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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Rachael

  1. I felt the same way after I was banded. I got depressed in the hospital and then after I came off the pain medicine...about a week later. I went back to work about 12 days post op and everyone noticed that I lost weight. That helped a lot. It is hard to give up a "friend" not that food is really our friend. Hang in there. Things will get better and better. I am one month post op and have lost 18lbs. I have so much more energy and my clothes are getting too big. You may be able to eat all the foods you love.....it is hard to say what the band will do. Just follow your surgeon's recommendations and you will do great! Hugs!!
  2. Rachael

    A Bad food day

    I ate an entire a week before my surgery....on my last meal tour...LOL. Try some sugar free applesauce. I notice the days I eat that, I have an easy time going #2.
  3. Rachael

    A Bad food day

    I ate an entire a week before my surgery....on my last meal tour...LOL. Try some sugar free applesauce. I notice the days I eat that, I have an easy time going #2.
  4. I had my first real cup of coffee today. 6 ounces with cream. I am drinking extra to accomodate but had no ill effects from it. I think the dehydration is a risk in the beginning. I wasn't a big coffee drinker before surgery--one to two cups a day. I am not a pop drinker so the no carbonation rule is no big deal to me.
  5. Rachael

    I'm just not losing weight

    I am four weeks post op and have lost about 18lbs so far. I am happy. It is so much more than I would have lost on my own. Just my opinion, but I have been taking it easy on myself. I didn't put the weight on overnight and we aren't going to take it off overnight. You have lost 16 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks which is awesome! Hang in there, the pounds will come off.
  6. I am 33 years old. I did this for my two boys...6 and 2 years old. I want to be around to see them graduate from high school and college, get married and have grand kids. My aunt died reality young (40s) and from obesity related illnesses. I have felt guilty the last month (I was banded 3/18/11) because I have had to rest and recover but I am already seeing a difference. I have more energy and I feel better about myself. I plan on getting outside more this summer. I live in Pennsylvania where the weather is insane (warm one day, cold and rainy the next). We dance to Michael Jackson's Experience on the Wii which is so much fun! I want to model healthy behaviors (relationships, food, faith, etc) for my children. I don't want them to turn to food for comfort as I did growing up and sometimes now.
  7. I cheated on day 8--I had a sugar free chocolate pudding. I was on clear liquids for 9 days and was so hungry. I immediately got back on the diet. I had 1 week clear liquids, 1 week full liquids, 1 week purreed food, and now I am on soft food. High protein. Feeling good.
  8. I cheated on day 8--I had a sugar free chocolate pudding. I was on clear liquids for 9 days and was so hungry. I immediately got back on the diet. I had 1 week clear liquids, 1 week full liquids, 1 week purreed food, and now I am on soft food. High protein. Feeling good.
  9. Carnation Instant Breakfast with Skim Milk Greek Yogurt-Breakfast lunch chicken with Egg Noodles Protein shake 2-3 o'clcok (chicken soup favor Unjury) dinner Tilapia banana or Apple sauce Snack Yogurt I will be drinking V8 juice and trying to get in 64 ounces of Water too.
  10. hey, I commented on your post. I wouldn't worry--I dreamed of food too when I was in the liquid phases of the diet. It gets easier and you will learn to trust your body and not over do it with food. I just wanted to message you because I read the other replies and thought they were a little harsh.

  11. I was banded on 3/18/11 and have thought about the same thing. I do love food but I love the compliments I have been getting more. I feel better about myself. I am looking forward to pizza....but know that I have to eat it slow, chew and may only be able to eat a few bites. My husband and I took our kids to Dairy Queen on Friday night. I got a "baby" cone chocolate. I was able to eat a tablespoon before throwing it out the window. I had to throw it out the window, or I would have gotten sick from over eating. It was a completely new feeling. I think it's about moderation and finding other stuff to fill our lives with. I have my children, my family and my religion. Thanks!
  12. Rachael

    Banded Forever?

    That makes perfect sense. I am lucky that I am not having hunger between meals. In fact, I don't think about food the way I did before. Of course, I am new to this. I haven't had a fill yet but if this keeps happening--eating a small portioin, being full for a3 hours, I may only need a smal one.
  13. I started with the weight I was for my first consultation appointment--in August 2010. I figured that weight lost is weight lost and it makes me feel better to see how far I come. I started trying to lose last year. At my highest I was 250 lbs. I did lose some when I began an exercise program but getting the band has been the best thing I ever did...I am not hungry and consumed with thoughts of food anymore.
  14. Feeling great today. BMI is 36.6--down from 40. And I am down another 2 pounds...hard to believe that.

  15. It is probably the wound healing. I have the same thing happening today. I picked up my son last night--he is 29 lbs (2years). I shouldn't have done it. Ever since then I have had some pain. Took Tylenol and used a heating pad. Also, if I stay in the same position for too long. If it hangs on, I would call your doctor.
  16. I forgot that we are not suppose to drink while we eat tonight. I had a v8 juice and about a 1/3 cp of re fried beans with a pinch of cheese. Has anyone does this? Did I screw anything up bad?
  17. Rachael

    messed up

    Good, I was worried. It was duh moment. I was halfway through and then realized what I did. I am uncomfortable but nothing bad. I will make sure not to do it again. I could blame it on my kids/husband and not paying close enough attention. Learning curve.
  18. I have been eating lots of greek yogurt. Yoplait makes a good one with 14 grams of Protein. I also baked some tilipa last night. Any white fish doesn't need pureed and I added some lemon pepper seasoning. I am planning on having refried Beans this week and cottage cheese and of course mashed potatoes. I have been trying to load up on protein and need to pull out my eating well after weight lost surgery cookbook. I didn't look at it through the clear/full liquid stages.
  19. Rachael

    Surgeon on Dr. OZ

    I forgot to set my DVR. I am glad I did after reading this post. I don't care much for Oprah, Dr. Phil, or Oz.. I have seen his shows in passing and he seems like a jerk. I like to watch the other program "the Doctors" but haven't even watched them lately. I would rather not listen to negatively from someone who thinks they know it all.
  20. When did everyone's stamina return after surgery? I am two weeks post op and still tired. I slept last night and even took a nap today. Just can't seem to get back to normal energy. I did go back to work on Wednesday but I have a desk job...no hard physical labor. Thanks, Rachael
  21. Rachael


    that's awesome!! congrats!
  22. Rachael


    The bypass is quicker at weight lost but I was looking at maintaining for life. I have known four people who have had the gastric bypass. My dad, my aunt, my uncle, and a good friend. My aunt died last year (not from complications from the bypass) but from co-morbidity and a rare disease she picked up in the hospital. She had infections and lots of problems with her bypass. My uncle lost all his weight and turned to heroin. He past away two years ago....it was drug related. My dad and friend have gained back all the weight they lost from the bypass. There is no easy answers for weight lost. It is a tough road. Changing behaviors are hard. I have a friend who got the band last year and she told me not to worry about losing weight for a little while. Your body changes. Then, the weight starts to come off. Try increasing your calories to 1200...sometimes that helps. It sucks but I know that I couldn't maintain a one pound lost on my own. I have regretted getting the band and have moments when I am scared something bad will happen but I know that I needed to do this not only for myself but for my two little boys!
  23. Rachael

    Christian bandsters

    Prayers and lots of them are how I got through the clear liquid phase and this whole process so far.
  24. Rachael


    Wow, my doctor said absolutely no exercise besides walking for a month. I have two more weeks. Maybe I will go back to the gym tomorrow and just walk on the treadmill. It can't hurt....always gave me energy before.
  25. Rachael

    Christian bandsters

    So glad I found this forum. I have been looking for other Christian bandsters.

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