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Found 2,865 results

  1. Glowup Jess

    Anyone for October 2020?

    same! i put my scale away a couple days ago and plan to just do weekly weigh ins on tuesdays (that was the day I had my surgery) i hear around the 3 week mark (where I am) there is a weight loss stall phenomena called the "dreaded 3 week stall" it doesn't happen to everyone. I decided I didn't want to step on the scale daily and get frustrated anyone not get their cycle after surgery? i'm two days late and haven't started it yet. I usually get my period like clockwork. No chance of pregnancy
  2. Hi everyone, I'm 11 weeks out (this Wednesday) and still having discomfort when eating or drinking anything. The discomfort ranges from mild to moderate and sometimes, severe. It's never really "painful", just feels like I have to burp REALLY bad, even though I feel like I'm constantly burping the second I put food in my mouth, followed almost always by a stomachache within a half hour or so. My gut is always making a TON of noise too! I also feel like I'm getting conflicting info from my surgeon and his team (PA, nurse, dietician, etc.). I had a telemed visit with my surgeon about two weeks ago. He's the most laidback and easy-going of the bunch. He encouraged me to eat anything and everything I want (within reason & making healthy choices), but to be prepared for unexpected reactions. He basically said I have to "live and learn" what I can now tolerate. Of course, he also stressed small, slow-paced, well-chewed bites & portions. I even mentioned that I had a couple sips of a margarita a few weeks ago and his response was a laugh and "I bet that tasted good!" - not the scolding I expected. (BTW, that is the ONLY alcohol I've had since surgery.) I told him about the severe burping and stomachaches and he said that it will pass, but could take up to a year to totally go away. He wasn't the least bit concerned about it. For whatever reason, his PA followed up with me the next day (not sure why, as I had just talked to him) and she was way more strict, almost condescending, telling me NO pasta, NO bread, NO rice, NO sugar, NO crackers, etc. The surgeon himself said I could have those things in moderation if they agree with me and as long as I'm continuing to lose weight. I'm still eating super healthy, getting my protein and fluids in for the most part (it's hard when I know it will make me uncomfortable) and I'm still losing weight (down 31.5# since DOS, and that includes a 3-week stall). I guess I'm confused as to who to listen to - not to mention surprised that people on the same team have such conflicting guidance. Thoughts?
  3. GivinItMyALL

    Anyone else stalling?

    I haven't had surgery yet, but from reading the forums for research, it seems the 3 week stall is a thing. If you search for 3 week stall on here, you get a ton of hits. You'll break through it [emoji3531]
  4. Hi sweetie! I have PCOS, too. I was diagnosed in 2002 and I only weighed around 220. I later ballooned up and had a BMI of like 60 I think. I tried tons of different things to lose weight for many years. I am not sure how to breakdown the last really hard 18 years. But I'm on oxygen 24/7. I had severe hypoxia and almost died from respiratory failure one day. All of this was a result from not staying on a cpap machine thinking I was cured from sleep apnea. Anyway, I later got diabetes. I was 404 pounds at my highest. So, in May of this year I made an appt. AGAIN to see another gastric surgeon. But this time I was pretty optimistic because I found out since I was on Medicare, they may cover the surgery. So I found a great surgeon online Dr. Chetan Patel here in Florida. He was so kind. Long story short I started working towards getting the surgery by meeting with the Nutritionist and I did everything she said. I started at 377, but I shed 47 pounds from May 22, 2020 to the day of surgery September 2, 2020. So I just had surgery like almost a month ago. I am so happy to say I had ZERO complications. Now....I've only lost 10 pounds since the surgery, BUT ask anyone on here there is a 3 week stall. It scared the crap out of me. But I am telling you all this because my Endocrinologist told me before the surgery that because I have PCOS I may need to go back on a little bit of Metformin. So, the last week I am back on 500 mg in AM and 500 mg in PM. And I have thyroid issues, too. Which in a month we will redo bloodwork to see if that needs to be adjusted. BUT LET ME TELL YOU. THIS IS THE BESTTTTTT decision I have ever made besides turning my life over to God. I feel amazing. I keep thinking. The mental changes just from having hope has changed my life. Girl. Do it. I have so much to say, but I eat like 600-850 calories a day. I get full easily. I do all the vitamins every day. If I feel hungry pretty soon after eating it reminds me to drink my water. I use the stopwatch on my phone all day long. You can't drink while eating and you need to 30 minutes between. I thought i would miss that, but my digestion problems totally stopped by doing that. And what a tiny trade off for a brand new life. I started college again 1 week out of surgery! Hello!!! Crazy wonderful life.
  5. loridee11

    How do i Break my stall

    Lots of water and focus on protein. I know some people really struggle with fluids early on but it is really important. My "3 week stall" lasted 3 1/2 weeks. It eventually broke and I've done well following the plan.
  6. Pandemonium


    Can you give us a rundown of what you're generally eating for meals and when you're eating them? 800 to 1200 calories immediately post-op seems a little high. I am 9 weeks out (VSG) and I only occasionally break 800 calories (and only once have I gone above 900). But I also suspect there's a little bit of 3 week stall creeping in, as well.
  7. sweetsmith78

    Breaking the 3 week stall!

    Im 4 months out of vsg. Here came the 3 week stall. And still stalling. Back to protein shakes, to get my protein in. This is the only thing I can think to do to break this stall. I do know that my clothes are fitting diffrently, just wish the number on the scale would move.
  8. chunkarella

    Stalled Already!

    I'm not trying to be a butthead, but these types of responses are so discouraging. I also posted about a 3 week stall and got a similar response and it sucked to hear that. I don't have a huge support system and this forum is the best that I have for now. Please be mindful of what you're posting to new people/people who just had surgery.
  9. Hello All, I had my RNY on 8/4 and lost almost 25 lbs in two weeks. At week 3 my weight loss stalled and I keep gaining and losing the same 5 lbs. from 175-180. I’m only 5ft 4 so this is way too soon for this! I eat about 600 calories a day, hitting the 50-60grams in protein and usually 50 carbs or so. I’m not cleared for exercise but in all honestly I’ve been lazy and tired so no exercise. Where could I be going wrong?!
  10. Sassafras1

    MAY 2020 Sleevers

    Hi all! I am down 61 pounds since my pre op liquid diet. Been in a stall for the past (almost) 2 weeks, but I'm not as bothered by it as I was when I went through the dreaded 3 week stall. I know it's going to happen and it just makes the drop after it breaks all the sweeter! I am feeling good, still eating like a bird and not missing food much at all which has surprised me. Still paranoid about the weight loss stopping at any moment but trying not to think about that. We are heading into spring here in Australia so I'm hoping to drop a few more Kg by the end of September, I'd like to be under 90Kg. Then hopefully in some of the lovelier clothes for summer. I'm so glad we're all doing well, YAY US!!!
  11. I honestly had no idea about this 3 week stall until I started reading peoples posts. Can I be among the many to say it is for the birds. I am on week 5 and my scale hasn't moved in a while. I had to put my scale in closet time out until we could be friends again. I'm just going to keep sticking to my diet and try and get in more exercise for a while. Alright I'm done just needed to get that off my chest.
  12. Double_Me

    July 2020 Surgery anyone?

    Tomorrow marks 4 weeks since I had my bypass surgery. Over this period of time I've lost about 15 lbs, including a 10-day stall in the middle where I lost nothing a week after surgery. This corresponds to the 3-week stall, as I started shedding pounds at the beginning of my pre-op diet which was two weeks long. Glad that it's over- I've been steadily losing since then. Here's some stats: I've found that I still struggle to tolerate eating more than 2 oz of food at a time, so introducing vegetables back into my diet has been limited as I'm full up on my proteins. I average anywhere from 550-650 calories/day, which has usually included three 100-150 cal meals and a protein shake. Protein is about 55-70 grams/day. Go-tos have been ricotta or cottage cheese with salt & pepper, sliced ham/sliced prosciutto, smoked salmon with a little bit of lite cream cheese and everything bagel seasoning. Getting used to tossing those 1 or 2 bites of food left on my plate was hard at first, but became much easier after I stopped throwing it in the trash and switched to scraping it into my dogs bowl. Feels like I'm not letting good food go to waste! Mentally, I've had some tough days, but now I don't even think about eating to distract myself. Recently I've been unable to prepare a meal for myself without trepidation and discomfort. My stomach physically gurgles and turns as if I'm already going to experience rejection... has anyone else felt this? Its the worst when I'm heating up something hot... smelling food that used to appetize me causes this reaction. Usually as I begin to eat this feeling passes, but there is always some anxiety at the beginning. The most crazy thing about this is my mind still loves good food and cooking and I think about meals often, only to find that I'm repulsed by the idea of eating them. I've spoken to my therapist and hopefully we can find strategies to help, but so far this has been my primary source of concern post-op. I've been reading all of your posts and the comfort that they bring me as we go through this journey together is invaluable. Hoping for the best for everyone
  13. BigSue

    1 Month Post Op Gastric Bypass

    I had my surgery a week before yours and my weight loss has been slow, too. I only lost 15 pounds the first month, I had my 3-week stall right on schedule, and I'm hoping to get to 20 pounds down by my 6-week follow-up (which is on Thursday). Even though I know that this is a decent weight loss, it is still so frustrating when I see all these people posting who started off at a lower weight than I did and lost twice as much weight in the first month. I guess we just have to be patient. Regarding the shortness of breath, I don't want to raise alarm, but that is one of the primary symptoms of COVID-19. Are you having any other symptoms like fever, cough, loss of taste/smell? Do you have a pulse oximeter at home to monitor your blood oxygen? You can get one on Amazon (or possibly at a pharmacy) and it can help you figure out if you need to get medical attention.
  14. BigSue

    Weight not going down!

    16.5 pounds in less than 2 weeks is pretty good if you ask me, especially for someone with your BMI (since you don't have as much to lose as most of us, you should expect your weight loss to be a bit slower). To put it in perspective, my surgery was 3 weeks before yours and I have only lost 16 pounds so far -- and my surgery weight was 60 pounds heavier than yours. I hit the 3-week stall right on schedule and only today lost 0.8 pounds after 6 consecutive days at the same weight.
  15. Well, I am almost a month out and I am constantly worrying about whether the surgery is going to work. What if I went through all of this for nothing? (BTW, you may see in my profile that I have lost 81 pounds; most of that was before surgery and I have only lost 15 pounds since surgery, and hit the 3-week stall right on schedule.) I can tell you that you should absolutely not draw any conclusions from a single week, and frankly, shame on your dietitian for saying how much you "should have" lost in 6 days. She should know better. I lost over 60 pounds in the 5 months before my surgery, and I had a few stalls, including one where I lost no weight for two whole weeks, despite the fact that I "should have" lost a few pounds based on my calorie deficit. Also, I had some GI discomfort during my pre-op diet and I've had very few issues since surgery (other than the first few days), so don't make any conclusions about that, either. Your stomach will be totally different after surgery so there's no telling how you'll feel then.
  16. lisafrommassachusetts

    Is anyone else as disappointed...

    It can be so frustrating when it is not dropping off as fast as either you believe it should, or compared to other people's experience. I am older (61), have crappy knees and a long time thyroid condition, so my expectations going in were tempered by those realities. I'm 6 months out and have lost about 50 pounds since the surgery, 60 including the pre-op. I found when I hit about 40 pounds down people really started to notice, and that gave me quite a little lift! (Even though I told myself and everyone else "I'm doing this for my health", it is still nice to hear, lol). I just went through a 3 week stall, I only lost 1.5 pounds in the entire month of July! However, I was getting smaller. I have never been big on tape measures, but I noticed my new clothes were getting looser! I've now lost almost 5 pounds in a week, so there you have it. Water, water, water, walking and some weight training is what I tried to do to keep sane during the stall. Everyone is going to lose at their own rate. If you are like me, the sane part of you knows that with your calorie and activity level you are going to lose weight, but it almost seems impossible! I have a friend who started weight watchers in January, and I had the surgery in February. She lost more weight than I did until March. Slowly her weight loss slowed to a stop, and mine has kept going. She has put back on over 5 pounds. I'm not judging, not at all, I have been on that yo-yo ride for years. I'm just pointing out that we all know you can lose weight without this surgery, and most of us have many times over. I am hoping that the physical restriction, coupled with the mental work I am doing now, will make me successful 2 years and 10 years and 20 years from now, and unfortunately due to whatever makes me tick that did not happen with traditional diets. Sorry for the wordy post, good luck, hang in there, and I'm rooting for you!
  17. loridee11

    HAIR LOSS!!! UGH!!!

    My Dr. mentioned it the prepared materials, but I haunted this site for months before surgery and knew about it from here and from video's on YouTube. But yes, it would be great if the Dr's would share a little more on the side effects (3 week stall, hair loss, etc...) so it wouldn't be a shock when you have them.
  18. It’s only been 3 weeks. You’re still healing. There are literally thousands of results online if you Google “3 week stall.”
  19. Hey so I was sleeved 6/29/20. I've done a lot of research so I see the 3 week stall is a thing. My question is how long does it last?? I've been at a stall gaining and losing the same 3lbs for about a week and a half now. It's just insanely frustrating. I feel I shouldve lost more by now. I'm not over eating. I roughly eat 1/4 - 1/2 cup at a time and only 3 times a day and 1 or 2 shakes a day if I can get them in and of course as much water as I can. I walk every day and starting Monday I can start basic strength training again (minus core for now). Help!? What am I doing wrong?? Hw:290 Sw:266 Cw:257
  20. loridee11

    Revision surgery done 5/28/20

    Hi! I had my lapband out in Aug 2019 and Gastric Bypass end of December. I hit a stall at 2 1/2 weeks that lasted 3 weeks. It's very common - search 3 week stall. Yours may have started a little later but don't worry. Keep following your plan and you'll be fine. (BTW - 30 lbs in 5 weeks is amazing!) Lori
  21. It is probably a combination of the steroids and the 3 week stall. My "3 week stall" actually started at week 2 1/2 and lasted 3 weeks. It eventually broke and I've been pretty steady since. For Protein, I like the Premier Protein shakes in Chocolate and Latte (if your Dr. is OK with caffeine). You can find them at Costco as well as online.
  22. Firm believer in early on sticking to your plan and ride it out. You are spot on with what happened with the 3 week stall. Stick to what youre doing. As you get farther along you will have to switch things up but not now. Follow your doctors plan.
  23. Did some research and now understand the physiology of "3 week stall." Most of us were on liver shrink diets two weeks before surgery. Our livers were depleted of glycogen stores and excess omentum fat. So my liver is rebuilding liver back to normal functioning size. So I need to get back on my pureed diet with more calories to finish up this process and start losing weight again. Sent from my SM-T580 using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. Meadow76

    Before and After Pics

    Just broke 3 week stall & scaled moved! HW 286 SW 245 CW 173
  25. bhrobins

    VSG Stall 1 week post-op

    I read a lot about the "3 week stall", but thought I was too early for that. Maybe not. I also wanted to be sure I'm not doing something wrong or missing anything. Just shocked that a 300lb guy taking in 4-500 calories and exercising can maintain and not lose. I guess I need to be more patient.

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