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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by misty22076

  1. Hi Jodie !

    Don't surround yourself by negativity, keep positive thoughts. They do try to give you time so you can ask lots of questions and also time to discipline yourself. Just follow what the DR's tell you and things will work out to your advantage. I have heard some people as well, talking about gaining weight after the lap band, the only way I can see that happening is that they are making bad food choices or they have no excersize regiment. The lap band is there to help restrict our intake of food, make us aware of what we put in our mouths, do we want to indulge in high calorie foods, knowing we can have a gain or become violently sick ? As for myself, I don't want to put myself in that position. Or do we make healthier choices, eating slower, taking our time so we can digest our food and actually enjoy the taste of non-processed foods which are healthier choices ? I like the taste of becoming a healthier person. I was banded this past Monday, surgery went fine and I am ecstatic that I am on this journey with the help of the lap band and all the tools that my Doctor has given me. I am off all my diabetic medications, that is a blessing all in itself ! I have talked to many people as well that underwent this procedure, wonderful success stories ! We can make them success stories and so will you ! Good luck with your surgery and I wish you the best.

    Bev :)

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