I completely understand you not wanting to go to a hospital and aftercare where you aren't comfortable. On a more sensitive note, our economy has fallen on hard times and I think if people would take time out of their personal more fortunate lives to volunteer....they may find some amazing, wonderful, talented, loving and educated people that are trying to pick themselves back up. You can't always judge a book by its cover. I personally was a single mother of 3 children, escaping an abusive husband...who found myself living in a housing project. I fought my way back up, and met some amazing people along the way...teaching my children to appreciate the little things in life, LOVE being the most important. Most people are literally 2 paychecks away from being able to fall homeless, this does not make them bad people. I also agree with one of the other comments, you find "scandalous" people in every neighborhood.
Very sensitive subject for me personally...I did not chose the life I was thrown into! I also wouldn't change a thing, my children are better adults for the struggles we had to overcome as a family. Especially now through the Holidays, we take time in our more fortunate lives to "Pay it Forward"....reminding ourselves that someone once helped us.