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Found 1,208 results

  1. I should know this, but can't remember. I had an open hernia repair last Wednesday. The day before surgery I weighed 201. Today I weighed 210. There is NO WAY I could have gained. I'm eating a lot less post surgery. Grant it, I'm not moving much, but this is depressing. This was my second open surgery since February 5 of this year. This is beginning to take a mental and physical toll on this old gal.
  2. I had gastric sleeve surgery April 2013 before that I had lap band surgery put in and takin out...I weighted 205 at surgery my lowest weight after my second surgery was 147 now I'm back up to 160...I need help getting back on track!!!
  3. So I am about 5 weeks pre-op. How many of you gained weight before going on the liquid diet? I don't feel that I am going nuts but it is SOOOO easy for me to gain that just by relaxing and eating the things I normally wouldn't, I have started gaining :-( I am perpetually on a limited eating plan / diet to try and lose weight (which obviously doesn't work) and now am eating things I typically wouldn't like bread, milk, Cereal etc. Anyway, I don't want to jeopardize the surgery but I will do the two week liquid diet, just wondering how many of you gained once you had made the decision to do the surgery?
  4. Amy Crawley

    Weight gain

    Is it normal to gain weight (3 lbs) since eating full liquids? I'm only 2 weeks out. Makes me very nervous.
  5. I had gbp ten years ago. I lost 150 lbs and now am regaining like crazy. I saw my doctor and my pouch was fine. Has anyone done band over bypass.
  6. I'm 2 months post-op. Lost 35lbs since surgery and 40 on my own. Two weeks ago, oh happy day, family doc took me off Metformin(diabetes). Also had my first fill that day. I have a bad habit of weighing everyday. So imagine my surprise when one day I gained a pound. Didn't panic, probably just Water weight. Well 2 days after that I was up a total of 3lbs. I am doing everything by the book. Weighing and measuring. 800 to 1,000 calories a meal. Getting all my water and Protein. Exercise 5 days a week. Cardio and weights. The only thing different is I'm of the metformin. Talked to my nurse. She said this could be the culprit and not weigh and not to worry. Well I am worried. I went so far as to have my husband hide the scale. I thought being taken off the medication was a good thing. I'll get it figured out. My question: has anyone else had this problem?
  7. After you get approved by your insurance to have the WLS, is there anyway you can be denied if you gain weight before you have the surgery?
  8. I have been through all the pre-op steps and insurance approval and have a surgery date of 12/9. My problem is I quit smoking on 10/19 and I have gained 7-8lbs from that. I didnt even realize that I was overeating. Now of course I'm worried that I may run into problems with surgery. My surgeon's office made it clear that weight gain before surgery is not acceptable. Any one else have this problem? Starting today I'm going to the gym and watch what I eat....
  9. So I am super bummed because this is my first weight gain since surgery 4 months ago. I haven't been doing bad eating wise and I have upped my workout these last 2 weeks so I don't know why I not only losing but am gaining. It's so discouraging becuase here I am being active and kicking butt and then I get this news and it totally knocks you down. The only think I can think of that made me gain was either gaining muscle or Water retention. Other than that nothing makes sense. I should still be losing. I have another 90 pounds to go. Any words from the wise out there. Is this something that can happen when you start consistantly working out? I lost 5 pounds last week. Thanks guys. This sucks! P.S. I did accomplish another one of my goals though, went hiking twice this weekend, woohooo!
  10. One week ago I slipped and fell. I hit my head hard and my ribs and scapula are hurt too. The scale jumped up 6 pounds 2 days after. The scale has been down 4 pounds and back up 2 pounds. I'm eating the same. Is this weight gain from swelling?
  11. Can anyone explain how on day 4 I gained 4lbs? I am getting all my liquids in and only drinking sugar free drinks. I will say I started my period on day 2 and just yesterday got the OK to take all my meds, one of which is hydyoclorosine (sp?). I have done everything by the book so to gain weight about makes me want to cry. I originally told myself I wouldn't check my weight till my one week check up......wish I listened to myself
  12. I am three weeks post-op. I have been doing fine with the exception of terrible gas pain in the afternoon. Every afternoon, I feel extremely terrible and all I do is take Gas X and pass gas all evening. I am not sure what is going on but it is not fun. I had lost a total of 25lbs since the pre-op diet. However, the past 2 weeks, the scale has stopped moving in the right direction. I have gained 3lbs since surgery. I am not sure why, because I eat small portions and my calorie intake per day is between 800 and 1000 a day. I have eliminated all simple carbs and very little complex carbs. I am not discouraged just a tad bit disappointed that my scale is not going down. I still belive that I made the right choice and when I see my doctor next Friday, I will express my concern.
  13. I've been walking alot and for the last one week my w8 has increased by 1 kg! Frm 100 to 101kgs it's killing me! I dnt eat much.. I drink lots of water.. I'm just one month post op! What in the worlds wrong!!!!
  14. Hey everyone. Its been a while since Ive been on here. Been hiding my head in the sand for a long, long time. Well, Im pulling myself out of the sand now. Been watching the scales go up slowly. They hit 180 last week. Was 150 last year. That was it. My aha moment. Haven't felt like I even had a sleeve lately. While I still eat small meals, I can snack endlessly. And yes, I know thats not good to do so. Just becuz I can doesn't mean I should. I know all that.. As I said, Im pulling myself back up. Been back on track for 4 days now. Focusing on Protein (but Im not afraid of small amts of carbs either), drinking Water, not drinking with meals, and moving more. I need to lose 40 lbs. Sounds like a daunting task right now, but Ive done it before, I can do it again. ANy pointers out there from people who have been where I am? High protein, low calorie Snacks? I appreciate any support I can get. Ive had my sleeve for 2 1/2 yrs and Ive never made it to goal. This time I will!
  15. Im not expecting anything within a few days of surgery, im 4 days post op and have gained 6 pounds, is that normal? Water weight maybe?
  16. I am 4weeks post op tomorrow and I just went a week long vacation where I struggled with my Vitamin regimen and did not eat enough - but my Water was very very high and I exercised extensively I actually was able to do a 6 mile hike (cleared by my surgeon) I came home and I gained 3lbs and my body fat percentage went UP 1%. I am ready to cry. I know how important Protein is my goal is 100 grams a day and I hit 70 for most of the week bc of food options I was relying on Protein shakes and tuna (plain) a lot. I averaged 100 oz of water daily and exercised daily for 30 min to an hr. Has anyone experienced this? I assumed I might have gained muscle until I saw the body fat % & my calorie intake was around 5-600 a day. Please help. Sent from my Z970 using the BariatricPal App
  17. Pinklilli

    Weight gain!

    Hey everyone, well my lap band baby is 8 months and I gained about 35 lbs during pregnancy. I had a lil trouble after the baby with tightness but it got better after going on liquids for a couple of days. Now I feel like I've totally lost control and have gained an additional 15 lbs since giving birth. This is my third so fitting in workouts is hard and squeezing them in at night is sometimes discouraging since I'm so off track. I can eat large portions and when I eat small portions I am hungry an hour later, if I eat the wrong things like bread I still pb. I am still nursing so I don't know if I should get a fill. Any advice on getting back on track, I feel like a total failure!
  18. I had my daughter in March and started the program in June. I also stopped breastfeeding in June. So naturally I had weight gain. 15 pounds. I have been fighting hard to loose it since. I lost 6 pounds in the following months. So I am showing a 9 pound gain and suppose to be submitting to insurance next week. I met with my surgeon yesterday but he didn't mention the gain or that it was an issue. He told me in the beginning of program that insurance only looks at starting number. He also has to perform surgery on a severe incisional hernia at the same time. So I'll need surgery no matter what. I met with my nutritionist today ( last appt of 4) and she seems to be concerned about the gain and insurance approval. She mentioned it to the office lady and I'm afraid she's going to note the gain in my request to insurance and I'll be denied. She told me my insurance won't tolerate a gain. . I'm getting conflicting info and the only thing I can do is wait for insurance to come back. I'm just wondering if anyone else had a gain and was still able to be approved? I was excited yesterday and totally discouraged and upset today. Now I'm going to be freaking out for the next few weeks. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. I am not banded yet and i am not pregnant, I have read a ton of the post on here about people getting concerned about gaining weight during pregnancy. I understand that we all have issues with weight gain but you are supposed to gain weight when you are preggers. it's healthy. a ton of weight gain is not healthy but a little is fine. like i said i understand that everyone on this site for the most part has issues with weight gain, my question is why don't people understand that it's normal an healthy for pregnancy, and stop beating yourselfs up over it? I know this might sound come across as rude but its not i promise i am just curious.
  20. Hey All. It's my first post. I was sleeved 5 weeks ago today. I've been weighing myself once a week. I lost fast the first three weeks then week four only 1/2 a lb but still a loss. Then today I get on the scale and I am up 3lbs!! It was very alarming as I've been following my diet to a T and trying to get between 600-800 calories a day (closer to 600 typically). I don't know what to think. I am at a loss -- a 3lb gain is not a 1lb fluctuation. Has anyone else had an early gain and it resolved itself or is this going to be it for me for weight loss and now I"m going to be fighting to keep even these few lbs off?
  21. Hey everyone. I had my surgery on 04/18. So ten days have gone by. The first week I struggled getting 2oz of protein shake per day down. And would attempt to drink water. Now, I'm on soft foods. But I'm gaining weight. Is this normal. I was down 7 lbs since surgery and now I'm back up a pound and a half. What's really going on? Has anyone had similar issues?
  22. I'm in phase 2 soft foods and I'm gaining weight I have gained about 5lbs in the first 5 days. Am I doing something wrong I'm eating 4 ounces every 4 hours like prescribed Sent from my SM-G935T using the BariatricPal App
  23. granddiva

    Weight Gain

    I'm 2 years post opt however, I've done really good. I gained 6 1/2 should I really be alarmed? I know that I've made some bad eating choices. I've invested in a treadmill. My weight lost has been between 98- 105, pounds. I have a Pannicelectomy back in November 2013. However, I still have some anbdominal swelling could this cause weight gain also? I refuse to go back to the old me...
  24. Does anyone know if Cigna will deny you for net weight gain after the supervised visits with a dietician? I see a lot of threads on the topic of Aetna and weight gain, so I was just wondering.... Thanks.

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