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Found 17,501 results

  1. JennyBeez

    I'm hungry ALL THE TIME

    Maybe check with your care team regarding your liquids too? I'm wondering if you're flushing the protein shakes out too quickly if you're drinking that much water. I know all programs are different, but for the first week my team told me to aim for at least 32oz clear fluid (including water but also any sugar free clear liquids like broth, jello or gatorade), and at least one shake per day, slowly increasing it as I felt able. By the end of the second week they were 'hoping' for around 48oz clear liquids and two shakes per day, but they were happy I was averaging 1.5. Are you drinking your fluids slowly? Part of they reason they ask is because we're dealing with a smaller stomach all of a sudden, and getting us to train ourselves to eat slower and more mindfully, etc blah blah -- but part of it is also to slowly re-train our bodies / nerves / etc to recognize what our 'new full' feels like, the sensations as our stomach fills up, etc. I have to admit I had a lot of trouble with that -- still do -- because I still have barely gotten those sensations back. (I have the opposite problem -- I can't feel when I'm hungry or when I'm full yet, so I have to rely solely on portion sizes at the moment) I guess the third thing to maybe bring up with your care team: how is your body digesting the protein shakes? Some people are suddenly lactose intolerant, or suddenly can't process certain sweeteners the same way, etc. If you find that it's moving through you really quickly (urine or loose stool), it may be that your body is just dumping it out. It might be worthwhile to try a different protein powder/shake brand, or one with a different protein base. I know whey is supposed to be one of the best, but whey is a dairy product and maybe you'd have better luck with collagen, pea protein, etc. Good luck! I hope it gets easier for you soon!
  2. So I had my 3 month post-op follow up yesterday (at 14 weeks out). It went... about as well as my cynical little heart expected? Maybe better? LOL My follow up was virtual, so I didn't have to go in to the hospital which is a plus. The dietician I saw today is mmmm... fifth I've spoken to in my program. I honestly would feel a little better if I could have the same dietician every time but I understand that can be hard to schedule. Plus it's still not the worst -- to be honest, I've only actively liked one of the dieticians and yesterday's I passively was ok with -- so at least it's better than the weirder three I've seen in between. Review of my meds, of my health conditions as per usual. Somehow there's always something being left off from last time -- or several last times. Like, yeah, still have diabetes. My numbers are obviously a lot better now in my latest bloodwork, but considering it was one of the comorbidities that got me approved for this program/surgery it would be swell if I didn't have to surprise my care team 4/5 times by informing them of my past diagnosis. Review of my eating habits. Fingers-rapped (gently) over a few things -- not getting enough fruits / veg with skin, not getting enough fibre in each my meals and snacks because it's mostly just in one or two meals. I mean, if my fibre intake is within the 25-35 per day range that they suggested, does it really frickin' matter if it's split up between 3 meals and two snacks? (Also, the fibre range wasn't brought up until yesterday -- it hasn't been mentioned to me at all by any of my care team, or in the pre-op and post-op guidelines and manuals they've distributed to date. The only actual numbers I've gotten from my care team has been about protein, everything else has just been "keep it low fat" and "keep it low carb" and "stay away from sugars" etc in mildly vague terms. I figured out my own daily goals and limits for everything else by taking the average of what I could find online / in books / through the forum) I asked specifically if my bloodwork reqs could be combined with the bloodwork my PCP wants since both of them want it every 3 months for mostly the same things, and I'd rather not take time off work for multiple blood tests -- or sacrifice my blood twice in a one-month period due to timing -- particularly because of the low iron. And considering they both get copies of each other's test results anyway (thanks Ontario Health Care!). But no, no, we can't do that. They can't put his name down in the 'send a copy to this physician' area right in the form. Because apparently even though my PCP is the one to referred me to my endocrinologist, she's the one who referred me to the program. So they send the results to her, and she's on a network with my PCP which is how he gets my results as well. But they can't directly ADD him. ((Can my PCP just ask for the tests that he wants to check but they don't? Nope, cause in order for it to be approved by insurance they look to make sure there are corresponding requisites. Can I have my PCP just add them to his requisition? No, because as the surgery providers they need the requisition under their name for Ontario insurance purposes, and there are certain tests that my PCP can't request 'without reason' and that reason seems to be that everyone wants to bill the government insurance plan for every test they can, and my iron will 'replenish' so it's fine. Nevermind that I've had anemia on and off for most of my life and know from personal experience that the more often I'm tested, the more slowly my iron is replenished.)) ((He was just a dietician. I shouldn't have bothered asking him. But the fact that he had an answer ready makes me feel like they get asked this a lot)) Other than that, it was ok. I've lost half the weight towards my goal weight. He reminded me to expect things to start slowing down. I nodded along even though I started a stall literally the day I hit my halfway score and even though my logic knew to expect and accept all this, my gut reaction was of course 'what have I done to eff this up???'. He was kind of crossing all his t's and dotting all his i's in terms of chiding me on dietary choices -- ie, every meal and snack being 50% protein, 25% non starchy veg, 25% complex carb. Suggested that I eat all these things that their own program handouts say not to start until between month 4 and 6, like nuts and seeds. I was ever so grateful for the internal consistencies. ((This happened with the last dietician at my 1 month -- which happened at my week 3. She was asking me why I hadn't been choosing to eat this or that, and I had to remind her that their handout and biweekly seminars both said not to until week 5-9)) All in all... I feel 'meh' about my follow up, but good about myself and good about my loss so far. And great about the salt & vinegar roasted edamame beans I just had as a snack even though it was lacking a vegetable and isn't 'high enough in fibre per serving'. In other news, I'm only day 7 into my second stall and have been fluctuation between calm acceptance and riotous panic that I'm messing up somehow even after nitpicking my diet and exercise with a fine tooth comb. My ADHD is saying I'm only working in one extreme or the other today/this week.
  3. chelseajeann13

    July 2024 surgery buddies

    My surgery is July 3. I'm on day 8 of my pre-op liquid diet. My entirely proud of how I've been doing it if Im being honest.. 😐but I am tightening up since I'm now less than a week away.
  4. JennyBeez

    Am I behind?

    If my math is right, you're already at 12% total weight loss. My program gives a range of 22-30% total loss in the first year or two (for gastric bypass/RNY; for sleeve it was lower) You're well, well, well on your way at only 2.5 months in. Be proud of yourself. And honestly? Even when the weight loss slows down and you feel like you're fighting for the next pound to come off? Be proud of yourself then, too. Cause it's your choice every morning when you wake up to continue making the healthiest choices for your own body and health. And you're doing it. There are gonna be stalls, and the first few months weight seems to come off a lot easier -- so it will likely get slower. But you'll get there -- we'll get there. We're all on similar journeys here, but each one is going to be different. ...And as other have said, while comparison can be good when you're looking to find support for stuff we're all going through, when it comes to exact numbers (inches, pounds, etc) it's not really healthy to compare. Everyone's starting from a completely different place, with different programs, different comorbidities, different ancillary health issues, etc.
  5. learn2cook

    Weight gain three weeks post op

    I did. You may also be hitting the famous three week stall. It’s a well known topic thread on here. I had/have PICOS (does menopause get rid of it?) and it made me a slow looser. Just stick to your nutrition plan. 10lbs will just suddenly fall of when your body adjusts. I suggest not getting on the scale until you notice your underwear feels a little looser. Also, you might want to check in with your endocrinologist about any adjustments if you still feel overwhelming hunger and/ or wonky fatigue. Number one thing I’ve learned is be patient with yourself. You’ve got this!
  6. Has anyone experienced weight gain three weeks post op? To preface, I do have hypothyroidism and PCOS. I was down to 227 and I’ve been 230 for a week now. And the scale has not budged 😅 even after introducing more movement this week. I’m hitting all my protein and liquid goals as well. I’m intaking about 600-1000 calories a day. Has anyone else experienced this and does it get better?
  7. TwinkleToes87

    Feeling discouraged.

    According to my post of instructions, we weren’t allowed to eat regular foods until 8 weeks post op. Maybe try to go back on pureed/soft. Then once you get to 8 weeks introduce regular food.
  8. Arabesque

    So Frustrating

    I’m Australian so our English heritage meant I understood them perfectly. We use whinging a lot but take the Mickey not as often. 😁😁 That’s damn ridiculous @MrsFitz. All of it: the inconsistent dispensing & contradictory stockpiling justifying for it, the system they use not coping with a brand name change, poor delivery of vital medications, etc. You have every right to complain about the situation. Hopefully they can sort it out quickly & you’ll have your meds soon. PS - Reminds me of when I had my gall removed & my medication (new boxes bought from home), which were locked away, were not returned to me when I was discharged. They organised a service to deliver them to me but of course they never arrived. The service claimed they tried but I wasn’t home. I didn’t leave my house for two weeks. Asked for them to be taken to my surgeon’s rooms at the hospital so I could collect them at my follow up appointment. Of course they didn’t. I had to walk what felt like 20 miles up & down floors, building to building, wing to wing to get to the ward I’d been in & then they couldn’t find them at first. There was about $150 worth of meds so I was not letting it go. Oh & then I had to walk back to get to my car to leave. And I was made to feel like I was inconveniencing them.
  9. Markayl

    I'm hungry ALL THE TIME

    I am struggling with hunger and only 1 week post op the shakes don’t help at all. I have no clue what’s going on. I also have started to get dizzy when I stand up. I get minimum of 64 oz of water. I also drink the sugar free Gatorade. Any thoughts on why my hunger hasn’t diminished at all?
  10. Nabih_bawazir

    Bathroom issues

    I'm impress about how much I'm peeing after I wake up from surgery to 3 weeks after surgery, I pee more than I drink, seems all carbs in my body is used first so I can lose a pound every 1-2 days which impossible using fat burning. After 3 weeks you will feel thirst and pee much less. You will have plateau in 3-10 days, don't be panic, your body need to restore water but not the carbs. So, I advice you to not doing any road trip for the first 3 weeks, except in vehicle that have toilet, Dr. Pilcher says more detail information on this
  11. MrsFitz

    So Frustrating

    Re hospital meds - apparently a change in brand name caused the whole system to grind to a halt for my delivery. How ridiculous in this day and age?? These meds can only be delivered via whichever service the hospital uses due to the nature of them (injections) so it’s not as though I can have a say in that. It just means a lot of chasing when it goes wrong. The rules around the NHS dispensing meds in the UK changed some time ago for some reason. I think it was to stop stockpiling and for patients to only request meds they will use instead of just getting them automatically and then wasting then potentially 🙄 It doesn’t seem to matter what repeat medication I request, the pharmacist at the Drs makes the decision when he authorises the script. For example, a couple of weeks ago I requested 2 months of Ibuprofen 400mg as it was difficult to source to buy over the counter - I got 2 weeks. My HRT gel I get 3 bottles at a time (1 bottle a month) but the tablets I get are only issued as 2 monthly scripts so they never marry up. It’s just so annoying when you need to order repeat prescriptions! Sorry, I know I’m whinging but it’s things like this that drives me insane 🤯
  12. ms.sss

    Am I behind?

    Number one: don't base your satisfaction with yourself based on how you compare to others. you will NEVER be satisfied. Number two: don't ask other people if you should be disappointed in YOURSELF. you don't need (nor want) others to be in charge of your own self-respect. Number three: despite the fact that Numbers 1 and 2 above is OBVIOUS and LOGICAL, the reality is basically NOBODY follows them, so don't feel bad if you don't either. Number four: even though i JUST said don't compare, i'm going to give you some data to compare (lol).... at 2.5 months i lost 52.6 lbs (which was 22% of my total body weight...52 / 235 = 22%) and i understand, based on statistical data and anecdotal evidence, that i was a pretty speedy loser, so...yeah.
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    When did you get your ring resized?

    Honestly, I just got new ones. I went from a size 10 ring to a size 5. I used ring sizers at first, but I was losing too fast and went from size 10 to 9, skipped over 8 and went to 7, then a month later went to 6, then stayed there for a bit, then went to 5 1/2 and 2 weeks later went to 5. Now that I'm at my final ring size (mostly because I can't get anything smaller than a 5 past my knuckle) I'll invest in getting my actual, genuine wedding set resized. i just got other rings to wear until I got to my final size.
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    Am I behind?

    I lost 79 pounds in 4 months. That averages out to roughly 20 pounds per month, or 5 pounds per week. I was 388 on surgery day. You're doing great. Don't compare yourself to others. Rome wasn't built in a day, so just stick to the diet, move your body, and you'll get there.
  15. "- Still have fun but track their calories and weight DAILY." This is me too. 1. What are your golden rules to successful maintenance? I've found that sticking to a monthly calorie average rather than a daily one gives me the flexibility I need. If I go over my limit for a week, I know I have time to balance it out. This approach prevents me from being too harsh on myself for one bad day. For instance, my goal for June is to maintain a daily average of 1550 calories.This method has been crucial for my success. In the past, focusing on daily or weekly limits led to self-criticism and was counterproductive. It took some time, but I’ve learned that this is a life long game. By being kinder to myself. I've made much more progress. Even naturally thin people overeat occasionally; the difference is they don't punish themselves or give up. 2. How did you manage the mental shift (navigating fear and uncertainty) while transitioning to maintenance? The shift for me came pretty naturally. I eased into it slow. I remember in the beginning that if I lost a pound or so that month I would adjust my calorie intake, small increments so I wouldn't get used to too high of calories. It's always a slippery slope when you have a history of overeating. I adjusted it month to month, until I got to the point that my weight was stable month to month. 3. How much indulgence do you actually allow yourself? I don't have any absolutes. I do try to eat healthy 80/20. I try to eat 5-8 servings a day of fruits and vegetables.
  16. ShoppGirl

    Am I behind?

    That’s five pounds a week. That seems great to me!! Just stick to your plan and remember that you didn’t gain it overnight so it won’t come off that way either.
  17. Wow. I concur with @ms.sss. You did get the short end of the stick. I had the sleeve for years and then I had a revision to RNY (~3 years) and I don't have any of those issues. In fact, I can't even think of any negatives. Except if I eat too fast, it may cause the foamies. I'm so sorry you're going through all that. I have no problem with my vitamins, I wear a MV patch and sometimes I'll take high ADEK chewable. My vitamin A was slightly low so that's why I started taking the high ADEK a few times a week. I also never heard of cold sores lower immunity and fungal infections... Etc. after WLS. I sure hope things and improve for you.
  18. MrsFitz

    So Frustrating

    It’s been one of *those* days and it’s all been because of various medical people (not WLS-related) and I’m completely fed up. Hospital and meds delivery people not talking to one another so no idea if I will receive my delivery in time for my next jab this coming Monday. I mean, it’s only for my Rheumatoid Arthritis so not important, obviously. Then there’s the absolute joy of dealing with my doctors surgery when chasing up a prescription for pain relief that was requested last week. Rang my pharmacy - no prescription received. Rang Drs - oh, it was refused because you need to have yet another meds review (already having one on 27th for unrelated meds) No pain meds and no one thought to contact me to tell me (the wonder of doing everything online) Staff at surgery doesn’t think that the reviewing clinician can fit a 3rd med in to the upcoming review, so yet another review booked for Saturday. This will mean I’m without pain meds for a week by the time it gets put through and delivered 😤 I am just so 😖😖😖 I know we all make mistakes but today has just been a Micky-take from start to finish. I’ve put a complaint in with the Drs for the lack of communication and care, hospital already miffed with the meds delivery company so I’ve left that in their hands to deal with. The only thing going through my head now is what if the surgery is as crap when it comes to issuing meds post Bariatric surgery?? I’ve no confidence in them dealing with requests in a timely manner generally so I’m dreading how much they screw up when I have to go to them for all the Bariatric stuff. Sorry, I just needed to get it off my chest. Hubby is dealing with some work issues at the moment that’s stressing him out so I don’t want to add to that right now. 🙁
  19. I have been using Nioxin Stage 3, I do a bayalge with blond every 3 ish months and I will say using the shampoo, conditioner and scalp treatment REALLY REALLY helped! I also put a Rosemary oil in my hair the night before hair wash day (I only wash my hair 2x a week) My shedding IS SIGNIFIGANTLY less. I also use 2 TBLS of collagen in my profee every morning along and biotin with my morning vitamins.
  20. JennyBeez

    Struggling to eat!

    I had some similar phases -- I'm in one right now, I just have no appetite and I've yet to feel hunger post-op so it's been a struggle. Part of it is mindset. Try to remind yourself that you're eating for nutrition now, and to recalibrate your body into accepting food again. You don't have to eat any full meal -- even if you just get a few bites down and then follow up with a shake half an hour later to make sure you're getting your protein in. I'm 3 months in and there are days where breakfast is a soft protein bar, lunch is a protein shake (and dinner is one of the thousands of frozen cups of pureed sweet potato with bone broth powder that I made back in week 3, LOL) . Or whatever I manage to convince myself to eat for the sake of it. Dp whatever you have to do to get through. Keep in mind, your body is still healing. You may be free of pain, but your innards can take 6-8 months to heal, move back into place, etc. Your hormones and body chemicals are all over the place right now. Cut yourself lots of slack. Survive this until it gets better for you.
  21. Bypass2Freedom

    A Happier Week

    What a fine man he is, with great taste in tea! 😂 Like everyone says though, it can mean you get more dehydrated but I think so long as you aren't ONLY drinking tea, it should be fine haha. I think the decaf isn't bad at all from what I can remember! Thank you! I am finding it okay! I had a little bit of a stall, but that is expected! But I am just happy to be feeling better!
  22. shirmarsh

    A Happier Week

    That's fantastic progress, congratulations on your 7.5lb loss this week! It's great to hear you're noticing positive changes and feeling motivated. The idea of "shopping in your wardrobe" sounds like a fun and rewarding way to track your progress. Best of luck with your upcoming appointments and navigating the dietary changes. For decaf tea, Yorkshire Tea and PG Tips both do good decaf versions in the UK. Keep up the great work and stay positive—you're doing amazing! For natural supplements thenaturemeds is guarantee solution to all health problem.
  23. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @BlueParis Frustrating as it is, I think it takes most people about a year to reach their lowest weight. Those lucky few who drop the weight really fast are unusual. I know it's hard! But you're a healthy weight and looking great, so it's worth being proud of how much you've accomplished, especially with such a difficult travel schedule. At least your stall has broken! As for scars, mine are similarly dark purple. This is not a surprise to me as I get very dark scars, even from spider bites. Those pajama pictures reminded me that I had to get rid of an old favorite pair of pajamas as they were much too large. I look forward to buying a cozy new pair when the cold weather rolls around! I honestly don't know how anyone stays on track while traveling, especially on vacation. It is so hard when eating at restaurants non-stop, not to mention being surrounded by snack foods and temptations like ice cream and candy, which are much too easy to eat. I dread what my weight will be at the end of the week when I get home from my family trip. This will be the most days in a row I've missed weighing myself since surgery. But now that I've had a day of indulging in some treats, and realizing that eating junk isn't as appealing as I remember and kind of makes me feel blah, I'm hoping I'll be better about limiting myself to the healthiest options I can find.
  24. SecretAgentDD

    July 2024 surgery buddies

    Best wishes to you. Please let us know how you’re doing in the coming weeks!
  25. Fars

    Hummus and what?

    What else are you having ? I start soft on three days

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
