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LAP-BAND Patients
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About ninamarie9

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  • Birthday 08/19/1962

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  1. Happy 51st Birthday ninamarie9!

  2. Happy 50th Birthday ninamarie9!

  3. ninamarie9

    Not Losing

    Hi I know how you are feeling. I got banded on January 28th and I have only lost 28lbs so far (which took a long time). I read how people have lost so much and I feel like why can't I lose anything. It wasn't until my second adjustment that I really felt it. You should talk to your doctor. Everyone is diffent and he might have to adjust it more. I still don't always feel full and there are times that I can't keep things down. I hate that junk food seems to go down the easiest. I journal what I eat to keep myself under control. Don't give up, it took alot to get this procedure and it was worth it so talk to your doctor and see what is going on.

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