My fiancée and I have been together for 7 years.(He is very thin always have been) When I told him I was thinking about getting banded, he said no “I love you the way you are”, "You are already beautiful" at that point I realized he thought I was doing this for vain reasons. I explained to him that I was doing this not to be beautiful but to be healthy and that I have struggled with my weight all my life. I explained to him that my grandmother died from diabetes before she got to know the woman I became. I explained to him that I wanted to be here for my 7 year old son, 11 month old daughter, and my grandchildren.
A week later when I was getting my packet together, he presented me with a letter of support to give to my surgeon. I cried after I read it. I'm glad I have him I’m more glad I told him.
Ps: If you getting married I would defiantly tell for medical reasons.