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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Rachael

  1. Thank you. Started using FitDay last week just to see how many cals i'm taking in. It's hard not to compare... and hard not to get discouraged. But you are right... cause I know everyone is different. I'm just soooo ready to see some more positive results instead of being stuck in a rut. I've never been good at the whole patience thing :)

    Thank you!

    I am four weeks post op and have lost about 18lbs so far. I am happy. It is so much more than I would have lost on my own. Just my opinion, but I have been taking it easy on myself. I didn't put the weight on overnight and we aren't going to take it off overnight. You have lost 16 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks which is awesome! Hang in there, the pounds will come off.

  2. I know we talk a lot about NSV's that concern ourselves and our own self esteem, but I need to hear about our kids. I need to hear about YOUR kids. The truth is, I did this for my 2-year-old daughter. I don't want to be successful at this, I MUST be successful... for her. I sometimes feel guilty about the extra time I spend not playing with her because I'm in the kitchen preparing nutritious and healthy homemade food (as opposed to opening a can and slopping it on a plate for her consumption). But then I think about the extra time I WILL be spending with her if I don't die young. I know it's for her that I'm putting in the extra effort. I want to model good healthy choices and behavior for her to follow. If it were for myself, well, I'm sexy at whatever weight I'm at (in my own mind), but to die young and leave my daughter to someday raise her children without the help and guidance of her mother... no "fat but sexy" is worth that. I'm still young (27), and I don't know much, but I do know that a daughter never stops needing her mother. Especially when she's grown and has children of her own. So I'm asking all you mommies out there to tell me about the victories you've had with your children. How getting banded has changed them as well as you. Do they dance more often because you do? Do they walk outdoors and enjoy the fresh air because you do? Do they laugh more because you can now pick them up by their ankles and hang them upside down while you spin in circles and you both crash on the floor, not because you're out of breath, but because you're laughing so hard your sides hurt?

    If my daughter grows up and is chunky, I won't mind. That's her body and her choice. But I don't want to be the one who never gave her a choice or a chance to be healthy.

    I am 33 years old. I did this for my two boys...6 and 2 years old. I want to be around to see them graduate from high school and college, get married and have grand kids. My aunt died reality young (40s) and from obesity related illnesses. I have felt guilty the last month (I was banded 3/18/11) because I have had to rest and recover but I am already seeing a difference. I have more energy and I feel better about myself. I plan on getting outside more this summer. I live in Pennsylvania where the weather is insane (warm one day, cold and rainy the next). We dance to Michael Jackson's Experience on the Wii which is so much fun! I want to model healthy behaviors (relationships, food, faith, etc) for my children. I don't want them to turn to food for comfort as I did growing up and sometimes now.

  3. I'm newly banded 3-31 and I want to know how long after surgery were u able to eat your favorite meal again. I love food, I think I'm a food addict, and I just keep fantasizing about the time I'm gonna get to sit down with a plate of my favorite foods! Then I think, omg! Am I gonna even enjoy myself? I picture myself getting my huge plate of food and just devouring every last bite and savoring the delicious flavors! And I'm scared I'm not going to be able to finish it but still trying to stuff it all down because it tastes SO GOOD..., I don't know... This is all new to me and I'm just trying to put into words some of the emotions and fears I'm going through...I'm realizing I truly LIVED TO EAT and now I'm afraid some of my joy of life will be lost.

    Thanks for listening. :)

    I was banded on 3/18/11 and have thought about the same thing. I do love food but I love the compliments I have been getting more. I feel better about myself. I am looking forward to pizza....but know that I have to eat it slow, chew and may only be able to eat a few bites. My husband and I took our kids to Dairy Queen on Friday night. I got a "baby" cone chocolate. I was able to eat a tablespoon before throwing it out the window. I had to throw it out the window, or I would have gotten sick from over eating. It was a completely new feeling.

    I think it's about moderation and finding other stuff to fill our lives with. I have my children, my family and my religion.


  4. At my seminar someone asked if people had the band taken out after they lost their weight. The surgeon said some do...and gained all the weight back.

    It makes sense. If the band eliminates the hunger, then the hunger will return when the band is removed.

    That makes perfect sense. I am lucky that I am not having hunger between meals. In fact, I don't think about food the way I did before. Of course, I am new to this. I haven't had a fill yet but if this keeps happening--eating a small portioin, being full for a3 hours, I may only need a smal one.

  5. I put my weight on the day of my consultation (1 month before the surgery and 2 weeks before the liquid diet starts). What day or weight do you start yours with? I haven't started my liquid diet but I'm down 4 lbs. since the consult (could be a difference in scales though).

    I started with the weight I was for my first consultation appointment--in August 2010. I figured that weight lost is weight lost and it makes me feel better to see how far I come. I started trying to lose last year. At my highest I was 250 lbs. I did lose some when I began an exercise program but getting the band has been the best thing I ever did...I am not hungry and consumed with thoughts of food anymore.

  6. Is this normal? Went back to work today and spent sometime sitting in the same position. I experienced a burning/stinging sensation around the lap band incision which was excruciating when I attempted to sit or stand. It comes and goes. Any suggestions? Maybe its still the wound healing???

    It is probably the wound healing. I have the same thing happening today. I picked up my son last night--he is 29 lbs (2years). I shouldn't have done it. Ever since then I have had some pain. Took Tylenol and used a heating pad. Also, if I stay in the same position for too long. If it hangs on, I would call your doctor.

  7. Breathe..you're fine :) Simple mistake! The whole idea behind not drinking with eating is so that the food doesnt flush right through your band. Rarely can/will it cause damage, but it can be uncomfortable.

    Good, I was worried. It was duh moment. I was halfway through and then realized what I did. I am uncomfortable but nothing bad. I will make sure not to do it again. I could blame it on my kids/husband and not paying close enough attention. Learning curve.

  8. I have been eating lots of greek yogurt. Yoplait makes a good one with 14 grams of Protein. I also baked some tilipa last night. Any white fish doesn't need pureed and I added some lemon pepper seasoning. I am planning on having refried Beans this week and cottage cheese and of course mashed potatoes. I have been trying to load up on Protein and need to pull out my eating well after weight lost surgery cookbook. I didn't look at it through the clear/full liquid stages.

  9. Don't get your hopes up. Oz gets people on his show and then sandbags them. I've seen a few and then went and read the blogs of the person who was blindsided. Oz doesn't let them explain and he also goes to great lengths to make his way look perfectly reasonable but exaggerating his opponents side to look unreasonable. His producers explanation to one who complained about this biased approach, "Well, this is just entertainment." Huh...and here I thought Oz was promoting it as a health show. Nice to know.


    I forgot to set my DVR. I am glad I did after reading this post. I don't care much for Oprah, Dr. Phil, or Oz.. I have seen his shows in passing and he seems like a jerk. I like to watch the other program "the Doctors" but haven't even watched them lately. I would rather not listen to negatively from someone who thinks they know it all.

  10. I felt like I had more energy pretty fast but I still had to rest! It took me almost three months to feel awesome and not need a nap during the day! You have to remember you all had major surgery and the body must rest to heal. I know I went to bed by 9 o'clock for the first three months. But I would not change a thing to be almost 4 months post op and have lost 41lbs and be able to do things I did not realize I missed doing was definitely worth going to bed early for 3 months.

    that's awesome!! congrats!

  11. The bypass is quicker at weight lost but I was looking at maintaining for life. I have known four people who have had the gastric bypass. My dad, my aunt, my uncle, and a good friend. My aunt died last year (not from complications from the bypass) but from co-morbidity and a rare disease she picked up in the hospital. She had infections and lots of problems with her bypass. My uncle lost all his weight and turned to heroin. He past away two years ago....it was drug related. My dad and friend have gained back all the weight they lost from the bypass.

    There is no easy answers for weight lost. It is a tough road. Changing behaviors are hard. I have a friend who got the band last year and she told me not to worry about losing weight for a little while. Your body changes. Then, the weight starts to come off. Try increasing your calories to 1200...sometimes that helps. It sucks but I know that I couldn't maintain a one pound lost on my own. I have regretted getting the band and have moments when I am scared something bad will happen but I know that I needed to do this not only for myself but for my two little boys!

  12. I started back at Curves 5 days after surgery and my energy levels soared almost immediately. I felt better than I had in 20 years and I still feel great. I was banded August 25, 2010.

    Wow, my doctor said absolutely no exercise besides walking for a month. I have two more weeks. Maybe I will go back to the gym tomorrow and just walk on the treadmill. It can't hurt....always gave me energy before.

  13. I am having this done (no date yet). The plication has a huge curve of 50% weight loss in the first 6 months, and the band provides long term weight maintenance. There is no cutting, stapling; complications are VERY low. My doc is really enthusiastic abut this surgery, and I absolutely can't wait!

    I think this is what my surgeon did to me. She said that she was gathering a small part of the under the band and that I would have more success. Not sure though. I will ask at my next check up.

  14. Ok, so I had my surgery on Tuesday. Waking up was awful, cause I honestly had no idea where I was, but after tenish minutes I was feeling better. No pain, but my mouth was terribly dry. I got ice chips to help with that. Eventually they moved me to a room. My roommate was horrible of course :P She could reach the heat and at one point had it up to 105 in the room. They actually moved her bed away and locked the thermostat so she couldn't get at it. She also wouldn't turn her tv off at night, but a little volume battle with the static station and she finally decided that no noise was better than the static (I just pretended I was at the beach). Getting up was much easier (thank god cause I had the same issue as before where the nurses take an hour to respond). In the morning I was a bit sore, but that was mainly my shoulder from the gas. I walked around a bunch and only had some trouble cause I was so tired from the pain meds and not sleeping. For Breakfast I had a biscuit, a glass of milk, and two slices of bacon (I'm such a good Jew, right?) and eventually started releasing gas (the most excited I've been about a fart in a while. For lunch I had half a bowl of this cream of chicken stuff and a piece of broccoli. I left the hospital around 12.

    Once home I felt so much better. Slept for a while and I was even able to roll over onto my side. I only took a pain pill when the dog woke me up in the middle of the night. I haven't gotten up yet, but I was able to sit up easily with no pain, and the pain pill has probably long wore off. Right now the only thing that hurts is my back from laying down so much and the cuts in my stomach. They tried to use the same ones (some are a bit bigger, but they only used four this time instead of five). I'm breathing much better than I was before the surgery, so I do think my breathing issues were caused by the band, and I haven't had any chest pains at all. I actually feel well enough to go back to work, but don't trust myself to drive yet. Am definitely going back on Monday.

    It's time to get up now. I have to study for my GREs and I think I'm going to make some cantaloupe sorbet. It was definitely worth it to have the band taken out. I did notice that I didn't feel full after dinner last night (but I only had a piece of chicken and two large ravioli) so I'm definitely gonna have to watch my portions, and once I feel up to it, I'm gonna get a gym membership. I just feel like I can move on now.

    I am glad your surgery went well and wish you a speedy recovery! So sorry the band didn't work for you but the great thing about it (why I chose it) it is reversible.


  15. When did everyone's stamina return after surgery? I am two weeks post op and still tired. I slept last night and even took a nap today. Just can't seem to get back to normal energy. I did go back to work on Wednesday but I have a desk job...no hard physical labor.



  16. Hey everyone! So I got banded yesterday morning, and Its been the best thing for me, definitely, but I have a few pains that I want to know if their normal lol. First off, I have alot of chest pain, which Ive heard is from the gas they put in you and the swelling, but mostly Im having a really painful dull throbbing right in the middle, underneath my rib cage. I get up and walk around at least once an hour, and it seems to help for a moment, but then comes back when I sit in my recliner. It almost feels like a sharp, hard hunger pain, but Im not hungry at all. Is this normal? Just wanted to make sure. It comes and goes alot also. Hope to hear back from you guys :) -Kayla

    Be gentle with yourself. I am two weeks post op and still tired and have a little pain. At the port site which is above my belly button and on the side of my stomach. Nothing bad but a heating pad helps. Also, stay on schedule with your pain medicine. You will feel better sooner and won't be chasing the pain. I stopped my about 5 days post op. walk as much as your able.

    Enjoy not being hungry. I wasn't hungry until about 5 days post op. Do your best on the diet the surgeon put you on.



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