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Found 2,865 results

  1. Wheetsin

    Early Stall!

    As you've already learned by now, it's to be expected - and it probably won't be the only stall you have. My "3 week stall" kicked in at 3 weeks on the dot, and lasted the better part of 3 months. I think I was stalled 12 going on 13 weeks before anything budged. .
  2. Tony B - NJ

    Weight stall at 9 months

    I am 8 months post op and just went through a 3 week stall. Increased exercise and really concentrated on recording my food intake as well as increased walking. I am back to losing. I am not stopping until at my ideal body weight. For years I thought it was impossible to be at ideal weight. After 105 pounds and 14 inches off my waste, 5 inches on my neck and countless other successes, I am going to push through stalls and refuse to settle at a weight my body tries to settle at. I am getting to less than a 25 BMI.
  3. juditha


    Im 11 or so weeks out and just out of a 3 week stall- where i tired hard to stay positive. I just kept thinking that my body was probably in shock with small potions/healthy food/ exercise that it suddenly had to deal with. I put the scale a way for a week and was happy to see a 5 lb lost after that! Sometimes its hard to understand why my weight is not dropping off.. But slowly slowly it will . And will do so for u too! !!!
  4. I started at 292 and reached my goal of about 190 (based upon being in the middle of the "normal" range of body fat % for men rather than BMI,) in about seven and a half months. No real stalls, even the dreaded "3 week stall" was just a kink in the loss curve when things predictably slowed a bit - I only had one week when I didn't lose anything. I never made any attempts at keeping "low carb" (wasn't in the plan) but kept the nutrition as balanced as possible beyond the basic protein requirements - maybe this is why I never really stalled, by not totally going into glycogen depletion mode as Atkins would prefer. I am a moderately heavy exerciser, alternating swimming with strength training for an hour or so per day, 5 days a week.
  5. Fluffnomore

    Week 3 Post-Op No weight loss...

    Search for 3 week stall on the forums. About a million posts will come up. Your body is adjusting, and most of our bodies seem to pick right around this time for the first "stall." Don't worry.
  6. ucjes

    New Here

    HI. We were sleeved around the same time. Mine was Nov 18th. Lately been eating a lot of fish. I haven't lost much since surgery which has been very discouraging. I quit weighing several weeks ago because it was causing me too much anxiety. It was the dreaded 3 week stall. Lately I felt my clothes getting looser so it seems I break thru the stall. i'm still not weighing yet. I go to the dr on the 2nd and I will see then.
  7. Hello everyone. I'm a month post op and need some info/help. I have read many posts about the 3 week stalls and stalling in general, but I'm getting very defeated. My first week I lost 18lbs, now only an additional 3.5. Hit a stall week 2 for a week and a half. I asked my Dr what calorie intake I should be following, was advised don't worry about it and focus on 100 grams protein and 40-60 Oz water. Been hitting the goal every day, but mostly with shakes. Wondering if the issue is I'm not consuming enough calories? I would appreciate any help/input. My Dr's office is not very informative besides saying to follow my book (paperwork) which I have been. Thank you!!
  8. I am 2 weeks post op and haven't lost any weight yet. I lost 23lbs pre-surgery so I'm trying not to be discouraged but it's tough! I'm struggling with being hungry, tired, and grouchy. I know the hunger is mostly in my head. But I'm always tired and I'm not sure if my meds that had been previously working for my mental health are not working anymore or if it's just all the changes or all of the above. The lack of weightloss has been really hard to deal with. I know it's not going to just melt off but even 1 or 2 pounds in 2 weeks would have made it feel like this wasn't a mistake. If this is the dreaded "3 weeks stall" how do I get passed it? How long does it last? I'm desperate for a ray of sunshine right now.
  9. starladustangel

    regret not doing this sooner

    I totally understand wishing you'd had the surgery early. I've always been a painfully slow loser due to PCOS and it's so frustrating to see people losing 25+ pounds the first 2 weeks while I lost 15 and am hitting the 3 week stall early. If one more person says something about "well people with a higher starting weight lose more" to me I will scream. I was 282 on the day of surgery. That's a pretty damn high weight. I had someone tell me my weight loss on the pre op diet was "slower than keto" and I laughed because I've never had rapid weight loss on keto and my pre op weight loss was exactly the same to the amount I lost on keto in the same time. I wish I'd had surgery at a lower weight so my goal didn't seem so far away.
  10. TijuanaPlication

    On a one week stall...

    Search this site for 3 week stall and you'll get LOADS of hits. It's very very common and it'll pass. Just hang in there and stay positive!
  11. p-ruck21


    Thank goodness!! I thought the 3 week stall meant at like 3 weeks post op you had a stall that week. Not like 3 weeks of a stall!! Geeeez Louise!!! Thanks tho (:
  12. I'm not real worried. And I guess I should not complain because I did not have a 3 week stall. Maybe this is it, regardless, I know if I continue my healthy habits I will continue to progress towards better health. I try to weigh myself twice a week. I will weigh again on Friday and I bet I'm back from where I started.
  13. I've hit the dreaded 3 week stall as well. I just keep plugging away. I hear it takes your body time to kind of catch up and get used to the changes.
  14. ok can anyone help me, I haven't read a ton about stalls after the first 3 week stall which lasted almost 3 weeks for me now i am on another stall at 2 months, and i have been stalled for 2 weeks, what is going on?
  15. zonetracy


    Congratulations everyone! My first big goal post surgery is to get below the 250's and I've hit the dreaded 3 week stall... grrr... I hope it doesn't last long. I've been stuck at 253 since last Friday. 500-700 calories per day. The past 2 days I've been trying to get up to 800 calories per day to switch it up.
  16. I can not say 'Thank You' enough to all of the posters who have posted about the 3 week stall. I will be 3 weeks post-op in 2 days and about 5 days ago my body put the brakes on! I lost 21 quick lbs in the first 2 weeks, then low and behold....nothing. zip. zilch. I am a very 'instant gratification' kind of gal and I KNOW had I not read all of your posts about the dreaded 3WS that my attitude would be in the crapper! Instead, I feel pretty darn normal and since I half expected this, I am OK with it! Besides, inches are still coming off So, a huge THANK YOU to everyone for sharing their personal journeys, successes and struggles. It helps so much! Now, when will I start losing again???
  17. MacMadame

    My Scale Won't Move, Help!

    Two weeks is about right for the 3 week stall. I actually know people whose entire weight loss went in two week chunks. They'd lose for two weeks, then stall for two week and repeat. That would have driven me crazy! Whenever mine slowed down, I would look at my logs and there would always be something in there I could improve... drink more Water, consume more Protein, exercise more ... so I'd do that and it would pick back up again.
  18. Robyn Owens-Miille

    Can Eat Everything

    If you're 5 weeks out and you've lost 24 pounds but been stuck for 2 weeks, that means you lost 24 pounds in 3 weeks. You are doing great! Your body has hit the "3 week stall." It is simply in shock by the amount of calories you have cut from it. The average weight loss is 4 lbs a week so you're still doing good even with your stall. Keep eating right and exercising and I promise, all of the sudden, you will start dropping the weight again. Most of us here have been in the same place. But, as the prior posts said.... don't go off plan. This is the time to be establishing new habits that you will stick with for the rest of your life.
  19. I think it would make sense for a 3 week stall to happen especially if your 1st 2 are clear liquids and the 3rd you switch over to low fat soft solids. What you think about this?
  20. I think it would make sense for a 3 week stall to happen especially if your 1st 2 are clear liquids and the 3rd you switch over to low fat soft solids. What you think about this?
  21. momto2boys

    Closing in on 16 months post op

    thank you so much for sharing.I am on my 3 weeks stall and I just started eating real food again.I thought it was because I started on phase 4. But I am so happy to here success. I was getting that "what have I done feeling". still really tired and having blackouts, I know the more I eat real food and get the vitimans I need I will feel better. thanks again for a great story. something to look forward too.
  22. Lila21

    100 + pounds

    It sounds like you have hit the dreaded 3 week stall! Don't fret over it, it has happened to many of us!!! Just keep doing what you are doing, get in your protein and water, and the weight loss will pick back up! Great job so far!!
  23. Dawn - Welcome to VST and congratulations on your recent surgery. First off, follow your surgeons instructions especially these first 6 weeks. Let your knew little tummy heal properly. Don't worry about what you can't eat right now, it's not forever. It's not that you can't have it, you just can't have it now. Just 6-8 weeks. You will again be able to eat things you shouldn't occasionally, but your sleeve will help control how much. Walk - get in some exercise and get the blood moving. Sip - stay hydrated. Weight loss rate depends on how much you have to lose. I lost a little every day until the 3 week stall. Then during week 4, weight loss started up again. I seem to lose weight in a stair step pattern (if you plot on a graph), nothing for several days/week than a bunch of pounds over a couple of days, then nothing for several days, etc. You can browse through the forum and see different people's tickers and see their weight loss progression. Good luck on your journey and feel free to ask questions. I have found incredibly supportive and knowledgeable people here - we are all in this together.
  24. That was a great article! I did have the 3 week stall and I feel like I am in another stall right now too 6 1/2 out. That news keeps me motivated! Thanks!
  25. search this forum for "3 weeks stall" posts first. You are in good company

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