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  1. "3 week stall" (which really isn't a stall) is almost something we need to expect... but no one tells us about. Honestly, don't try to break it. It's not really a stall, it's your body trying to adjust. You're seeing what goes in to your body, but you aren't seeing what's happening on the inside. Your body's kind of freaking out right now, trying to survive this famine. Your body doesn't know it's supposed to be eating less, your body just knows how to survive. To it, there's not much food, so it must be starving. Reserve energy "troops" are being mobilized out of bunkers like your liver and into your bloodstream. Your metabolism may have been given the order to lay low and avoid enemy fire. Your body is pulling resources like Fluid away from more well-fed troops and giving it to the ones who aren't doing so hot. All of this fluctuation is behind most things we call "stalls" (it's also behind most unexplainable or quick weight losses/gains). Your body is doing exactly what it should do. Don't have a knee jerk reaction and try to "fix" something, because there's nothing wrong and nothing to fix. If you try to fix, you're just going to throw things off even more. After about 5 or 6 weeks of this, then you can start looking at what you're doing and what you night be able to change, but even then you can do everything right and see no results. It's just a fact of being alive.
  2. I am a realistic person, really I am. Pragmatic even....but these stalls every few weeks are just the most aggravating thing. 3 week stall, then five lbs off I am at another stall (sleeved 11.28)....where I sit at 216 (down from 246 initial weight, then 236 one week preop). I am eating enough, not too much, not too little. I have to admit I am lucky to get in 40 ounces of fluid each day, not the requisite 60 ounces then recommend. I just need reassurance that this is completely normal, and this follows similar paths to a lot of post op patients. I guess if I know by the summer, I should have at least another 40 lbs off, I would breathe a huge sigh of relief. But there are no guarantees, are there?
  3. I am experiencing the same as you!! Big drop in first couple of weeks. Then 3-4 week stall, drop of 5, then 3 week stall, drop of 5. Talked to my doc and he said I was doing fine! Ok! The weight didn't pile on overnight, and it's not coming off that way, either. Everyone is different, and progresses at their own speed. Don't be too hard on yourself-- I am impatient too!!! Just keep doing what you are doing!
  4. COnative

    Need Help!

    Butterthebean (members name) has this link on his signature which really helped me. Check it out. It really sounds like you need to do something to shock your system. I just broke through a 3 week stall- I know how it feels- we all don't like being there, that is for sure. I really hope this information helps http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html
  5. I'm 6 weeks post-op on Wed and am battling a 3 week stall (uuugh) but old jeans have started to fit again AND I can cross my legs once again! So while I am tired of not losing actual weight, I'll try to focus on the positives.
  6. PdxMan

    Question Anyone

    Hello Ronda and welcome. What you are experiencing is quite common. Search around the forum for the 3 week stall or you can create your own thread, but let's try to keep this thread focused on the original poster's topic. Thanks!
  7. loridee11

    Revision surgery done 5/28/20

    Hi! I had my lapband out in Aug 2019 and Gastric Bypass end of December. I hit a stall at 2 1/2 weeks that lasted 3 weeks. It's very common - search 3 week stall. Yours may have started a little later but don't worry. Keep following your plan and you'll be fine. (BTW - 30 lbs in 5 weeks is amazing!) Lori
  8. Ok, so, I'm 6 weeks today. I was prepared for the dreaded 3 week stall, so when I didn't lose week in week 3, I was ok. then it went on...and on... Now, 6 weeks out and I've only lost weight in the first 2 weeks post op. I lost 16 pounds in those two weeks, but COME ON! My clothes are looser, however what's going on? I know our bodies freak out because we're in starvation mode, but it's got to let go of some of this sooner or later! I'm following all the rules: Water, Protein, eat slowly, protein first, low carbs etc. Also, I walk every day. Has anyone gone through this and any good suggestions? Thanks!
  9. blackanese25

    2 Weeks Today!

    So today is my two week mark. I am officially down 15 lbs. And sooooooo happy.. i will keep this blog short and sweet. I have been going to the gym at least 3 x per week.. and im gonna kick it up to 4 starting this week, because i am afraid of the dreaded.. 3 week stall.. dun dun dun .. lol Anyways i've been doing zumba and free weights and paying close attention to my legs and arms since its about the only things i can do right now that dont hurt. I recently fell so im a little worried about the damage that i may have done so i am being really careful right now, and i will probably be going to the doctors soon to see if i screwed up anything. keep your fingers crossed for me. to date: starting weight 238.1 day of surgery current weight 224.0 starting pant size 18 current pant size 14-16 depending on brand goal 160
  10. UK Cathy

    My new Journey

    Welcome Rocio, your journey so far has been fast. Did you do a lot of research first, if you did not have time then use this site to get answers to questions. There is a search facility and lots of answers - you will find that the same questions come up on a regular basis. I would suggest that you look at the following to get started 3 week stall Depression after surgery/buyers remorse What to eat on purée/soft diet stage If you do have any questions then just post them and you will find that there are lots of helpful people on this site who have lots of experience. There is one thing I would urge you to do and tat is to take your measurements, you will find periods when the scale does not move and when this happens recheck your measurements and you will find you have lost inches. Also claim this weigtloss journey for yourself and do not try to compare yourself to others and their weigtloss, you will ALWAYS find someone who loses faster than you and if you compare yourself it is easy to get down. Your body will lose weight at the rate that is best for you - keep on mind that your journey may take longer than you think. Again welcome, this is a brilliant site. Cathy
  11. CalgaryWoman

    Full now starving?!

    Hi Folks, I was wondering if someone could share some insight..... I'm 4 weeks post op and right in the middle of the "3 week stall". I was super full after any and all liquids. Now I'm am eating food and even thought I find I mainly eat protein I'm starving. I can only eat maybe 2oz of protein at a time but then about 1hr later I'm starving, my stomach is talking, it's empty. Any ideas as to what is going on and how to deal with this? Terrified I'm eating to much or stretching my sleeve.
  12. I'm also in 3 week stall. I knew about it from reading so many posts on here. It's still discouraging to not see the scale move. We will get through it!
  13. Proud2BMe

    Weight Gain Normal?

    With all due respect, no. Just...no. Gaining weight this early out is COMPLETELY normal. It's not possible to gain 6 pounds of fat by overeating as early out as she is. You could be eating McDonald's shakes at this stage with chocolate chip Cookies and still lose weight. You are dead wrong. It's part of the 3 week stall. She is just one of the lucky ones that gains while the body adjusts. She will start losing weight again once it passes. You just stay the course and let your body do its thing. Don't get discouraged! You're doing great! i completely disagree with your statements. You are entitled to your opinion but the surgery itself does not cause fat to melt. It's the severe restriction of calories. The truth is the scale doesn't lie but we can lie to ourselves. It takes like 3,000 extra calories to gain a pound (not including Water weight). So if someone is gaining weight they must be sneaking in extra calories and most likely through carbs. The poster in question has admitted she is a vegan and on top of that is not even able to eat vegan Protein. So I'm guessing her diet is mostly carbs at this stage. These are my opinions, of course, take them or leave them as anyone seems fit. The flaw in your logic is that you aren't accounting for water weight. We are advised to drink a minimum of 64 oz. of water a day. That's four POUNDS of water a day. Retaining any amount of that can cause large fluctuations on the scale that have nothing to do with calories or gaining fat. To gain 6 pounds of actual fat, the original poster would have had to ingest 21000 EXCESS calories in 4 days (PS: it takes 3500 excess calories to gain a pound, not 3000 as you said in your post). That's an average of over 5200 EXTRA calories a day at only a week post op. I don't know about you, but I was struggling to get in over 400 calories a day at 7 days post-op. There is no way the original poster is physically capable of consuming something like 7000 calories a day this early out. Unless she's hooked up to a milk shake IV or something. This is clearly her body responding to the trauma of surgery and retaining water. No, I actually addressed water weight. Drinking 4 lbs of water a day is nothing because most of it goes right out. Hint: You know you are fully hydrated when your urine is clear. I know what you are trying to communicate and I fully know about stalls as well. It's just that a stall means no movement, not regain. If the poster had edema or heart and circulation issues then this may factor in to the excess water weight. However, the poster has already admitted to her diet habits. In the long run 6 lbs is no big deal. However, if it is from consuming too much then it's better to catch it at the beginning.
  14. theoldmusicbox


    A lot of people hit the 3 week stall. I didnt until weeks 8-9. It sucks, but I keep reminding myself that everyone says as long as you do what you're supposed to, your body will do what it is supposed to. Also, take some measurements! I haven't lost any weight for a week and a half, but in that same time, I've lost an inch off my waist. Apparently, when you stall, your body is doing other things. It will pick up as long as you do your part.
  15. After hitting a nearly 3 week stall I finally started losing again this past week slowly. Finally I was starting to feel better and not so down on myself. I went to see my doctor today and I've lost 7 lbs in the last month. Instead of hearing words of encouragement he told me I wasn't doing a good enough job and need to work harder. I explained to him I hit a stall and couldn't lose and nd I just started losing again. His words "well you just have to work through it". It didn't matter how hard I worked I couldn't lose it. I really thought I was doing good. Was even kinda proud of myself and need starting to accept this new life style better now I feel like I'm back at square one and did nd depressed again.
  16. Errrr, I have hit the infamous 3 week stall. It seems way to early to experience this, it is so discouraging. In the back of my mind I am thinking I will be the only one in the world that this won't work for. I am following my diet so I guess I will try to kick up the exercise a bit. Any other suggestions?
  17. Dawnyellow

    3 Week Stall

    I just recently broke out of a stall that lasted almost 2 weeks. I found myself wondering if when people spoke of the 3 week stall if they meant that I was going to be stalled for 3 weeks. Ugh! Being stalled is so frustrating. But hang in there, the scale will move again! Just keep rockin that sleeve!
  18. So what is an average calorie intake for u guys? I am struggling. I have cut out sugars, carbs, and starches. and I am finding it very difficult to hit calorie goals. For the most part I am hitting protein goals. I still struggle with my water intake. I pushed myself to hit 700 calories yesterday. And I was down a pound today. But normal days I'm lucky to hit 500. Since my 3 week stall, I'm only down 2 pounds. Putting my total loss at 31 pounds. (Which I'm very pleased with) I just feel like I'm missing something! I want to do this the right way!
  19. uberbuffaloegal

    Just need some encouragement

    I am 8 months post op and also hit that dreaded 3 week stall. I also tend to go up and down thru the month so don't worry it's just your body adjusting. As long as you follow your plan to the letter dont worry. I have lost 7-9 lbs a month from 2nd month. Sent from my SM-G930T using the BariatricPal App
  20. When was the last time you lost 15 lbs in 3 weeks? Do me a favor and just STAY OFF THE SCALE for a while and concentrate on your protein and liquids and getting healed up. You are also in the 3 week stall period of time. Your body has to adjust to the fast weight loss and take a little break. Stay the course, stay off the scale, and continue to heal. You're doing just fine
  21. I would be willing to bet that a good amount of the 20lbs you lost pre-op was Water weight. Most obese people (myself included) lose big the first week or two. Give your body a break. It just went through major surgery. It's still in shock. Search for the 3 weeks stall. Do yourself a favor and stay off the scale. I did so I didn't drive myself crazy. The only time I got on the scale the first 2 months was at post-op appointments. Trust in yourself and the weight will come off. It's not magic you know. You don't miraculously wake up 2 weeks after surgery and lose 100lbs. You said you are hungry - are you taking an acid reducer? Sometimes the stomach acid mimics hunger. It could also be "head hunger" so watch out for that. I wish you luck. Keep doing what your doing and I"m sure you will do well. I was never one of those sleevers who was "full on 2 oz" of food. I can usually eat up to 6 oz with no problems. If it's a really dense Protein then I am satisfied with less. I have to remind myself to EAT SLOWER, it really does make a difference.
  22. Pac-woman

    4 wks post op

    4th week....greek yogurt from light and fit, red seedless grapes, shaved deli meat ham and turkey. Saltines(2 will do it),cracker pretzels because it has no yeast so it won't get stuck, moist scramble eggs, soups, chicken-no noodle, bean soup, pasta fagioli without the pasta, ham salad from publix, protein bars, sugar free ice cream. I make sure i meet protein of 60grams and stay under sugar before giving myself a treat. Oh yeah, i managed 2 wings very slowly. Increasing the calorie intake has broken the 3 week stall.
  23. Just keep doing what you are doing. The 3 week stall is completely normal. Nearly everyone goes through it. It will drop pretty rapidly after the stall is over. Many off them will come along the way. Follow your plan and stay off the scale for the week.
  24. ^^ you were sleeved in march and are on a 3 week stall? The best thing anyone in a stall can do is go back to logging what you eat, drink and what kind/duration of exercise you are getting. Applying discipline is going to be crucial to getting past stalls. 3 weeks is a long stall, motivate yourself. Cut salt, up protien a s work out!! Not just cardio, wieght train as allowed.
  25. Wheetsin

    Early Stall!

    As you've already learned by now, it's to be expected - and it probably won't be the only stall you have. My "3 week stall" kicked in at 3 weeks on the dot, and lasted the better part of 3 months. I think I was stalled 12 going on 13 weeks before anything budged. .

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