I had my surgery on Monday 10/4/10 and I thought I had just been feeling gas pains and discomfort from the gas. On Friday evening I started vomiting. I only did maybe 3 times, but that was enough for me. I woke up on Saturday morning just not feeling well, so I went to the ER.:puke: I was dehydrated, and the Lapband Docs were called in because my band is too tight. So they took me back to take some fluid out and could not do it!! Two Docs tried and neither could access the port. They finally decided my port had flipped over???? SO they gave me some more anti nausea meds and a steriod injection to try and get some of the swelling down. I was told to crush all my meds and drink only warm clear liquids. They told me they are going to have to go back in and fix the port... So I was sent home and I am extremely uncomfortable and sick to my stomach. I have my 2nd post op tomorrow and I guess that is when they are going to tell me when the next surgery will be. As odd as it sounds I still have no regrets, and Just consider this a bump in the road but I am so ready to feel better and heal!!!:crying::crying: