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Found 17,501 results

  1. i say just keep doing what you are doing, if it feels good and natural to you. i can almost guarantee you that you will NOT wither away and die. so long as you are not in any danger zones (based on labs and your doc's opinion), then you should be golden. just ride the ride and see where you end up. you will most likely gain a bit after you hit bottom, so a cushion is always good. the fear of losing too much weight is a very, very common feeling in our demographic. very, very few actually prove that their worries were warranted long term. i've only known of exactly 1 person (if any!) on this forum for the almost 6 years i've been on here that had an almost-serious issue with ongoing weight loss..but i suspect it was mostly mental vs. physical. i myself had a mini panic for a month or so after reaching goal. and like everyone else, it eventually became a non-issue. i weigh less now that at that time when i was panicking, and in no way do i think i am too skinny today...nor do the people who told me i was waaaaaay to skinny at 127 lbs. now they tell me i'm super hot at 118 lbs. 🤷🏻‍♀️ good luck!
  2. I had surgery on Monday (22nd) and I was released from the hospital yesterday afternoon. The scales show me having gained weight but I’m sure that’s the IV’s they gave me constantly. My question is, I don’t feel hungry in the typical way as I did prior my sleeve surgery. Instead I feel pain? Or is it just gas? Or is it just surgical pain? How can I tell when I’m hungry and I need to eat?? I never thought eating was going to be so confusing. I don’t want to eat anything, I’m not hungry, but I know I have to eat too. Two days out and it all seems so foreign to me still. Help?
  3. Arabesque

    Five years 🎉

    Today marks five years since my sleeve surgery. Yay! I look in the mirror & think yep, best decision. I easily snuggle with my 6yr old nephew in a lounge chair & I think yep, best decision. I can jump, dance, walk, skip, scoot up stairs, … and I think, yep, best decision. The potential for health problems are further away & less likely to occur & I think yep, best decision….You get the idea. I’m thankful it’s all gone pretty smoothly. Sure I have some fun & games with the foamies but I had a sensitive, quirky tummy before surgery & I still do so nothing all that different just how it manifests 😉. Sure I have some loose skin. It doesn’t affect what I want to do or wear so unimportant. I’m thankful I have a supportive GP who when I asked about surgery said yes without judgement & wrote the referral right away & continues to be interested in my progress. I’m thankful the doctor who does my follow ups is equally supportive. I have my 6 month check up with her next Monday which hopefully will go well again. It’s become more of a chat & catch up the last couple of years. Apart from the medication issue which caused a small weight gain (a good 2+kg/5lb) a couple of years ago which when sorted saw that gain disappear. I sit at the same fluctuation I did when my weight first stabilised: 48.5 - 49..5kg (though usually a high of 49.3 these days). I often think of the AA mantra of it works if you work it & you’re worth it. It really resonates. It works because I work it every day & I’m worth it.
  4. NickelChip

    No weight loss

    The concern I would have (though I am not a dietician) is that slim fast bars and protein shakes are more "food-like substances" than actual food. Processed foods, even "diet" ones, can cause metabolism issues, and this feels almost punishing. Maybe you could try to find more satisfying, healthier options? You might try scrambling 2 eggs blended with some cottage cheese and a big handful of frozen chopped spinach for breakfast with a small serving of fruit, and a big salad of mixed veg topped with rotisserie chicken, black beans, and fresh salsa for lunch. Make sure the meat or chicken is being served with plenty of non-starchy veg, too. And don't ignore a good night's sleep and plenty of hydration. If you take prescription meds, check if any of them have weight gain as a side effect. I do agree that surgery is most likely going to be needed as soon as you can get it sorted because losing and maintaining that amount of weight is almost impossible without the metabolic changes that come with surgery.
  5. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @LisaCaryl glad your nausea is better. No hair loss yet here, I’m taking my vitamins religiously and make sure to get my protein in so that I don’t lose it but other than that can only keep my fingers crossed. I was extremely sick a couple of years ago (In and out of ICU and in the hospital for almost a month) and had a huge open abdominal surgery and at the 3-4 mo mark after I was discharged I lost probably 3/4 of my hair. Its just now back to where I want it. 😩 @BlueParis I’m sorry to hear you’re sad. I’m actually a grey, rainy day kind of girl and not a huge sun/light lover (worked as a nightshift RN for almost 25 yrs 🤷🏼‍♀️), but seasonal affective disorder is totally a thing. I wonder if you suffer from this. Maybe your PCP could recommend something for you….meds, light therapy? And I’m really hoping your and @RonHall908 s exhaustion resolves soon! @NickelChip I wonder as well if your exercise routine is “slowing” your weight loss. Every time I do any extensive exercise, I gain weight the next day and then don’t lose anything for a few days. I’m not actively exercising and honestly have sort of avoided it I hate it. lol . I know it’s just fluid retention but I still don’t like it. It’s definitely healthier to be fit but I haven’t gotten there yet I guess. You’re probably also gaining muscle while losing fat making the scale stay the same, but I’m sure that will eventually fix itself. I found this video which I found interesting and helpful. oh and did you like the roasted edamame 😊?
  6. Not unhappy no it just seemed to not be shedding the lbs like before which I knew would happen eventually but I just wanted to be sure the rate I'm going is still good. I guess as long as I'm not gaining I won't stress too much. And I'll definitely do better with the protein and water from now on.
  7. catwoman7

    How much protein is too much?

    I would follow what your clinic says. Stalls are a normal part of weight loss, and as long as you're compliant with your program, they WILL break. No need to do anything other than to make sure you're following. your clinic's program to a "T". 100 grams of protein isn't too high. Most of us are told to shoot for the 60-80 range, and even that can be a challenge at first, so It'd be a huge challenge to get up to 100 so soon after surgery (which is probably why he recommended drinking two protein shakes a day). Although that said, 100 grams of protein is not too high. I have to average at least 100 grams a day because we discovered early on after my surgery (nine years ago) that I malabsorb it. If I don't get that much, my pre albumin level tanks. also, you are not going to gain weight, given what you said you're eating. You would not be gaining weight on 100 grams of protein, either, given the amount of calories you're taking in.
  8. Lilia_90

    What was your “Moment” ?

    I had a very bad ankle injury in 2022 which reduced my mobility and I wasn't able to workout much or move because of the pain. I felt my weight creeping up because I was buying XL clothes and everything was still very tight (I had already put on 30 lbs the past few years so I was already heavier than I ever was) but I never weighed myself (my biggest mistake) so I had no idea how much heavier I was? I started entertaining the idea of WLS because nothing else worked (dieting, working out, even liraglutide) - mind you this was not even on my mind before - and saw the surgeon on Feb 2023 to see if he would even do it, and he said he would and that he recommended VSG for my case. Had a chat and decided I will put it on hold because I wasn't mentally ready. Fast forward to summer 2023 and we were travelling, we were in a water park and my 8 year old and I decided to go for a ride and I was panting going up the stairs to the big slide. While we queued the staff asked us to step on the weighing scale to see if we're under the weight threshold and I really didn't want to be weighed, my heart was pounding and my palms were sweating and once my daughter and I stepped on the scale the staff goes: "you're almost beyond the threshold but I'll let you go" and it was as if a slap was delivered across my face. I did the math in my head and realized that I have reached a weight I never ever saw even while pregnant (funnily I barely gained any weight in both my pregnancies and snapped right back). I came back from my holiday and booked my surgery for December. Best decision of my life.
  9. Shanna NYC


    Please just take a good look at all the info mentioned above to the original poster. Do not get down on yourself or think this is it. The "3 week stall" is a real thing. (and isn't just at week 3) You just lost 25lbs in one month essentially. That's already monumental! How many times in your life have you lost that in a month?? Your body will assess and adjust throughout your process. Also, you started at a much smaller weight than a lot of us around here do so your weightloss may not always fall off in large numbers. Remember we didn't gain the weight overnight and it will not go away overnight despite this great tool we have in our arsenal. Give yourself grace, trust the process, stick with the program, I promise the changes and losses will come in time.
  10. ShoppGirl

    Am I behind?

    Try not to let some arbitrary numbers be the determining factor if you feel that you are successful or not in all this. I had sleeve 3.5 years ago and several things went wrong along the way to add up to my eventual regain but I honestly think the main reason I failed was because I was so upset with myself that I did not reach the goal my dr had for me that I eventually said screw it and allowed myself to gain it all back (plus some). I was so close though. I am 5’8” and got down to 168 which was 18! Pounds from his hopes for me and a relatively healthy weight that I would be thrilled to be now but I got in the way of my own progress by all or nothing thinking and I let what that scale said or didn’t say be the most important thing in life!! Try to focus on all the non scale victories along the way. I think it was only 10% of weight lost that reduces many of the comorbidities that are brought on by obesity. You are healthier already than when you started all this. Try to celebrate that and all the little victories along the way and keep your focus on the important stuff. This is your journey and you will do great if you stick to your plan and remember it is about your getting healthier and nothing else. Especially not how you compare to others. Just do you and you will be living your best life before you know it. I’m rooting for you.
  11. I hope someone will be able to comment on a scenario similar to my own. I underwent a mini gastric bypass procedure several years ago. I have lost 60-70% of my original body weight and now look very emaciated! The mini gastric bypass procedure has proven to be too powerful in its malabsorptive nature. Scans revealed no anomalies to the index procedure or other parts of my anatomy that would contribute to why I am not putting on weight, despite eating like a horse. My only option now is to have a conversion of the mini gastric bypass to RYGB, and the surgeon will be looking at the limb lengths, to help increase my absorption so that I look healthy. Currently, I am not even absorbing nutrients or vitamins to a satisfactory level. My body aches and I have next to no energy. Original weight 130kg. Now 55kg. Does anyone have experience of a revision to RYGB where the desired outcome was to achieve absorption and weight gain? Most revision posts are geared towards achieving weight loss, which is understandable. But there must be cases of MGB or even RYGB whereby it has proven too powerful to the detriment of achieving a good quality of life. My message to all those who are considering MGB/OAGB, please do not be fooled by the “mini” part. This procedure is much more powerful than RYGB. Unless a patient is excessively excessively overweight, the safest bet in my opinion would be to go for RYGB over MGB. I chose MGB because it was a safer procedure over the RYGB and I erred on the side of caution, thinking that I may not lose sufficient weight. I could not have been more wrong.
  12. maygoddess

    Use of Mounjaro for weight regain

    I am just starting Zepbound tomorrow! Ihave had a long journey. I was lapbanded in 2002. I lost 130lbs. In 2014, after not seeing any doctors for 5 years, I went to a local bariatric surgeon just for a checkup. He found my esophagus had expanded. My band was too tight and I was packing my esophagus..didn't even know..no pain. Immediately unfilled and gained 30lbs in a month..eating NOTHING! LIke almost! I was refilled after about 3-4 months and then developed an infection..and to cut to the chase..band was removed in 2018 and revised to sleeve. By then I was up 50lbs. Since then I gained another 50lbs..so the sleeve did nothing. Between covid, bad eating habits and menopause, I cannot get this weight off..I tried keto..lost a few lbs..tried intermittent fasting..lost a few more..but my body just won't move the weight down..so broke down last week and saw my new primary doctor and she prescrived Zepbound..well orginally Wegovy but that is harder to find and Costco had Zepbound. I will start this Saturday.
  13. FifiLux

    The unspoken rule

    I hope I don't come across as rude when I write this but everyone has different likes or dislikes and you clearly say you have never liked alcohol from the outset so good for you but the post does come across as judgmental. If someone likes to have a drink it is up to them as adults to do as they wish, be it too many calories etc. It is everyone's choice to make if they would like to have a drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) and deal with the consequences, if there are any like weight gain, reflux, dumping etc. Do you like eggs? I don't like the smell or taste of them so why do you eat them? Just making the point!
  14. I'm definitely giving myself grace. 150-155 is my range. And I all too well understand weight fluctuations... hello time of the month. I don't want to get complacent as time goes on. It's terrifying to think about gaining back the weight. For me, I'd get to a weight, get comfortable there, then gain more, get comfortable, etc. I do feel at some point I'll need to start counting again. It's just so annoying to me. I wish there was an easier way to track (I use baritastic).
  15. Tomo

    Gained 5lbs out of nowhere

    I am going to guess that it's water weight (as @catwoman7 said) unless you ate 19,250 calories extra. I often gain anywhere from 3 to 7 lbs of water, sometimes it takes a week to come off naturally and sometimes it takes a little longer.
  16. I just wanted to say it sounds like you've been through a lot, and I hope the plan you're starting now with the enzymes will have the results you need. It must've sounded like a dream come true as an obese 19 year old to get to eat all you want and not worry about weight gain, but it starts to sound like a nightmare when you're told you must eat thousands and thousands of calories every single day or you could die. That's terrifying. And then again, taking the enzymes could mean gaining more weight than you wanted, and that's not great either. My only advice is to keep a really close eye on things and work with your doctor and nutritionist as much as you can to get the right balance of working out, food choices, and medications/enzymes to get yourself healthy again.
  17. Spinoza


    I track everything every day and I think I always will. Could be just me though. Hasn't stopped me regaining 5 pounds from my lowest weight a few months ago. I honestly did nothing different (I mean NOTHING) so am chalking it up to the mysterious third year gain. Annoying but not too concerning at this point - am monitoring closely though!
  18. sweetsmith78

    Loosing too much weight

    I have all way eaten by the guidelines. Have done very well with the weight loss . So I have come to conclusion this will be a life time battle of gaining weight unfortunately, I regret wishing and getting something that would greatly improve my life. Have I added protein drinks, no I wouldn’t able to leave the house. But I eat proteins all day . Chicken chicken chicken . Cottage cheese. Veggies ect. one cup at a time several times a day. The past few months I have added a whole bag of chips that I can eat thru out the day on top of my healthy meals. Chips is 2000 calories a day. 14 grams of protein. Saturated fats 15 grams . Carbs 208 . Im doing the opposite of guidelines . Blood work is all normal. Should I have such a restriction 5 years out.? I wake in the middle of the nite to eat, I’m so hungry. Yes stress plays a role in weight . I have a pretty good life;)
  19. Spinoza


    I track everything every day and I think I always will. Could be just me though. Hasn't stopped me regaining 5 pounds from my lowest weight a few months ago. I honestly did nothing different (I mean NOTHING) so am chalking it up to the mysterious third year gain. Annoying but not too concerning at this point - am monitoring closely though!
  20. learn2cook

    Is this true?

    Not sleeve but RNY here and I can say you can stretch it out a bit. I can definitely eat grazing style all day and definitely gain weight back (as I found out over Christmas tho year). It’s a Conscious choice to eat healthy regular planned meals to keep the weight off. When I want to slide back to binging to handle life and feelings, I use my skills from eating disorders therapy. The feelings of wanting to binge are still there, but I’ve worked really hard to substitute healthier rituals to deal with anxiety and depression and just feeling unlucky. I strongly suggest OA or an eating disorders therapist. The size of your stomach doesn’t really matter. If you want to eat the whole bag of cookies or chips you can do it. Or, you could choose not to and have sex, crochet, go for a walk, talk to a friend, journal, bird/star watch instead. It’s all a choice. The fact that you are investigating choosing surgery is a choice for yourself to live a healthier life. Why surgery at all then? It’s true it’s a metabolic “tool” that helps your body with the healthier choices you make. It’s like an e-bike, you still have to steer and pedal.
  21. Spinoza


    I track everything every day and I think I always will. Could be just me though. Hasn't stopped me regaining 5 pounds from my lowest weight a few months ago. I honestly did nothing different (I mean NOTHING) so am chalking it up to the mysterious third year gain. Annoying but not too concerning at this point - am monitoring closely though!
  22. Spinoza


    I track everything every day and I think I always will. Could be just me though. Hasn't stopped me regaining 5 pounds from my lowest weight a few months ago. I honestly did nothing different (I mean NOTHING) so am chalking it up to the mysterious third year gain. Annoying but not too concerning at this point - am monitoring closely though!
  23. Hello all. I am a little over 3 years post gastric sleeve and considering revision after gaining all my weight back. I met with my surgeon today and he suggested that I do some research on the SADI and I thought I would start here. I don’t see a whole lot of posts about this procedure, though. I am just looking for information from people who actually had it rather than all the scary statistics. I am interested in the pros and cons and how has it changed your day to day life?
  24. I took Latuda for bipolar when I had my sleeve three years ago and my prescribing doctor was concerned about me not getting enough calories in the beginning for it to absorb properly as well. (For those who don’t know about this particular medication it’s not about it not absorbing due to the surgery itself like many controlled release meds. This med needs the 350 calories in order to absorb fully for anyone, not just people who had surgery). Anyways, My doctor switched me to vraylar for a couple of months prior to surgery just to make sure I was stable on it and then a short time after until I was back to being able to consume 350 calories at one time. The vraylar is quite expensive but luckily they were able to get enough samples for me. The plan was to switch me back once I was eating enough. What was weird and unexpected was post surgery when he tried to switch me back to the Latuda all of a sudden it caused me a great deal of anxiety and I couldn’t tolerate it anymore (even though I was on it for three years before surgery) so he kept me on the vraylar a little longer until things got back more normal for me and then made another change. I am now on a completely different medication. Neither the surgeon or prescribing dr could explain that anxiety except that when you alter the anatomy things just happen sometimes but I just worked with my prescribing dr and he sorted it out. The most important thing is that your prescribing dr and your loved ones are very aware that you may encounter some issues and that everyone is on top of it. If you feel the slightest bit off, you may need to be the one to contact your Dr. You mentioned “the switch” as an option. Not sure if you are speaking if the SADI switch or the Duodenal switch but both of those are restrictive and malabsorbing surgeries. The reason they suggested the sleeve for me was because they were concerned about my other meds not absorbing fully just because of the malabsorbing component of the other surgery. Fast forward three years and I gained my weight back and we are now considering conversion to the SADI or bypass because I gained my weight back. I gained it back because I ate the wrong things though so don’t let that scare you. I only mention it because I’m guessing you can see my current weight and may wonder why I didn’t lose. I did lose quite a bit and maintained it for a while but I was discouraged I didn’t lose it all and I let that get to me. Which is something you should be aware of, you may not lose as much as someone who is not on all these meds. Just don’t get too caught up in comparing your journey to others. I am 5’8” and I got down to 168. I would be so much happier and healthy now if I had just accepted that win instead of getting it in my head that I failed by not making it to where others did.
  25. Hello! I had the endoscopic gastroplasty in December. I lost about 15 pounds within the first week and nothing since. I have in fact gained 3 pounds back. At my follow up the physician said some patients don't lose weight at all. I paid out of pocket for this surgery. Insurance wouldn't cover it b/c it was deemed 'elective'. I'm pretty upset about hearing some people don't lose weight. I wasn't told anything like this beforehand and although I didn't want to go through surgery, it may have swayed me to go that route. Any thoughts out there? Am I the only one not losing? He now wants to put me on Mounjaro. While I don't mind this, I do mind that I'm out $12K.

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