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Everything posted by hopeandfaith

  1. So I opened my vehicle door and there sat my Valentine's card and present from my husband. He gave me a Heart Shape box of Candy....I thought HE KNOWS I CAN'T eat CHOCOLATE!!! I opened the box and all the chocolate was GONE but in the middle of the box was 1 small heart shape hard candy that said I LOVE YOU! It made me laugh so much! Then I read the card and cried...it was the SWEETEST CARD I've EVER GOTTEN!!! Since I've been SLEEVED and that was only 5 weeks tomorrow I've noticed a BIG BIG BIG CHANGE in my husband. He is starting to show me more attention! If I mention something...and I mean just say Oh I need to go do this...HE DOES IT FOR ME! At first I just thought I was imagining things but then my daughter noticed too! He EVEN went to Church with me this past Sunday and took us out for lunch and NEVER complained! I told him we need a work out room for all our equipment....today a new 14 X 24 Building came! Now don't get me wrong my daughters have been asking this for MONTHS..YEARS...I just finally told him last week and he ordered it! THIS NEVER HAPPENED IN THE PAST.. he would do what the girls wanted not what I wanted! I'm just in SHOCK I mean WHAT THE HECK is going ON?!?
  2. hopeandfaith


    Milk of Magnesia is my BEST FRIEND!! LOL ONLY when I need it!!!
  3. hopeandfaith


    The best way to see if you are losing weight is to TRY on your old Pants. I felt like I wasn't losing either but then I put on my favorite pair of pants from before surgery and they were WAY TOO BIG!!! ONE thing just because something says NO SUGAR ADDED that doesn't mean it doesn't have sugar. FRUIT makes its OWN SUGAR. Also, my NUT told me to eat Protein ONLY for the first few months. I found that if I do just PROTEIN I'm not near as HUNGRY....CARBS make me HUNGRY!!! Stay AWAY from juice it is loaded with hidden SUGAR!!! Sometimes during this journey you will not lose the weight but you continue to lose inches! Don't beat yourself up....I know I did it to myself too. You did the RIGHT thing by coming to the website for help! There are a LOT of GREAT people here that are here to SUPPORT you and HELP you in any way they can. THIS WEBSITE HELPED ME SO MUCH!!! Also, to help you follow your diet and calorie intake use some of the FREE websites that are available on the internet. Don't forget your HEAD HUNGRY is still with you but your SLEEVE will not allow it to WIN....the SLEEVE will win everytime. If you over eat you will get sick. The next time you will listen to your SLEEVE! LOL GOOD LUCK and don't worry you will do fine!!!!
  4. hopeandfaith

    From: My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    I'm GLAD you are doing so well!! I'm VERY HAPPY for you!!!!
  5. My doctor did give me Nexium in case I needed it. I think I took them for a couple of days but that was it.
  6. Went shopping and for the first time in YEARS I purchased 3 Skorts in the MISSES Section! What an AWESOME feeling!!!

  7. Are you walking around? I had to walk a lot to get rid of the gas! I'm 47 as well and I found SIP SIP SIP makes you feel better too. Get your FLUIDS IN!! I also made my own Soups with fresh veggies and that helped keep me REGULAR!! LOL You will LOVE YOUR NEW SLEEVE!!! Welcome aboard!!!
  8. I NEED to make time to get on this website more!!! I didn't realize how HELPFUL the support is! Without it you can FALL!! I'm still feeling GREAT just on a BIG STALL but it IS my fault! It's been SO HOT and I've gotten LAZY with the exercise!

  9. hopeandfaith


    AWESOME that is GREAT NEWS!!!
  10. I'm JUST Curious how much weight have you lost 6 months after surgery?? I promise you I'm NOT comparing myself to anyone just wondering ? I KNOW EVERYONE losing weight differently!!! LOL I will be honest and say my FAMILY....HUSBAND and DAUGHTER think it should COME OFF FASTER!!! I keep telling them I'm DOING just fine!!! YES I'm a SLOW loser but I'm OK with that!!!! I just thought I would tell them to....well I won't put what I REALLY WANT to tell them! LOL
  11. hopeandfaith

    PEEPS: Be SURE to drink ALL you water

    Hey I know your pain!!! I pass Kidney Stones often but mine are from my parents. LOL I'm SO GLAD to see EmergenC is good for me. I drink them a lot!! I'm GLAD you are feeling better!!! I was SO SCARED to have my VSG surgery because of my Stones. After talking to my Doctor he told me this weightloss surgery would be on the ONLY one he would do on me. GOOD LUCK!!!
  12. hopeandfaith

    JUST CURIOUS....6 months out!

  13. hopeandfaith

    Scale Victory!!

    AWESOME!!!! What a GREAT feeling!!! GOOD JOB!!!
  14. hopeandfaith

    Question for Post Ops!

    Same as everyone else...NO SMELLS...but I do burp a lot!! SO SO SO WORTH it!!! It's just a little gas and it will pass!! LOL
  15. What a BEAUTIFUL DAY it is today!!!! Done with my workout and now ready for Church!

  16. hopeandfaith

    8 months out

    95 lbs that is AWESOME!!!! GREAT JOB!!!
  17. hopeandfaith

    Drain or no drain?

    My doctor doesn't believe in any drains and I did just fine!!! Plus, was in the hospital only 24 hours. You always feel better when you are HOME!! LOL
  18. hopeandfaith

    Hello...I'm hungry lol

    I know this is HARD! I hated my 2 week pre diet but you will LOVE the WEIGHT LOSS!!! Hang in there and just think you are doing this for YOURSELF!!! You will be getting HEALTHY!!! You are getting you MIND ready for your surgery. I always THOUGHT I was hungry....MY MIND thought I was but really I wasn't. I'm 3 months out and 60 pounds down!!! You will be just fine!! ONE thing I did was go to bed early! If I sleep I wont EAT!!! LOL GOOD LUCK and KEEP US UPDATED!!!!
  19. hopeandfaith

    6.5 months out!!.. PICS!!!!! :D

    AWESOME!!! You look GREAT!!!
  20. hopeandfaith

    5 week update photos

  21. hopeandfaith

    Newly sleeved!

    AWESOME! Everyday you are going to feel MUCH BETTER!!! Keep us updated!!!
  22. hopeandfaith

    sipping 3 days out and...

    You have to SIP SMALL SIPS...almost as if you aren't drinking at all...but do this OFTEN!!! EVERYDAY REALLY does get BETTER! It's a different feeling at the beginning but you learn and if you forget your TUMMY will remind you! LOL Good luck and I promise it will get better!
  23. What a GREAT day....59 down and only 101 to go!!!! LOL I can't remember the last time I weighed this! It's a GREAT feeling!

  24. Here I sit at 5:15AM with my coat on and my swim suit!!! LOL Ready for Water Aerobics! Yesterday it was 70 this morning 43..BRRRR

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
