Ok, since my slippage surgery on 9/21 I have been dropping weight like crazy and my Doc was worried about the weight loss. Now 4 weeks out from surgery I'm up 5 lbs...out of no where. I stopped doing the protein shakes, Doc gave me the approval to go ahead and try to eat...and so far its been great. I'm able to eat almost anything in small quantities...including bread/pasta and chicken...all of which I couldn't eat prior to this. Makes me wonder, was my band misplaced improperly to begin with...and did the Doc miss it??? Anyhow I'm working out like a crazy woman and the scale just keeps going up and up....I was 6 lbs below goal and now 5 lbs over....11 lbs COME ON. I'm feeling discourage and frustrated and hunger has set in...making Christy a very grumpy girl. I go in for my first fill on Nov. 5th and I cannot wait to get back on track again. Well I'm taking my "lil weight gaining self" to the gym....2nd workout for the day. I CANNOT FAIL!!!!:thumbup: