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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FELICIA17

  1. FELICIA17

    New Bandit !

    Welcome aboard!
  2. I am being banded by Dr. Bonomo on July 11th. Congrats on your date, it's right around the corner. Please keep us filled in.
  3. Hello all..... I met with the surgeon today and all went well and I have a surgery date of July 11th. I am really excited, the ball is finally rolling. I have to go through all the testing and required meetings and all, but I know the time will fly and will be here before I know it. I know I have been pondering my decision on this surgery for a while, but after I found this site all of my questions were answered plus a few more. Thanks to everyone here for helping me make my decision. I'm on my way to bandland:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  4. HI everyone.... I had my date with the surgeon today and I have a surgery date of July 11th. I am so in shock, after all the research I've done on this and everything, the ball is finally rolling. I know July seems far away, but Doc said it'll fly by, with all the testing,meetings and everything it'll be here before I know it. Look out yall, I'm on my way to bandland.:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  5. FELICIA17

    I need honest feedback please but be nice..

    That was wonderful, especially the part about "the easy way out", although I'm not banded yet, I know this will be no cake walk. People just don't understand.
  6. FELICIA17

    I Got My Surgery Date Today

    Thanks everyone and congrats on your date Spot.
  7. FELICIA17

    today the day

    Good luck, I'm sure everything will be fine.
  8. FELICIA17

    Researching Dr's in IL

    I am scheduled to be banded on July 11th by Dr.Bonomo at mercy hospital, he's really good, great bedside manner so far. I spoke with a few of his patients who are already banded while waiting in the lobby and thay had no complaints.
  9. FELICIA17

    Cant wait!!

    Good luck, hope all goes well!!!! I had my first visit with the surgeon today and I have a surgery date of July 11th...... oh, and welcome aboard, this is a wonderful place, the information is invaluable.
  10. FELICIA17

    I don't want to tell people

    Although I am waiting to be banded, the only people who know thus far is my fiance,and 1 friend. I will tell my parents when I have a surgery date, and I will make sure I tell my mom not to blab it to all our relatives either:kiss . The reason being is I don't want to have to constantly explain myself, explain what the procedure is all about, that it is not gastric bypass, and on and on. The reason I say that is because when I first started looking into this procedure about a year ago, I ran the idea across to most of my firends and family and I recived more negative comments than positive. I don't want to be under a constant microscope either, you know, the "how much have you lost now?", whenever you see someone. Maybe I will change my mind later on, but right now I don't feel that it's everyones business.
  11. Hello everyone... I have a question about pb'ing. From what I have read it is when your food doesn't go down and it gets stuck. Some people mention they foam at the mouth and there is slime? Someone please explain to me what exactly happens.
  12. FELICIA17

    I have a DATE!!!!

    Congrats, I know all will go well
  13. "Fish Scales"!!!! That was too funny:biggrin1: ... Try sucking on peppermints, that might help.
  14. FELICIA17

    Home From Surgery...

    Congrats Rocky...Happy healing!!
  15. FELICIA17

    Best Thing I ever did

    Congrats Disiree....those words are music to my ears. I'm not banded yet, so I need all the raves about it I can get.
  16. FELICIA17

    Foam & Slime????

    Thank's Kat, that was exactly the description I was looking for. I'm trying to learn all I can before my surgery. Well I now that I have that bit of information, I won't freak out :omg: when it happens. Thanks a million.
  17. FELICIA17

    Three days post-op

    Congrats... hope I'm as lucky as you with no gas pains.
  18. Hello everyone.....I've finally made my decision to to have the surgery done. I went to the info session and I have my 1st appointment with Dr.Bonomo on April 10th, here in Chicago @ Mercy Hospital. I'm so excited about the surgery I can hardly sit still. Although it will be a while, I have to attend six weeks of info/support sessions and all of the pre-op testing. I'll finally get my surgery date after 6 weeks. Just to let you know you guys are heaven sent, really. There are so many things I've learned from you guys, from gas pains all the way to, how soon your sex life returned;) , I know I am making a truly informed decision. I can go on and on but I don't want to ramble. I just wanted to say thanks, and I'm looking forward to being an official bandster.
  19. FELICIA17

    Watch It**LIVE**

    All I can say is WOW..... that was so informative, I called my fiance upstairs to watch it because he wasn't too sure about me having the procedure. Now we both had a chance to see exactly what happens and he is feeling better about it. Everyone considering this surgery should watch this. Thanks a million for posting the link.:clap2:
  20. FELICIA17

    Dr. Bonomo

    Hello all Chicagoland people ..... I was approved by my employer insurance to have my lap band, but as luck would have it, we came in to work after news years day and was told that the company had ran into financial problems and promptly closed it's doors. Since I have been off and actively looking for work, I applied for a medicaid card so that my daughter and I can have medical coverage while I am off. I read that Dr.Bonomo at Mercy Hospital takes medicaid cards. If anyone here was banded by him I would love to hear all about it. His bedside manner, the process there, etc. You can email me a wfs917@sbcglobal.net if you would like. Thanks
  21. FELICIA17

    Negative People

    Hello all... I've been lurking around this site for a while. I've finally decided that I want to have the band done.........However, I've mentioned it to a few people and the reactions I got blew me away. EVERYONE has something negative to say, like, why would you do that? you don't need it!, (I'm 100 lbs overweight), why don't you just diet and exercise!there are too many complications!, on and on and on........ but when I mention that the diabetes, high blood pressure and heaven knows what else,is waiting down the line for me will kill me sooner than the surgery will, they have nothing to say. I am not looking for a quick fix, I diet and exercise, but always end up gaining the weight back. I feel that this will help me lose the weight and KEEP it off!!! So i've decided when I do have the surgery I'm not going to tell anyone except my fiance. Did any of you experience friends and family reactions like this?
  22. FELICIA17

    Negative People

    DerickM you are so right... one of my best friends who is a size 4 on a bad day:mad: .... is the one who said I'd be crazy to have this done. I said to my self well maybe she's afraid I'll loose weight,and become competition. I've seen some of the post where people have lost friends after they've lost weight... I think it's sad.............
  23. Hello all... I've been lurking around this site for a while. I've finally decided that I want to have the band done.........However, I've mentioned it to a few people and the reactions I got blew me away. EVERYONE has something negative to say, like, why would you do that? you don't need it!, (I'm 100 lbs overweight), why don't you just diet and exercise!there are too many complications!, on and on and on........ but when I mention that the diabetes, high blood pressure and heaven knows what else,is waiting down the line for me will kill me sooner than the surgery will, they have nothing to say. I am not looking for a quick fix, I diet and exercise, but always end up gaining the weight back. I feel that this will help me lose the weight and KEEP it off!!! So i've decided when I do have the surgery I'm not going to tell anyone except my fiance. Did any of you experience friends and family reactions like this?
  24. FELICIA17

    Negative People

    Oh my goodness.... I guess I'm not the only one huh? This site is heaven sent. I'll see now that I'll be spending a lot of time here. As for the negative people, my success will be the only way to show them..... I can't wait:)
  25. FELICIA17

    Negative People

    Thanks you guys.. it's a relief to know that I'm not alone in this. You guys are the greatest supporters around............:grouphug:

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