of pain this far out, you may be eating too much too fast. You are also likely in the famous 3 week stall. Just keep working the program, and it will come off. Meanwhile slowdown and chew well and stop eating at 20 minutes and see if that helps the pain Sent from my HTC One M9 using the BariatricPal App
  25. kellyw74

    stall after 3 weeks!!!!! ugh!!!

    i have read that there is a common 3 week stall. a lot of people seem to have it. don't worry, do what you are suppose to do and it will break. keep you chin up! Kelly

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