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About cantdecide

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 06/03/1979
  1. Happy 34th Birthday cantdecide!

  2. Happy 33rd Birthday cantdecide!

  3. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary cantdecide!

  4. When I woke up from surgery there was a juice box with a straw waiting. I've been drinking from straws since.
  5. cantdecide

    counseling for food addiction

    Sorry--me again. My favorite books about eating disorders are: Eating in the Light of the Moon, Women, Food, and God, and Intuitive Eating.
  6. cantdecide

    counseling for food addiction

    I'm a psychologist who has also been to therapy (most have) for many years along the way. Before, during, and after I got my PhD. One of the reasons I went into psychology was to understand the complexities of my life and the life of others, and one of those complexities for me was eating and food. I decided to get the lapband after years of therapy working on figuring out my issues with food, weight, etc. and I'm not done yet. I think it is so important for us to realize that we are not just "addicted to food" but really addicted to what food does for us--calm us, keep people away, keep family happy with the status quo, reward us, punish us, etc. If there is anything I've realized for me it is that my relationship with food is SO COMPLICATED! Every pound I lose represents a coping mechanism I've used for 32 years to protect myself and so losing weight is scary. Anyway, I HIGHLY recommend seeing a qualified and licensed psychologist. I'd recommend someone who identifies as client-centered or psychodynamic and who you feel a good connection with. Make sure they are licensed in your state! Your insurance will likely cover most of the cost if they are qualified.
  7. cantdecide

    Am I Too Tight?

    Thanks so much for the help everyone.
  8. cantdecide

    Am I Too Tight?

    I was banded 1/25/11 and including the 19 lbs I lost pre-op I have lost a total of 50 lbs (and I have 60 more to go). With my first three fills I felt no restriction at all, but about 3 weeks ago I got another fill and definately know what restriction means now. For the first few days I couldn't eat anything but was told to wait it out. Now I can easily drink my protein shake for breakfast. I have been eating soup or cheese and deli meat or really soft casserole type leftovers for lunch and dinner but can only eat maybe 1/4-1/2 a cup. Last night I had the toppings (cheese and pepperoni) from 1/2 a slice of pizza and it was fine. Today I tried a 1/2 size BLT salad from Wendy's and only took a small bite or two of chicken before I got stuck. Liquids go down just fine. Unfortunately so do chocolate and pirate's booty, but I'm doing alright with that. I'm just worried I'm hurting my pouch by it being too tight. What do you think? I'm scared of going back to no restriction.
  9. cantdecide

    Slurpee??? Anyone? Anyone??

    Do they still have diet coke slurpees? 10 or so years ago they did for a while.
  10. cantdecide

    Anyone try HCG?

    I did it before lapband and lost a lot of weight (40 lbs in 2 40 day rounds of hcg with a break in between). But. . .it came right back when I started eating more than 500 calories a day again. I think it is just like any other no/low carb diet--you lose a ton of water weight and then it all comes right back, plus some. There were 6 other people I work with who did HcG, all lost a lot of weight (40-90 lbs) and all have gained it all back plus an extra 20-50.
  11. cantdecide

    Looking for a counselor

    I'm a psychologist in Utah (and also a bandster), and just want to add in my 2 cents. A therapist is very different from a life coach. A therapist must be (or at least should be) licensed through the state which means passing rigorous education, testing, and legal requirements. It can be a psychologist (PhD in Clinical or Counseling Psychology), a Marriage and Family therapist (Master's in MFT), or Social Worker (Master's in Social Work), but you should really make sure they are licensed because that will protect you against malpractice. A life coach generally doesn't need any specialized training or licensure--it is just someone that wants to help others but doesn't necessarily have any training in mental health issues. I would suggest looking on the Psychology Today website or your insurance website, and finding someone who lists eating disorders as one of their specialties. When you find a psychologist you want to try, make sure they are licensed by your state (there are a lot of quacks out there) and that they have experience in eating disorders/issues. The most important thing about finding a good therapist is that you feel comfortable and safe with them. Good luck!
  12. cantdecide

    Finding a therapist

    I'm a psychologist in Utah (and also a bandster), and I would say you probably want a psychologist rather than a psychiatrist just because psychiatrist now days generally specialize more in prescribing medication and less in doing therapy. When you find a psychologist you want to try, make sure they are licensed by your state (there are a lot of quacks out there) and that they have experience in eating disorders/issues. A good place to start is the psychology today website. The most important thing about finding a good therapist is that you feel comfortable and safe with them. Good luck!
  13. cantdecide

    Six months since surgery equals...

    Congrats! I think I know your mom (banded together in Mexico) and have been following your progress. I'm so happy you are seeing such great results!
  14. cantdecide

    Band vs. Sleeve? Why did you pick band?

    I have three kids and am undecided about if I want more. My surgeon didn't know of anyone or any studies of people who have been pregnant after a sleeve.
  15. Since my last fill I've noticed that after a meal I can let out a HUGE belch. I've never been a belcher before so it is crazy! And I can keep doing it for a while after a meal. Does this happen to anyone else? Does it mean you are full? Ate too much? Too fast?

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