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Found 2,865 results

  1. Arabesque

    WHAT am I doing wrong ?

    I think you may have encountered the infamous 3 week stall which can last a week or more. It won’t be the only stall you’ll encounter on your journey. (I had one that lasted more than 3 weeks - not a single gram lost then I just started to lose again.) Some people suggest to stop weighing yourself in a stall or reduce how often you do. Keep following your eating plan and don’t stress about how much you lose each day or week - don’t let it mess with your head.
  2. I think what I was experiencing was my 3 week stall, just really early. I lost all that weight the first 10 days, then only .2 for the next 7. I seem to be losing a little again now.
  3. I think what I was experiencing was my 3 week stall, just really early. I lost all that weight the first 10 days, then only .2 for the next 7. I seem to be losing a little again now.
  4. I think what I was experiencing was my 3 week stall, just really early. I lost all that weight the first 10 days, then only .2 for the next 7. I seem to be losing a little again now.
  5. I was RNY on 12/31, so almost 3 weeks out. I've been very fortunate that I haven't had any issues with fluids and am able to get in 80+ per day since the first week. I really have to plan to get close to my protein goals and still need a protein shake or high protein drink (I've been doing a decaf latte with Fairlife & Collagon = 23 G protein). I've been on soft foods for almost a week and so far everything has sat pretty well. I'm slowly introducing new things. I did hit my "3 week stall" at 1-1/2 weeks which played some mind games with me, but have started losing again which makes me happy. Hopefully I'll be consistent for a bit before I hit my next stall.
  6. I had surgery on 12/12/19 and I dropped 20lbs right away, then another 3 over the 3rd week. But I've been stalled for over a week and a half. I decided to stay consistent with my protein, meet my water goals and stay on top of my vitamins. After a couple days of this, I dropped 3lbs over night!! I know it's a small victory but after having surgery being stalled so long is worrisome. Anyone else go through this?
  7. Losingit2018

    Difficulty eating

    I am 6 weeks post op and experiencing the same thing. I saw my dr a few days ago and was told that as long as I get my protein and fluids in, I am doing fine. they said that some people take a little longer for the swelling to go down so there is no concern at this point. you most likely are experiencing the dreaded 3 week stall. Stick to your program and it will break. hang in there!
  8. KarenLR75


    For a young/fit person with no health issues who also takes no medication that can 'blur' the picture, I personally feel that 'calories in vs. calories out' can be much more easily tracked and trusted as an 'indicator'. That being said, after years of watching Dr. Now on my 600 Pound Life, I've seen him bust several people who were actually NOT tracking/weighing/truly accounting what their 'in' vs their 'out' was. I remember he didn't even really get into it with most of them on what their 'calories out' calculation was - he just focused on the 'in part' but I am in NO WAY comparing these patients that we could EASILY see for ourselves were sabotaging their weight loss efforts by simply continuing their food addiction that they were still choosing to NOT address. I am also a slow loser. I've hit that magical age...went into menopause at 40, take meds that interfere with weight loss, etc. etc. etc. I cannot remember if you posted about this, but when I went back to the nutritionist and my surgeon complaining about slow weight loss, I was shocked when they told me to UP my carbs and my calories. I was like 'say what??"...I'm hardly losing right now why would I want to INCREASE anything. I think I even vented on a thread and ppl like Fluffychix, etc. pointed out that maybe I should listen to my surgeon/nutritionist and gave it a try. I up'd my numbers and within a week while I was not losing much more quickly than I had been, my body was given a bit of a shake up...and my numbers picked up weekly for me. Just seeing ANY improvement, whether I was losing maybe 1 lb more a week or really....since my body likes to do a 3 week stall followed by a 3 to 5..sometimes 6 lb weight loss...my overall 'monthly number of pounds lost" did start improving. It was NOTHING that would make me one of the fast losers...but the fact that I actually increased my calories from 600-700 a day to be 800 instead...and increased my carbs from LESS THAN 30 (usually hit 20 grams or less) to 60 (YES SIXTY)....my body basically..needed to be shaken up. There is much written about 'set points' and a whole bunch of other physiological data that proves there is science behind these set points we get stuck at. I think Dr. Weiner's videos address some of these....I'd have to get Fluffychix's thoughts on this but I know she has a wealth of knowledge accumulated in that beautiful head of hers. Because I'm now 6 months out and my weight loss is still slow...I know I have one thing in my control that has been set aside this past week - exercise....but I'm going to start exploring IF. I think you mentioned that prior to surgery you were doing intermittent fasting and maybe something else (can't remember) and your weight loss was more back then (although the more we lose/have lost overall, it seems.the harder it is to get the remainder off) . I know Fluffy mentioned a couple of months ago that I was still a bit early out to be thinking about IF...or maybe another poster mentioned, but that is the next thing I'm looking at as my body, for DECADES has ALWAYS managed to adapt to whatever method I was using to lose weight and in my mind, it went into survival mode and decided "thou shalt not lose any more weight". So I know I need to adjust/shake things up when I truly KNOW and can document I am doing the right things...but nothing is happening. I also know I need to wait until nothing has literally happened for at least 3 to 4 weeks before I concern myself with a 'shake up' in what I'm doing. Keep staying the course...and maybe ignore the peeps talking about in vs. out as there are SO many variables that can cloud this..whether there are things we are missing or actual variables like health, age, medical conditions, medication, body set points, metabolic resistance, etc. - and talk with your nutritionist about what are some changes they might recommend based on your personal history and where you are at...
  9. Hi all! Just checking in. I’ve had a slow and steady loss that has included a lot of multi-week stalls. I’ll be 5 months out on Dec 14. I just had a 3 week stall and when I got on the scale today I was down 4 lbs, for a total of 64 lbs! I’m excited but I do wish it had happened more rapidly for me. I’d like to lose at least another 40 lbs. I don’t know why people think surgery is the easy way out, I have had to work for every pound. If I’m not eating enough, drinking enough, getting all my protein and logging my food I’m not losing. And even then there are stalls. I just started doing Orange Theory fitness, it is REALLY intense but also a great workout. It’s an hour long HIIT class. My goal is to go 3 times a week. I went before work this morning and I’m feeling pretty darn good! Hope everyone is feeling great!!
  10. lvidacovich

    Why am I not losing?

    Famous 3 week stall that starts anywhere in weeks 2-5 and lasts from 1-2 weeks. It'll pass.
  11. lvidacovich


    Like Chix said, this is the famous 3 week stall. For me, my weight loss slowed drastically but didn't stop during that period. Soon you'll find you lose 5 pounds in a couple days and then a pound a day until you hit another stall around 8 weeks and then another around 3 months lol. It sucks but we have to get used to it, it's part of the process.
  12. FluffyChix


    Well there's your problem lady! Quit watching My 600LB Life! Gosh I used to love that show now I hate it with as @ms.sss the hot intense heat and passion of 10,000 suns! It misleads so many people!!! First these people losing 25-50-100lbs a month are all super morbidly obese. And you are what is considere in WLS terms as a "lightweight" since you are starting at 204lbs. Second, true AVERAGE weight loss is only between 2-4lbs in the early weeks/months following surgery. The body can only lose so quickly. It's a biochemical formula. Third. There is a very famous "3 week stall" that happens between weeks 2-6. It's aggravating, can last a few days of a couple of weeks. But as long as you follow your doc's and RD's plan, you will be in good shape and things will go well for you. You will lose the weight! Congrats on the 22lbs of loss and being in onederland!!! Woot! Early Christmas pressie!
  13. Wineguy


    I'm at somewhat of a 3 week stall as well...but I'm down 28 pounds in those three weeks and my pants are falling off...so what the hey! I'm averaging 600 calories and 65 protein a day, so I guess I'm doing all I can do. Merry Christmas everyone! And a skinny New Year.
  14. AJ Tylo


    3 week stall is typical - Stay on you plan it will break and back to losing
  15. FluffyChix

    Weight Standstill

    Oh the infamous 3 week stall that hits anywhere between weeks 2 and 6. ((hugs)) It's awful. Hang in there!!
  16. FluffyChix

    Spike in weight

    I was and am a daily weigher. It keeps me accountable and connected to my data (food log, measurements, activity level, water intake, etc. ) To each his/her own. Do what makes you tick. Weight fluctuates daily. Impossible to determine without knowing more about your food log. Maybe you ate something salty yesterday like broth or V-8? Maybe you drank something that spiked your insulin and that prompted a refuel of your glycogen stores (2-4lbs btw). Some people have dramatic insulin spikes when drinking some brands of protein drinks. I know I did. I do better with a combo of concentrate and isolate rather than the isopure clear (pure isolate) that made me gain 9 lbs of fluid! Also, maybe you slept poorly the last couple of nites? You're about to get to the 3 week stall. It's normal. Relax into it.
  17. APPETITE IS BACK FULL FORCE. I can eat anything. No complications. I lost 65lbs and have been on a 3 week stall. I need to get back on the wagon. My biggest problem is not enough fluids. On a good day maybe 32oz. Also it is so hard to take 30 min to eat a meal. It looks like you are doing well..congrats !
  18. I read somewhere that the first few weeks it's 5-10 lbs a week then 2-3 pounds a week on average (of course most of us had the expected 3 week stall). I initially lost maybe 8-10 total in the first 2 weeks then it dropped to 3/week then 2 a week steadily unitl the 6/7 month mark when I hit my goal of 70 lbs. Everyone is different.
  19. I saw this on another forum and thought it worthy to share as it has all the great information and advice we all need for the journey! it is written by Mellissa Gangi and what I had wished I had been told from the very beginning. Sleeve Tips: I'm 10 months post op today and along this journey, so far, I've seen a lot of the same questions or concerns from many. I thought these tips could help! 1. Take preop photos... you'll want them! 2. Protein shakes...I used isopure protein powder and scooped it into 2 oz. of water (u can add ice and blend too) to drink in my immediate postop period. It was much less to drink at a sitting and you still got in your protein. It would take me over an hour to drink each one, but way easier to me. Plus, isopure has multiple flavors and it was reasonably priced. I bought off Amazon. Also, Genepro is an unflavored protein powder that is very popular. It can be added to pretty much anything. The scoop is tiny and it gives 30g of protein per scoop. I use it daily in my morning coffee but if adding it to hot liquids you have to add creamer 1st to cool it down or it will clump up or dissolve in a little warm water 1st then add... the directions are on the bag. It is not completely unflavored and it has a smell to it, but most of us get used to it quickly. Your body can only absorb up to 30g of protein per serving, so anything more than that at once will be wasted and it doesn't count towards your daily goals! 3. STALLS happen...stick to your plan and the scale will move again! You most likely will be losing inches during that time. They can last a few weeks...especially the 3 week stall. The further you are out they may even last longer and at that point you may have to shake things up a bit, maybe a day or 2 most increase your carbs then go back to your plan. Don't get discouraged and try to just be patient. 4. No NSAIDS (aspirin, ibuprofen, aleve, motrin, etc...) they can cause ulcers...tylenol products are ok and Excedrin Tension is ok (great for headaches) it has tylenol and caffeine in it, no aspirin like the other excedrin products. Also, peppermint oil rubbed on your temples help for headaches. 5. Fluid intake...atleast 64 oz of non caffeinated, non carbonated, sugar free fluids but the rule of thumb is drink half of your body weight in ounces. 6. Caffeine and alcohol...follow your surgeons orders. They both can dehydrate you and cause ulcers in the beginning of your journey. And alcohol may affect you differently postop, so be careful. Absorbtion changes postop. 7. Transfer addictions...a lot of bariatric patients give up food for other addictions like shopping and alcohol. Be mindful. 8. Increased chance of pregnancy after surgery. You can be much more fertile. Even if you had problems with it preop. 9. Increased divorce rates postop...I have looked into this because I was curious as to why. I have found that it does indeed increase, but the majority of the couples that do have had issues preop and the spouse that had surgery loses the weight, increases their self esteem and simply won't stand for the same behavior anymore. 10. Sugar/Carbs...1st and foremost, follow your plan. There are reasons why your surgeon and/or nutritionist gives you one, especially while healing and it takes approximately 6 weeks for your tummy to heal. After you are advanced to a "regular" diet, usually about 2 month postop, yes you can eat some sweets or carbs but in moderation. Always try to get your protein in 1st, though. I have chosen to stay away from sugar and certain carbs. I don't crave them, so why reintroduce them. I know me, and moderation is hard for me. 11. Everyone's weightloss journey is different. Try not to compare yourself to the next person. It's hard not to, I know! But their weight, height, sex, medical history all plays a part of it. If you do what you should be doing, you'll lose! 12. Dumping and The Foamies... Dumping occurs when your new tummy just doesn't agree with something you consumed. Dumping occurs more in bypass patients but it can occur with sleeves, also. Symptoms can include sudden vomiting, diarrhea, and increased heart rate and last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The Foamies... you'll know what this is if you get it. It's a lot of phlegm that is produced in your esophagus all of a sudden. It can happen if you eat or drink too fast, or take in too much, or drink right after eating...wait to drink atleast 30 minutes after eating. Plus, if you drink with eating or too close afterwards you flush the food through your belly too fast and you're not absorbing nutrients. 13. Take your vitamins and get in your protein daily! This will not only help your weightloss and prevent vitamin deficiency but it will help with the sunken in look when you lose weight. I was told 60-90g of protein daily, but follow your drs orders. I take 2 flintstones with iron chewables a day because I couldn't tolerate the prescribed multivitamin, in addition to calcium with d3, and magnesium and b12. 14. Gas ex chewables, heating pads, and walking help big time for your gas pains. When I woke up from this surgery I thought I was having a heart attack because the gas was causing chest pains. Also, use the incentive spirometry in the immediate postop period. Anesthesia affects your lungs and it takes 72 hours to completely wear off so the breathing exercises help strengthen them and prevent pneumonia. 15. Heartburn...omeprazole works so well for me. My surgeon prescribed it from day 1 and I love it. 16. Postop hormones... your body almost goes into shock in the 1st 6 weeks or so after surgery from the major changes to it. You may feel different mentally...it does get better but if it's bad talk to your dr about it. 17. Medications... your body can change postop. The same medications you were on preop may be absorbed differently postop so if you notice changes talk to your dr. They may need to be adjusted. And extended release meds may not work as well. 18. Tracking your intake keeps you honest. I love the baritastic app. It also has recipes for all the stages and reminders. 19. Head hunger vs real hunger. This is a lifestyle change, your body needs much less calories postop but you have to retrain your brain. It may take time and that's normal. If you fall off the wagon one day...oh well...get back on it the next. We are all human. Don't get discouraged. Just pick yourself back up. 20. Complications can happen. If your body starts feeling different...new onset pains, nausea, vomiting, passing out, food feeling stuck in esophagus, etc...call your surgeon. You're always better safe than sorry. 21. Abbreviations... HW your highest weight SW what you weighed on your surgery day GW your goal weight CW what you weigh currently NSV non scale victory Nut nutritionist VSG vertical sleeve gastrectomy (sleeve surgery) RNY roux-en-Y (gastric bypass) DS duodenal switch surgery 22. Hair loss or thinning happens. But, it will grow back. I thinned starting at about 4 months. It can last months. Many take biotin supplements for it, I didn't. 23. Get ready to be cold! You're body is changing, it's almost in shock so invest in a Comfy, like me, or electric blanket to keep warm lol. 24. What to bring to the hospital for your surgery stay...a long phone charger, chapstick, your phone, comfy pjs, slippers, a robe, earbuds, and a list of your medical history, surgeries, allergies, and medications with dosages. Others add gas ex chewables but I'm an RN and don't recommend taking any meds from home without the nurses or drs knowledge. Some also say a heating pad to help with gas pains, but walking is best. Also, remember to hug a pillow if you cough or sneeze. It will help! 25. Constipation! It is a part of this journey, unfortunately. The only thing that helps me, and this is not conventional, is sugar free hard candies. A few of those babies (no more than 5 or you'll hate me) and you'll be going within 12 hours. The sugar alcohols do it for me. But, more conventional approaches are benefiber packets, smooth move tea, or miralax. And there's diarrhea in the beginning...liquids in, liquids out. But your 1st bowel movement may take awhile...its all normal. 26. Ketosis...when you cut out sugar and go low carb you're body goes into a state of ketosis. This is a metabolic state that now uses fat for energy, instead of carbs. It aids in weightloss, but has some side effects like bad breath, body odor, bowel changes, fatigue at 1st but then increased energy the longer you're in it, and insomnia. Those side effects will decrease over time so just invest in mouthwash for the meantime! I know this is a lot, but hopefully it helps! If I missed anything, feel free to chime in. Best of luck to everyone!
  20. yes i think youre right. i actually did this with my 3 week stall a few months ago. i think thats a good idea. i will check on monday again. thanks for reminding me!!!
  21. Panda333

    Weight going up

    @Lynda486 I was just about to start a thread called 3 week stall and weight gain until I saw this thread.. I am experiencing the same. I have not lost for about a week in fact I've gained 2 lbs. I JUST got the surgery Oct 1. I haven't even logged the two lb weight gain because I want to deny it. It happened around day 21 of the surgey. I've added soft foods in and I think that's why. I'm hitting my protein and fluid goals I just happen to be eating more real food. I never go past 350 calories a day and I get two 30 minutes walks in a day. I don't understand and I weigh several times a day and at the grocery store. I'm reading the responses and they give me some comfort but this is disheartening to have gone through this and now I've gained??? I did better pre-op...OMG..wondering what I did to myself and regretting this surgery. I'm not constipated at all everything is working on that front. Everyone says you lose the most the 1st six months of surgery and now I've stopped.
  22. Haven't posted in a while. Today marks 1 month. Even with my little ER trip I'm glad I did it. But...a RANT. I haven't lost a pound in a week. I have the dreaded 3 week stall. unbelievable. What gives me comfort is that this is a "thing" but dammit only eating 300 calories a day you would think that something would be coming off but no....ARGH...other than that I feel okay...been sticking to my diet..a couple of days the fluids were low. One night I forgot my vitamin...but overall good.
  23. Jazzy1125

    STALL :(

    I just broke a 3 week stall yesterday. I know it gets frustrating but keep doing what you are doing.
  24. TX2NC

    September 2019 🍂🍁

    Hi All, I hope everyone is doing well. Has anyone hit the often commiserated about 3 week stall yet? I’m right in the middle of it and it’s making me crazy! Not a single fraction of a pound budged in over 2 weeks. I’m working my plan, getting in my protein and water, but it’s still very frustrating. I’m averaging about 4 ounces per meal, get full and stay full on 3 meals per day. My calories are roughly 600 per day, 69 grams of protein, 23 total carbs and 18 net carbs. The other thing is that I honestly don’t feel any different. When I had my band I struggled so much to eat that it’s actually a relief to eat without pain. I just wish there was some way to move this along!
  25. I have been happy with it so far. Had the typical 3 week stall but it only lasted 1 week. On surgery day I was 94 kilos, I only weigh myself on mondays, trying not to be ocd about the scales, so 5 days ago I was down to 81 kilos. First 2 weeks was the biggest drop 5 kilos, then it has been a consistent kilo a week once I got over the stall.

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