I remember the day after surgery, not being able to get up without feeling like my insides were ripping open, worried I would mess up the surgery somehow. I could only sleep on my back. I had to slowly scoot up to get up. That lasted 2-3 days. Then, it slowly got better. The port continued to hurt, though, even at my two week appointment. I kept thinking they put it in wrong, or my port was flipped or something, but my doctor checked it and he said it was OK> Now, 8 weeks out, the port has finally stopped hurting. I am always conscious of it, though. I can feel it and when I bend over a table, I feel like I'm going to knock it out of the place it's attached. But, at least there is no more pain. Hang in there. I didn't believe them when they said it would take time, but they were right.