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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TKW

  1. TKW

    The Ultimate Scheme

    No, I can understand that. There are times I wish nobody knew. I just think it is a lot to go through on your own but certainly not impossible. Besides, you guys always have us! Good luck to you both!
  2. TKW

    The Ultimate Scheme

    Good Luck to you, ( are you sure you don't want to tell your Mom.) Keep us posted!
  3. TKW


    I take 1 Centrum Vitamin/Miereral (need my Iron so need the one with minerals) daily and 2 Calcium chews with Vitamin D. Learned recently that you should not take the calcium with the vitamin because one block the other. I've had blood work done recently and ever thing looked good.
  4. The port can go a few different places. You should discuss it with your Surgeon, maybe he can put it in a better place.
  5. TKW

    Daily calorie intake?

    Fit day has me at 3000 calories a day to maintain my weight. When I figure it out using the 1400 calories I eat in a day I should easly lose 3+ pounds a week. That doesn't happen. It can not take in to account your metabolism.
  6. I think you are too full. Sometimes that subsides a couple days after you get your fill. Remember, you do not want to be too tight, it can cause you get stuck and lead to throwing up and slippage. Be really careful for a couple of days and if it doesn't get better you should have a little taken out. Keep up the good work!
  7. I don't think people are trying to be rude, mean or critical. They are experienced banders, many of them very successful experienced banders, and seriously when they read a post where you are still on liquids or mushies and you are eating Doritos... they are probabley going to have something to say about it. It's up to you to listen or blow them off, but if you put it out there... expect feedback. It's hard, I struggle everyday and I wish you Luck!
  8. TKW

    What is it like getting a fill?

    didn't hurt even one little bit. Just one little prick and it's over.
  9. TKW


    You look fabulous!!!! I'm so jealous (but in a good way)!!! Good for you!
  10. TKW

    Someone PLEASE HELP!!!

    Didn't your clinic explain to you about your band being too tight? I think it is rediculous that some of these clinics run people through them like cattle and never explain anything to them. I think a good education about the band, how it "really" works, and what certain things mean, (like not being able to keep food down, is a must to be sucessful! You should call your dr. / clinic today.
  11. TKW

    Someone PLEASE HELP!!!

    You're too tight, so you eat slider foods, it will result in you not losing your weight. Most slider foods are fattening and unhealthy and your weight loss will become very slow or non-existant plus yes, you are increasing your risk of band slippage. Get an unfill you should be able to eat solid protiens and veggies. Good luck to you!
  12. TKW

    Just an observation

    I hear ya sister! My original goal was 250#, anything after that is just "frosting on the cake"! Hope to see twoderville in June.
  13. TKW

    miserable bc im fat

    Fall Weddings are beautiful!!!
  14. TKW

    miserable bc im fat

    I'm sorry, I misread your post. I thought your primary wouldn't refer you. Well, you seem to have enough stuff going on to warrant surgery. Keep pushing, many have pushed and won. But, 6 months isn't so bad. It seems like forever but your alternative is to put more weight on to hit their recommended 60 BMI, which certainly would not be the answer. Seems kind of rediculous (the insurance companines requirements) I wish you luck.
  15. TKW


    I'd say you are right on track. They say 1 - 2 pounds a month. Sorry, can't help you with the fill Dr. Not from there, hopefull someone from the area will read your post. Hope you don't have to travel too far. Good Luck
  16. I've always been able to eat 1 1/2 - 2 cups of food. I got a fill last week, I think .6 cc's or something like that, anyway.... I can't get a cup down. I have great restriction but am struggling with thinking I am too tight. Eating starts out very uncomfortable, seems like no matter how small the bites are I get stuck, it goes thru if I wait a few minutes then everything else goes down fine, but those first bites get me EVERY time? Also, I am having just a smidge of heart burn. Not sure what I'm going to do. See how the weekend goes them maybe call and see if they think I should have some taken out. She really stresses the consiquences of being too tight. To be honest, I didn't think I would ever have this kind of restriction. It's been 10 months and I've lost 110 pounds.... hoping this will kick me back in gear. We'll see. Continued success to you all.
  17. TKW

    having a bad day

    I have had those days, but there is nothing wrong with some bread. You are not on lock down. They say no bread cuz most people have trouble eating it. I have had a few days that I just munch munch munch. Eat some protien, it will fill you up and stay with you longer or get out and do something. Some days are really hard, you can do it! Good Luck
  18. TKW

    miserable bc im fat

    do you have to have a referal from your dr? I just went to an informational seminar one day, they gave me paperwork, I filled it out, sent it in, two weeks later my insurance approved me, and i was off and running. Did not need my primary dr. to refer me. You are definately a candidate for surgery. Find another route, they are yanking you around!
  19. TKW

    What can I do? I am so frustrated.

    Don't give up, where there is a will there is a way. Quite a few people on this forum were denied and appealed and got the surgery. Hopefully some of them can shed some light on it for you. Good Luck!
  20. Thanks Brad, great post. Debora, we all (or most of us) eat things sometimes that are not exactly healthy. I eat way healthier than I used to, but sometimes I get a real yummy treat. I had a dairy queen the other day for the first time in 6 months. The next evening I really, really wanted another one. I didn't get it. I believe you should be able to have these things once in a while but for the most effective, healthiest weight loss I believe you need to make healthy choices. The one thing I NEVER do is fast food, aside from a chili at Wendy's. Good Luck, this was a great thread!
  21. TKW


    LOL.... yep, we can work our selves in to a frenze cant we. Glad everything is ok!
  22. TKW


    I was thinking infection too. You are right to phone the Dr.
  23. I had a knee that killed me and a hip the pounded all night everynight. Don't remember when I noticed the hip hurting less, but it rarely bothers me now, only if I have been on my feet ALL day, then it will ache at night but a couple of tylenol will take care of it. As for my knee, one day I came home from the gym sat down on the couch and went to put my feet up and kind of winced because that is what i was used too and it was like BAM! My knee doesn't hurt at all???? When the heck did that happen. Hasn't bothered me once minute since. I think I was about 80 pound lost when I noticed a considerable difference, not that that has any bearing on when your pain will let up. Keep plugging away, you're doing great and hopefully you will start noticing some relief soon. Good Luck (to my knowledge, my pain was not arthritis)
  24. Ah... yes, I was stressed like that before surgery too but my Hospital was a little more on the ball.... I just had to sit and wait for the day but my family paid the price! Think my niece is still mad at me! You'll do great! Relax and think of all the great things to come! Good Luck
  25. 1. Don't know what that is, mine eventually went away. 2. I think you can drink Water now instead of sip. Just don't guzzle. It goes right through the band so it shouldn't be a problem. 3. When ever it is comfortable. I couldn't for a couple of weeks. 4. That will go away, you are probably still swollen. 5. I've heard that your body can reject the band. I think it is extremely rare, don't waste your time worrying about it. Good Luck to you!

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