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Found 1,208 results

  1. Changingbodies

    Weight gain

    So after meeting with nutritionist a few time these past 5 months i have not lose a thing but gained 10 lbs. Ugh has anyone experienced this and did it effect your eligibility from insurance? Sent from my SM-N910P using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. Hello All! I have been looking into getting surgery for years now. I have a job that covers the surgery so long as I meet the requirements. I have Cigna and one of the requirement is that I follow a weight management program for >89 consecutive days or 4 visits. I have my last visit on March 13th and I am nervous because my surgeon advised not to gain weight. I gained 2 lbs my last visit so now I'm working towards losing those 2 lbs I gained plus an extra pound or two. My question is did anyone go through the weight program with Cigna and gain and still got approved? They don't specify whether you need to lose during this time or you will be denied so I just wanted to ask others on here to see what your experience was.
  3. How do you expand/stretch out your stomach? I will be 3 months post op on the 20th of February and I just want to make sure I'm not doing this since I am eating a little more solids. SW 280 CW 235 5'6 and believe it or not I have no goal weight yet. However, I want to get to my ONEderland. Maybe 180/160. Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. I am about 10 months post op and have lost about 60 lbs, which includes some weight gained back. I am starting back to the gym which got derailed due to a big out of state move, new jobs, etc. I need to get back on track as I can tell a difference in energy level and don't want my health to start suffering again. Did anyone have this happen to them? What did you do to get back on track? Any advice would be appreciated! Please no lectures... I'm human, after all.
  5. I am almost 5 years post op VSG (surgery date: 06/2013). I started at 272lbs and was at 268lbs the day of surgery. I was able to get down to 199lbs but I seemed to plateau at 215lbs. I stayed at 215 for about 1- 2 years and then all of a sudden the weight started to come back. Today I have gained about 95% of the weight back and I am not sure why. I went back to the doctor and they did the barium test(?) to see if my stomach stretched and they said it did not. They said it was the same size it was after surgery, the doctor was actually quite impressed by it for some reason. I still eat small portions, so much so that my friends that don't know I had surgery think something is wrong when I don't eat all my food. I've tried a few different things to lose the weight but I can't seem to lose more than 20 lbs and it always comes back. I've considered that there could be something else wrong. I have been symptomatic of Hypothyroidism for years now, however, when my doctor runs blood tests (TSH and Free T4) it comes back normal. My doctor refuses to give me a referral to an endocrinologist (I had hormone problems when I was a kid) or do a full thyroid blood test. I feel like I am out of options and I am not sure what to do. Any advice or words of wisdom are welcome! Thanks!
  6. I was admitted to the hospital via the ER on Sunday January 21st in excruciating pain. By that Wednesday evening I was in surgery having my gallbladder removed. Since then I have gained 7lbs. Sunday - Wednesday I was restricted and couldn't, nor did I want to, eat anything. I was being pumped with antibiotics and fluids. Since being home I have watched my fat intake and sodium. Other than that, I am not eating things that I feel would cause weight gain. Being almost 1 year out from having my sleeve surgery this is scary to see my weight jump this much so quickly. This coming Wednesday would mark 2 wks post op and I have a follow up with the surgeon. Has anyone experienced this? I am hoping it is due to the trauma my body experienced and as I heal my weight would normalize again and not keep going up. I was also due to have my menstrual cycle the week of the attack but that has not happened either, again, I believe it is due to the experience and surgery. Anyone went through this and can tell me what to look forward to on the other side of healing, your comments would be greatly appreciated. I have been doing extremely well after sleeve surgery and I don't want my body to go backwards.
  7. So I know It’s only been 3 weeks after surgery had post op a week ago from surgery to post op I lost 17 lbs and in last week I lost another 5 then I weighed myself this morning and went up 2 lbs has anyone else gone through this I’ve been having a protein shake in the morning then hit the gym just treadmill no weights for an hour and then I’ll have a piece of chicken for lunch and another for dinner no veggies cause they said I had to weight till after the 4th week well if someone can help or let me know if it’s normal thank u.
  8. Hi, I am 6 1/2 years post op (gastric bypass), I’ve gained 54 pounds since my lowest weight of 245. I’m not up at 299 and need to loose the weight. I’ve taken the necessary steps to make it happen, but am struggling with my calorie goal each day (logging on My Fitness Pal), I can’t seem to pass the 900(ish) calorie goal, I’m eating VERY CLEAN and Lean. Is this too little calories or should I be consuming more? I do work out one on one with a trainer 3 times a week, and 2 other days, I’ll do Home walks and what not. In the past i went with calories suggested from MFP, and I lost 2 pounds in 2.5months (I was working out hard, and eating right, but eating the 1,875 calories MFP recommended. So this didn’t work for me. My trainer is training with other bypass ladies and says their goals are 1200-1300. Day. I can’t even eat that much unless I chose to go with pizza and icecream. Help me please, what should my calorie intake be to lose weight? I do realize my macros should be 60g of protein, but I’m clueless on fats and carbs too. Ugh, I’m so frustrated.
  9. Recently at the gym I spoke with a person that had gastric sleeve surgery about 3 yrs prior. She lost a tremendous amount of weight - 275 lbs. and over time gained back 200 lbs. My question is, how does that happen if your stomach only holds 1/2 c of food. I had the roux en y procedure and if I eat one tsp more than I should then I am miserable.
  10. Oh my just weighed myself today. I have gained 4 pounds can’t seem to get them off I do not know what to do. I am exercising and eating right. My surgery is February 7th. I am so worried that if I don’t lose the weight they will cancel my surgery. Any one ever had surgery cancelled? I am to start my period (sorry TMI) soon and I think that is why I am bloated, but will they understand that? Any advice?
  11. I was SO good about watching my weight & proud of my weight loss. I looked & felt great. I averaged around 140 pds, which was good for me. I mean, come one, I went from a size 22+ to an 8. WHOA, me, at 8?! Then, life happened, and it happened hard. I lost my job& was unemployed for 5 months. I gained about 20 pds from simply sitting around looking for jobs all damn day. I accepted the job, because I needed one & it paid OK. However, my commute is an hour+ each way every day. Therefore, when I get home, I'm just not motivated to do anything. My son also had a major incident in his life that left us helping him financially & dealing with major stress. Oh, it's his stress, but affects me directly as his mom. Fast forward to present day... I now weigh around 168 pounds! Yea, that's what I said. WTF people! How did this happen? Yea, yea, I know HOW it happened, but I'm so disappointed in myself. How could I let this happen after being so successful & feeling so good. I'm now in a size 14, and I now hate my reflection yet again. Self image & confidence go hand in hand with your weight. At least, it does for me! Do over~ As the saying goes, every day is an opportunity to start over. As such, I have most recently started to watch what I'm eating by once again monitoring my food intake via myfitnesspal.com. It helps, I guess. I mean, I'm not eating as much crap as before & trying to watch what I eat. I've also started working out, and by 'working out' I mean going on my newly purchased recumbent bike 15 minutes each day. Better than nothing. I've even gone as far as putting a few post-it notes on my bathroom mirror to keep me focused & in hopes of staying positive. The sweet thing is that my 15 1/2 yr old daughter added a few positive, thoughtful notes to the collection as well. :-) Starting over sucks! My goal is to get back to 150. I think I can be happy at that weight as it seems realistic. Yesterday morning I was 165.8 then today 167.4. I'm not 100% sure what I did to gain a few pounds again, but it makes this journey quite frustrating - UGH!!!! Give me strength!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. In May I will celebrate my 3rd surgiversary and I should be thrilled but this past year has been a struggle. I started out at 250lbs, did excellent the first year of my sleeve with weight loss, by May of 2016 I'd released about 80lbs and was 170lbs -about 10-15lbs from my 155-160 lb goal. Then I started having gallbladder attacks and ended up having it removed in an emergency procedure in August of that same year. The following month my father passed away (he was only 65) and I started to notice that I wasn't following my diet plan as closely. I gained about 10lbs within and was 180lbs by January of 2017. A few months later I had some other family changes that involved several very close family members moving away out of state, some of my core support. I tried to stay on track with exercise, training for a 5k then developed a bone spur (osteoarthritis) and was told not to run by my Dr. That was this past summer. I am now at 192lbs and feel like I can eat more before becoming full, have been completely unmotivated to exercise and eat right. I'm feeling angry, guilty, upset and completely confused about how this is getting out of control. Has something similar happened to anyone else? Can anyone please recommend some resources to help motivate me or get me back on the journey towards my healthy goal? I am very independent and hate asking for help, but for goodness sake, I had an operation that involved cutting out half my stomach and now I'm gaining weight again? I never thought I'd find myself here...
  13. Elizabeth 06388

    Weight gain

    So frustrated just got back from dietician and I have gained 2 of the pounds I lost [emoji19] Sent from my XT1650 using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. Hello Everyone: I am 4 1/2 years out from gastric bypass and am experiencing weight gain. It didn’t just start and I know it’s because of how I am eating. I have gained about 25 pounds from my lowest weight since surgery and need to get back on track. Head hunger is the problem. I am back on this site for support and advice. Any words of wisdom to combat the head hunger? Fortunately I still dump if I eat too much sugar but unfortunately I have no problem eating carbs.
  15. Hi, I’m 13 months post opp. My weight has been up and down lately and I gained nearly 10 pounds. How can I stop this from increasing? I haven’t done anything diet change wise so I’m not sure why this is happening and I’m starting to get worried [emoji30] Should I go to the gym more? I already go 3/4 times a week. Completely cut out carbs? Any helpful ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. I was thinking about calling my doctor and asking him what to do, he’s a little mean so I’m trying to avoid telling him bad news at all cost
  16. I have my preop on Tuesday and I have gained 5 lbs from the last time I was in, I wanted to get some last minute bad choices in before I get it done and now I’m paying for it, are they going to give me a hard time about it? Anyone else gain just before too? I get it done a week from now, the 22nd of January. I have t been told to go on a liquid diet yet though, will they most likely put me on one for the last week?
  17. I was going to post this on mfp but I thought I’d post this here. I drink a bunch of water almost everyday. I know I drink a lot more then the recommended amount. I usually try to watch how much I eat and also exercise. Sometimes from day to day my weight fluctuates. Could this be due to too much water?
  18. Anyone else experience this? I have only gained 2 pounds but worried about gaining more. I haven’t changed my diet or anything so I don’t understand!
  19. Hi everyone. When I first saw a 3 lb weight gain I wrote it off as water weight or constipation. But the 3 lbs has stuck with me for five days now and I’m starting to wonder how it’s possible to gain weight this soon out. Did this happen to anyone else? I think my worry is intensified by the fact that I don’t feel much restriction. I can drink water pretty fast and have tried many soft foods and nothing makes me sick. I even ate one MM just to see, and I was fine. Please don’t judge. I was curious. That being said, I am not over eating and am consuming very few calories so I think I should be losing. Thoughts? I’m scared this won’t work for me
  20. New year ... new start. Im looking for help/guidance. Had surgery in Nov 2012. I weighed 289 day of surgery. Got down to as far as 214 lb and then just hit a plateau. Which I was fine with. I did more than I ever did. Loved to exercise to relieve the stress of eating etc... Then I was injured couldn't exercise as much. Starting getting depressed and making bad eating choices again. Now Im up to 235 lb. I started back with kick boxing but started getting dizzy and very out of breathe. I figured I had been out of the game for awhile and thought I was just out of shape. I went to get a full work up and physical. Discovered that my B12, Iron and white blood counts were very low and therefore making me extremely anemic. Had to get a few iron infusions done. Dr told me I could resume workouts until levels were up. Levels are still where they need to be... taking vitamin D and b12 supplements now. Dr told me my metabolism is very low and therefore not burning off calories like it normally would. Im feeling at a loss. I want to be back at where I was. Finding it hard to get motivated. Anyone else have a similar experience???
  21. I had lap band surgery 2014.. lost about 60 pounds. Started having problems 2017.Emergency surgery for removel in July. Dr would not convert to sleeve too thin.. I now have gained at least 25 pounds, is this normal?
  22. Hello, I had the sleeve done in Feb/2016, and went from 269 to 165. I had gallbladder removal last August and have been gaining back slowly. So far I’ve gained 10lbs back. I’m staring to get depressed and don’t wanna go binging since I’m an emotional eater. Any advice would really help. Thank you.
  23. Ok so I'm only 3.5 months post op vsg, so I'm obviously not planning on getting pregnant any time soon. Just some concerns and questions on my mind. I still want 2 more children, and I was wondering about the weight gain during and after pregnancy. I reeeally don't want to lose all the excess weight only to gain some of it back or (God forbid) half/all of it. I'm so scared and feel like I should have waited to get sleeved until I had my children. But- reality kicks in and I realize my health would have made it impossible for me to have them and raise them with being almost 300 pounds and God knows how much more I would have gained! So my question is to you ladies who had pregnancies after vsg; did you gain alot and did you lose it afterwards or what happened exactly? Did you feel like the sleeve went to waste and there was no point? This is my worst fear; to realize that the opportunity to lose the weight quickly wasn't used to its full potential. Sent from my SM-N910C using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. Amy Crawley

    Weight gain

    Is it normal to gain weight (3 lbs) since eating full liquids? I'm only 2 weeks out. Makes me very nervous.
  25. I’m doing everything right. I’ve not changed the way I️ve eaten (surgery 9/14) I️ mean the last month I’ve eaten and drank the same. Worked out 5x a week. I’ve been SLOWLY losing but this week I’ve gained 2.5 pounds?! I️ thought I️ was just stalked but no! It’s going backwards!!!! I️ want to cry. If I️ knew what to do different I️ would but I’m not messing up anywhere...[emoji17]

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