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Found 17,501 results

  1. Milli Deb

    Bypass gone bad

    My maximum weight was 303 lbs. I am currently 133lbs. I got my gastric by pass on May 7th 2019 in Pennsylvania. Since then I have had so many issues and I do not know where to turn to anymore. I feel the dr and I have gone through every option there is to go through and it is still not enough. Immediately after surgery I was having issues with eating. I followed all the rules took all the vitamins and meds I was supposed to. Still could not keep food down. I ended up having to take my gallbladder out in Oct of 2019. I was with a horrible person and she left me because of my issues with my stomach. I moved back to my home town of Peoria Il. I had to go on a search to find a new Dr. that would take me as a patient. I found this to be a rather horrible task as some Drs do not like to do that because they don't know all that the previous Dr did with the surgery. I finally found one and he is a great Dr. He has kept me alive. After the gallbladder surg. I was still having issues with keeping food down. This started in February 2020. The only thing i could tolerate was broth. At this point I had to take all my meds in a liquid form. Finally The dr. sent me to a gastrologist for an endoscopy. It was shown that I had some scar tissue covering the entrance to my stomach so they did a dilation. There was also an ulcer found. I was put on 2 diff acid reducing meds to get rid of it along with nausea meds. To prevent a tear they had to do this several times. I had dropped down to 118lbs. very malnourished. My health was becoming a huge concern. One of the times that they went in to dilate the Dr ended up putting a hole in my intestine. I had to have an emergency surgery for repair. I spent 2 weeks in the hosp. When I woke up in recovery i had a wound vac, drains and a feeding tube. i went home with the feeding tube. This is now Sept 2020. My new Gastric bypass dr was trying to get me healthy enough to do a revision to help me tolerate food. I had a revision scheduled for Dec. 2020. Since this was during covid I had to be tested before surgery. Yes I tested positive. The surgery was postponed until Feb. Finally i had my surgery and was hoping that this was going to be the last and all would be good. The feeding tube was removed and I had to start over from scratch with eating. Clear liquid on up. At this point I am weak and thinking the worst that it is all over for me. I kept up the fight and it kept kicking me back. I was able to eat a little better for a few months after surgery. Then it all started over again. Every time I tried to eat i threw up. I called the dr. He said probably more scar tissue and that meant more dilation like before. So that was the plan more endoscopies. There was also another ulcer found. Upped the intake of the acid reducers and still not going away. I just kept dealing with this and eating what I could. I put up with this for a long time. Then in Oct. of 2022 it got really bad again. I was in and out of the ER for pain so many times I lost track. The dr. went in to check things out and the ulcer was back. There was no Rhyme or reason for this to keep coming back. I was referred to a Thoracic Surgeon in 2023. I finally was able to get in to see him. He scheduled me for a surgery to have my vagus nerve removed. (vagus nerves produce the acid in our stomach and mine was producing to much there fore causing the ulcer to never heal. When i came home I was still not able to eat food it made me sick. I wasn't in anymore pain but still could not tolerate food except for soft foods. Then it would be next to nothing. Somedays i could eat a bit more than others. I was released to go back to work on 4*12*24. I have been to the er once again for pain and not keeping food down. I was given a gi cocktail and felt better. I called the Dr and was told when it hurts drink Mylanta. I am now to the present day and have no answers. Please tell me there is solution for this. I cannot do this forever. I don't wish this on anyone but I hope someone else has been through this and can help.
  2. GreenTealael

    4 yrs post VSG to RNY

    Just a little 10-15lbs mostly because of the stressor of surgery itself (but I regained it and lost it again) My surgeon was keen on me staying in the 26-28 BMI range so he suggested to not make the bypass length his standard 150 cm but 120-130 cm instead.
  3. Edward

    Band revision?

    He said after "You're a big fella" which translates to me he had a little trouble with scaring after 10 yrs and the port needed to be cut out which is the only pain I have. Huge scare on belly. Came out of anesthesia better then ever, I believe not asking for pain meds helped with recovery. I did take them to rest at home after. May start a new thread about pain level after sleeve as in do you feel the stable pain of just incisions.
  4. I wasn’t focussed on inches so didn’t take measurements either. Was just weight & also clothing size focussed. My goal weight was partly based on being a weight that meant I could wear Australian size 10/12 (US 6/8). Ended up at Aust size 4/6 (US 0/2). I generally find size guides using body measurements when buying clothes online completely useless. According to one guide I’m an Aust size 8 or 10 in their clothes but I actually buy their size 4 or 6 in store. And they’re not the only one. I found understanding how my body looked after I lost most of my weight difficult at first too. Body dysmorphia with a side of disbelief. Photos didn’t seem accurate and mirrors can distort. So crazy as it seems I used to google celebrity weight & height data so I would have an idea of what I might look like.
  5. I had the sleeve on 4/22. I have lost 36 pounds since starting liquids. I previously had a lap band that was removed 10 years ago. With the sleeve I feel almost zero restriction. I feel I could eat as long as I wanted. I can drink and drink. I’m getting close to 2 gallons a day with no issue and have been from first day post op. I am hungry all the time. I don’t feel satisfied ever. I’m restricting myself to 1200 calories a day. I thought this would be more like the band where you felt full. I hate being constantly hungry. I’m at a loss. I read other people saying they they can only eat small amounts and have to struggle to get the protein and I think I wouldn’t mind some of that.
  6. Elizabeth21again

    The unspoken rule

    So... I could have written your same entry 10 years ago. I lost 120 lbs with VGS. At six months post-op I resumed my weekend drinking. Mind you I could drink like a master before surgery. I had NO doubt I could handle it fine post-op. Aaaand that "worked" until it didn't. My body processed alcohol so differently post-op but I didn't realize it until too late. I wish I had remained alcohol free. I found this information below helpful. Best wishes.
  7. walterblock1

    What Made You Smile Today?

    I put on a xl hoodie for the 1st time in 10 years and looked good in it
  8. ms.sss

    Struggling to stop losing

    i think it all depends on how much actual fat you still have left when you get plastics. even if you reach "goal weight" you may still be carrying subcutaneous fat along with the excess skin. i've read of folks on here who have dropped 10, 20, 30 lbs after plastics, so it has been done. me, I lost a grand total of 400g (i.e., 0.88 lb), so basically nothing....BUT it made a huge difference visually, so...
  9. Arabesque

    Food Before and After Photos

    Only use a scale when cutting some large portions of meats into smaller portions before cooking. Generally I eyeball or use my hand as a comparison. Like palm size piece of meat is about 3 or 4ozs. A cupped palm is about 2/3 cup. Etc. Depends upon the size of your hand of course but it’s pretty accurate for me. Handy when dining out. And I count. 4 beans, 2 asparagus spears, 4 slices of zucchini, 10-12 blueberries, … Oh and olives. Yum. Salty balls of goodness (no South Park references). Especially in a martini. LOL!! Little sweet Ligurian, big fat salty green babies, mid sized oily babies. But never those in a jar. Shudder.
  10. catwoman7

    2 years post op

    you might have to decrease your calories or increase your exercise to get the scale moving again. Caloric intake can vary widely among people depending on so many factors. There are people on here who have to eat 1200 kcal to maintain, and others who can eat 2000. To lose weight, they'd have to eat fewer than their maintenance level (or bump up their activity). My maintenance level is around 1600, but I can go up to 1800 or so if I'm exercising most days of the week. BTW - the lower your weight, the fewer calories you have to take it to maintain the lower weight. So your calorie limit at 19 stone would be lower than what you'd need to maintain at 21.9 stone.
  11. SleeveToBypass2023

    1.5 years post op weight regain

    You seem to be on track for that 10 pound regain, which I'm told is normal. You know you ate too much sugar and carbs, so I would start there. Start reducing those until you're back in compliance with your diet. Majorly limit the high calorie cocktails. Move your body more. I would start there. Those are "easy" fixes. Once you're comfortable with that, start getting what, where, and how much you eat back on track. Little by little, you'll get those 10 pounds off and be back where you want to be
  12. punkatheart9


    10 years post op, rice is one of a few things that don't hurt my stomach.
  13. BellaMakk

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Ohhh ok I get it now. The thin full liquid diet. Well I’ll be the first to tell you the ish gets annoying after day 10 lol for me at least. I’m hanging in there. I’m excited for all of us. Summer Time fine is loadinggg. Happy healing Queen
  14. Starwarsandcupcakes

    Food Before and After Photos

    Meals from the last few days- those cheesy stuffing waffles with over easy eggs and griddled tomatoes (clearly didn’t eat it all) cottage cheese mixed with cooked onions, bell pepper, and mushrooms then microwaved with marinara and turkey pepperoni (this I will definitely eat again) lemon poppyseed bread with ricotta, sliced apple, and honey (ate about 3/4 the bread and ricotta) polenta with French onion roasted green beans (a kit from the produce section) and shrimp, onions and tomatoes in veggie broth (the kids had theirs mixed with rice) spicy Thai chili tuna mixed with nonfat yogurt, more reduced sugar Thai chili sauce, and shredded lettuce. Only ate 10 of the Thai chili rice crisps cottage cheese plate with an everything bagel, strawberries, mini bell peppers, tomato slices, and lettuce (ate half the bagel, most of the cottage cheese and peppers and about half everything else)
  15. 40 down, 10 more to go... took about 9 months to get this far, so am projecting i should have the min amount im looking for in about 2.5 more months... but the more the better 🤞🏼 1. Basics: GENDER, AGE, HEIGHT 2. Total Weight lost in the 6 months BEFORE surgery (if any) 3. Weight on DAY OF SURGERY. 4. Weight at 1 MONTH POST surgery 5. Weight at 3 MONTHs POST surgery 6. Weight at 6 MONTHs POST surgery 7. Weight at 12 MONTHs POST surgery 8. Type of Surgery (Sleeve, ByPass, etc...)
  16. I just wanted to say it sounds like you've been through a lot, and I hope the plan you're starting now with the enzymes will have the results you need. It must've sounded like a dream come true as an obese 19 year old to get to eat all you want and not worry about weight gain, but it starts to sound like a nightmare when you're told you must eat thousands and thousands of calories every single day or you could die. That's terrifying. And then again, taking the enzymes could mean gaining more weight than you wanted, and that's not great either. My only advice is to keep a really close eye on things and work with your doctor and nutritionist as much as you can to get the right balance of working out, food choices, and medications/enzymes to get yourself healthy again.
  17. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Since having my gastric bypass, I've felt from the beginning that I can take more food or liquid in than I should. I keep reminding myself that Just because I can, doesn't mean I should. I know the further out from surgery the more you will be able to eat, to a point at least. I get hungry all the times as well. But, I don't eat a lot every time I do eat. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is my biggest meals. Then I snack in between. I think it's my body telling me I need fuel. I ride a stationary bike every day for 8-10 miles. When the scale doesn't move, I can see and feel my body changing. Remember- Just because you can, doesn't mean you should!
  18. Dominick702

    Gerd with weight loss Plateau

    I’m going jump in on this discussion if you all don’t mind. I had gastric sleeve in January 2019 (5’2” 210lbs). Within 6 months, my weight was 130lbs and i didnt like how i looked (cheeks sinking in), so i started increasing my calorie intake. Its January 2024 and im currently 175, trying to get back down to 150. Ive done it all…. gym 3x a week, personal trainer, nutritionist, dietician, logging my foods, staying within the 1500 calorie range, etc. Still no change. I got tired of the assumptions and guessing game (you should eat this, limit your fat, carbs, calories, do cardio, lift weights) and did my own research. I found out about a few scientifically proven tests that give 99.9% accurate results in regards to how many calories my body NEEDS just to function, how much lean mass and fat mass i have, etc. Low and behold, my body needs at least 1600 calories to function. Being active throughout the day, gym 3x a week, my body NEEDS roughly 2400 calories just to maintain my current weight. In order to lose weight, i have to consume 500 calories less, so thats 1900 calories. At 1500 calories a day over the past 3 years, my body was running on fumes, holding onto everything i ate, and going into hypoglycemia because it didnt have any fuel storage to pull from.
  19. Congratulations on being down 3 1/2 lbs this week!! I’m so glad your knee is feeling better too!! I had knee pain once a few years back and I swear that is one of the worst pains there is. I was so glad mine went away eventually because I told myself many times I didn’t know how people dealt with such pain continuously. I do hope yours stays away. I have not stepped on the scale. I do not want to be disappointed. I start work tonight after 10 years of not working. I’m disabled and do not know how long it will work out but the activity will count towards helping me lose the weight if I can make it any amount of time. Sadly I will probably have to up my steroid dose to do it but those should burn up and not add any extra weight. Wish me luck.
  20. ms.sss


    i've been buying creams, lotions, botox, masks, fillers, microneedling, morpheous8, light therapy, RF treatments for the past 4-5 years. i apply moisturizers and sunscreen and masks like its going out of style. honestly, i probably could have had 2 face lifts with the amount of money i've dished out so far. nothing stops the effects of aging (nor weight loss) permanently, and few things effectively pause it. surgical face lifts are the most effective (and longest lasting) defence against aging, sagging, wrinkling skin. i'm seriously contemplating getting one, but i scar horribly so im hesitant. long story short, creams and moisturizers will do little for damage already done, but can assist in keeping future damage at bay. microneedling, morpheous8, light therapy *may* work, but you require several sessions to determine if it will even work for you. botox and fillers have immediate effect, but don't last long and require ongoing treatments to keep up. face lifts are expensive (and surgical!) but will probably make you look 10-15 years younger for about 10-15 years...but then you'll need another one for touchup or upkeep. ....or we can embrace our aging faces (something i personally would love to do, but honestly am not ready to do yet hahahhahaha) ❤️
  21. catwoman7

    weight stall

    unless you're the size of someone on "My 600 lb Life", most of us lose somewhere in the 15-25 lb range the first month, and then it's about 10 lbs +/- for a few months, then it'll drop down to 5 lbs +/- for a few more months, then about a pound or two a month until the loss finally stops. So yep - you are perfectly normal. and yep - stalls are also perfectly normal. The best way to handle them is to make doubly sure you are following your plan to a "T", and stay off the scale for a few days. As long as you're compliant, the stall will eventually break. EDITED to add: I see you're now under 200 lbs. Yep - things really slow down at that point. The last 20 or 30 lbs were a BEAR for me to lose - but I kept at it, and they eventually came off.
  22. JorgeAlberto

    Bodybuilding after surgery

    Hi everyone, I had gastric bypass on February 27 of this year and I am down 53 pounds. My goal is to lose 100-120 pounds. While I am happy with the weight loss, I am losing muscle just as fast. I started going to the gym and hitting the weights this week. Of course I’m not as strong as I was before (I used to lift weights 10 years ago). I’m concerned that I won’t be able to get the nutrition/protein I need daily to start growing muscle again. Anybody on here bodybuilding months or years after surgery? Any tips or suggestions? Thanks
  23. ShooterInTheSix

    Did anyone NOT have a 3 week stall?

    I had my surgery on Sept 14. I'd lost 20lbs during my two week pre-op liquid diet, and another 22lbs up to Oct 19 (5 weeks post-op) and had no change the next week and this week actually gained three pounds. Not impressed!
  24. Nan CC

    Stall in weight loss 3 weeks PO

    My 3 week stall happened at 2 weeks. I was so discouraged! I lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks, then...crickets. But I found all kinds of information here about the infamous 3 week stall, which apparently can happen from 2 weeks to 4 or 5 weeks post op. It broke after 2 weeks and I have been steadily losing since, although it is slow. My surgeon said that since I didn't have a lot of weight to lose it would progress more slowly. I'm not thrilled with that, but as long as I'm losing (and honestly it seems effortless at this point), I'm happy.
  25. Mandirigma

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Having now had the surgery on January 10, 2024 I can relay what my current experience is. Day 6 post surgery have a huge bruise on my abdoman that is over 16 inchs long and about 9 inches wide. Deep purple in color, and yet they tell me this is "normal" for some. Well that don't make any less alarming to look at! At least I have had relatively no pain and abosulutely no nausea of any kind. I don't care for the Enoxaparin Sodium injections every 12 hours but only have 10 days left to do them. The best thing to see is that in 6-days post surgery I have already dropped 12 lbs. Has anyone from the January 2024 group also experienced this type of bruising?

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