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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by amjames

  1. amjames

    Outrageous Octobers

    Hi fellow October Bandsters! I was banded last week. Tomorrow will be my graduation to soft foods. I have had my 2 first major NSV this week. On sunday I was able to put my wedding ring on and wear it comfortably. This is the first time in 3 years I have been able to wear it. I also was taken off my insulin yesterday. I know my doctors said that it would happen fast I just didn't think it would be this fast. I wish you all the best of luck and look forward to watching your progress!
  2. I just got my band done on Thursday I am really excited to see the difference it will make. I lost 9 pounds by the day of surgery in in the 3 days since I am down another 3. I am having a hard time with this liquid diet, I have been doing soups mostly, protein drink, and jello but I just need something different. I am holding out though because the thought of hurting my healing is too scary to me. I look forward to hearing from all you new friends out there to help me along the way
  3. I am 4 days post opt and tonight I am experiencing the worst pain so far. So here what is going on. I have a terrible sore throat so I poured some salt in my throat and then a drink of water. Immediatly I started to not feel good. My back behind my left breast is hurting my left leg is hurting. Does anyone know why and if salt would cause this to happen. I have been drinking tons of water since and I have paged my doctor but I am starting to panic Help anyone!
  4. amjames

    Brand new Bandster!

    Oh I forgot my ticker pin number so I cant update it crap!!!
  5. Rose, I am getting banded on Oct 7th. I am so excited and a bit nervous too so I understand where you are coming from. Hope to see your progress on here, good luck Amber

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