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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Rachael

  1. Rachael


    I am not sure that I have heard of any. I am a year out exactly (had surgery 3/18/11). It is the best thing I have ever done. I have heard of people needing revisions. Buy the book "The Bandwagon" by Jean McMillen. You have to follow your gut but I know 4 people who have had lap band surgery personally and all are doing wonderful. Two are years out from surgery with no complications. Follow the diet they give you...do not cheat post-op. Listen to your body and the people working with you (your surgeon, doctor). Go to follow up appointments. Make sure your surgeon is experienced and knows what he/she is doing. Do research on him/her. Please don't let your nerves get in the way....obesity is more likely to kill you than band complications. Lots of hugs and if there is anything I can do, let me know!!! Rachael
  2. Rachael

    Could It Be This Easy?

    No. if it was, everyone would do it...LOL
  3. do you like cottage cheese? It has lots of Protein in it. I usually add a cup of dole tropical fruit to it. Also, they are bars that snackwells makes that have about 8 grams or protein for 140 calories. I also like egg salad. I can't really do bread so that is a bit harder on the run. I would suggest the greek yogurt with fruit but it you can't do, don't. Or try some turkey and cheese.
  4. Mine is couponing. I started doing what some might consider "extreme couponing." It doesn't take much money--only about 6 dollars a week for my papers. I do save money. I also started crocheting again. I need activites at night before bed because I always want to eat at that time. I would look into Gambling Addiction and try to get some help. I would hate to see you ruin your finances and relationships. It is hard. You just don't wake up from weight lost surgery cured of your food addiction. It is something I battle every day.
  5. Rachael

    Checking In

    It has been a little over year since I began my lap band surgery. As of today, I am down 53 lbs from a year ago. I was banded on 3/18/11 and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. My energy level has sky rocketed and I feel so much better about my life and myself. Thanks so much for all your support through my (many) ups and downs!
  6. It has been over a year since I started my journey. I was banded on 3/18/11. I feel great. I have lost 53 pounds since last year and am continuing to lose. I have so much more energy and a much more positive outlook! Thank you to everyone on this board, the staff at Magee Hospital, my family and especially My God for your support!!!

  7. Rachael

    Getting Banded During Jewish Holidays?

    I am not Jewish, but will respond. Those first few weeks are tough. I was banded in March and had Easter at my house this year. I had lots of candy and other junk around. It was hard, but I was already losing at that point and glad I made the decision. I would say go for it. It will be hard to get past the first holidays but it does get easier. I agree with the other posters--no time like the present. Good luck!!!
  8. Absolutely, I went through the same thing at the same time. It totally sucks. I was on clear liquids for 10 days after surgery and thought I was going to die literally. I made it through and you will too. It is completely normal and the medicine from surgery is working it's way out of your body. Hang on, it will get much, much better. Lots of hugs!!
  9. My doctor told me that I have to have a complete unfill before boarding a plane. Glad you had a good time on your vacation!
  10. Rachael

    What is going on here!!!

    I am frustrated also. I say try shaking it up a bit...try a different exercise and make sure you are getting enough calories. I am going to try Zumba to try to break out of the 190s. These stalls are frustrating!
  11. Rachael

    A little frustrated

    I have had a stall the last couple of weeks. It's my own fault for crazing, etc. Yours is normal. Once you begin eating "real" again, your body goes through another adjustment. Just keep doing what you are doing and you will see the pounds (slowly) come up! Hugs!
  12. Rachael

    How much weight loss to drop a size

    Wow, I love this site...I was wondering the exact same thing. I am exactly where are you right now.
  13. Rachael

    Sex after WLS

    I would say I waited ten days. My husband was very careful. I have the mirena so I wasn't worried about getting pregnant.
  14. Rachael

    My Real Life

    Your story is so inspiring. I started finding comfort in food at a very young age. I am an adult child of an alcoholic and have had many difficult days learning that eating for comfort has taken a such a toll on my quality of life. The band is the best thing I have ever did for myself. Thanks for posting!!
  15. Rachael

    1st Fill Yesterday

    Everyone recommendations are so different. Mine are full liquids for two days. I may try something mushie for dinner because I am straving right now. I had a very small fill yesterday. Thanks for posting this..now I won't fill so guilty...LOL
  16. Rachael

    should I get a fill

    I am struggling with the same question today. I was banded on 3/18/11--5 months ago. I have lost 47 lbs (about 35lbs since surgery). I feel great but am about 50lbs away from my goal weight. I have an appointment tomorrow. I am not having any trouble with foods going down, etc. I do get hungry 2-3 hours after I eat. I think I have about 2.5cc in my band. I had a little put in at surgery and then two fills, so I may ask for another fill tomorrow. I don't want to be over-filled either. It is so hard because you don't know how your body will respond. Maybe see what .2 or .3 will do. It may give you the push you need. Good Luck!
  17. Rachael

    Recovery with a toddler

    I had surgery in March. My little boy was 32 pounds and 2 1/2. I know that my surgeon said that I shouldn't lift anything over 10 pounds for a month afterward. Also not to do laundry, clean, etc. Well, I do not have to lift my son but I did do laundry and clean. What can you do? I was lucky that my mother in law and my mom live within 10 miles of my house. You will need some help the first week or two out. Can your little walk? Mine can walk and climb. He would climb up on my lap. It sucks but you get through it. It did hurt the first time I picked him up....about 2 1/2 weeks after surgery.
  18. Rachael


    Me too! I had a bad day yesterday--heck, the whole weekend. I snacked and just couldn't feed the hunger. I didn't drink all my Water yesterday either. I hate these 2/3 days of the month. Oh well, today is a new day and I started off right.
  19. Rachael


    Lots and lots of prayers and hugs!! You poor thing. I wouldn't worry about what you are eating right now...be gentle with yourself.
  20. Rachael

    #'s on the scale

    Congratulations!!! I, too, have seen a number on the scale this morning that I haven't seen in at least 7 years!! WTG to all of us!!!
  21. That really pisses me off. You are suppose to be healing not worrying about weight lost at this point. You are doing wonderful. He was lost 26 lbs. that is awesome. That guy sounds like a d***. Don't you dare let him make you feel like you aren't doing the right things. What a jerk!!! Your story is the reason why some do not want to do aftercare after getting the band. You are doing great and don't let him tell you otherwise.
  22. Rachael

    A bad decision...

    I don't disagree with your post. In fact, as I move further along in my own journey, I have found that my weight lost depends on me. If I make a bad choice or have a bad day, it is my responsibility to change. The band keeps me full longer...and helps me become aware of when I am full. It is not a magic wand. I still get depressed, unhappy and angry with myself. I am glad to have this tool that helps me stay on track. I do not regret getting the band (at least not at this point in my journey). Good luck in your continued journey!!
  23. Rachael

    scrambled eggs

    I have problems with scrambled eggs too. I can eat omelets. I think scrambled eggs give the illusion of being able to slide right now. ...at least for me. I have to really pay attention when I eat them to not get stuck.
  24. Rachael

    NSV! I bought LEVI'S NOT Lane Bryant!!!

    Congratulations!!! That is so awesome. I have been cleaning my closet in reserve also. I am happy to say that I am in a regular size 14 now. I am hoping to be in a 12 by Halloween.
  25. I weight myself every morning. It encourages and motivates me. I don't worry about a 1-2 fluctuations. I actually work harder that day to stay on track. Thanks,

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