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Found 17,501 results

  1. Bypass2Freedom

    A Happier Week

    Congratulations on your loss so far! On the topic of tea - I know that everyone gets different recommendations, but I was told to either have weak or decaf tea in the first 3 weeks, and then after that I was okay! I have been having tea and coffee as normal now! Yorkshire Tea is best though 😍
  2. Hop_Scotch

    summer journey in fitness

    Unfortunately for me (and others in the southern hemisphere) winter is coming. I have a treadmill in my garage for morning walks and I head to the gym 2 to 3 times a week for weights.
  3. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @BlueParis Oh, what a nuisance! The long stalls are so hard. I'm sure it's just that your body needs some time, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with emotionally. Will you ever have a point where you don't have a lot of travel, or is that pretty much your normal schedule?
  4. I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. Thank you all for your messages re my stall! I'm still stalled ... no suprise there. I'm going to try and track what I'm eating this week as I haven't really been tracking at all. Just trying to be sensible and go with the flow. I'm still being very conciencious about everything I put in my mouth and reckon I'm averaging about 1200-1300 calories a day max. I know I could eat more protein but as I eat so little meat its a bit complicated esp when I'm travelling. I hate protein shakes and anything with an artificial taste, I'm really not into processed foods. I do love carbs. I know what I'm eating is far from perfect but I'm also trying to "live" as normally as I can without getting ultra focused on food because 1) I just don't want to 2) I know that it won't be substainable for me to track/only eat specific things/100% certain avoid things long term 3) food is a real source of joy for me as is cooking. Cooking is my way of calming down and disconecting my brain after work but I'm an improvisation whats left on the fridge cook not a planning cook 4) I've very scared of being too "strict" on food and ending up with a transfer addiction as I have a very addition prone personality and I already smoke (cigarettes daily and weed probably 2/3 times a month) and drink (much much less than before the surgery when I was drinking too much) and even though I haven't touched a Benzodiazepine (xanax) in 3 years and 8 months (go me 😌) I had a big enough issue with benzo abuse to have to take a month of work to come off them. I'll try and track properly tomorrow and for a few days but for example today from memory I had ( I also had water) Breakfast : 1/4 bagel with butter, coffee with semi skim milk Mid Morning : 2x Coffee with semi skim milk Lunch : Palm sized bit of omelette with courgette, red peppers, kale, onions, cheese, about two tablespoons grated carrot salad Mid afternoon : Tea with semi skim milk and sweetener, bit of brie cheese about twice the size of my thumb Supper : Palm sized bit of omelette with courgette, red peppers, kale, onions, cheese Herbal tea Before bed : About 4/5 teaspoons of vegan pannacotta (soy milk, sweetener, orange flower water, cornstarch, pistachios, maple syrup) Herbal tea
  5. Zazu_89

    Pre op diet

    Im from London. Semi skimmed milk with 2 tablespoon skimmed milk powder. I use Hartley 10 cal jelly pot. I've been doing normal because I lost weight fast and because il lost weight in last 3 weeks in liver reduction diet when it's just soup and yogurt.
  6. Roux en y, 12/20/23, 5’6” currently on first full week of liquid fast down to 253, from starting 263 original dr visit. Surgeon, Dr, Meagan P. Lundgren, Dubois PA, counting down the days…in ketosis feeling the symptoms and experiencing awful odors. Pew!

  7. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Did anyone NOT have a 3 week stall?

    You'd think there wouldn't be a stall, but, I too eat 600-700 calories a day and walk 10k steps each day along with housework in a house with 6 stories (so lots of steps) and I stalled out at 3 weeks for 10 days. Its not based on calories and exercise, but the body adjusting and healing. It doesn't always happen at exactly 3 weeks tho..Just seems most have it at 3 weeks on average. I'm happy you haven't had to deal withbit!
  8. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @LisaCaryl glad to hear your knees are better. Just wanted to mention also that I’d wait to worry on your A1C until they test it again later. It’s an average of your blood sugars over about 3 months if I remember correctly so it’s very very possible it just hasn’t been long enough for it to start coming down. 🤷🏼‍♀️ and LOVE the quest chips! I like the ranch and the taco ones, just wish they weren’t ridiculously expensive. 😩 And I think we’re 4 mo today woohoo. @NickelChip hope you have a great time on vacay! @Noelle74 wishing you luck on the new job! Hope ev1 else is doing well, I’m on one of my longer stalls and it’s driving me nuts! Doing what I should, tracking food and started a little Pilates bar exercise . I know it’s normal but like ev1 always says it’s just sooooo frustrating. plus my 6’1” skinny hubby is losing weight (that he absolutely does not need to lose), eating about twice what I eat (that I cook) and still eating out at restaurants with clients at least 1-2 x week. 🙄 Ain’t life a b@#&h! I know life’s NOT fair, but I just want to whine a little and say once…… Totally NOT fair! 😂
  9. newbegining2024

    Is this a stall?

    I think 21days post op and losing 16-18lbs is great! I just learned in this community that revision surgery have slowly weight loss. My doctor and me doing my own research never came up till I found this site. i am also feeling that I am having multiple stalls. Before pre op diet I lose 15lbs on my own, then during pre op diet I lost 8 lbs on the first week of liquid diet and stall for one week have no weight loss. Then went into surgery while having the stall. After the surgery, I gained 7 lbs of water retention from the iv I got from the hospital. It took a few days and get back to my surgery day weight, then I loss about 5 lbs in a week. so almost 2 weeks after surgery only loss 5 lbs. So 16-18lbs is great! I am jelly here. But like many said everyone is different, although it’s hard, but I am trying to positive.
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    Having an issue that's very bothersome...

    I had a total abdominal hysterectomy 5 weeks ago, but I was never put on a special diet so I just ate what I wanted. I still eat 3 meals and 1-2 snacks per day, like always. But the Orthostatic hypotension sounds exactly right.
  11. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Not Enough Calories

    I personally would do as your surgeon recommended. Perhaps they want you to increase your overall calorie intake at 6 months? Mine at 6 months is 800 so close to yours, there is documentation that the body does go into starvation mode and will stall out and hold onto what weight there is for "self preservation" darn bodies don't understand we're trying to become healthier! That being said, a stall is a stall and not much can be done other than wait it out and have faith in the journey. Although, I understand your frustration!
  12. Feeling a little sad today because a few weeks ago I had a call from the surgeon's office and they had a last minute opening on November 20 because of a cancellation. I am not scheduled until December 27, which is way later than I had expected when I started all this. My "ideal" date in my head had been November 13. I was so ready to jump at the chance, but I just couldn't make it work. As soon as I mentioned it to my mom, instead of being supportive, she had all sorts of reasons why I shouldn't move the date. Some were valid, like my teen daughter has a special (but not super special) thing going on later in the week that I would probably have to miss, and others were less valid, like she didn't feel ready and it might ruin everyone's holidays. Um, excuse me? It's not about her! And how would I single handedly ruin both Thanksgiving AND Christmas for my entire family by having a surgery? But she had informed me when I first got the December date that she planned on getting a hotel near the hospital and staying that night to be nearby, despite the hospital only being about 40 miles away from home. I didn't ask her to do that, but that's her plan, so there you go. She didn't ask me if I felt ready now, or what the wait through the holidays felt like for me with the surgery looming. So that was the part that hurt. I felt like I was having to make sure everyone else was okay with my choices instead of me, which is a theme in my life for sure. Don't get me wrong, my parents have been there for me so many times, and I don't want to sound ungrateful. But this really made me sad that what I wanted simply didn't factor in. Basically, I passed on what felt like a dream come true to get that call, and I've had to reconcile myself to it as best I can. I've found some silver linings, like more time to clean my house and test some recipes. But if I hadn't, I would be on my pre-op diet now (my surgeon only does a short liquid diet beforehand, so a Monday surgery starts the pre-op diet on Saturday morning). Instead, I'm getting ready to make dinner for myself and the kids, and I still have 39 days to go...

    1. New To This23

      New To This23

      I can relate to the parent's situation. I am 42 and still struggle with pleasing them. Yet they do whatever they want with no concern for how it affects anyone else, so why do I feel so obligated to them? I wish I had some advice that could help. One thing I have tried to do is stop sharing things with them that I really don't want to hear their opinion on. (like the business I am starting)

      Like with this surgery, I knew I was going to need their help getting to the appointments and back from the surgery, so I knew I had to tell them. But I did not tell them until I was almost at the point of getting surgery that I was doing this.

      I got hard judgment from my father, which I expected, I made him promise not to share this with his brothers (who are assholes) I told him whether he likes it or not I am an adult and I deserve respect and privacy especially when it concerns my health. (he begrudgingly agreed)

      My mom on the other hand was supportive, but she has the tendency to add some dramatic flair about everything. her typical M.O. is to pop onto social media and rattle on about how something that is not happening directly to her, is affecting her ( I get it there no talking to the man she married about this stuff, so it's nice to have someone to listen).

      I know they both struggled with trying to respect my wishes, they looked shocked when I told them that if I lived somewhere else, I would not have even told them I was having this surgery.

    2. NickelChip


      I'm glad your father did agree to respect your privacy by not sharing with your family. And I guess I should be glad my mom keeps the dramatic flair off of the socials!

      I'm both lucky and unlucky that my brother had VGS 15 years ago. On the one hand, my mom understands the concept and has seen my brother's good results from it, (we inherited the obesity from my father's side, and Mom has never dealt with more than those pesky 10 lbs average weight people always want to lose). On the other hand, my brother took exactly the opposite approach from me. He didn't live near family and told no one, had no support. He went to Mexico as self-pay and didn't say a word until about 4 weeks after when he was having some serious emotional struggles, living alone, and compounded by the fear of realizing that to get family support, he had to "confess." So his recovery was very different than what I anticipate for me. But because of all that, my mom definitely sees this as a "REALLY BIG DEAL." Which it is, but not the level she's at with it. Like, it's not an open heart surgery being performed in 1982, or experimental cancer treatment. I've also noticed that as my mom ages, she takes change a lot harder. She doesn't have the mental flexibility anymore to make an instant change of plans and roll with it, whereas I do that probably a dozen times a day.

      I'm grateful for their help, but it comes at a price.

  13. I had a stall one month out that lasted for 5 weeks. I gained and lost the same 2-4 lbs every week. It was so discouraging. One thing I highly recommend though is MEASUREMENTS. I discovered that though I wasn't losing weight, I was losing inches!! This is rather common during a stall because our body composition is still changing even though the scale is at a standstill or going up a bit. The stall will break eventually. Keep doing what they told you to do, make sure you are getting your protein and hydration daily. Go for a walk. Try to ignore the scale for a bit. This is a marathon, not a sprint. I know it is hard, I'm 10 weeks out and have to remind myself of this every day!
  14. Bypass2Freedom

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Heya! I started my pre-op diet a week ago and it was so hard in the beginning, but I promise you it does get so much easier after the first 2-3 days. You got this!
  15. I am 7 weeks post op revision to bypass and loss 20 lbs. I am currently in a stall for a week already. In April which is only a few weeks away, we have a family trip taking my young children to Disney World. It’s a 9 days trip where I will be away from home. I would like advises and Suggestions from all of you who went on trips post op. I feel like it might be hard for me to find something healthy when I am on this trip. Help
  16. sweetsmith78

    Strongly struggling

    I would and I did . Make a scrambled egg. Remember texter and density make a difference on the feeling of stomach. I would take one bite and see how you feel. But remember head hunger is the real deal. 💕 dont fret the weightloss stall. Mine was six weeks then swish it was gone! You will enjoy this thread the documentation of the journey and learning . You can look back years later.
  17. Hello everyone! it’s been 3 years since my surgery and I am wondering if it’s safe to do a detox diet with only green vegetables and berries for 2 weeks? Or should I go back to the diet procedure after the surgery? Please advise 🙏
  18. Shanna NYC

    Not losing weight

    Welcome! Plateaus are absolutely normal. Just look through these forums under 3 week stall. It's called the 3 week stall, but can happen at any time and can last anywhere from a week or more. Remember your body is adjusting to all these changes. It definitely can be discouraging, but its so normal and doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong at all. It can be hormones, the body making up for such rapid lost, a good BM etc. Dare I say that most if not all of us have experienced this. Stick to your plan and stay off the scales for a few days. Sometimes the daily weigh in messes with us. Best of luck. You got this.
  19. New To This23

    Page 3

    From the album: LABS

  20. summerseeker


    Hello Amanda, Just trust the process, it really works. Hold your nerve. Try to not look for ways to break the stall. Your body needs the small rest to begin dropping again.
  21. After about 3 weeks post op, I am finally feeling better. So I am back to focusing on what I am eating and trying to break my stall. I have the stall at week 2, only really loss weight for 1 week after surgery when I was in the liquid stage. I want to ask all of you, how much proteins you eat a day? Before the surgery I was told to have 65-75 grams of protein a day, but when I follow up 1 week after surgery, my nutritionist told me to drink 2 bottle or protein shake a day. That’s already 60 grams! However I followed what he told me for a week. With the 2 bottle of shakes, my protein intake is over 100grams a day. When week 2 ended I didn’t loss any weight, but gained 2lbs…I feel like I took too much protein so when week 3 started I stop drinking 2 bottles of shakes and only drink 1. I can eat 40-50 grams of protein on my own right now. With the shake I am ranging from 70-85 grams a day. I like salmon, tuna and other type of fish and it gives me good amount of protein. Now after a few days of doing that. I finally loss that 2 lbs and back to my 1 week post op weight 241 lbs. do you think I am doing the right thing here not listening to what my nutritionist tell me?…he said I needed more protein to heal. 85 grams of protein is already 20 grams over what they told me to take initially tho. My liquid intake is 48oz a day now. This is hard because I literally can only sip very small sips. To finish a full bottle of water 500ml, it will take a 1 full hour, sometimes longer. With 3 meals a day, not drink 30 mins and 30 mins after, 48 oz of liquid is at my best. My eating schedule is 8am-5pm. 8am breakfast, 12pm lunch and 4:30pm dinner. Take me 30 mins to finish my meal. I feel like drinking water is like a full time job now. Surgery date 1/22 250lbs Post op 1/24 257lbs 1/31 follow up visit and started 2 shakes a day 241lbs 2/5 243lbs I stop drinking the 2 shakes 2/9 241lbs So after almost 3 weeks I loss about 9 lbs, and it was only during the first week when I was eating! Now I am feeling better I want to continue with the loss and not gain weight. Any input would be welcome. Thanks in advance.
  22. When I went in for my 1 week visit to the dietician she told me that I was right on track... 14 pound loss since starting the pre-op diet. She told me to expect about a one-month stall (or very little weight loss) once I started to add food in. She said that clothing will start to fit looser, but the scale may come to a halt. Then it will pick up again. I'm trying to weigh only once a week and not bank on the scale as my only means of seeing results. It's hard!
  23. ChunkCat

    Not losing weight

    Yeeessss... I am 4 weeks post op and have been at a stall for almost 2 weeks. In fact, just to be insulting, I gained 3 lbs. 😐 I know it is the 3 week stall, but man it is discouraging and it makes you scared that the weight loss won't start again. I'm trying hard to ignore the scale for a few weeks, stick to my plan, and trust my body to do its thing when it is ready. It has had a LOT of stress to deal with. Major surgery takes a ton of body resources to heal from. So I'm focusing on protein, hydration, and getting some walking in. I can't really do anything else. It'll break when it breaks. I only let myself get on the scale once a week to keep from fixating. It is hard, but worth it for my mental health. LOL
  24. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    From October up to my two week liquid diet I lost 60 lbs. That was a 4 1/2 month span. Two week pre- op I lost 15 lbs. My surgeon said I will have stalls. But, then I'll have times where it will seem like it's falling off easy. I'm impatient as well. Back in June I tore my meniscus and it requires surgery. They won't do surgery until I hit a certain BMI. I'm within 10 lbs of hitting that number. Lose a couple pounds a week is still a victory. As you said, this process takes months.
  25. SleeveToBypass2023


    I agree with @BlondePatriotInCDA. Definitely check out the NSV thread. That's what got me through when I was needing motivation or when I needed to get through stalls and feeling frustrated.

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