Dr. Bunas is having me do doxy 3x daily for one month, 2x daily for one month, 1x daily for 2 weeks then every other day for 2 weeks. It started by going to my PCP and numerous attempts with antibiotics for 10 day cycle, for it only to return after a week or so. He referred me to the first Dermatologist who put me on Oracea (EXPENSIVE and didn't work) and had me use Finacea and Bactroban. After months of no results and she refused to try any other medications...financially couldn't justify the Oracea....especially since it wasn't working. I'm really loving Dr. Bunas, he is being aggressive to get this under control and then we will taper from there. He also gave me Acanya Cream to start in about another week...only wanting to try one thing at a time, to truly see what is working and what isn't. ....and he gave me a TON of samples, which I really appreciate. I'd much rather try something and see if it work before hitting the ol' pocket book again. I can honestly say....for the first time in months I don't feel like my face is on fire. I was literally having to use gel ice packs on my chin (this area was effected mostly)...my nose, cheeks, forehead pretty much always were fine. He isn't sure if this is Rosacea? Impetigo? Acne? Once the inflammation and infection is down I'm sure we can assess it better I know I'm loving the results I see in the mirror...first time in a very long time. 14 months is a long time to deal with an infection...very depressing. I goto to see Dr. Bunas again on Dec. 28th...he may not recognize me I'll keep you updated. Thank you