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Found 15,849 results

  1. Ceres

    Learning how to eat again

    having a similar issue, not with weight gain, but relearning how to eat all over since giving birth. i was fine after i had a partial unfill during the first trimester and was even able to eat bread. those days are over now sadly. i've had quite a few episodes of being stuck from not paying attention, eating too quickly or not taking enough small enough bites, or even with finding a new food that may potentially be off my list of edibles. i think we all go there because most of us spent nine months of not being so restricted on foods that get us stuck. or at least that was my experience. i wouldn't feel like a failure though. we didn't do everything perfectly the first time around when initially banded. now it's a matter of going through that again and relearning what made it work the first go around.
  2. Hi Hopeforjoy, I am at 281 right now (I had lost 30 pounds and then gained back 15 recently due to ankle surgery last month) and also suffer from hypothryoidism (diagnosed after giving birth to 2nd child 5 1/2 yrs ago) and many other ailments. My first Endo never bothered to check my sugar levels so the weight came on somewhat fast as I have a sweet tooth. But over the 3 years that I was seeing that endo, he never cared about my rapid weight gain. Anyway, I changed endos and at each follow up visit she continued to "highly recommend" gastric bypass because I was detected as insulin resistant, cholestrol all wacky and everything else. I have been against gastric bypass since I became obese and decided to change endos again because I was tired of hearing about it at each visit. But I did learn from her that I was insulin resistant, which was causing all of my problems, and followed the insulin resistant diet where I finally lost the 30 pounds. Anyway, I made it clear to the 3rd endo that I did not want gastric bypass. He told me not worry right now and see what the lab results say. He did all kinds of labwork and when we scheduled the follow-up he highly recommended some sort of weightloss surgery because I was headed for a heart attack. I still refuse gastric bypass and I already knew about the Lap-band as a former boss of mine had it done over 4 years ago. I was told by my endo that the gastric bypass really should only be considered if your deathly/morbidly obese and need to lose the weight fast due to health reasons, otherwise, banding would be just as good. Don't get me wrong... When I made the appt with the doctor at the weightloss surgical center he tried to tell me that gastric bypass would be better for me. Again I refuse to have that procedure, and from what I read, most people get good results just with the lap band. Think about it hard though. Gastric bypass is very drastic. I have a cousin who had that done and yes she lost the weight but she had ALOT of loose skin! It looked horrible on her. And then she eventually gained all the weight back and now she is pretty stuck with it unless she changes her eating habits. So just think about it! <warm smile>
  3. green, I am OBSESSED with the scale. I weigh when I wake up, when I use the bathroom and before I go to bed. If there was a scale at work, I'd be visiting it hourly. While on vacation during Christmas, I was practically having withdrawal symptoms because I didn't have access to a scale. I'm afraid if I don't keep a close eye on my weight, it will creep back on me. The last time I put the scale away a year prior to surgery, I put on 30 lbs. I know it wasn't because of the scale, but I feel if I had kept better tabs on the weight gain, I wouldn't have been in so much denial. This is all probably an addict's way of justifying an addiction.
  4. amtfms

    The Holiday Challenge

    Name, real or screen~ amtfms Age~ 39 Weight on December 1st~ 278 Goal weight for December 29th~268 Dietary goal for December~ eat more protein and veggies Exercise goal for December~ got to the gym at least 3 times a week but work out 5 times a week Personal goal for December~ Go through December without any weight gain and no eating while I am bored Date banded~ 09/13/11 Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~ 32 One thing that has improved with your health since banding~ more energy and no longer taking medication for reflux.
  5. I am almost 2 years out - sleeved in 2010. My struggles are that I can eat whatever I want. This has helped me to regain a little weight from my lowest (9 lbs ago) Post surgery is all about choices once you are healed. Because slider foods are easy (chips/candy/junk) goes in and out of the stomach with little resistance, now I can eat more than I hoped even with the sleeve. If I stick with the plan and make great choices, I don't gain weight and can even lose weight. Decisions - good or bad food. This is what maintenance is all about. I have no regrets save not doing this sooner for myself. Best wishes in your choice ahead. Edit for another post: It is really hard to confess when you have gained back some weight. Ignorance is not the reason I gained weight back, my stupidity and gluttony is the reason. I allowed sweets along with unlimited sliders back into my life. Working towards losing back the weight. I am still well within normal range of weight even with weight gain. Just don't want to get out of hand, so I progress towards my lowest (Think I was too skinny though for my height)
  6. If you don't want to read the whole dang story just move onto the colored text at the very bottom of this post. I am so conflicted right now! My husband and I have always planned on having a large family. However I'm starting to feel like I'd be the dumbest person alive to actually INTENTIONALLY get pregnant after getting WLS and reaching goal. Especially considering how much it costs out of pocket for us to get pregnant without insurance for my infertility issues!!! We can certainly afford both......but I can't help but feel like maybe I'm being stupid not waiting to get the VSG. But then, when the thought of waiting occurs to me.....I feel like hell because I know that we will have to wait at least 2 years (as usual) to even begin TTC, and with my infertility/pcos it'll be more like at least 3 years to actually fall pregnant. That is so long to remain unhealthy and unable to enjoy my life with my children. I fear becoming diabetic and getting hbp and high cholesterol as I'm already bordeline...and it's only getting worse the longer I wait to lose all this weight! I also feel like if I waited for the WLS, I'd be stealing a further 3 years plus from my children to have a normal healthy mom who can do everything with and for them that a mom should! UGH! So confused. The thing is.....Both times I've been pregnant, I have had IUGR babies due to my severe loss of appetite coupled with the first two trimesters of nausea. I lose 20-30 lbs everytime I become pregnant, and that effects the growth of the babies not getting enough nutrients like they should. I always thought that even if I wasn't getting any food, the baby was supposed to be fine as he would just take from my body, and the ill effects would just be mine, and mine alone! That is what the doctors told me the BOTH times. But apparently they changed their minds after I had my second child the same way! This last pregnancy I had gestational diabetes, which wasn't even a concern the first time. Both babies weighed approximately 4lbs at birth, and had stopped growing at 37 weeks, and were always measuring 2+ weeks smaller during all of the ultrasounds. Proving that they were not getting what they needed to grow properly. Thank goodness they are both incredibly healthy now and are doing exceptionally well and are not only caught up, but hitting milestones far ahead of their age groups! But the problem still remains, because of my weight and the ever looming PCOS, and pregnancy hormones making me severely ill and causing my loss of appetite due to the PCOS....it's a never ending cycle you know? I know that if I lost the weight, I'd no longer have PCOS, my hormones would be healthy and normal for once. And any pregnancy from then on forward could only be healthier. My doctors say the same thing. However, we are simply not ready to get pregnant so soon yet as the little one is only 8 months today. However, if I do get the WLS and hit goal by 1 year and maintain for the 2 years after, and THEN decide to get pregnant, I fear that I might just actually GAIN all the weight back trying to EAT and KEEP THINGS DOWN this time around. I know that any time I become pregnant in the future I am dedicated to eating ALOT, whether I can keep it down or not, and eating very healthy despite weight gain or whatever else. I CANNOT have IUGR babies any longer, and my doctor agrees that I am one of those women who absolutely need to eat twice as much in order to keep the growing child healthy. Because of this, I feel like I may ruin all of my success after WLS. Basically.....I just wanted to know if any of you knows what the likelyhood of gaining all of my weight back and becoming unhealthy like I am today after the procedure is? I don't want to get the procedure now, and have a pregnancy throw me off and back on the train to imminent disease and early death! But, I don't want to not have any more children either. That is just not fair to my husband, and not to myself. Very selfish of me if that thought ever even occurred to me, which it wouldn't! I know some of you will say that I simply should not have any more children, especially since I have 2 already and my pregnancies barely go well. But my doctor's have pinpointed the actual problem and are willing, as am I, to do anything (even if it means to become hospitalized for the first 2 trimesters in order to keep an eye on my food/appetite and the babies growth) to keep the same from happening again. My doctors have both suggested that WLS would be the best option for me, for my health AND for the health of my future pregnancies and children in so many ways. But............why can't I shake the fear that if I end up pregnant after the procedure and eat like I'm supposed to, and successfully gain weight (albeit 11-20 lbs only, since that is the goal my docs have for me since I always lose weight during pregnancy) that I won't be able to get rid of it and then I'll eventually be back where I am because my stomach will have stretched due to the eating!!! Am I losing my mind here (my doctor sure thinks I am) or are my fears legitimate and rational? In a nutshell: I am afraid of gaining the weight back if I fall pregnant 2-3 years after the procedure. I have a habit of losing too much weight DURING a pregnancy, and gaining it back plus some immediately afterwards when I regain my appetite that was suppressed due to my reaction to the hormones during gestation. I can't decide if I should have the surgery now or after I'm through having children. My dilemma is: If I have all of the children I want than I will be waiting 5+ years to have the WLS, and will be in a much much worse place health-wise by then, than I am now. I feel like I'll have stolen those years from my children's lives as well, they deserve all of their mommy...not just what she can barely give. Not to mention the fact that who knows where we may be financially in 5+ years, yes we do have it well planned....but goodness, in this day and age of recession ya never really know do you? Insurance so far, isn't an option, who's to say it would be in the future. I just want to know if you guys think what I fear is likely? If so, how likely is it? Has this happened to anyone after the VSG and having fallen pregnant? If I exercise and keep my calories/carbs down will that help. I just fear that the extra eating I'll have to do to gain enough healthy weight during a pregnancy will stretch my stomach and it will be a never-ending cycle afterwords.
  7. Lisalu

    5:2 Links and info

    Hi All, Long time since I've been on the boards but my new year's resolution is to come back. My surgery was June 2010. I've had weight gain issues. I'm probably about 135 lbs now--still a healthy weight but 1) I'm afraid of continuing to go up and up and 2) I really did feel better at 120 lbs. Sooo, what to do? Considering 5:2. Actually, I'm doing a modified 5:2 this week because I have a (routine) colonoscopy on Thursday. My doctor has a two day fasting protocol. I am on day one. so far, so good.
  8. khath0620

    A couple of things...

    I don't mean to be gross but one of the side effects from the medication from the general anesthesia is that it slows down your bowels. That, along with the stated water retention, could be playing a part to the weight gain. In any case, don't worry because all of a sudden you will be down like 5 pounds and feel better! Post op, I was on liquid Tylenol and Motrin and I was in little discomfort with that. Good Luck!
  9. Slvdn2020

    5 Weeks Post-op: Period weight gain

    I’m hoping that’s the case for me. Years ago when my cycle was regular, I know I would gain at least 5 lbs during that time. So I’m hoping once it goes off, the weight gain will follow. Sending you lots of positive vibes as you navigate your way through the pre-op phase!!
  10. Hop_Scotch

    5 Weeks Post-op: Period weight gain

    Sounds like hormonal weight gain (fluid retention) due to pms to me. Give it a few days and see where its at, hopefully the fluid retention will have gone.
  11. What a great article.!! Makes me feel a little better knowing there are so many factors that may contribute to weight gain. I'm looking forward to my "fizz" scan next week. At least I'll finally know what the problem is with my 6 month weight stall. I have to learn to stop focusing on the negatives & get my mind in a more positive frame of mind! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. Jachut

    Older Ladies - have a question

    I had an early menopause brought on by cancer treatment - OMG it was HORRIBLE. The hot flashes, I would get major panic attacks with them, and want to rip my clothes off. At home, I did rip my clothes off! It upset my sleep markedly too I was absolutely bug eyed, totally depressed, having major sugar cravings, etc. I went onto HRT. I know the risks, but I'm only 44, have early osteoporosis, was miserable and not coping with the menopause symptoms. HRT has been an absolutely life saver for me, I will be on it for a long time yet. I also had to start testosterone treatment and THAT was incredible. That's the fountain of youth. It took away all the aches and pains, the belly weight gain, the declining libido, the mood issues. The little break you had might just be a coincidence, I think a more natural menopause can sort of come and go, cant it?
  13. mnb

    New Addiction?

    im still a slob too. i wish i had that substitute addiction. But i beleive My sub-addict is working out. I feel like crying sometimes when i go too long(a few days) wihtout workingout. Especially now that im almost 6months out and i eat a hell of a lot moree than before.I get so scared that im eating to the point of weight gain. Myrealistic side tells me it's almost impossible considering how few calories i take in, But my crazy, semi malnurished, delusional side just feel like im going to gain it all back right this minute if i dont go for atleast an hour jog.
  14. jessroto

    And it begins!

    Hi! I have Aetna as well and just had my surgery on Monday, make sure you do not gain any weight! Aetna has a new policy about weight gain that my doctor wasn't aware of
  15. I had a tummy tuck and my abs were sewn together in the process. It doesn't really add to the pain at all- I really had minimal recovery time, and the resulting look is certainly worth it. I couldn't immediately tell the difference, but people have commented how small my waiste has become (haha, if they only knew why!) and now in pictures I can see that my waiste is certainly smaller, which gives a nice final look. My doctor didn't really discuss it beforehand and after he said he sews everyone's abs shut just because it makes them much happier with the final look, doesn't really take much more time since they're already in there, and for most people is needed anyway since their abs are separate from weight gain or pregnancy. I say go for it.
  16. Thank you for this OP! I used to play competitive sport and stopping that but continuing to eat as I had before definitely contributed to my weight gain, as did so many lifestyle changes. So glad to hear your story and I only hope I can get there some day too. 💪
  17. debbiek1

    N E 1 been Banded at Mt. Carmel col, oh

    Kathy---Happy Birthday About the hair loss--mine fell out really bad when i was losing rapidly but now my hair is great. thicker than before. maybe because i eat more protein and my health is better. i am playing hookie from work today. i dont do the whole drivin' in the snow thing. so i have time to sit in my window and look out at the winter wonderland! i had my band checked with the floroscopy yesterday. dr choban says all looks fine and no leaks. it was a relief because i have wondered at times if it hadnt slipped or if i hadnt stretched my stomach out. sometimes i can eat so much that it worries me. but if she looked and didnt see anything wrong then i am happy. she put a little more in, i was hoping to get that thing filled to capacity so i could start losing some more weight. but she is very conservative. i just love dr choban. her bedside manner works much better for me. she is like my own personal cheerleader. whereas that dr miller reminds me of my exhusband--nagging me about my weight gain and making me feel guilty. that doesnt work for me, it just makes me eat more. I need to feel like the "star pupil" and then i strive to keep that persons faith in me. Be safe out there in this weather!!
  18. Does the reason why any of us have a weight gain matter? Could be many things. Your body settling, medical issues, major life changes or old behaviors creeping back in. It's more important that we recognise a gain and work to get back to healthy. I can relate. I feel the need to control my weight. I have to admit my fear of regain is not a normal level. I felt out of control with food and my weight most of my life. I now over think maintaining. It's a bit obsessive on my part. It's something I'm working on.
  19. My tummy tuck held up AMAZINGLY well and, so far, the fat grafting to my butt seems pretty well intact. I haven't been losing the fat there on my way back down. The main issue I've had is that my left breast implant has become malpositioned with the weight gain and re-loss. Like as I gained the weight, the real fat tissue expanded and pushed the implant out of position and now that I am losing that fat again, the malpositioning is obvious. I will have to have a revision to fix it. I've had a consult with a local surgeon and I've had some talks with my original surgeon back in Mexico. I haven't completely decided what and when I am going to do about it. I've decided to sort of take a "wait and see" approach, since I still want to lose about 25 more pounds. I think I'd rather wait until I'm at goal and maintaining for a bit before addressing it.
  20. feedyoureye

    Am I stretching my sleeve?

    Thanks! I think making new habits that include big crunchy salads will help us stay on track! I personally like having a big bowl in front of me... I can't always eat it all, but it makes me feel normal. The stomach will relax and stretch a little over time, but filling it in with lots of veggies is a great way to stay on track... I think my stomach stopped getting bigger at around a year out. I had trouble with weight gain after that time... but filling it up with veggies, raw and cooked, helped me feel full without the calories.
  21. Born in Missouri

    How about Dates?

    I found this link. It addresses whole fresh fruit, fruit juices, and dried fruit. https://www.nationalbariatriclink.org/bariatric-blog/eating-fruits-gastric-bypass-surgery/ "After Gastric Bypass Surgery, there will be things you have enjoyed your entire life that your body will no longer be able to digest without discomfort. You will also have to give up some things that may seem healthy such as fruit juices, which are actually high in sugar content. About half of all Bariatric surgery patients can dilute fruit juices such as apple and orange juice and enjoy a glass now and then. Keep a close eye on your goal weight though, as these juices can quickly send you backwards on the scale. Your stomach may not be able to handle dried fruits after Gastric Bypass or other weight loss surgeries, most particularly dried cranberries, apricots and raisins. Again, this is due to the high amounts of sugar used to cure these dried fruits. After some time has passed after your Bariatric surgery, you may be able to indulge in and tolerate dried fruits again but use caution, watching for sudden weight gain."
  22. chunkarella


    I'm on the first day of my liquid diet.. i started a day early bc my surgeon said no more weight gain, whatsoever.. so im hoping that the diet & walking will get me down enough for her to cont with surgery on the day of. im sooo terrified that she'll cancel the morning of and ill get extra disappointed/depressed & won't wanna do the program anymore.. if anyone has any liquid diet tips, pls let me know!!!
  23. tlambright1986

    Is this normal?

    I have a question. How much weight gain in a day is normal? Im 4-5 pds different from the morning and night. Its obvious you would be heavier but what is a normal weight gain for a bandster if any? How many times should you weigh yourself..im a weighaholic.. i swear i weigh myself like 50 times a week...cant help it!!!:bored:
  24. NewSexyMe

    Reflections from a Fat Chick

    I dont know if it is just the Women in our age group... (mid to late 20's ) but, I have read ALOT of similar stories..... including mine. Got married in early 20's.... weight was fine, then KABLAM! Grown Up DUTIES! Depresion kicks in, anxiety, sadness, over-eating, and weight gain, sadness. Having kids just adds to all of it! Life is just a HUGE battle. I dont know if it is that we expected married life to be different or we are just exagerating, but it is soooooo hard to deal with daily issues especialy with all this extra weight. I am not the best person to give advice, but I sure can listen (or read) lol I am very proud of Women Our age to take control of our lives NOW. :thumbup:Good for you! This will really be a NEW BEGINING for our Generation.... watch you will see! I wish you the best on your journey and Thanx for sharing your story! (its relieving to hear I am not alone)
  25. nsgirl

    November 7th sleevers

    I have lost about 10 lbs since surgery, 20 total since starting pre -op. I am taking a medication to prevent gallstones and just read that the primary side effect is weight gain [emoji15]. So, I am feeling like taking the medication is counter productive, but I also don’t want gallstones too! Frustrating to say the least. I don’t each much in the run of a day and am really struggling with the water daily but am trying. I managed to get up to 4000 steps total yesterday. Each day I slowly start to feel a little better. Congrats on the weight loss everyone!

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