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Found 17,501 results

  1. Arabesque

    Anyone freeze muffins?

    I’m a big freezing person too & I have savoury egg muffins in my freezer now. I let them defrost first, pat them dry & then pop into the microwave to heat. Have also popped them frozen into a lunch bag & ate them when they defrosted & unheated. You can freeze just about everything quite easily. Tip: defrost bread, bread rolls, bagels, etc. in the microwave or on the bench. Pat a little water around the loaf & then pop in a hot oven. In 10-20 minutes depending upon the size of the loaf & you’ll have a warm loaf with a crispy crust just like a freshly baked loaf.
  2. I can't use my weight as an excuse not to do things now. I miss the days when no one would ask me climb a ladder or do anything that requires physical activity (not really) haha. My foot size is smaller now so I can't wear many of my nice shoes. Time to buy new ones. I used to wear size 11 and now between 9.5 and 10
  3. Italiano26

    November 2023 buddies

    I am 10 weeks out and feeling well! I started back on one cup of coffee a day and I am using a straw a few times a week 🤦‍♀️ I only weigh in once a month so not sure exactly how much I have lost but my clothes are falling off! Glad everyone is doing well!
  4. summerseeker

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    Yes, It is a cheat and off plan but they do not have much in them 10 cals I think. Asda have children's rocket lollies that have very few cals in. I still have them every day. If they would ok a raw carrot or celery just so you can chomp on something, would make things better. Be strong, We are all here for you whenever you need us. Its that kind of forum x
  5. SomeBigGuy

    Laying Flat

    Congrats on the surgery! I was sleeping in the recliner for 3 weeks, and was 5 weeks out before I was comfortable lying completely flat. I'm at 10 weeks now, but I'm still using some pillows to prop myself up in the bed, I guess I got used to being propped up, but I am able to sleep flat without discomfort.
  6. Hello all, I was posting on the "September surgery buddies" topic and somehow it seemed to get blended with the September topic from past years and so I figured why not just start a new one for us. I'm scheduled for what my surgeon calls a Duodenal Switch Loop September 19, 2023.
  7. Morning all ( well it's the morning here)! I weight in (officially) every Friday (In truth I have issues avoiding jumping on the scales every day) I'm 5 weeks post-op today. ⁠Opération day weight 91.1kg ( 200.5 lbs - 14 stone 4 and a half) •⁠ ⁠⁠Current weight 80.9kg ( 178 lbs - 12 stone 10 and a half) •⁠ ⁠⁠Weight Lost 10.2kg or 11.19% of starting weight ( 22.5 lbs 1 stone 8 and a half ) •⁠ ⁠⁠Starting BMI 32.65 •⁠ ⁠⁠Current BMI 29.1 So my stall has well and truly broken and I think I'm on the right path!
  8. Hellojaqs

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Hi. I am using the Baritastic app which seems to set realistic goals for me to meet and they seem to be like 10-20 pound increments. I have spent the better part of 20 years above 280 pounds. My heighest weight was 412 in January of 2017. I was able to lose 100 pounds on my own over a 2 year span but I would yo-yo that 100 pounds for the past 5ish years. So my recent high weight was 393 in august of 2023, and first surgeon visit was 373, november 28th, and my surgery date of may 9th I was 334. So I do see the light but I think you are right on setting realistic goals. I think I need to make me a reward system for sticking to the plan, new clothes, new hair, new tattoo, etc. As I progress further on this journey.
  9. Yep that was me. im more cautious this time round. I am only 19 days post op. But it feels so different. I was told to stick to fluids for 3 weeks. So still a bit longer. And then runny puree for 3 weeks. I can drink and wait an hour before drinking again. I’m struggling with plain water. before I would have a coffee for breakfast and then wouldn’t have anything till lunchtime.
  10. Spinoza

    Exercises for those who hate exercise?

    Early post op I liked to think about exercise as just 'moving more'. It allowed me to think of a short walk as a huge win. As I lost weight I could walk further and faster and even tried jogging a bit. And it didn't kill me. Now, at maintenance, exercise is a regular and enjoyable part of my life. It's never worked for weight loss, but it's so good for my wellbeing and cardiovascular health generally. Now I'm not morbidly obese I can do most things within reason (I'm just into my 50s now, LOL). I advise baby steps, finding something you like (I love Pilates but if you'd asked me to do it 10 or 20 years ago I would have laughed out loud). Dance classes are fun too (but I have NO co-ordination). Keep an eye on things locally and try taster sessions. Hopefully something will click with you and then it won't be a chore but a joy.
  11. I had my surgery back in 2019. Ever since I’ve had body pain problems. So they put me on t3 which I’ve been on for only four months now. I just experienced constipation the past few days and finally went today. It was painful and I felt like I was going to pass out. But ever since I’ve been nauseous and EXTREMELY gassy and didn’t know if anyone else has experienced this. I tried googling it but nothing came up so I want to assume maybe it’s a rny issue.
  12. newbegining2024

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    I have my revision sleeve to RNY as well on 1/22 and took me full 3 weeks to feel better. How are you feeling now? I loss 8.5/9 lbs after 1 week of surgery, week 2 and 3 I hit the plateau. Finally broke the plateau yesterday. So starting my week 4 and loss addition 1.5 lb. Total of 10 lbs or so.
  13. Arabesque

    2 years post op

    Another thought. lol! I presume you’re still working from home? If so try adding in 5 or 10 minute breaks where you do some simple exercises. Good for your mental health & your physical health. Lots of online programs you can follow. Buy some resistance bands & hand & leg weights. Short burst of exercise, know as exercise snacking, are just as beneficial as exercising in one single block of time. This is what I do because I don’t enjoy traditional exercise. I do 4 sessions a day of 5 - 10 minutes a day in my home. It’s easy & you should see my arms & legs. 😁
  14. Hi Gracie!! I got VSG surgery at 20 years old. I started my pre-op diet two weeks before surgery at 19. (My birthday is on January 2nd) I’m also a college student and I will not lie to you, getting weight loss surgery and coming back on campus was the hardest thing I ever had to do. My dining hall on campus didn’t cater to my needs during the post-op stage. To be honest, I was going home every other weekend because I knew I would get what I needed from home. I live about an hour and a half away from campus so it was pretty pricey to do so. I’m down approximately 40 pounds since January and I don’t think I have loose skin but I definitely lost my booty lol. It’s not really a big deal for me but I do plan on going to the gym more often. If you have any other concerns or want to know more about my experience, please reach out!! I don’t know much young people that have gotten weight loss surgery but I’m excited for us as we are turning our life around!! I hope everything goes well!!
  15. Livgreen___

    2 years post op

    Hi guys. Start weight before surgery - 21.9 stone lowest weight after surgery - 17 stone current weight - 19 stone I was sleeved on 02/02/22, restriction was doing it’s thing, I caught covid back end of March. Completely lost my appetite for a week, then after that it felt asif I was never sleeved. I worked from home which did not involve a lot of steps a day, come the beginning of may my weight loss had stalled and stuck at 17 stone all the way up until around March 2023. since March 2023 I gained 1 stone 13 pounds through no fault of my own eating what I wanted no calorie counting etc. I started calorie counting the beginning of this week. I am on 1800 calories by working this out as my deficit through the TDEE website. I know this website does not take into consideration my smaller stomach due to surgery however I have no restriction at all and can eat 1800 calories a day no problem and still hungry most days. 5 days on a deficit and I’ve actually gained a pound, I was 18.13 on Monday now 19 stone. Has anyone else who has been sleeved going through the same thing? Didn’t really lose much weight after surgery and tried calorie counting a couple years post op and the scale just did not move, or even go up? Looking to shift 4 stone but feel deflated as doing everything I should be and scales are going up? I calorie counted years before my sleeve surgery and lost 5 stone in 5 months. Shouldn’t it be even easier now I’ve been sleeved? It seems so much harder! Yes I am tracking everything correctly and I weigh out everything that passes my lips.
  16. I use my starting weight from before the pre-op diet. I was my highest when I started that, and my diet was only for 10 days, so I figured that was my beginning weight. I think my dietician uses that one, too. That puts me at 41 pounds lost as of today, and I'm thrilled. I'm with you on not having a particular weight I must reach. I don't even have a number in my head. (I did put a weight on my ticker here, but that was just for progress purposes) I think my goal is to see how much comes off and how I feel at that point. At my age, I'm looking to feel healthy, and that's my goal. I won't be a supermodel or wear a bikini! Lol. I think we are all doing wonderful, and I'm excited for each and every one of us!! ♥
  17. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I'm officially off my blood pressure medication! I haven't taken it since the day before surgery because my blood pressure was normal in the hospital and low when they released me, but the final decision needed to be made by my primary care. I went to see her today and was at 110/78 so she officially removed the med from my chart. All my readings have been normal the past three weeks, which feels like a miracle. I've been on it for at least 10 years, and even with medication I usually measured 130/85.
  18. Hello all, I had RNY Gastric Bypass on 10/6/15. I am almost three months out. I ordered some Berberine 500 mg as I heard it's great for PCOS and insulin resistance. Has anyone tried Berberine after gastric bypass? I hear it's great for weight loss too! ????
  19. Kri-star

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    10 days post op and I decided to go with my BF to do the grocery shopping. I figured the walking would be good. Half way through, I started to feel nauseous. I think it was all the smells from going up and down the isles. I went to sit in the car and just being outside with the breeze helped subside the feeling. Anyone else have issues like this?
  20. Laura.1912

    December Surgery Buddies!

    I’m on day 10! The pure liquid diet is so hard but I found it got easier after day 5!! You’ve got this!!
  21. Even almost 5 years out, there are still things that surprise me. Walking around cars in a car park & realised my short cut progress was halted by a post & a dirty car. I thought no way will I squeeze through that tiny gap of maybe 10 inches & thought I’d have to walk back around. Took a breath & decided to edge sideways a little to test it. Slipped through that gap like butter. Didn’t touch the post or the dirty car. I was wearing white too & not a mark. Couldn’t believe it.
  22. Curveygirl

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    I am proud of you hanging in there. It will be 19 days since surgery. Had a couple of rough days. Learning the difference between physical and mental hunger. Got to find different things to do. Not focusing on 2hat to eat next. Stay strong.
  23. walterblock1

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    10/30 sleeve update 10/30 I was 355 11/29 I am 313 feel great have a lot of energy ready to get back to working Glad I made this decision to go through with this process got 100 more to go to get to my goal I’m pushing the only one in the way is me
  24. Lld850

    November 2023 surgery buddies

    I had the bypass on November 10
  25. I am down 32lbs pre-op (surgery date Jan 24th) My leggings are too big, I have maybe 2 pair pants that stay up. I started my journey in a very tight 18 and now Im in size 14 and these jeans were "just in case I fit into them" Now they are becoming a little lose. I don't want to over buy but I also would like to have a few nice outfits for work or going out. What size should I buy? Should I buy size 10's? Seems too soon- but I need pants that stay up lol!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
