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Found 15,822 results

  1. I was allowed to pick up 5 pounds each arm at one month, but was able to do bodyweight exercises at two weeks. No pull ups from a bar, but things like walking lunges with no weights, push ups against the wall, modified boxing exercises, step up calf raises, up and down stairs, walking and speedwalking to my heart's content.......that kind of stuff. Obliques were out of the question until six weeks. The inner workings of your incisions will let you know pretty quickly if you are over-reaching your healing. I tried picking up my 30 pound kettle bell last week, but that clearly is not gonna happen for a while. I could not even get it off the floor. Just this week (nearing 3 months) I have increased my weights to 8 pounds each hand. I wanted to go to ten, but I could barely pick the weights up. I am learning about Paleo Eating and Paleo Fitness from MarksDailyApple.com, and even purchased some Vibram Five Finger Barefoot Shoes, which I LOVE LOVE LOVE for exercise. I am having my boyfriend help me build a fitness course around the perimeter of our back yard, which is about a 1/4 acre. A lot of what I need to do is post-stroke therapy at a modified level, but I am fighting this fat with every weapon I can come up with. Mark explains Paleo Fitness basics as several primal efforts: our ancient ancestors (mine are orkney Island Stone Masons) did not chase mastadons all day. Their day included activities like these: Move Frequently At A Slow Pace Lift Heavy Things Sprint Once In A While Get Adequate sleep Play (No chronic cardio and exercise bulemia) I really like his approach to fitness. Between surgery and the Paleo Lifestyle, I am becoming a fat-burning beast! Since you sound like a fellow beastie who was sidelined with weight gain like I was, you may already know about Paleo. I used to belong to the National and Campers and Hikers Association back in the day and was even a decent archer and pistol packin' mama. I miss it, but I've gotten cushy in my old age. Now that I am post-op and healing, I will be glad to get outside in those barefoot shoes as soon an this frikin' Chicago weather warms up. I wish you good luck and good health.
  2. acruzn

    Oh so scared

    I'm totally with you! I went to an orientation when reality started to hit me in the face. If I don't do anything to get my weight gain in control then I'm doomed to a spine, knees and ankles that will reduce my quality of life & I got 2 kids & a husband depending on me. I am scared sh*tless about going under anestsia(sp?) but I guess I am finally more scared to gain another 20 lbs. because I won't fit in my clothes or in regular movie theater seats...how embarrassing!
  3. Hi everyone, I'm a newbie to the community. I am scheduled for the lapband on 10/13/2008. I'd love to find someone else to chat with who may be in a similar situation. My BMI is around 36 and my weight is around 207. Up until I was 25 (I'm 37 now) my weight was around 125 and I'm 5'4. I'm not looking for sympathy here, I'm just trying to find someone else who might have lived at a normal weight then found themselves unable to loose after weight gain. I wish I could say my weight was due to childbirth, but my hubby and I are non-breeders :tongue: Please say hello and thank you for welcoming me to the community! Cat
  4. Needhelph

    No caption

    Be fore the weight gain
  5. http://psychcentral.com/news/2009/03/30/hormones-link-insomnia-and-weight-gain/5037.html but there is hope! lol! http://www.livestrong.com/article/276188-how-to-raise-leptin-levels/
  6. katie Keane

    Really need the PROTEIN

    Katie Keane So sorry you are having such a tough time. I wouldn't last on anything a didn't enjoy either. I have never heard or tried have the Protein drink guys name. Tried a few and tried unjury vanilla. It's good but you get bored. I started adding Int'l delight coffee creamer flavors and other things tats my base. They come sugar free, fat free. etc I get the regular. I didn't get fat on that. and add a 1/4 cup to my shake. I'm 2 Years in and thrilled. Lost 80 lbs. and that's it. Far as I want to go. I am older and do not want the skin falling off my face and neck. Some before and afters are a little to much. I wanted health, to feel and look good. And be able to move well. I have done that. I even had 2 let outs before the holidays and no weight gain. Starting to eat a little better. Also started juicing to round out nutrients. Feel Fab as a large love me my life my clothes. I was 30. Good Luck Girls.
  7. TwinsMama

    weight gain 13days post op?

    Hey fellow tall one! I know the desire to weigh yourself each day is pulling at you, but yes, I would say don't do it. Try to wean yourself off of that. Like start with every 2 days then every 3 until you can get to maybe once a week. Also, understand that there could be Water weight gain. If you are drinking that much water that could be it. If you are near your period, that could be it. Long story short...there are many reasons for a slight increase from day to day. Unless you find yourself going up by great leaps over a period of time, I wouldn't be too worried.
  8. IncredibleShrinkingMan

    December 1st surgery date

    @@rachelr28, welcome and congrats on your decision. Fellow Garden Stater here. This will be a very different experience in countless ways. Without getting too technical, basically, the idea is that in the past, we have attempted to lose weight by reducing caloric intake which results in two physiological effects: 1) reduction in metabolism by the body in an attempt to prevent weight loss and 2) dramatic increase in hunger caused by the stomach sending a hunger hormone to the brain to demand compensatory eating until the body is back to the weight it was before you started the diet. The sleeve prevents the latter from happening. You will have a stomach that is about 15% of the volume of your current stomach, meaning you will become full much faster, and on far less food. However, your body would need the volume of food you consumed before to maintain weight with all your activities and energy output, so the result will be dramatic weight loss. Your metabolism will slow, but it can't slow enough to keep up with the huge disparity between the calories you need and the calories you can intake. The surgery's most important effect is that the hunger hormone is produced in the part of your stomach that is removed irreversibly during surgery. So you wind up with a double protection against weight gain...you just can't fit very much in, nor do you want to because there's much less signaling going up to you brain telling you that you are hungry (but there's just enough from other places to get you to eat to keep you healthy). There is even some evidence that the sleeve changes the bacteria in your stomach that results by some unknown mechanism to automatically reset your "set point" down to a healthy weight, whereas right now, it is fixed at a high weight, and your body is programmed to defend obesity in any way it can. So the way the previous poster described it, with you instead of against you, is exactly right. Best of luck!
  9. My thyroid has been checked through and through. (Because docs look at me and assume thyroid.) I get under 1200 calories a day, never feel hungry really, and I am usually at 700 cal. Due to the Celiac's it slowed down my digestive system very badly. I am assuming my weight gain is due to Celiac's as I cheat a lot (when depressed) and have caused damage because of that. I am really worried about the GERD, I already lose my voice from it. I also have PCOS w/insulin resistance which makes my body turn almost everything into fat. I have been overweight my whole life 100 lbs. at 7 and 200 lbs. at 13. My Mother restricted my food intake a lot but with poor quality foods. I am just super used to not eating. I get sick if I eat something I am not "craving". At this point I am tired... I sprain my back by just standing, and even though I have been this weight for 5 years. I am tired. I need something. I just don't know if this will work for me.
  10. starsinmyeyes

    What Type Of Birth Control Do You Use?

    I'm prone to infections, so I couldn't do the Mirena or the Nuva Ring. And I had unbalanced hormones with the pill. The Depo caused nausea and weight gain. So I am now using the Ortho Evra Patch....so far so good.
  11. Icandoalthingsthruchrist

    My Story

    I guess I should share my story of why I've chosen to have the gastric sleeve surgery. Well, after being told that I developed high blood pressure, severe sleep apnea, and osteoarthritis (all a result of my weight gain) I thought it was time to deal with this weight problem. To be honest, if I had not acquired these conditions I would have never given bariatric surgery a thought. I felt I looked good and healthy, so end of story. Oh, but I was deceiving myself. Apparently my body is screaming for help and help is exactly what I need. I know that bariatric surgery isn't the cure all. Exercise and a healthy diet are just as important. I've embraced this wholeheartedly. I just need that jump start to get me going on this journey to weight loss. I'm an elementary teacher and need as much energy as I can get to keep up with my little darlings. So the weight must come off as soon as possible. I want to take a Christian cruise and be healthy enough to move about when we arrive at the ports of the beautiful cities. That's my brief story for now. ????
  12. 1) I think the answer to your (TEMPORARY!!!!) struggles is anesthesia. It takes AT LEAST one week to recover from its after-effects, and longer for most! 2) It is also really, really common to have these "why did I do this????" thoughts!! I was prepared for this when I had an elective surgery several years ago. The surgeon gave us a packet that went into this issue at length and it is all temporary, I 100% promise you!!!! You are EXHAUSTED right now!! Your body is recuperating!! As you probably have in read many, many posts in here on BP, the chorus line is "WHYYYYYYY didn't I do this earlier???" You have given yourself a tremendous gift - a second chance at health and...vibrancy!! This regret, remorse, what have I done feeling is going to pass!! 3) The 8.5# weight gain is also TEMPORARY. FAKE. WILL BE GONE VERY SOON. Remember that needle stuck on the back of your hand attached to the hat stand-looking thing with bags on it that you had to drag everywhere during your hospital stay (which I am going to gently remind you was only a MERE few days ago, my friend!! Be kind to yourself!!)? Those bags pumped your body with a lot - A LOT - of fluid. That 'weight' is going to be gone, plus more, VERY VERY SOON!!! So...I am hoping you find that place of optimism again very soon and please know that you have all of our support, encouragement & sincere wishes for your success and a brand new beginning!! Even if you don't feel it every second of the day during this journey - You've GOT this!!! You really do. xoxo
  13. RJ'S/beginning

    Please help

    Take your scale out back and smash it with a sledge hammer. You are sabotaging yourself. Seriously I never weighed myself throughout my losing process. I never had a stall or a gain. Always happy with the progress because I only got weighed at my doctors office. As long as you are following your doctors plan you will make it. You also have to remember you are still healing. Your body is under attack and it is trying to adjust. You are still flushing out the meds they gave you and your body is also starting to flush out the toxins you stored up. That does not happen over night. That will happen a long the way as well. But you are not in a place right now to worry about a stall or weight gain. As long as you are looking straight ahead and doing what you are suppose to do. You will be who you want to be. Okay hun!
  14. I cant believe it... I did a quick weigh in while I was at the nutrition center today for something else and Ive gained back 5 of the pre-op weight I have lost... so upset and I dont know what to do now... my next appt is the 3rd and I cannot go in there with a weight gain... any suggestions???
  15. BrownDoesAll

    Sleeve Myths or Reality?

    The other rule is no drinking with meals. There are lots of post on that topic. Drinking at least 10 minutes before meals and you'll feel full faster. If you eat with your meal., you will wash your food out of your stomach and experience hunger shortly thereafter.. then you'll eat more, there by adding calories and eventually stop your weight loss and even go to weight gain. Many surgeons and NUTS give varying advice bot most are consistent with following a high protein and low carb way of eating for life. Low sugar often relates to low junk food, sweets, desserts which of course will add to weight gain. Protein helps weight loss ( I forget why but I'm pretty sure it helps ). There are usually reasons for the guidelines. ONce you reach your goal weight you eating lifestyle will be what works for you. Be sure its still a healthy way of eating or you will gain weight and that is not a sleeve myth.. that is a sleeve fact. Good Luck with your journey.
  16. Dody

    Is this Possible?????

    I have always wanted to be able to walk my dogs. I would be content with that. I think a treadmill would be awesome, except for the fact that arthritis prohibits the walking part. I so hope that the banding will in some way help the arthritis. I may be reaching for the stars, as there are very thin people with arthritis, but I know mine has gotten worse with weight gain. The thought of buying and being able to use a treadmill would be an ultimate goal, just as walking the dogs would be. I'm kind of scared the banding won't work if I can't really excercise. Someone suggested Water therapy, but the thought of me in a bathing suit is about more than I can bear. I want to actually be able to walk without pain. Has anyone had arthritis that improved with the banding? I would love to someday jump on a threadmill, but the first goal is simply walking 2 little dogs. As for the emotional aspect, I'm not yet banded, but I expect I will go through a range of emotions. Perhaps an anxiety medication would work. I know I have panic attacks and they settle in my chest. It's a very scary and uncomfortable feeling and I take medication for it. I'm not really pushing medication, but I feel sometimes we really benefit from it as a coping mechanism. There is only so much we can fight on ourselves.
  17. Hi Celialou, The advantage you have is that you are young, and by getting banded you will avoid any possible problems that might pop up as you get older, not to mention the possibility of more weight gain. As someone told me when I first joined this site, it's better to have the risks with the band, than the ones you might have without it. I am not where I'd hoped to be but I have been taken off a couple of blood pressure medications, and have more energy than I have for a long time, not to mention all the things I can do that I couldn't preband. Please keep us posted. I hope you go through with it, and as others have said, you may look back on this in six months and be as happy as so many of us are. Good luck! Debbie
  18. @@AvaFern, I'm glad you contacted your doctor as soon as you suspected something was wrong. And I agree that antibiotics are indeed a boon to humankind. But don't you think it's likely that the two parts of your post are related? The weight gain could be Fluid retention caused by the inflammation. If the weight gain persists for another week, then it will be time to react by cutting back on calories. Make sure you are drinking plenty of plain Water. Try not to panic. I know that's easy to say and hard to do, but it's counterproductive. Edited to add: If you are not currently tracking your food intake, you might want to start now. That information is very helpful for weight loss and for maintenance.
  19. Taniea

    2 years post op and need advice

    Sorry to hear of your struggles. I too appear to be on the up scale of weight gain. I'm going to take the advice of uping my protien and excersie I never had to do much after surgery to lose weight now Its time. Keep us posted on your progress as I will too Taniea
  20. Yes, totally normal! It'll disappear soon. I had my surgery Monday, came home with weight gain on Tuesday (but had heard about that on YouTube so was expecting it), and today, I'm 5 pounds below my day-of-surgery weight.
  21. Has anyone experienced this...i am doing Protein and liquids....i can eat reg foods now but still am full really fast so i dont understand why i am gaining weight....helppppp Sent from my SM-N900P using the BariatricPal App
  22. Clementine Sky

    Post Op Acne

    As others have discussed, some of the supplements commonly taken by bariatric patients such as Biotin and B12 can cause acne breakouts or exacerbate existing skin problems. I have stayed far away from biotin since it caused a horrific breakout two years ago when I took it to try to speed up hair growth after a hair cut. My dermatologist told me that biotin and excessive B Vitamins can cause acne breakouts in many people. Hormonal fluctuations can also cause breakouts, and losing weight can cause your hormones to fluctuate. For the most part, my acne has gotten better since having surgery, though. I have PCOS and have struggled with acne because of that for a while. I was taking medicine that cleared up my skin, but caused weight gain. I gradually went off that medicine post-surgery, and had some breakouts along the way. Some things that have helped me - - Simplifying my skincare routine. In the past I was using so many different products in a desperate hope for it clearing up my skin that they caused more problems than they resolved. Now I use rose Water on a cotton pad to clean my face in the morning, and only La Roche Posay products. I use their Effaclar face wash at night, and the toner a few times a week. I put a very thin layer of the spot treatment on as needed. Overdoing it with these products can lead to peeling, so I've learned to be careful. I also use a serum and moisturizer by this line. - Being very careful with all vitamins and supplements. I read through the labels and make sure they don't overdo it with B vitamins. The ones I've responded to the best are Garden of Life's Vitamin Code Multivitamin and Flintstones Complete with Iron (one or the other, not both). I take a multivitamin, and Vitamin D, and peppermint oil supplement (for acne and other PCOS issues; you can find it on Amazon inexpensively). About 4 months post op I took a B-12 supplement for a week when I was trying to bounce back from being sick, and it caused a month's worth of acne. I've had very little hair loss. - Not using heavy makeup, creams, or anti-aging products. I'd been using some Lancome anti-aging products that came in a gift with purchase bag, and my dermatologist said it was far too heavy for my skin. He said to use lighter weight products and avoid ones designed to be anti-aging. - Using fragrances sparingly. At the advice of my dermatologist I use fragrance-free laundry detergent and fabric softener because he said they can cause breakouts. I avoid putting things with fragrances on my face. - Changing my pillowcases three times a week. I bought extra sets so I can change them out quickly. - Using SLS free products. SLS in toothpaste and hair products can cause breakouts in some people with more sensitive skin. Loreal has an inexpensive, readily available line, and you can find many other options as well. - Having a facial once a month by a reputable esthetician.
  23. I weigh myself every morning. Cm four weeks out and dealing with PMS-no weight gain but no loss either. Also dealing with constipation. I adjust my diet as necessary. More fluids etc and increase my exercise As needed Guess I will be a scale junkie.
  24. Thought it was about time for an update! Long rant...Heads up! Completed ins requirements Dec 2014 & approved by ins the first week of January. Wooo hoooo! NOT! Surgeon changed hospitals so he is currently doing ZERO surgeries. My luck, right?! I waited and waited.. Now, 2.5 months after approval still no surgery. I went to another surgeon. Their office submitted all of my documents again under their name. Insurance cannot just change their info over to another DR.. They have to open an entirely new case. Its okay.. The first go around only took approx 3-4 days to get approved- cross your fingers that its the same this time too! In the mean time, I got started on buying Protein drinks. I tried some powder stuff. GROSS! I am sooooooo bad with textures of foods / drinks. I tried mixing it with greek yogurt. Nope. Gross. Tried super cold Water. Nope. Tastes like old milk-literally. Thats a sure way for me to lose weight though-- I will throw that crap up with a quickness. I did find Isopure through GNC. At our local store it was $5.50 per 20oz bottle (zero carbs, 40G protein) OR $40 a 12 pack. There are a few different flavors to choose from too. I poured half of the bottle into a water bottle and mixed it up. To me it tasted like kool-aid without sugar & super watered down. I can actually stomach it. I suggest trying a single bottle if you are afraid of spending $$ and not liking the product. I wasted $$ on powered stuff and I'm glad I found this Isopure stuff! Oh! I have also read a few posts lately about commodities (or lack of) and weight gain during supervised diet. Let me give you my advice as I should have listened to other people when they were telling me the same thing.. Every insurance is different. Call and speak to a rep from the insurance company. I found that sometimes they are very vague with requirements though. But your DR knows what will and will not work to get you approved (typically). My insurance normally denies people if they gain so much as 1/2 lb. HOWEVER, per somebody here's suggestion, I found a loop-hole. If your Dr documents a reason for a small gain you should be okay. For instance, I could not exercise at a normal rate for awhile due to my foot pain. Then my GYNO put me on the Depo Shot for my endometriosis. Gained weight then too. Documented. Then I had a hysterectomy and was out of commission for exercising all together. Documented. I gained 6lbs roughly during the 6 month period. Still approved.. But like I said I made sure the DR noted it all on the surgery paperwork. As far as commodities go... Some insurance companies have OTHER comorbs aside from sleep apnea, high bp, diabetes, high collest, etc. I fact, there could be as many as 30+ that could qualify you. I dont have ANY of those typical commodities. I was just pre-diabetic with a few other medical probs but not the typical that qualify for surgery. I only just recently ( after 1st ins approval ) was diagnosed with having edema. Aside from that, I am perfectly healthy for being so over weight. When I spoke to my ins company I specifically asked if those typical conditions were the ONLY ones they accepted and they said yes.. However, I did have those and still got approved. Anyway.................. Hope this has helped some of you!
  25. Gaylene

    weight gain

    Hi everyone, Is anyone out there struggling to maintain their weight loss? i was 86.5 kilos when I had my surgery in Feb 2008. I had reached 92 kilos prior to that. In 6 months I got down to 63 kilos and loved it. It was so easy as I never get hungry. However, I now am fighting "head hunger"more than ever before and am up to 78 Kilos which is very scary for me. I have had top ups as I need them and think I am about right. I am very restricted in ths first part of the day and once I start eating I find by night time I can eat quite a lot. I am starting to eat wrong foods and getting anxious. I suppose there are no magic answers other han making wise choices etc. Anyone else struggling like this?? gaylene

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
