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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Rachael

  1. if you were dx with sleep apnea do you still have it after losing weight? Did you use a cpap mask? How long? Did you have to have another sleep study after a certain amount of time? I just had my pre-surgery sleep study and I am not looking forward to ever having another one! I don't know if I have apnea or not so I really hope not.

    One thing I found humorous was on the morning-after survey it asked if I had trouble falling sleep last night and if so, could I think of anything that happened that day that caused me to fall asleep later than usual. I wrote "Yes. I someone put wires all over my face." blink.gif

    The sleep technician told me that once i lose 10% of my original body weight, I need to come back to be re-evaluated and my cpap readjusted. Although the doctor gave me a self-regulating cpap. I am embarrassed to say that I haven't used it since surgery on 3/18. The mask is off. I am scheduled to get a new mask on Tuesday. I agree with you. There is nothing comfortable about a sleep study. I had to have three. The first one didn't record anything. The second one did--I had sleep apnea and the third for a night's sleep on the cpap. I sleep very little all three nights.

  2. I can't believe they will not give you a fill if you feel like you are overeating. When I go for my monthly doctor visits we talk about how much you can eat at a sitting ... they ask can you eat more than a specific size plate, are you drinking your calories, are you taking your Vitamins, are you exercising. If I am losing 1 - 2 pounds per week I don't get a fill ... if not I have gotten a fill.

    I don't have the sweets craving you talk about but I have one restaurant that I can't go past w/o stopping for desert ... yesterday I stopped and got a piece of pecan pie only. I ate half the pie yesterday and will finish it off today. The last time I had something sweet was 2 weeks ago.

    I can't wait to get to the stage. I have been avoiding all sweets for awhile because I can't stop at 1/2 piece of pie. That is awesome and gives me hope that I can eat sweets in moderation to one day.

  3. Last night, I recognized that I was eating for comfort for the first time before I ate. I was angry at my mom and my mother in law and tired when I got home from work. I am still not a 100%--had surgery two weeks ago. I feel much better but am completely worn out by the time six o'clock comes. My mom's birthday was Wednesday night. I told my mom on Monday that I would get a cake for her (I can't eat but my kids would like it) and had a gift for her. She told me that she wanted to forget about her birthday and not to mention it. Well, Wed was my first day back at work and I forgot to call her. Yesterday, my mother in law kept my kids and she started yelling at me when I walked through the door. First about that she wouldn't do anything for me if I was her daughter. She couldn't believe that I did not do anything for my mom's birthday. then, about the day care being closed. I said it isn't typical and I usually only send my kids MWF when i work. So, I was angry about the whole situation. I did drop a cake and birthday present for my mom off at her house.

    I did look around my kitchen after supper, I wasn't hungry, just mad. Really, really wanted to eat Prinkles but didn't. Of course being on full liquids helps....don't want to mess up my stomach. It was kind of a "light bulb" moment and I thought I can't do that anymore.

    thanks for reading if you made it this far. I know this is more a vent but it has helped me....Ha HA.


  4. Everyone seems so up beat here. I've got to say, being only 3 days post op, I surely didn't expect it to be this hard. I have a high pain tolerance and could probably deal with the pain, but the nausea is killing me. I ma drinking my liquids, but I'm sure not enough becaue my mouth is EXTREMELY dry. I just can't seem to get to feeling better. I am not one to sit around, so I am ready toget up and get on with mye life but this surgery is kicking me butt. Please tell me this is going to get better soon.

    Jennifer B

    It took me a good four to five days to really start to feel better. Hang in their, call the doctor and see if they can give you something for nausea or switch your pain medicine. Stay ahead of the pain...take your medicine on time, etc.


  5. Rachel,

    You have normal feelings, we all had the same. I was supposed to be on liquids for 2 wks as well, and I graduated my self on to mushies and softies as I could tolerate. I have had some restriction the whole time. (I started with 5cc in a 10 cc band). So far, I have 30 lbs ( banded 1/20). Listen to your body, if you are hungry, than eat, the band isn't supposed to bring misery, it is there to help, if we were perfect, we would all be a size 2. will do great, use your Drs. orders as a guideline, but listen to your body. Good luck, skinny girl, you will do great!!!



  6. I am so happy to see this post...you have no idea. Not that I'm glad you feel bad, don't get me wrong but I'm a prebander and so dreading the liquid diet. My husband is already telling me that I'm going to regret this surgery and I've told him for the first month I'm going to cry and wonder what the heck I did to myself. I am glad to see the same emotions are running through someone else and I'm not alone. I will do my best to follow the instructions but darn it....you get hungry and if you aren't "feeling bad" then you are going to want something to eat. Maybe they should give us a pill that will give us the flu for about two weeks, then we wouldn't want to eat anything but Water and crystal light. I will just keep in mind that the first month is the hardest....if I can get through that it will be worth it. I'm sure you aren't the only one who wondered "what the heck" you did to yourself. I'll be saying those words on April 19th and April 20th but I'm hoping by June 20th, my 40th birthday, I will be a size smaller and feeling better.

    Good Luck to you, take it slow, do the best you can and you'll feel better soon. Everyone says so who has been there, so hang tight...the light at the end of the tunnel is coming.

    I feel so much better. I am having trouble getting in all the Water with the Protein shakes but to be able to eat even the full liquids is heaven. I knew it would be bad at first. the first few days after surgery I didn't feel like eating--heck, I had trouble getting in the water I was suppose to. But, those hunger pangs come on quick. I am glad I did it. I have lost weight already. It will be well worth it. It is hard but I am lucky to have supportive people in my life and on line. It will be so worth it.

  7. I bought the rocket blender which is very small and has a small canister along with a larger one. The smaller one is perfect size to blend or chop up your chicken, tuna, or whatever you want. I mix miracle whip fat free, and add celery, onion or even pickle relish to it. Yum. Can eat this on whole wheat crackers. You can also use this small blender to make your Protein shakes in. I still have the Protein Shakes when I feel I have over indulged I make up for it by having a Protein shake for Breakfast. Plus the added protein is good for you and helps you to feel full. The more protein you have the better. You can even sprinkle it on some of your other foods to get it in your diet. I have sprinkled the powder in sugar free puddings and other foods which you can't even taste it. Good luck! :)

    Sprinkling Protein Powder on food is a fantastic idea. I gagged down a chocolate Protein Shake this morning. I may try this in a few minutes (I'm due for another shake) with a sugar free pudding. It only adds 60 calories and I am sure it is much better.



  8. Thanks for support. In context I will tell you, Because I have changed so much I started a fitness portion to church I attend because so many people wanted to know what I was doing. I lost about 30 or so lbs in my 6 month pre op waiting period. Im paying it forward. I work out with the people in the group send inspirational emails and make blog posts about various fitness topics. I use info that ive researched and also info that I get from nutritionist. I agree some people can get cocky and arrogant when they lose, BUT I also believe people can perceive it that way when you now have improved self esteem. I cried about it and my son caught me crying. My son is 11 and tells me how proud he is of me and he says, mom you stand taller, you smile alot more and he says mom slow down your walking so fast now :-). Those are the things that keep me going. The person that said the hurtful remarks would tell me every time they see me how great I look. BUt yesterday decided to say "how you gonna give people advice about being healthy and not doing fad diets when you had surgery, how soon you forget!" My response was I can never forget where I came from because Ive been fat my entire life, and many times have been ashamed.

    I have more stamina, pep in my step, I look darn good in my clothes. Have I arrived? Heck NO! But im getting there and starting to love me more and more, as well as paying it forward to others without asking them for anything in return. If I can help you stop the train before it derails and you dont have to go through what ive been through and wasted tons of money and time then ive done my job

    That is so awesome!! Congrats and keep it up no matter what!!

  9. Well stated! I have felt "fat prejudice" before. I once had a co-worker who called me a "marshmallow." Wow, did that hurt. I have master's degree, two beautiful children, a wonderful husband, a nice home and get tired of people thinking that just because I am heavy means I am also lazy. Or weak or "soft." I hate asking for help--but this was one of those areas where I struggled my entire life. I didn't want to die young like my aunt did last year. I agonized over the decision to have surgery. I am glad I did it. I feel like I am doing something positive in my life. My true friends and family have all been so supportive! My primary care physician was also very supportive and told me that she would help me in any way possible.

    You are so right. People are looking out for themselves. They see someone doing something positive, feel bad about their own lives and want to make themselves feel better by saying those negative things about you and wls. I think it stems from jealousy and being miserable themselves.


  10. Well stated! I have felt "fat prejudice" before. I once had a co-worker who called me a "marshmallow." Wow, did that hurt. I have master's degree, two beautiful children, a wonderful husband, a nice home and get tired of people thinking that just because I am heavy means I am also lazy. Or weak or "soft." I hate asking for help--but this was one of those areas where I struggled my entire life. I didn't want to die young like my aunt did last year. I agonized over the decision to have surgery. I am glad I did it. I feel like I am doing something positive in my life. My true friends and family have all been so supportive! My primary care physician was also very supportive and told me that she would help me in any way possible.

    You are so right. People are looking out for themselves. They see someone doing something positive, feel bad about their own lives and want to make themselves feel better by saying those negative things about you and wls. I think it stems from jealousy and being miserable themselves.


  11. If your serious about some help, then do this.

    Go on ebay and type in MUSCLE MILK muscle milk light will also come up.

    There's a lady on there that I go threw that sells it for $5.99 a Jug (THAT'S CHEAP)

    She has strawberry milkshake, and Peanut Butter, chocolate blend. It's GOOD STUFF !

    It kills the Hunger, and you thicken it up with less Water. If 8oz. is to thin, go to 6oz.

    This will help, it's up to you, You were givin good advice. What you do now is up to you.


    I will have to try those shakes. I have some Atkins and some chocolate whey Protein from Walmart. Also got some Denise Richards I am going to try. I am so glad I have been given the green light on the Protein Shakes and full liquids.

    Thanks for the advice.


  12. Stick with it. Don't beat yourself up about eating the pudding.

    The band is totally worth it. It has been such a huge help to me (it's not a cure-all; you still have to work at it).

    I am my lowest weight in almost 16 years and am so glad I got it.

    That awesome!! congrats!!!

    I am on full liquids now and i feel so much better! I know it will be worth it. I am already down more than I have been in the last couple of years. Can't wait to get to under 200 lbs. and eventually to my goal weight and I have confidence that I can do!!


  13. Rachel....I was banded on 3/15. I was reading your post thinking.....omg, thats me!! I want a burger so bad. I want some pizza!!! I am almost to the point where I can eat soft foods...mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, pudding, etc. I can't wait. lol. I can't imagine eating puree'd chicken which is one of the things suggested. That sounds disgusting!! But, seriously, hang in there. As frustrating as it is, you will make it. I just try to stay busy and not watch tv because all commercials are about food!!! Even though I haven't had a fill, i haven't been as hungry as I would have been pre-band. I don't know why, but I don't.

    Hang in there Rachel.....this too shall pass!!!!

    I am not going to pureed chicken or eat baby food meat...that is what canned tuna, chicken and white fish that I have in the freezer are for. I would seriously love some mashed potatoes but I am not complaining--full liquids are heaven compared to the clear liquid torture I was on for 12 days. I have been watching movies..not so much about food. We will make it. I have lost 14 lbs already--go me!!


  14. I had my post op appointment today. Great news, I found out that the pain I have on the lower right side of my stomach is just from surgery...not any issue with the port. I was afraid of infection, etc. I was told to take Tylenol and use a heating pad. Also, I am now on full liquids. I had yogurt, slim milk and Campbell's Cream of Potato Soup with slim milk (pureed in the blender).I also had a Protein Shake . The greatest thing is that I am already having a little restriction. I only ate about a cup of soup for dinner and was full. This is huge for me--before I could eat the entire can of soup, sandwich and cookies--. Going to start to follow the diet better tomorrow--adding the 2-3 Protein Shakes and Water (64 ounces) tomorrow (did some but not as much today). I will also not add in another yogurt (instead of a Protein shake) at 3 o'clock. I know talking about what I have eaten is boring. But it is so nice to not go to bed hungry and have a headache all day. I brought a cheap diet tracker book from Amazon. I love playing on the web but it is easier for me to write things down and I tend to remember them better. So, all in all, I want to keep my band for another day...haha.

    Thanks for all your support during my clear liquid torture!!! So glad to have found this site and hear from such supportive people!


  15. hi all

    i'm 2 weeks post op and am still really fatigued and slow. i had to go to target and the grocery store today and also took a walk with my dog and it totally wiped me out! i guess i'm just surprised because i expected to be pretty close to 100% by now. i'd say i'm at 70%.

    does anyone remember how long it took to feel completely healed and normal?

    I can't help answer your question, but I feel the same way. I had my post op appointment today (banded 3/18) which was about 1 1/2 hours away. Then, dh and I stopped at Target. I got stuff for my kids' Easter Basket/Easter Egg hunt, since I had extra money right now. I was in there less than an hour and had to come home and take a nap. The great thing though--no more clear liquids--I never want to see sugar free Jello again...LOL.

    My friend who got the band last year said it took her about a month to get completely back to normal.


  16. Mine was a little more involved...in addition to weight, measurement and diet my surgeon did check my incisions and removed the steri strips that had not come off on their own.

    That's what happened at my post op appt. She also went over the step down diet and reminded me to drink 64 ounces of Water. Told me to take Vitamins and a medication for my gall bladder. I was in and out in about 20 minutes. So happy to be onto full liquids today! And I do have some restriction already...woo who!!


  17. licked one fry is too funny!! I remember those first few weeks... it was really hard....let me assure you, it does get easier!!! That time before your first fill is terrible. I got banded Nov. 3rd and had my first fill Dec. 23. and those were 6 wks of Bandster Hell!! I was starving.... I remember chewing a fry and spitting it out.... I learned later that "chewing and spitting" is a eating disorder, so I stopped doing that!!! but it did feel good to chew something!~ good luck!!


    LOL...I thought of the chewing and spitting disorder but I wanted one so bad. I realized immediately that it wasn't good to do that. I can't say that it hasn't crossed my mind...haha. So hard. I know it will get easier...the one thing I can say is that I have more will power than I ever thought I did--even with my lapse with the sugar free pudding--I followed the damn surgeon's (and nutritionist) orders to the letter.

    I can't wait to have my post op appt. tomorrow....and to see how fast I can proceed through the rest of these stages.

  18. I am right there with you. I had a pot per morning habit that I stopped cold turkey. I didn't load it with sugar or anything fun, just a splash of fat free milk, but I'd take 2 oz of it black right now if it was on my post op instructions list!!

    Me too! I had a cup of Decaf last night..normally, I loathe decaf coffee, but it was heaven.

  19. Hey there, just wanted to see how your fill went? Oh, and I got a letter this week stating that Dr. Uchal (my doc at AGH) and Dr. Urbandt are now in a bariatric team (they will only be doing pre/post op care at AGH, no WLS)...interesting.

    I have been reading your blog for awhile...it gives me such hope! I had no idea you were from PA. thanks for writing.


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