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LAP-BAND Patients
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About elikis

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 07/17/1974

About Me

  • Biography
    I am 36 and have been happily married for 11 years. I have been struggling with infertility and am beginning my lap band journey in order to become healthy enough to improve my chances of conceiving and to enjoy the life that I have built.
  • Interests
    Cooking, reading, watching too much TV!
  • Occupation
    Marriage and Family Therapist
  • City
    Yorba Linda
  • State
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  1. I am happy to hear your pain isn't that bad, and hopefully your headache will go away. I never really experienced any headache pains after my surgery. I read several others were having that same problem. Walking really helps the gas pains to pass and the gas x-strips should help as well. I always found a lot of relief when I had something warm to drink. I would experience more gas when I had a lot of cold things to drink. I would warm up some chicken broth and sip on that, and I would feel so much better. I pray you continue to do well. If there is any thing I can do please let me know. Congrats on your band!

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