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LAP-BAND Patients
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About miriamslayton

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/01/1957
  1. Happy 56th Birthday miriamslayton!

  2. Happy 55th Birthday miriamslayton!

  3. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary miriamslayton!

  4. miriamslayton

    Port Site Infection & Surery to Remove Port!!

    my husband has the lapband for two week and got a septic shock infection the infection took control of his whole body and his lung was fill with fluild also i had the lapband also one years ago and lost 104 lbs and no complication the only problem i have i have hard time keeping food down
  5. my husband did have the same problem he still in the hospital it being 9day in the hospital he still has a leap in the stomach and he has a feeling tube the doctor say the has to be in the hospital for three weeks the night i took him to the hospital the Dr. told me if he didnt come to the hospital that night he have die that night he was running a fever for 4 days and the Dr. said that he has a very bad infection he never seem a person with that kind of infection in his body :thumbup:
  6. miriamslayton

    Port Site Infection & Surery to Remove Port!!

    my husband got infection also and he will have to stay in the hospital for three week if i didnt take him to the hospital the night the doctor told me he have die that night in his sleep he got a bad infection rip a hole in and around his band fuild was leakin out of is stomach

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