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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by WrenBird

  1. WrenBird

    Feeling Unwelcome Here

    I went and had a look at what all the fuss was about and I'm soo surprised! It was nothing for her to worry about at all. I think the thread starter just didn't understand the forum and was looking at the recent posts part. I think if anything, you guys were less respected than her :smile2: Not to worry though (though I doubt this fazes you), a large majority of the people here know that you're not the way she described you. :blushing:
  2. WrenBird

    Exercise after Band

    aha sweet. They made me walk like down the hall very slowly and that was it. I also apparently had some internal bleeding, so I think they were trying to keep it small with me.
  3. I'm excited about hipbones. I can feel them when I lay on my side. It's so exciting.
  4. WrenBird

    Feeling Unwelcome Here

    Well if she was being treated badly I think that's ok...Don't you? We're meant to respect each other here, right? I actually went and read what she was talking about and you're completely right...What she was on about was so small and silly, I not only think she shouldn't tell a moderator now, but I was so surprised she was even offended by it.
  5. WrenBird

    Should I be full?

    Firstly: That doesn't sound too appetising to me. Eeek :-/ lol Secondly, Elcee is right. If you can't eat those kinds of foods, maybe try getting an unfill. Some people don't realise that having too much fill can also make you put on weight. Sounds crazy, I know, but I'm in the same boat at the moment.
  6. WrenBird

    food questions

    This happened to me the other day after my fill! Is it possible that while you were at the restaurant you had a few things stuck and it made your stomach a little bit swolen?
  7. WrenBird

    Feeling Unwelcome Here

    I've had people jump on my case too. Don't stress. Tell a moderator - Maybe not a great idea to make a thread about it. Don't be sad <3 Cleo's mom is actually a really sweet person, I've noticed. Maybe you've just seen the bad side of these people.
  8. I lost about 6-7 kgs before surgery. I've kept it off and am now up to 12kgs!
  9. I was eating a can of mustard chicken everyday with the lettuce and about a week before my fill I was hardly on Optifast - I'm back on Optifast because it has nutrients in it that I need now that I can't eat meat.
  10. I'm not offended by what you guys said...It was more a mixture of this and some other things in another thread that a certain individual said. I don't think they realised it though. I don't measure my food because 2/3 of it's already done for me :-) I drink optifast and snack on celery and different types of lettuces...I mean...Do I really have to weigh a big bowl of lettuce and snacking celery? They're not the part of the diet that contains Protein, so I'm not really sure why I'd bother. It's just like a salad except I prefer just to have it by itself because it tastes better with mustard and all of the other crap takes too long to prepare and I enjoy it just with 4 different types of lettuces instead lol. I can see where I'd look a little silly saying that all I eat is protein shakes, celery and lettuce, but I'm not torurting myself, I really do enjoy it! I don't get hungry thorughout the day and I'm getting good nutrients with Optifast! I ate a can of mustard chicken yesterday...It got stuck...I ended up just sucking on it and spitting it out. I'm definately not ready for chunks of meat yet. I'm not sure if you've noticed but I really really love mustard :blushing: Mustard is my favourite and I could eat it on anythingggg. I just chose different kinds of lettuces because they contain the Vitamin I was once lacking (assuming I'm no longer lacking it, but am still at risk).
  11. Ugh. I get so mad when people think we're cheating...All lap banding does is 1/3 of the work...Maybe not even that...You still have to work so hard to achieve that. As I'm typing I just noticed some visible bones in my hands. Woohoo!! lol.
  12. WrenBird

    Exercise after Band

    Wow, I'm so surprised you guys were able to start walking immediatly...I remember fainting in the shower (luckily it wasn't that bad, sort I fell on my knees and not through the glass, thankgod) just from overdoing it from washing my hair! lol.
  13. WrenBird

    Advice for 1st fill??

    Order salad! Or even foods with lots of Water in them lol. Like Elfie said, try to avoid breads - having food stuck is horribleee. I also agree on the waiting between bites part. Sometimes you don't know how something is going to sit on your band, so if you shovel it down before it gets there you'll have that problem all at once. Also don't feel inclinded to eat the whole thing. Try to order 'small' things and don't be afraid to take some home with you. All the best, WrenBird.
  14. WrenBird

    Exercise after Band

    I was able to do slow walking a week after and aqua aerobics 2 weeks after. Aqua aerobics was a little more important to me though so I was walking very slowly and only doing 20 minutes a day before then. Now I'm doing an hour a day, but that's because I'm not having some of the problems I was having earlier. Aqua aerobics strengthened my back and leg muscles, so it was better to start walking. My weight loss is mostly about keeping my spine strong, so that's why I exercise a fair bit and do it everyday - Not sure if that's what other people do, but that's what I'm doing currently. Once I get a little better I'll be able to do harder workouts.
  15. WrenBird

    mental set back...

    Hey, it's funny you should mention that! I looked into that the other day. I noticed the steps were highly based around the belief in god though. I'm not a believer, so I sort of felt that wouldn't work for me. Do you know if there's anyway around that?
  16. I inserted different quotes that I'd previously stated to answer what you'd said.
  17. Betsy! You only have 37.6 lbs to go! Amazingggg!!!

  18. After I came out of surgery I said some pretty crazy stuff while coming off of anaesthesia. It always happens...It's so embarassing. I can't stop talking. I kept talking about wanting to be thin and saying I hope the surgeon didn't screw up. I also talked about the last time I was on the stuff for my wisdom teeth removal. - I'd asked the nurse if she looked at my boobs during surgery and then told her they were private. Then I asked her if she farted. >.< I felt the need to tell this to the nurses while I was having my lap band done. There was also a poor girl next to me trying to sleep. I yelled at her 'HEY! what did you get done?'' and she said, 'colonoscopy'...Gah...I feel like a total jerk now that I look back, but at the same time it's kind of funny lol. Some things are hazy too. My surgeon said that I'd asked at one stage if I was dead...I don't remember that, but it sounds like something stupid I'd say. The same thing happens when I drink alcohol - which is exactly why I don't touch the stuff. I act like a total dork.
  19. Hello :-) For days after I had my band I couldn't lay flat - I had the same problem as you but it was a little bit lower. It was driving me crazy but it eventually worked out. If it's so bad that you can't breath, I suggest seeing a doctor. If it's something that feels like it might go away, maybe wait it out to see if it gets better. All the best, I hope you feel better soon! Edit: If you're really worried maybe try to get a CT scan to check for blood clots.
  20. It could've been that you weren't eating enough food reguarly and it was effecting your metabolism, or it could've been that you weren't doing enough exercise. Like I said, I don't know your situation, but if that's what works for you then great. MY situation works for me :-) I, myself have stopped losing as much weight when I increased my calorie intake from 500 a day to 1000 a day. Someone else in this thread even said they had to go under 1000 a day to keep losing weight. There is absolutely no problem with that. If it works for you, then great...It is, however NOT an issue. I'm sorry if I'm sounding rude, but I simply wanted to explain starvation mode to you so you knew that I wasn't doing the wrong thing. It sucks when people tell you you're doing it wrong - I've worked my butt off since I got my band and I'm pretty proud of myself and my achievements. I had a junk food addiction and I hadn't been able to exercise because of my joint and muscle pain and back problems, so I started with aqua aerobics and when I got strong enough I started walking. My weightloss depends on my health quite a bit, so it's very personal to me.
  21. Hey me too! lol. I was on 500 calories a day with a diet called Optifast (which is often given by doctors to treat extremely obese patients) that has all of the essential nutrients you need and I was losing a lot of weight, now that I don't drink Optifast as much I'm on less than 1000 calories a day and in no way losing as much as I was before. It's a bummer, but losing weight a little slower is better I think. If I go over, I don't lose anything so I'm pretty happy with my calorie intake at the moment. I find it a little offending when people say there's something wrong with that - my surgeon, doctor, physiotherrapist, nutritionist - you name it has all said it's fine as long as I eat reguarly and am getting all of the right nutrients. :blushing:
  22. WrenBird

    mental set back...

    Hey, I'm really sorry about your issues. I wish the best for you <3 The last time I was craving food I ate a pizza. This is before I was banded and was trying desperately to lose weight. I felt horrible afterwards. I wrote down exactly how bad I felt in a letter and put it on my desk. I read it everytime I feel like eating something bad. I also tried a new technique today. I walked around in the lolly section of clints and look at everything and instead of imagining how amazing it'd taste, I imagine how bad I'd feel afterwards. I also imagine the pain of it going through my band. I hope this helps. It's been helping me so far, but don't forget...It's ok to slip up once and a while. I don't condone it, but it happens and you've just gotta get back on the horse and put that behind you. I hope you're ok <3 These things happen...Everyone goes through it at one stage. You'll be fine. You've done so well. Cheers, WrenBird.
  23. Hi Friend, Your metabolism doesn't slow down unless you starve yourself. Starving and 'starvation mode' are two entirely different things :blushing: Starving yourself is when you don't eat enough food, which effects your metabolism. Because I eat all day, my metabolism is not effected. Starvation mode is when you don't eat enough nutrients to sustain health. Your body then takes nutrients needed from your organs and muscles to survive. This results in your metabolism also slowing down. It may have been that you weren't eating enough throughout the day. I did read your post and I'm sorry if I sounded rude, but as I said before, everyone is different and if that works for you, then great. Eating less than 1000 calories a day works for me and I'm happy doing that :smile2:. I don't have a explaination as to why you weren't losing as much weight when you were eating less calories, because I obviously don't know your situation - but I do know that low calorie intake is, and has in the past been wrongly accused of being responsible for 'starvation mode', when the issue really is lack of nutrients. Cheers, WrenBird Edit: Optifast contains less than 500 calories a day and is given to patients in Australia to treat extreme obesity. It contains all of the nutrients needed and if eating 500 calories a day comes with a 'anorexic mentallity' then it wouldn't be on the market. Since I've increased my calories to 1000 a day or less, I've stopped losing as much weight. I think people just need to go with what works for them :-)
  24. Sorry, but I did mention that I snack on celery throughout the day :blushing: This is so I'm never hungry and my metabolism won't be effected. and no. My first fill was a few days ago and as it's my first fill, the chances that it's not going to be exactly right is high. I have an appointment soon to correct that. It was not deliberate :wub: Edit: I also want to mention that all of this stuff has been approved by my doctor, nutritionist, surgeon and physiotherrapist. I have schuermann's disease, which effects my spine. The place I was heading before was slowly making my spine more and more deformed and making it harder to stand up right. Since I've had my band I don't have problems walking anymore and I rarely get back pain now :-) Edit #2: Optifast also says that after a number of weeks you can switch one of your shakes out with a light salad...I figure I'd use different types of lettuces because leafy greens contain the Vitamin I was once lacking :-) There's no problem with that
  25. WrenBird

    eggplant recipes?

    Eggplant balls: Aunt Mary's Eggplant Balls Recipe - Allrecipes.com Only 199 calories too!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
