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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FELICIA17

  1. I go to Synchrony Health in Oak Brook. They charge $95. The phone number is 630-990-2440
  2. Ok all, I finally broke down and told my mother about my surgery. When I told her she actually said, "you don't have to do that, just keep the food out of your mouth" :straight ...I was speechless, I just sat there with this blank expression on my face. Now, my mother is the sweetest person in the world, however she is a bit old fashioned. I tried to explain to her how it works, and how it will help me lose weight and keep it off. She still insists that diet and exercise will do it. Well let me tell you, I've dieted and exercised my way up to being 100lbs overweight. She finally gave up with an "if you insist" type attitude. I absolutely give up explaining this thing to people, I'm so frustrated.:eek:
  3. FELICIA17

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Happy Birthday Phyl .......... I had my first public mishap today.... My daughter and I were out and we stopped at Wendy's, I ordered a chicken sandwich. I planned on eating the chicken w/o the bun. The first bite was fine, the 2nd bite I swallowed a bit too fast and HOLY SMOKES :omg:, I took off like a bat out of hell to the restroom and chucked up what was left in my throat. I think I may need to carry a "just in case" bag with me in case there's no restroom around.
  4. FELICIA17

    Sex after surgery

    I waited about 3 weeks, I wanted to make sure and not pull anything. It went fine with no problems.
  5. FELICIA17

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Cazulay you are doing an EXCELLENT job... doesn't it feel wonderful?
  6. FELICIA17

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi everyone....... did anyone do the black friday shopping? well I did and it didn't start out so well. I went to Value City at midnight and there was a stampede when the doors were opened, a little old man was laying on the ground, horrible. Left there went to Circuit City, Target, Menards and Radio Shack, got some great deals, so I'm practically done shopping.....I kept my eating pretty much in check on thanksgiving, I had two small meals and little bit of everything except the turkey, I had a feeling it wouldn't go down so I didn't chance it. Hope you guys enjoyed your day.
  7. FELICIA17

    still smoking, Are you?

    I smoke and my Dr. just got on my case about it. He say's smoking sometimes causes ulcers around the band. I know I need to quit and I am ready to. I heard that "Chantax" works really well, I'm going to see if I can get a prescription.
  8. FELICIA17

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hi everyone...just poppin in to say hello...I'm off to put up my christmas decorations....... I'll check back later
  9. FELICIA17

    My grandmother

    Relatives:straight...you have to love them..... all I can say is get used to people monitoring every morsel you put in your mouth..seriously, after my surgery, my MIL made a copy of the list of things I could eat and whenever she came over(almost daily) whenever she saw me eat, she did not hesitate to whip out the list to make sure it was approved, and this was during the liquid and mushie stage....I just laughed at her. There will be naysayers, just show them better than you can tell them when the weight starts falling off.:scared:
  10. FELICIA17

    Keeping secrets

    I didn't tell a lot of people, just my immediate family and very few friends ,who I told to keep their mouths shut about it. I just didn't feel like explaining myself over and over again, and hearing things like, just go on a diet, etc, etc. I also don't want a lot of people micromanaging my weight loss either, saying things like, "oh, you only lost 40lbs so far?", which one friend has said and it totally pissed me off, I'm like what do you mean "only", 40lbs is a huge step. When other people comment on my weight loss, I just say I've changed my way of eating which is the truth. So just tell who you feel will be the most supportive.
  11. Amy I know how that must hurt after being friends all those years. Some people just cant stand when other people change. I'm noticing that some of my friends attitudes are changing towards me as well. One friend in particular who was no longer the "only one" getting attention when we go out, started to make small snide comments. I came to the conclusion that the only reason she hung out with me was to make herself feel like the "gorgeous one". But you know what, when I had the surgery I knew that some people were going to be jealous and I didn't even tell a lot of people about the surgery, they just notice that I'm losing weight. I say to hell with them all. It hurts for a little while, but you will eventually move on. As they say some people are only in your life for a season and a reason.
  12. FELICIA17

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Congrats Salsa, that's huge milestone:)
  13. FELICIA17

    can you eat peanut butter?

    I tried it once since I've been banded and it almost killed me:eek:... I don't think I'll be trying it again any time soon.
  14. 1. I can tie my shoes without losing my breath. 2. My eyes don't shut when I smile. 3. My big hips have less bruises. 4. I can see my feet. 5. I can see my cheek bones. 6. I can walk much further without getting tired. 7. I can cross my legs. 8. I can shave my legs in the shower! 9. I can get out of the bathtub without 911 on speed dial. 10. I can bend over and..... GET BACK UP! 11. I can shop......anywhere! 12. My back doesn't hurt any more <!-- google_ad_section_end -->13. My double chin doesn't choke me while I sleep.<!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- / message --><!-- sig --> 14. I'm excited about life again. 15. I can wear REAL jeans(no more elastic waisted, pull ons). 16. My sex life is sooooo much better:)<!-- / message --><!-- sig --><!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- / message --><!-- sig --><!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- / message --><!-- sig --><!-- google_ad_section_end --><!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
  15. FELICIA17

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    I was a mortgage underwriter in the now infamous and oh so dead, sub-prime mortgage industry that you hear about on the news everyday. I've been doing that for so long, no one seems to want to hire me for anything else, so I'm seriously thinking of taking some classes in January so that I can work in an hospital office......and Kathy I'm asking for a treadmill for christmas so that I can get my exercise jumpstarted.
  16. FELICIA17

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hello everyone..... How is everyone? I know I haven't posted in a while.. things have been kinda crazy, my company closed down, so I've been job hunting.... anyhow... The weight loss is going well, I have 2 fills so far. I tried on a size 14 jeans today and they zipped up, yaaay... I couldn't believe it.......Now if I could only get motivated to exercise like I should:rolleyes:........I have the exercise dvd's and all that.....I need motivation yall:help:........what sort of exercise do you all do? do you find it better to do it in the mornings or evenings?
  17. FELICIA17

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Breakfast - 2 Scrambled Eggs, 2 Slices Of Turkey Bacon Lunch - About A Cup Of Crab Salad Dinner- Small Baked Lamb Chop W/steamed Broccoli & Cauliflower.
  18. FELICIA17

    Interference From Others

    My family tried to talk me out of it when I first hinted that I wanted to have it done, which had me second guessing myself. Then I realized that this is my choice and it's about ME, not them. I decided to have it done anyway and now everyone is all happy about my weight loss, when they were dead set against it at first. It's natural for everyone to be concerned, but at the end of the day the decision is yours. It's about your health, happiness and well-being.
  19. FELICIA17

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey everyone.... I got my 1st fill today:) 2cc's....I'm so excited.... I'm on liquids for the next two days. I hope when I eat again I have good restriction. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, just a little sting from the numbing medication. As far as my exercising goes I've started walking and I just unwrapped my Billy Blanks Bootcamp dvd set w/the Billy Bands, that I've had for at least 6months unopened:rolleyes.... He has to be THE most hyper person on the planet, he work you out until your last breath.. Does anyone else have the set? I'm going to need some good motivation for that man.
  20. FELICIA17

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Thanks for the thoughts and prayers you guys, it really means a lot...... I am so psyched for my fill tomorrow because my appetite is coming back. I also need to start working out. Have any of you started working out yet? what are you doing? I think I might start out by walking 30 minutes a day.
  21. FELICIA17

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey guys. It's me Felicia. I know I haven't been on in a while, I've been going through some things. My father was diagnosed with Lukemia, so I've been sort of down in the dumps... but I'm back and raring to go. I know I've missed a lot going on. My weight is coming off, I'm down about 25lbs. I go for my 1st fill Monday, I can't wait. Talk to you guys later.
  22. FELICIA17

    10-month anniversary

    Go ahead with your bad self!!!!!! 110lbs in 10months:clap2:, now that's what I'm talking about, that is wonderful, keep up the good work.
  23. FELICIA17

    Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

    Hey everybody... I'm 5 days post-op and I feel sooo much better. The first few days I think I was still high:rolleyes:, the wonderful nurses at the hospital had no problem dosing me up with morphine, gotta love em..... but heavens to betsy, THESE GAS PAINS:eek: are a major killer. The gas-x strips did not work, now I have Phazyme pills and they work a lot better. I've been walking around, a couple blocks up and down the street to get things moving. Once goos thing since the beginning of my journey until now I've lost 20lbs half of that was the pre-op diet., wooo-hooo:clap2:, although you can't tell it by my stomach, it's looks like I'm about to have a baby. One question, should I be hungry? I have no appetite at all, is that strange? I was thinking I should enjoy it while it lasts, because it'll probably come back with a vengence. Well just thought I'd let you guys know what was going on. Talk to you later.
  24. Hello all. I was banded 4 days ago. The surgery went well, I stayed overnight. When I came home I was very stiff and sore, felt like someone had been kicking me the gut all night. I did not get the gas pains until the next day.I've read about these gas pains and figured it can't be that bad. LORD HAVE MERCY:eek:, please forgive me for ever thinking that. I'm 4 days out and they are still kicking my butt. The pains are in my stomach and in my chest. It hurts to take a deep breath and it sounds like someone is having a house party in my stomach. I've been walking around the house, I've walked outside, gas-x and phayzyme(which seems to work the best). One thing is I figured I'd be starving by now, but I have no appetite at all, I guess I'm so full of air there's no room to be hungry. I have to force myself to drink water and some broth throughout the day. But all in all I'm happy to have this done, I'm down a few pounds since the beginning of my journey and I can't wait for the brand new me.

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