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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Boo_68

  1. Boo_68

    I did it, I jogged 3miles nonstop!

    and she just keeps running Congratulations....such an accomplishment!!
  2. Boo_68

    i think i'm gonna do this!

    It is a decision that will forever change you life. Going into this knowing that you still have to do the work, but its a "tool" that makes what seems impossible a reality. I had my surgery almost 2 years ago...and there isn't a day go by that I am not greatful for my new life. I also had your outlook many years ago, and finally realized having weight loss surgery would help me keep the weight off...I don't consider myself weak, but quite the opposite for taking control of my health. I only wish I had done it sooner. Best wishes to you and good luck on your journey!
  3. Since my last update....My #6 on my list came true. I'M GONNA BE A GRANDMA....baby is due July 28th )
  4. Grandbaby is due July 28th....Awww and my son called me crying with the news. So exciting for our family!

  5. Grandbaby is due July 28th....Awww and my son called me crying with the news. So exciting for our family!

  6. Boo_68

    Hiding behind a Mask

    I've heard alot of good things about the metrogel. I like the Acanya...a little drying but I'm using a daily moisturizer by Vanicream. Does the metrogel dry out your skin too?? OMG and my face is completely clear....wish I would of switched Doctors sooner!! Its nice talking to someone who understands
  7. Boo_68

    Hiding behind a Mask

    I was wondering if anyone else out there has suffered with skin problems since being banded? I hadn't really put the two together until going to my 2nd Dermatologist today. I say 2nd, because I finally made the decision to get a second oppinion. Here is my story of suffering...I'll try to keep it short. Oct 2009 I broke out with the most god awful open oozy rash on my chin...omg my entire chin was covered. It was painful, itchy...and dreadful to look at. A trip to the Doc and 2 weeks of antibiotics and it finally went away. Diagnosis....Impetigo (which we think I caught from my Nephew) I still have doubts...anyway it has literally come back with a vengeance at least 15 times in the past year. I finally decided it was time to see a different Dermatologist who thinks this very well could be Acne Rosacea...and very possible that it started when I really starting seeing a good amount of weightloss. I've had numerous blood workups done to keep tabs on vitamin levels and they have all been normal. I workout at least 5 days a week. When all of this started I switched over to only Organic soaps (which really has helped). Anyhow its been 1 week with the new Doc....he put me on Doxycycline 100mg 3x's a day...and we will slowly wean off after 3 months. On top of all of this...horrible swelling in my chin, not sure if they are cysts??? but he did 3 steroid injections this morning, and OMG what a miracle drug...cuz my chin is normal again. I'm almost 43 yrs old, and I think I've had 5 pimples in my entire life....I just know that this has made me very depressed this past year. Acne/Roasacea/Impetigo??? Whatever it is, its an angry monster I WANT GONE. I see some light at the end of the tunnel with this new Doc being so aggressive on healing this. Anyways,....looks like Christmas is going to be great and I won't have to hide under a MASK of makeup ) I was just curious if anyone else out there suffered from this...maybe a chemical imbalance as our bodies change??
  8. OMG...Ultrasound for my first Grandbaby tomorrow....YEEeeeeeaaahhhhhh!

  9. ...well I didn't run, however I was brave enough to hit the hustle bustle of shopping. Still struggling emotionally tonight, but doing better!

  10. ....So much for empowerment...No Run today. Just gonna curl up in bed and have a good crying session!

  11. Boo_68

    An eyeopener!

    Very Cute and so true Let the baking begin...hehehe looks like you have a handle on temptations!
  12. Boo_68

    Fish Oil

    I would love to know too. I bought some "lemon" chewable gel caps...NASTY, literally made me gag. I also cannot swallow the big capsules. I may have to investigate ones Camille talked about...and Kelly which ones are tasteless??
  13. Bring on the Christmas stress...this year I'm gonna squash you like a bug!! I'M READY!!

  14. Boo_68

    Weak Moment....

    So I'm about 5 weeks out since my surgery for my slipped band and I have to admit I'm now struggling. Hunger has definetely kicked in....FULL FORCE. I talked to my Doctor (PCP) today about being put on an appetite suppressant until I'm back to my sweet spot with my fills...last thing I want is to gain the weight back. Call me weak if you want, but I can't do it without help...and my Doctor agreed to put me on Phentermine for 3 months. I'm working out twice a day to balance out the food I'm eating to keep the scale down...and so far so good, but its causing me major anxiety. I start the Phentermine tomorrow...I sure hope this helps me through this rough spot. I will definetely let you all know how it goes. FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION!! :thumbup:
  15. Boo_68

    Weak Moment....

    I'm finally getting there....Monday I had another fill, putting me to 5cc's....actually feeling a little restriction now, so battling the hunger is much better. I've managed to "teeter" back and forth by about 5 lbs since September. My true goal though, I really think I want to lose another 10 lbs...just not watching the scale so much these days, but I wanna explored the new me with a little more loss. Thank you everyone for your support. So glad I found this site...amazing people here
  16. Boo_68

    Hiding behind a Mask

    Dr. Bunas is having me do doxy 3x daily for one month, 2x daily for one month, 1x daily for 2 weeks then every other day for 2 weeks. It started by going to my PCP and numerous attempts with antibiotics for 10 day cycle, for it only to return after a week or so. He referred me to the first Dermatologist who put me on Oracea (EXPENSIVE and didn't work) and had me use Finacea and Bactroban. After months of no results and she refused to try any other medications...financially couldn't justify the Oracea....especially since it wasn't working. I'm really loving Dr. Bunas, he is being aggressive to get this under control and then we will taper from there. He also gave me Acanya Cream to start in about another week...only wanting to try one thing at a time, to truly see what is working and what isn't. ....and he gave me a TON of samples, which I really appreciate. I'd much rather try something and see if it work before hitting the ol' pocket book again. I can honestly say....for the first time in months I don't feel like my face is on fire. I was literally having to use gel ice packs on my chin (this area was effected mostly)...my nose, cheeks, forehead pretty much always were fine. He isn't sure if this is Rosacea? Impetigo? Acne? Once the inflammation and infection is down I'm sure we can assess it better I know I'm loving the results I see in the mirror...first time in a very long time. 14 months is a long time to deal with an infection...very depressing. I goto to see Dr. Bunas again on Dec. 28th...he may not recognize me I'll keep you updated. Thank you
  17. Sorry its taken me so long to respond...this new site has me all confused. I figure by now your banded Congrats and welcome to the journey. Hmmm suggestions....1. Stay Hydrated...Water is so important 2. Protein protein protein 3. Excercise is good for the mind, body and soul 4. Support System, whether it be friends, family, support groups or here ) The band is a tool, use it...and it works. You may not see alot of change the first few months until your filled....be patient and compassinate to yourself. I also suggest taking measurements...I can't tell you how much it helped to know I was shrinking, when that scale wouldn't budge. Find a routine...write it down...for me it keeps me honest and accountable to myself. Best of luck to you. I look forward to hearing your success!
  18. Boo_68

    My personal testimony with Obesity

    Welcome to "Your Journey" Denise...look forward to hearing about all your success!!
  19. Boo_68

    My 2010 Accomplishment

    Your inspirational...and you look amazing. Keep up the great work!!
  20. Boo_68

    Almost 100lbs gone.

    My band is at 5cc's...the most was 5.9cc's. Everyone is different though, and feels restriction at different levels.
  21. Down 4 lbs...hope it stays...been teetering for 2 1/2 months. I was able to get another fill yesterday, putting me at 5cc's...hope this does the trick until after New Years.

  22. Boo_68

    Greenlake Gobble 5k

    Our first snow fell during the run....bundled up in 4 layers of clothing...I WAS STILL FREEZING!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
