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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Rachael

  1. Today I am 198lbs!!! I have waited so long to be back into the 100's! I just don't know what to do with myself!!! I have never exercised this much in my whole life, but it's paying off!! No regrets!!! Live...Laugh.....Love....

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


  2. I eat 100 calorie dark chocolate bar from Trader Joe's (but just one!). The way I see it, this has to be a sustainable lifestyle that I can live with for the rest of my life. I'm not willing to never eat chocolate again. I want slow, steady weight loss and a healthy life. So far, so good.


    that is awesome. I have been dealing with chocolate cravings this week too..it's my tom. I have been eating very little but your point is so well taken. I would rather lose slowly and be healthy than do it all at once.

  3. I am feeling really good about myself this morning. I have had more energy in the past two weeks than anytime I can remember. I have been able to do yard work, clean my house and go to the gym. Also, I went clothes shopping for the first time since my banding. My shirts were getting way too big. I am in a XL shirt and size 16 pants and they are a little loose. I went to a discount store --no sense in buying high price clothes. Really feeling good....what a nice treat!!!

  4. I wouldn't feel bad about it either but hopefully your hubby will soon find other ways to surprise you that don't involve food...like flowers :) Happy Mother's Day!

    Yeah, it wasn't his smartest move! At least he only brought three (my kids ate the other ones) and not a dozen. I can't really say anything to him since he tried...LOL

    Last year, he didn't get me anything.

  5. Hey! I was banded yesterday 05/02/11 and aside from occasional pain, I feel great to know that I am finally banded! I chose to get the Realize band.

    So far, I have been having gas pains and haven't eaten much of anything. My husband made me 1/8 cup of clear chicken broth and I can barely get

    down 1 - 3 tsps. Is that okay that I don't eat as much? I will be on this liquid diet for the next 4 days until I can graduate to full liquids.

    I was hoping if you guys could give me some input. I have been sleeping and walking whenever I can..just from yesterday, I have lost 4 pounds!!

    I know it's all Water weight, but DANG...never had that happen to me before!

    I'm loving my band and looking forward to this amazing journey :)

    Just don't get dehydrated. I couldn't drink much either after surgery. Just drink your Water and try to walk as much as you feel able to do.


  6. My husband went to sheetz (a small convenience store that makes food to order and gas station) this morning. He brought me a Mother's Day surprise....a donut. I ate it and it tasted pretty good. Didn't really feel bad about going off the 1200 calorie diet today for a couple of reasons: 1. we have been working hard outside this weekend weeding and mulching (I spent 3 1/2 hours yesterday and another 2 hours today) and 2. it is Mother's Day and I haven't eaten anything "bad" for a long while. No bread...not sure if I can eat it or not...just decided to give it up. Here is the funny thing is: I didn't get stuck on the donut. I did get stuck for a couple of minutes after eating tuna fish with a cracker for lunch...LOL. I was eating too fast. Trying to get it down because my parents were here watching my kids and I wanted to get as much done as possible before they left. Not going to make a habit out of eating junk food, but I needed to confess.

    Thanks for reading,

  7. so i received a letter today in the mail from my practice that basically said as of may 2 (dated may 4) my dr will no longer be seeing any patients, and a new dr will be starting may 24th. i went to the fb page and only there found out that it looks like he was let go by the hospital. apparently at the end of support group on thursday, they dropped the bomb. people are livid. has anyone had this type of situation before? i'm 7 months out of surgery; haven't seen my dr since march 3rd when he didn't give me a fill (i've had three so far but never really hit my sweet spot) because he felt i was losing as i should be and don't have another appt scheduled until june 16th. i'm so apprehensive to start with a new dr this far into the game!

    I would be upset too. I would try out the new doctor. Any idea if he going to open a new practice? My next question would be why was he let go.....I'm that nosy when it comes to my health care providers. Probably won't get a straight answer anyway to that. My PCP quit to be home with her young daughter in Feb. I was sad but her replacement was nice--I was getting ready to have surgery so I wasn't switching to another doctor at that point.

    Good luck! Hope everythng works out.

  8. I had my first fill last Tuesday and thought it was not working. I had my surgery on 3/25/2011. I did great with my hunger until about my 3rd week and then I was so hungry. I got my first fill and I have been so hungry since the fill. It seemed no matter what I ate still was not satisfying me. Also, I could eat larger amounts that I did. Well, last night I had supper and I was so hungry and without thinking ate too fast and had the food stuck. So, I guess my band is now working. I threw my food up and this morning I threw up again. I am still happy that I had this surgery. I have lost 25 lbs since my surgery. I am so very proud of myself. I swore that I would not experience the food getting stuck, because I had read so much about it about what others have gone through. Well, it happened and it is not fun. I hope to not have it again, but I bet most lap banders have had it at least once.

    It has happened to me when I am careless--I don't pay attention and eat too fast/don't chew well/too big of bites. I don't throw up--I usually "slime" and then it goes down. It hurts bad and I can actually feel the food in there. I was baned 3/18 and had my fist fill on 4/27, I can eat smaller portions and be satified but I measure my portions and finish my plate. I am usually hungry again after 2-3 hours which is great. I have never been full before the band...LOL. I think being stuck is part of the lap band learning curve and many (if not all) have expereinced it.

  9. I think that I had a stomach bug last week. I was blaming it on me drinking a cup of coffee on Thursday morning (and eating a piece of pizza Wednesday night). I know not the best choices. Probably not going to have either for a long while. I hate to cut something completely out of my life but ultimately will do it if need be.

    My son came down with the same symptoms(vomiting -I didn't do that (would have if I could), sour, painful burning in stomach, and diarrhea) today. Poor little guy.

    Also, remind me to stay off of obesity help. I was on that website and saw so many negative posts concerning the band. It just scared me. I am desperate for this work. I am doing my best to follow the rules and am scheduled to have my first fill tomorrow.

    Okay, I feel better now!


  10. hi..I was banded on 17th march....I am 56 so I dont expect a drastic weight loss..have lost 15lbs so far..in 5 weeks....but I'm still weak and feel tired all the time...

    did anyone have same problems...

    I was banded on March 18th and have felt the same way. I seem to wear out quicker and have to take breaks sometimes. I just have to sit down for a few minutes. I am 33 so I figure it is just about giving my body time to adjust. I do take my Vitamins everyday. I have decided to give up caffiene also--more due to the stomach ache I had over the past week than anything else. I go to bed earlier--around 10pm and that helps. I am up by 6:30am most mornings. I also have a 2 year to run after...LOL. Hope you feel better soon!

  11. Rachael,

    I would be happy to talk to you. I am almost 2 years post op in July and am down 84 lbs and working on the last 15 or so. I also am 50 and a Christain and married 30 years, with a 29 year old son and 2 grandbabies, Olivia 4 and Isabella 23 months Could use some one to help pray me through this journey how about you? You can e-mail me or private message me my e-mail is crodriguez17@comcast.net


    That would be awesome! I haven't checked my post in awhile. I could use lots and lots of prayers. I will private message you! Thanks so much!!

  12. Rachael,

    I would be happy to talk to you. I am almost 2 years post op in July and am down 84 lbs and working on the last 15 or so. I also am 50 and a Christain and married 30 years, with a 29 year old son and 2 grandbabies, Olivia 4 and Isabella 23 months Could use some one to help pray me through this journey how about you? You can e-mail me or private message me my e-mail is crodriguez17@comcast.net


    That would be awesome! I haven't checked my post in awhile. I could use lots and lots of prayers. I will private message you! Thanks so much!!

  13. So, I was diagnosed with depression a couple of months ago and was prescribed with Lexapro. I understand that Lexapro may increase weight. I have the medication but I'm not taking it the way i'm suposed to because i'm scared I'll gain weight. My question is if any one has taken Lexapro or any other anti-depressants and what were the pros and cons?

    Thank you in advance,



    I have been taking Celexa (Lexapro's mother---it is the same chemical formula but cheaper for me since my insurance won't cover Lexapro) for over 11 years. I had a bout with depression/anxiety in college and have went off the medicine a few times but always came back. I am still on my medication. I am not as anxious, can concentrate, don't spend days in bed and am not overeating.

    My advice would be to find a time to take your medication when it will work best--morning or evening. I take mine medicine at night. Lexapro is a mild antidepressant. It may make you sleepy. You may feel better and want to do more-and not gain any weight. I don't know. Body chemistry varies so much. In any case, I would find a good therapist and doctor to work wth you.


  14. So, I was diagnosed with depression a couple of months ago and was prescribed with Lexapro. I understand that Lexapro may increase weight. I have the medication but I'm not taking it the way i'm suposed to because i'm scared I'll gain weight. My question is if any one has taken Lexapro or any other anti-depressants and what were the pros and cons?

    Thank you in advance,



    I have been taking Celexa (Lexapro's mother---it is the same chemical formula but cheaper for me since my insurance won't cover Lexapro) for over 11 years. I had a bout with depression/anxiety in college and have went off the medicine a few times but always came back. I am still on my medication. I am not as anxious, can concentrate, don't spend days in bed and am not overeating.

    My advice would be to find a time to take your medication when it will work best--morning or evening. I take mine medicine at night. Lexapro is a mild antidepressant. It may make you sleepy. You may feel better and want to do more-and not gain any weight. I don't know. Body chemistry varies so much. In any case, I would find a good therapist and doctor to work wth you.


  15. Just wondering from all of you that have had your bands for awhile, do you ever eat pizza anymore? I have seen that many people do not tolerate bread well at all, but is it the same for pizza? I know that it is not the best choice of food, but i loved pizza and I am just wondering if I will ever be able to eat it again? Not that it's going to happen for me for a long long time. Just wondering!?

    I too love pizza...well not so much anymore. I had pizza last Wednesday for dinner. Cut it into smal pieces and ate slowly. I got the worse acid reflux on Wed night/thursday morning. I also had a cup of coffee on Thursday morning---another thing I shouldn't have done. I suffered all weekend. I probably won't try either for a long time. I would say chew slowly and take small bites. it may not be a problem for you. This whole band thng is trial and error and a learning curve.

  16. Has anyone had troubles with their lapband while flying? I have a business trip coming up soon and am worried. I think I am at perfect restiction right now so hate to have any removed but will be in a remote area for 2 days and am afraid I might have troubles. I can currently eat about a 1/2 c of solid food or 1 c of soft food. I will only be gone 2 1/2 days and am trying to decide if I need to have a little fill removed just in case or just take my chances. Anyone have any suggestions based on personal experience?

    My surgeon told me that I have to have the liquid in the band removed if I fly. I am sorry that I don't have any personal experience. Good luck...my motto is better safe than sorry.

  17. I have had the band for a little over a month. I find that i can eat smaller amounts and I'm not hungry. I have lost about 20 lbs since surgery. I have eaten big bites and have felt like a piece of food is stuck. That hurts but only for a few minutes. It is my own fault. The times I have done this, I was eating with my kids and not paying attention.

    I feel better. I can exercise longer. I have more energy. I did this to prevent health problems I was on the verge of---I have sleep apnea, high cholesterol, and was on the road to type 2 diabetes. I don't want to die young because of my obesity. I have two children that I want to live for...they are 2 and 6 years old.

    Do what your gut tells you to do. The one thing I will say is that my dad, aunt, uncle and a good friend who all had gastric by-passes. They all lost a considerable amount of weight in the beginning but started to gain the weight back. I don't think that you learn to change your behaviors and then you figure out how to stretch out your stomach back out with the bypass. At least with these ones, that is what happened. With the band, you have to change some of your behaviors right off the bat to be successful.

    Good luck!

  18. I am 7 days pre-op and have been in depression since my surgery..I wish I would have not gotten it..there is a lot I did not find out until after I was banded...I am just know hearing about thus stuck thing...that scares the hell out of me...I think will never eat anything other than tuna and yogurt out of fear this will happen to me...bread is my favorite food I had no idea i would have to give it up completely...I thought this band was just about portion sizes not being deprived....what have I done to myself?

    I felt the same way after I was banded. I got depressed in the hospital and then after I came off the pain medicine...about a week later. I went back to work about 12 days post op and everyone noticed that I lost weight. That helped a lot. It is hard to give up a "friend" not that food is really our friend. Hang in there. Things will get better and better. I am one month post op and have lost 18lbs. I have so much more energy and my clothes are getting too big. You may be able to eat all the foods you love.....it is hard to say what the band will do. Just follow your surgeon's recommendations and you will do great!


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