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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mrswajdyk

  1. 9 days post-op, I was banded on 11-10-10. The day of surgery was good, I had a terrible headache that morning and was READY for them to nock me out just to get rid of the headache! Going off caffein will do that to a person.

    Got to the surgical center at 8, went back to the waiting area by 9, surgery by 9:30-10:00 and was home by 2! The only complaint I had was coming out of surgery I could not breathe. They said it was because they fixed a small hernia while they were in there and that I would be ok.

    The first day I laid in bed and slept and starting on day 2 I was up an moving. Driving on day 3 and back to work on day 5. Don't get me wrong, I have been tired this week, but going back to work was not a problem for me other than being tired.

    I am NOT getting on the scale, my clothes ARE getting looser and I am now to the mushy stage of food. When I am hungry... I am really hungry! When I am not.. I'm not (pretty profound huh). So I am looking forward to my first fill and knowing my weight on 12/8/2010. Because there is no fill, I am tracking my calories on Sparkpeople.com and making sure I am not eating too much. Also, I am not eating or drinking constantly at this point, I am eating around meal times and that has been sustaining me for about 2.5 to 3 hours at a time.

    Happy banding!:)

  2. I need encouragement right now to just pick up the phone and make that call to Dr. Carter's office. I've changed jobs and insurance plans, and I'm scared that my new insurance won't cover it. I don't have extra money lying around for out of pocket expenses. But I've got to do something. I can't keep on like this, not doing anything to improve my health.

    I really feel for you and hope that I can encourage you to call Dr. Carter's office and get back on track. You have this awesome tool, just sitting there waiting for you to use it.

    I am really thankful for your openness and your honesty, I have not had my surgery yet, but you have helped inspire and encourage me already. I will know my surgery date next week.

    I think accountability is so important and the fact that you have totally been honest about where you are right now is amazing.

    I had a surprise baby in my 40's and he drives me to be a healthier me. I want to be at his ball games and not be lazy. I want to look good on my husband's arm. I want to be able to use my body the way God intended me to.

    Please call Dr. Carter, I want you to be here to encourage ME, I need you. :wink2:

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