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Found 15,822 results

  1. vsgchick

    Pouch Reset and Mounjaro?

    Hi! I was sleeved in 2014...original loss was 185 lbs. Regained 40 lbs during the pandemic. I started Saxenda in January of this year and lost 35 lbs. I moved to Mounjaro last week (off label, as I am not diabetic) because I was tired of Saxenda's daily injection. I don't view GLP-1s as a pouch reset, but they definitely help turn off the "food voice" in my head. I am on the beginning dose of Mounjaro, so haven't experienced the full power yet. I still have decent restriction, so capacity wasn't my problem. Slider foods/snacking caused my weight gain. I know medication isn't for everyone, but I honestly believe GLP-1s should at least be mentioned to WLS patients dealing with regain. I see it as a 1-2 punch for me.
  2. ShoppGirl


    I don’t think the stomach they remove really weighs much. I didn’t lose any weight in the hospital. It’s possible that you were slightly dehydrated and lost more water weight in the beginning since you didn’t spend as much time at the hospital hooked up to fluids. Then when you got rehydrated your weight loss that week didn’t show because you added fluid weight?? There are honestly soooo many factors when you just went through major surgery that could cause weight gain or loss. It’s best to not even weigh yourself for the first few weeks. I would just look at the overall if I were you rather than trying to account for every pound because for six weeks out you are going great.
  3. A bypass is usually revised to a sleeve if the bypass fails: weight gain, unmanageable vitamin malabsorption issues, excessive dumping complications,... Much like a sleeve can be revised to bypass because of weight gain, GERD, etc, As others have said, any weight loss surgery can fail if you don't make permanent changes to how, what & why you eat. Post surgical benefits like loss of appetite & your restriction don’t last. They should help you to kick start your weight loss & give you time to assess your eating & establish new eating habits. Sounds like you relied on the side effects of your bypass to influence what you ate. I’d expect your bypass would have failed sooner if you didn’t experience dumping (50-60% don’t with bypass). You mentioned your tummy has stretched. It does because it is a muscle & stretches & contracts. Can’t believe any doctor would say it can’t. Consistently eating larger portions will cause it to stretch more & contract less. But is your tummy as large as it was before you had either surgery or about the size of someone who never had a weight issue? The success you have with either surgery is dependent upon you, with consideration of any complications you may have of course. We all have our reasons for choosing the surgery we did & the effort we put in to make changes are reflected in the success we have or didn’t have. Excluding the life changes that can sometimes sabotage our intentions. I chose sleeve because of the lower risk of malabsorption & dumping. I lost all my weight & more. I don’t eat like friends & family who carry weight. I don’t eat exactly like friends & family who never carried weight either. I have to work a little harder & listen more carefully to my body (what it needs, how it reacts, etc.) because it’s easier for me to gain weight. I’m sorry you are unhappy with your revision.
  4. Congrats to you,you're doing that thing! I too noticed a weight gain after 2yrs RNY, was down but now getting my life back with exercise and more mindful eating! Congrats again! Sent from my LM-T600 using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. Hi everyone, So just want some feedback as I weighed in today and started pureed food 1 week ago. I have 6.2lbs back of the 11lbs I lost the first 2 weeks. Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong? As anyone else experienced this?
  6. HashiHope121

    Mac N Cheese

    Here’s my opinion & it differs from others: I am 1y post op & have surpassed my goals. I believe that a lot of my issues with weight gain came from diet culture. Now, I live in the land of balance. I absolutely have had Mac & cheese (I like the reduced guilt from TJs & have it with Tuna). I think long term health & success comes from eating a healthy balanced diet. I do not ban anything, and never ever plan to diet or ban foods again. I eat a ton of Whole Foods, lean protein, Veggies & fruit. I feel and look healthy & fabulous. What I avoid the most is processed foods. I also tracked for the first year so I knew how many carbs, protein, calories and fat I took in & that helped me learn good habits. It also helped me learn what was not worth the splurge. So, IMHO, eventually you can have some Mac and cheese- once in a while. I realize everyone is different but this is my opinion & experience. I hope this helps.
  7. HealthierMe2022

    July 2022 peeps!

    Good question! For the CPAP, I only started using it about 8 years ago due to weight gain. Even after sleep study in 2014 they indicated I was borderline apnea and was given CPAP to help sleep better. Doc said I could try to go off so I tried. I actually sleep with my smart watch which tracks blood oxygen, heart rate, sleep cycles and snoring. I still snore but my heart rate and blood oxygen is good. I did use my CPAP again last night to see if it affected my sleep any and I did sleep a bit better. My doc said probably another 20ish pounds and (fingers crossed) I can go off fully.
  8. RDC2019

    Weight gain

    I'm depressed, was 265 when I underwent gastric bypass. Went down to 170 lb as of April 21st, now I'm up to a whopping 198. Ready to do a reset! Sent from my LM-T600 using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. Tomo

    **Weight REGAIN**

    Sounds like your doctor has faith in you since you originally went from 400 to 170 lbs. That is a huge accomplishment. Despite the weight gain, you are still way ahead in the weightloss game being 135 lbs down. Maybe he suggested the 10 day liquid diet to try to get you back on track. Similar to the post-op diets, kind of like a reset. I know resets can't shrink your stomach but it does reset some people mentally and they can go back to the dedication they had early post-op and continue doing whatever they did to be so successful before. Also, since you have vitamin deficiencies, maybe he feels you having a revision would not be a safe thing right now. I think you seeing your pcp is a good thing to address or exclude any other health problem that may be causing you to gain weight. If you really want a revision and he is unwilling, perhaps get a second opinion.
  10. Hello my name is Kelsey and I’m new to this website/forum. I came on here to seek advice/friends to help me out. I have been struggling so so bad lately. I had weight loss surgery 11.28.2015 and I was 400 pounds when I did. After about a year and a half I had lost a lot of weight, I got down to 170 pounds. I was happy at this weight, healthy, had less back/foot/ankle/knee pain, etc, you knew the drill. Until Covid i kept most of it off. In the past 3 years I have noticed a steady incline in weight again, so much so that I got back up to 270 at one point. i went back to my surgeon, dr Scott in search of maybe a revision. What I got instead was a speech on how sncking is bad etc, things I already knew and he told me to do nothing but shakes for ten days. I did pretty well on my shakes, drinking 4-5 a day and got down to 253. Of course, when I started eating again, I’ve gained weight back and I’m back to 265. I am so unhappy, and stressed out about this and I’m not sure what to do. i did have lbs done, my thyroid is acting up and my b12 is not absorbing correctly, vit D low, etc, im thinking hypothyroidism is the main cause of my weight gain and low energy but my surgeon wants me to see a pcp about starting meds. I don’t have a pcp, so I made an appt (I made this appt one month ago) but I’m having to wait until OCTOBER 25 to see the pcp. I just don’t know what else to do. i do have history of bipolar and depression, which causes me to stress eat. I’m fighting this very hard, but I feel like I would do better if I had friends or online even pals to help me through this. Anyway. That’s me. I need help, obv, so if anyone feels inclined, reach out to me. We can exchange whatever info we need to stay in touch.
  11. MissD123

    October 2022 surgery support

    I am also going back and forth on my decision. It’s a permanent surgery. But then each time I lose weight, I gain it back plus more. Been 10 years that my weight started going up due to a very stressful divorce, menopause and then losing my mom and the pandemic, so …. My surgeon said that weight gain is typically only 10%… that is reassuring. I keep picturing myself thinner again (just going for healthy weight - not ideal weight) and healthier and more energetic that seems to help me focus on the positive of the surgery.
  12. A lot of people who have never struggled with their weight (or people who have only had to lose, like, 20 pounds) want to think of weight as a personal or moral attribute. They want to believe that their ability to control their weight is indicative of their personal superiority, so they feel threatened by the thought of some of us -- whom they view as inferior based solely on weight -- can "cheat" our way into their category. Many people who haven't looked into weight loss surgery also have no idea how hard it is. I think back to the first time I read about gastric bypass and thought it sounded like absolute magic -- the answer to all my problems! You get your stomach stapled and the weight just falls right off. And then I found out about all the risks and potential complications, dumping syndrome, and the fact that some people still regain the weight, and that was enough to turn me off from weight loss surgery for 15+ years. And even then, it wasn't until I actually started the process that I found out about the pre-op diet and all the post-op phases, having to constantly sip water all day just to avoid dehydration and go for weeks without solid food. I'd be willing to bet that most people have no clue how hard it is to get through all the pre-op requirements and post-op phases. Ironically, it's those people who have never had to think about weight loss surgery who really have the easy way out in that they don't have the propensity for weight gain in the first place. They have no idea how hard some of us have to work to lose weight and/or keep it off.
  13. mirian123

    Weight gain

    Yes, tomorrow I finally get to eat soft foods [emoji4] but with my weight gain I got worried. He actually wanted me to go on a liquid diet for another week since I was Dehydrated and was vomiting But he said if I felt better I could eat soft foods Sent from my SM-N976U using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. mirian123

    Weight gain

    Hi me again, I had my gastric sleeve 21 days ago I had a follow up with my doctor on my 15 day and was Dehydrated, they sent me to the emergency to get some ivy's after that I had to go to my primary doctor due to my pancreatitis level were to high they weighed me and I had noticed I gain 3 pounds I figured it water weight now I am on my 21 days and just weight myself and notice that I have gained additional 2 pounds now I'm worried I am also still on my liquid diet. Thank you Sent from my SM-N976U using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. BigSue

    Stalls and weight gain

    You are going to drive yourself crazy if you track your weight to the gram daily. Weight gain or loss is not linear. Think about it: if you drink 16 ounces of water, that is zero calories, but until you excrete it through urine, sweat, etc., you will have gained a pound. Obviously, that is not the same thing as gaining a pound of fat from eating more calories than you’re burning. A lot of people only weigh themselves once per week (or less often), and you might want to consider that if seeing a temporary weight gain is going to upset you. If you can’t help checking more frequently than that, you could just record it once per week (no matter how many times you step on the scale) so you can see your long-term progress without the day-to-day fluctuations.
  16. kcuster83

    Stalls and weight gain

    It is not "weight gain" it is weight fluctuation. Like you said, people fluctuate. Yesterday, you may have been retaining less water. Today you might be retaining more. It really is best not to weigh yourself everyday, it will drive you mad. But, if you do. Try to weigh yourself at the same time everyday. I can and have gained 10 lbs from morning to evening because I was so swelled up and had so much water retention. I can visually see it in my ankles and legs. It doesn't really happen that drastically now that I have lost quite a bit of weight but it still happens.
  17. Sunnyer

    Stalls and weight gain

    Today I gained weight for the second time since I had the gastric sleeve surgery three weeks ago. I was 700 grams heavier today than I was yesterday, or 1,5 pounds. Last time this happened was a week after the procedure, when I gained 400 grams one day (a little under a pound) and then the day after I weighed the same as I did two days before. I weigh myself every day, and have done for a long time. I realise that weight fluctuations can happen, but I'm still a little shaken that they can happen when I'm only eating a few hundred calories per day. Yesterday, I ate around 800 calories, which is about the highest I've gone. Usually, I'm around 4-500 and not really hitting my protein target. I am hitting my water targets, so I'm not dehydrated. According to the UCLA Center for human nutrition, most people need at least 1200 calories per day just to survive, and eating less than 1000 is essentially starvation. So how can I gain weight on what is essentially a starvation diet? I'm not working out a lot, but I walk to and from work every day..
  18. I weight every day now and use the Happy Scale app which gives me a running average of weight loss so it smoothes out the ups and downs. I have a history of going for months conveniently "forgetting" to weigh and fooling myself into believing that I've only gained a little then when I get the nerve up, well you know the story. I even tried the Shapa scale which did not show a number, just a color based on the direction of your weight. Gained 30 pounds while I had that thing. I totally get the reasons to not weigh often, however with the app averaging the weight for me I'm actually doing a good job learning to accept those ups and downs that used to sabotage me mentally. Living with my reality instead of putting my head in the sand like I used to do. So for me, daily weighing is working.
  19. catwoman7

    Fatty Liver almost Cirrhosis

    I did gain about 20 lbs in year 3 post-op, but a 10-20 lb rebound weight gain after hitting your lowest weight is very common. And to be honest, I think I look better at this higher weight, even though part of me would like to get back down there again! To maintain it, I track everything I eat and try to get some exercise most days of the week.
  20. ShoppGirl


    If it’s because if fluids and swelling that will fluctuate until you get the issue sorted. I know it’s hard to do but if you are truly sticking to your plan it’s not a real weight gain, Try to ignore fluctuations like that.
  21. futurefeatherweight

    Weight Gain

    There are some antidepressants that can cause weight gain (for example, tricyclic antidepressants are notorious for it). Surely your doctor didn't prescribe an antidepressant that can cause weight gain since they know that you are trying to lose weight. IMO, the best antidepressant for overweight patients is Wellbutrin (burpopion) because it can actually promote weight loss. Sorry, I am a pharmacist so I can't stop myself from making drug recommendations. I know everyone pushes the "reset diet" but I have to say that what made it easy for me to get rid of my regain and not feel hungry doing it was my doctor prescribing me Ozempic. I am a type 2 diabetic and I had been taking Bydureon in the past without weight loss effect then my insurance removed Bydureon from their formulary and I was switched to Ozempic. Weight started coming off within a month of starting the Ozempic and just kept coming off. I have currently lost around 30lbs. If you are not a diabetic, Wegovy has the same drug in it as Ozempic (semaglutide) just at a different dosage for weight loss. I have been taking Ozempic for almost a year now and I no longer have cravings and rarely ever even feel hungry. It is funny how Ozempic, Bydureon, and Saxenda are all in the same drug class but I only experienced weight loss with Ozempic. I just flat out couldn't tolerate Saxenda. Slowed my gastric emptying to an unbearable level. Bydureon worked for my diabetes but didn't have any effect on my weight. Of course, these are all injectable drugs (Ozempic/Wegovy/Bydureon are only once a week though vs daily for Saxenda). Contrave is an oral weight loss drug that contains wellbutrin (bupropion) as one of the ingredients. It seems like it would be a good option for those who can't stand the thought of using an injectable medication but honestly, I. Rybelsus is the oral equivalent of Ozempic. Phentermine is probably the most popular weight loss drug but I have known of people with poorly controlled hypertension to have strokes while on phentermine so I don't recommend it unless I know that the person either does not have hypertension or they take their BP meds and check their blood pressure frequently. Best of Luck
  22. Arabesque

    Rate of loss post-op

    That statistic, besides being an average, reflects bounce back weight gain which is pretty common, general diet complacency where after a couple of years we let things slide a bit, adjustments to the way you eat to better complement your lifestyle, general health, changes to medication, etc. It’s not the highest amount of weight you may lose but where you MAY end up at the three years point. It’s the same stat that says the a average weight loss at three years for sleeve is about 65% of the weight you have to lose. The most I lost was 43.8kgs (141%) . Then I settled at around 42kg (135%). Now at three years it’s 40 (129% - damn HRT & I had to up my protein intake.) Yes, my gain is minimal & I lost a lot more then the stats suggested but others do experience less loss & greater gains. Treat averages (stats) & BMIs for that matter as a guide only not a hard & fast rule. They just give you a bit of an idea of what might happen.
  23. Hi. I've been suffering from pcos since teenage, having all the symptoms like weight gain, facial hair, irregular periods etc.. I have had my gastric sleeve in november 2020 and lost 25 kg in total. I have seen improvement with my pcos symptoms, for example getting a regular period cycle, less facial hair and obviously weight loss. Now, almost after 2 years my period cycle is getting irregular again. Increasing 2-4 days every month. For example, 30 days cycle in June, 34 days in July and 36 days plus (still missing) in August, and I'm definitely bot pregnant. Has anyone else had the same problem? I'm really worried that my Pcos might kick.in again. My weight is on a stall, as I'm not doing much at the moment. Please share your experiences Thank you Sent from my SM-N960F using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. Crisscat


    My stall came at 3 weeks and lasted a full 5 weeks!! I was about to pull my hair out over that one so I truly hope I dont have a second stall lol. I have been gradually losing 2-4 lbs a week once the stall passed. So I am on average right now with my monthly weight loss according to my team and others in here as well. I take what I get as long as its weight loss and no weight gain. Every number gone is a win for me.
  25. I am a little more than a year out from my gastric sleeve an initially lost around 75 lbs. I recently started back on my antidepressant and seem to crave carbs. I have put back on about 20 lbs and really need to get my snacking under control. In the past being on antidepressants was a major cause of my weight gain and I am trying to tame the carb monster since I started back on the meds. Any suggestions besides getting back to religiously tracking calories. I still work out about 4 days a week. I think focusing on my protein intake may help with the carb cravings but I thought I would see if others have any recommendations. Sent from my SM-G998U using BariatricPal mobile app

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