I am 17 weeks post op. Everything was going great and then I had to have a hysterectomy. It was suppose to take an hour and a half, be laproscopic and I would be back to work in 2 weeks. Didn't go as planned, OB had to abandon the laproscope and open me up due to adhesions to my pelvic wall and bowel. My hour and a half surgery turned into a 4hour slice and dice as I say.
My OB attempted fpr 36 minutes to reattach my tubing but couldn't see where it was connected at. He did call my band surgeon and explained to her what happened and after seeing her today she said that based on what he told her sounds like he just cut it. She said easy fix because she doesn't cut the extra tubing when she places the band. The only issue would be if he cut near the band itself where then she would have to replace the whole band...smh...
I'm trying to keep a positive outlook on the situation, but it is totally frustrating!!!
So, I'm 13 days postop with my hystrectomy and in 4 weeks I'm going back under the knife to repair my band. This has been the 1st time that I have questioned my decision to go with the band. I know that if I went with the sleeve, I wouldn't have these problems right now but I also understand that I didn't konw that I would be going for a difficult hystrectomy so soon after my band placement.
I never had surgery befor my twins were born in 2009, this next surgery will be my 7th including my c-section and my 3rd this year! Pray for me!
Thanks for allowing me to vent.