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  1. Wanted to see if anyone else is 6 weeks post op. I had my sleeve done 12/5/2022. Checking to see how they are getting along and howthere experience is going.
  2. So i just got back from a trip to Puerto Rico (work trip) and man that place is not for people who had weight loss surgery. 1st there is no sugar free anything. especially drinks. No sugar free gatorade, powerade ect... Nothing low carb. Bread is a huge huge part of everything. I even went to a walmart and nothing. just some protein bars and such. Only protein shakes i could find were just regular ensure and some other strange brand i have not seen. Best part was i finally fit in a coach seat without issue. before i would spill over to the next seat or be so tight it would be so uncomfortable. Now i fit perfect with plenty of room to spare. Got to say i am happy to be back.
  3. HW: 563.5lbs(April 22) SW: 449lbs(Halloween 22) CW: 404.1lbs I feel like I'm not where I should be for my size. Am I losing weight too slow or am I where I should be @ 10 weeks post op?
  4. I’m very new here and I’m so ready get sleeved! My insurance (AETNA) requires 12 visits to my surgeon on a medically supervised diet program. The 12 visits can be scheduled however I see fit so I’m choosing weekly. My surgeon is pushing for me to spread out the appointments so I can instill new eating habits and see some weight loss before surgery. I want this so bad, I’m sticking to weekly appointments while really trying to put what I learn in this program into practice such as reading labels, journaling, following the surgeons’ calculated macros. I think I can make weekly progress if I really turn on the tunnel vision.
  5. Hi - I’m in my 6th week post op for gastric sleeve and I was wondering if anyone had sashimi/raw fish this early? If not how long did you wait post surgery to try it? Did you have any problems/sensitivity with it? Meeting a friend for lunch and scoping out the menu. I had rare seared tuna without issue over the weekend. My nutrition team did not call it out as protein to avoid at this time.
  6. Vicky Sue

    3 month post op

    I saw my surgeon today for my 3 month check up. I'm down 92lbs since starting my journey 8 months ago. He says I'm doing great but I kinda expected to be over 100 lbs by now. I'll just keep doing what he says and he assures me I will get there. Patience!! (what's that) LOL I also had a recent non-scale victory... bought 2 pairs of regular knee high boots and they zipped! Woohoo.
  7. I have had a difficult time with pain after eating yet felt like I was starving. The protein drinks were making me gag and I stopped drinking them. I knew I had to get protein so I began drinking Fairlife and eating Oikos 15 gram protein yogurts as well as canned chicken. I eat very small amounts of food but I'm just wondering when will the pain go away? I feel most of the pain is at the stomach entry. I CHEW CHEW CHEW too. Even liquids hurt. I keep a lot of ice packs in the freezer because I need it on my stomach all day. Feeling anxious. Any advice is appreciated.
  8. Billy123


    When people talk about stalls what exactly does that mean? Are stalls weeks, months, or what exactly.
  9. OK I had my DS surgery 11/15/22 I've lost 28 lbs. I've lost 2 lbs in the past 2 weeks. I thought this was gonna drastically drop off. I'm doing my protein shakes ,and water. Why am I at a stall already Sent from my SM-S908U using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. Going on 3, maybe 4 yrs post-op. Wow, never thought there'd come a day when I didn't remember. For past 2 yrs I've endured right sided pain. At first I thought it was ovarian but got that checked (was fine) and was a bit high for ovarian. During scans of ovaries/abdomen, it was consistently noted my gallbladder was 'distended'. Sometimes I'd have attacks of pain that would last for hours. I was always stunned when scans would say no 'sludge, no stones, nada' so I thought great, another medical mystery. Finally when I ended up in ER over Christmas 'sludge' and stones were finally noted so they decided to remove it. I was in so much pain that even getting to ER is a blur (husband drove). I do know surgeon said that while gallbladder removal surgery was technically not a big surgery, the fact that I had gastric bypass did mean surgery may take a bit longer as they had less room to maneuver since abdominal area was 'segmented'. That I remember. I came to, according to my husband, hours later and I wondered wow, why did it take so long? Has anyone had gallbladder removal post weight loss surgery and experience same thing (procedure took longer, etc.) MAIN reason I'm back here after few yrs of absence is there are no other people I can go to that can give me at least comparative experiences (i.e. they've not had weight loss surgery so we are anatomically "different"). Honestly, my gastric bypass was a CAKEWALK compared to getting gallbladder out. Is this normal or have I become a weenie in 3 yrs? It literally still HURTS. I am now roughly 21 days post op and I still have right sided pain almost like my gallbladder was never removed. I mean, I know it has been but WHY does it feel like something is still just 'not right'? I figured I was just having a slow recovery and going to hospital/ER is never fun, especially during holidays. Maybe I should have gone back by now as no urgent care place will see me on this. Primary dr not available until tomorrow but what is he going to do besides refer me? Kind of kicking myself for not going back to ER but am always dreading that 'we don't see anything wrong' type conversations...although about 70% of the times I've gone to an ER, there has literally been a legit issue. My right side hurts...and honestly one area feels like it is burning/on fire. I have no fever. No yellowing of the eyes or skin...so I'm just sitting here in wait mode trying to decide what makes the most sense. Symptoms I am having besides ongoing pain and the burning sensation, is hot flashes/heat waves like NO TOMORROW! (is that from the anesthesia??)...clammy all the time...cold sweats throughout the day, nausea...sometimes brief chills..when I walk I'm having to do the same compression/pain compensation that I had after bypass surgery (although honestly I don't recall constantly feeling like I had to hold my abdomen after bypass surgery. I've done cold packs, heating pads, etc. trying to find some home remedies. I've used up the entire prescription of the muscle relaxer which was the one thing, more than the Tramadol which seemed to give some very very brief relief. Sometimes I feel like my insides are tying themselves in a knot. Only thing I can think of is I'm having abdominal spasming and that..it will abate at some point? I can't keep having this interfere with work which is another whole issue. When you tell your workplace you are having issues after gallbladder surgery...well, you know how you get that feeling especially from others who have had something like gallbladder removed where it truly was no big deal and they are wondering...why are you struggling? Some know I had gastric bypass surgery but I really don't want to have to spell it out for others..ya know? Curious to know if anyone else had similar struggles, did it go away...what did you do? Am I an idiot for not already going back to ER to get checked out instead of just continuing to be in pain or does it indeed just take us longer to recover. Interesting side note, if you ever get online access to your medical records from a hospital/doctor, sign up as I was able to read my freaking surgical notes!! Oooh, another sore point - they noted in my surgical notes my gallbladder or some part of it had grown into/adhered to something else it shouldn't have so they had to 'cut it away'...and they also noted a bile leakage they wanted to fix but could not do the preferred 'solution' as they could not maneuver so they went with a Plan 'B' (my wording). I mean...how about you tell me this stuff after the surgery so I don't have to read about it? My husband said I was gone for literal hours - longer than my bypass surgery by far. Any input even if you sailed through your gallbladder removal is welcome.
  11. loridee11

    3 year update

    It's been just over 3 years since I had my RNY (12/31/19). I am so glad I made the decision to do this. It's not easy and there are challenges, but I feel so much better in my own skin. Stats: 5'10; 44 years old Starting Weight: 336 Surgery weight: 292 Lowest weight: 155 Current weight: 172 Wins in 2022: Last year I really wanted to focus on strength and stamina. I set a bucket list goal of climbing Kilimanjaro (I did it in June!) and spent the first half of the year getting in shape for that. That included regular hikes, but also yoga and strength training classes to build muscle and flexibility. I also did a lot of time on the treadmill at incline (I hate the treadmill - but it served it's purpose). In the second half of the year I wanted to keep growing strength, stamina and flexibility but in a way I enjoy so I started HIIT classes. They are a great workout, give me cardio and strength in one which is a huge win. I also still do yoga once a week and try to hike when I can. At the end of the year I am the strongest and healthiest I can ever recall being. I also did a TON of traveling in 2022 which was great for my mental health. I got to see Equador, the Galapagos, Costa Rice, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Alaska, Victoria CA, Little Cayman, and other places in the US West. It's been amazing. Goals for 2023: In addition to continuing to grow on my physical fitness gains from 2022, this year I need to work on my relationship with food. In general I eat much healthier than I did pre-surgery (I was a total carb addict and rarely ate protein or vegetables), however I still struggle with emotional eating and moderation for trigger foods. I am very consciously NOT dieting. There will be times I eat pasta or sweets but I don't want to eat because I'm bored or <insert any emotion here>. I also want to be aware of the scale, I really want to stay between my low weight and where I am now, but not ruled by it. I'm not sure exactly what this will look like, but will figure it it. I also start a new job in a couple of weeks. I'm super excited about the role and the challenge it will present. It will mean a lot less time to travel, but I'm ready to take on something new. My goal (aside from doing well at the job) is to find a way to balance work and life in a more sustainable way that I have in the past. I hope all of you have an amazing 2023 and good luck in your journey's! Lori
  12. I really can’t understand the science behind why this is happening. I was sleeved on December 19. Tomorrow makes exactly two weeks since my surgery. Yet, this entire past week, my weight has stayed the same. Makes me feel like all this misery is for nothing. I’ve been on nothing but liquids. Protein shakes, chicken broth, jello, and yogurt. I add a scoop of protein powder to my yogurt for added intake. I’m literally starving. This liquid preop and post op has been extremely tough. To the point where I didn’t wanna leave the house and celebrate the holidays with friends and family. What’s the point of going around food and drinks and people having fun when I can’t indulge in ANY of it. It’s hard just looking at other people eat while I sit there with water and a protein shake which I’m so very tired of. Then to step on the scale and see that I haven’t lost a since pound since my first week smh. I know they say don’t weigh yourself blah blah because stall will happen. BUT THIS EARLY???? Has anyone else experienced their first stall this quickly after surgery??
  13. Three weeks post surgery on my revision to a distal gastric bypass and my urine output keeps dropping. I drink 80-100oz of water a day, but am barely peeing like I did before. Scale hasn’t moved since the first week of surgery either. I’ve called the doc and they said since I’m not having problems breathing or swelling in my extremities, it’s just a stall. My pee is getting darker and it’s starting to get me worried.
  14. I’m having my 2013 sleeve converted to bypass on 1/9/2023 because of GERD. I’m not too happy that I have to go through with this as I never wanted a full bypass and have enjoyed being able to still eat a some what normal diet (albeit with less volume than pre sleeve). I’m down between 60-70 lbs from my top weight pre sleeve. Not as much as I really need to feel good in my body but certainly healthier. a few questions: Anyone done this and can share their experience? Will I ever be able to eat again? I know I will but the sleeve was pretty forgiving, everything I read about bypass with the emphasis on protein, chewing 20x, not drinking 15 min before or after eating, makes me think the little enjoyment I got from a good meal after VSG is over, even that is gone. What was you weight loss when you went from sleeve to bypass? I’ve heard I can expect maybe 10-15%. beyond where I am now Any tips or things to watch out for? I’ll be glad to get rid of the GERD and hopefully avoid all the bad things that can come from that but I’m super worried I won’t be able to follow the bypass regime and have other health problems from not following things as directed.
  15. I had my surgery 4 days ago and am experiencing a lot of discomfort in my stomach every time I drink - even tiny sips of water. I’m worried if this doesn’t get better soon I’ll have to go in for IV hydration. Did anyone else have a hard time keeping up with liquid intake postop? I knew it would be hard but I didn’t realize it would be so painful….
  16. If you are over 3 years post op and have kept your weight off. What’s your top tips!
  17. Hello Everyone!! I am about 1 week and a half away from being 3 months Post-Op! I am making this post so that I can get a heads up of any changes I should be expecting soon, I know one may or may not be hair loss, but my main question is will my weight loss begin to slow down drastically? I understand that these changes are different for everyone but I would still appreciate everyone's input since I don't know what to expect lol
  18. Hi All! Summary: I'm bored of my go to meals. What healthy options do you love? Detail: I am almost 3 years out and have put on a few pounds from my low - 155 to 170 at 5'10. I think I'm still in the normal "bounce back" gain range but I want to make sure I stop any further gain. I work out pretty heavy: 3 days of HiiT, 1 day hiking, 1 day yoga plus daily dog walks. I had stopped tracking all my food but started back up and I am around 2000 calories a day which with exercise seems to be right (when I am tracking and staying there my weight stopped moving). My challenge is I tend to eat 3 meals plus an afternoon snack and I am looking for lower calories, lean protein options. I tend to like one pot or casserole type meals v. a piece of meat and side dish but I am open to any thoughts! For those of you curious, a regular day for me may be: Breakfast: Coffee w/ half and half and Green smoothie (with protein, frozen fruit & frozen spinach) Lunch: Chicken salad Snack: Greek yogurt with keto granola Dinner: Ground chicken tacos with carb conscious tortilla's or Breakfast: Coffee w/ half and half and 2 eggs on an english muffin Lunch: Chef salad Snack: Premier protein shake Dinner: Au gratin vegetables casserole with chicken dinner sausage I may also have dessert which is usually sugar free jello/sugar free jello pudding made with Fairlife skim milk Thanks for sharing! Lori
  19. Sooo! Surgery date 8/24/22 How is everyone doing? And how much have you lost?? Me! Start weight: 251.6 lbs Current weight: 200.8 lbs Goal weight: 165 lbs Sent from my SM-G996U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. Hey guys! I'm three weeks post- op from Gastric Sleeve. Just curious as to if anyone else has had something called water nausea? I have not been able to drink water in any form (iced, room temperature, hot, flavored, etc...) without it coming back up the second it hits by stomach. The only fluids I have been able to keep down are Gatorade zero or tea with no calorie sweetener. Recently, Gatorade zero has also become like water to the extent where it makes me sick or very nauseous. Also, I'm in the soft foods and I was told I should be eating at least a quarter of a cup of soft foods, but I can't get through one bite that's smaller than my pinky nail without having an intense pain in the center of my upper stomach below the sternum. The pain has convinced me that eating in general just isn't worth it and I have the same issue when it comes to protein shakes. Has anybody experienced this and have any helpful advice? I've had to get fluids for the two weeks and my doctor says it's all normal, but it's causing me to spiral into a pit of depression because everyone I've talked to has said they never experienced anything like this and therefore can't give me advice. 

  21. Lost 47lbs from 2022 mid summer high point and 30lbs since 9/12/22 sleeve surgery. Had doubts on doing the surgery given my age (69) and 36.7 bmi but received a lot of encouragement from fellow travelers. The most difficult part for me is recognizing that eating will never be the same. I can’t physically eat a lot and now get satiated with very little. This is very different from how I lived. I would always eat a lot. Some foods taste differently and since my eyes are still larger than my stomach I tend to leave food on my plate. If I eat too much or too quickly, dumping is a real threat. The other challenge is staying hydrated. I don’t get enough water from food (fruits and salads) and need to constantly have a water bottle nearby and remember to use it. This has been a struggle. After 3 months these are my key issues. Overall the weight loss and general good feeling compensate any challenges. Would love to hear from + 6 or 12 months fellow travelers. Does taste improve? Can quantity increase to allow for salad and veggies? Does hydration improve? Thanks.
  22. Hi, I’m Alicia. I just had the gastric sleeve done on 11/21 so I’m a lil over 2 weeks post-op and I know when I’m hungry, but I’m having trouble telling when I’m feeling full. Has this happened to anyone else in the beginning or in general after surgery? I try to really listen to my body when I’m eating, and eat slower, but I’m still unable to tell when I’m full. I normally just stop eating when I feel like its in my throat and it’s going down slowly. I’ve been avoiding throwing up and I don’t want that to happen, so that’s why I try to not finish everything I’m eating at the time. Any advice on how to tell when you’re full or feeling satisfied? Thanks in advance!
  23. Hey Everyone! So, I am 7-weeks post op, robot-assisted RnY gastric bypass. I have recently had some increased diaphragm pressure and discomfort. No real pain, but pressure and it is quite uncomfortable. I'm able to eat and drink. I haven't had any nausea or vomiting. I'm going to reach out to my surgical team, but I wondered if anyone else might have had this, too. It's possible that this was caused by wearing elastic-waist pants that were too snug - I did that for a couple of days in a row. Thanks! Jeanne

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