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Everything posted by BUNNY7

  1. BUNNY7

    starting over with lapband

    That was a quick reply Well I'm also from the South - South Africa and we have our own dietry bad habits. Red meat, rice and potatoes in huge quantities. We're a meat eating nation and barbecues are a way of life. Well done for realising what the cholestral does - I have a high cholestral count and am permanently on meds for it. You are making such a great choice - you must miss the fried chicken. We have Kentucky Fast food here but you southern fried chicken is probably way tastier. I also avoid it as it's just loaded with everything we bandsters are avoiding. I have just made a huge pot of vegetable and lean meat soup which is a Godsend when I'm feeling hungry and deprived - it satisfies both needs.
  2. BUNNY7

    starting over with lapband

    I totally get you.... and want to encourage you as I was exactly where you are in terms of not taking it slow. Since the last fill 6 months ago it has changed. I wouldn't DARE take big bites and believe it or not I am now forced to chew slowly and small bites. If I don't the 'stuck' food feeling is horrendous and I have to leave the table and walk about. Fortunately it passes - my mind has learnt not to do that so I don;t. That's pretty amazing for me who can be soooo rebellious with food. I think I just need a tiny fill more to bring the portion size to the right amount so thank you for encouraging me. I sit in the higher range for getting to the sweet spot as my band is sitting at 9ml. Most people statistically reach that right fill at 7.5ml so you are still have a lot of lattitude which is great. I will let you know when I take the next step for the next fill. Not quite ready....
  3. BUNNY7

    starting over with lapband

    Thanks for your encouragement... my great temptation is chocolate and boy does it go down easily!!! Do you know that both coca-cola and chocolate contain caffeine and with chocolate you get a serotonin release? No wonder they're addictive!!! Well done for losing all that weight!! Wow - I;d be totally delighted. Is there any reason why you haven;t had any more fills? I CANNOT eat more than a cup of solid food - I'm just tooooo full and want to be sick. It has made the way I view a plate of food totally different. I get the Alfredo meal - pasta is a 'slider food' for me so I can eat way more than usual if I have it. I just try not to go there! Never heard of a 'green zone' before - what is it? Sounds like a run through the park at goal weight God bless and let's try to avoid the sliders this week.
  4. BUNNY7

    starting over with lapband

    I was banded in Sept 2010 so it's my 2 year anniversary in about 6 weeks time. It's been a journey of "starting overs" for me. Reaching that almost mythical 'sweet spot' took over a year to reach - my doc just never seem to give me the guidance I needed if I look back. I struggled on with insufficient restriction for way too long until for the last 5 months of last year I just threw in the towel and gave up. Well post Christmas holidays and I had put on 3kgs which was actually amazing as we had gone crazy with our eating and drinking over the season. I suddenly realised that actually the 'enemy band' was actually helping after all as I had obviously not consumed nearly as much as I had done in the past. While feeling pretty bloated and uncomfortable, my hubby and I started to really watch what we eat. It;s now 6 months down the line and while the loss is SLOW being almost 60, we are both down 5kg (11 lbs). So I hope that for those of you who are battling with portion size (1 cup max should be totally satisfying) go and get another fill! I am still eating slightly more than I should be at optimum restriction so now I am trying hard to pluck up the courage and go back and get a few more ml in that band. I am soooo nervous that I will have too much restriction - I lost a lot of confidence in the band working properly but I will eventually pick up the phone and make that appointment. We were all so excited and hopeful - let's just encourage one another to not give up and do what we have to do to win this battle. Would love to hear what some of your daily meals consist of.... the recommended amount for me is half a cup of food per meal. I cannot see how so little can be health???? Anyone able to help?
  5. BUNNY7

    starting over with lapband

    I was so happy to read your post this morning. It will be 2 years in Sept and I had my birthday on Saturday. Talk about moving slowly but happily, after a 6-month rebellion and depression about the whole thing, I am slowly, slowly changing. Being 60 next year might be helping. The one big change I've noticed is how I view the quantity of food on my plate. Too much makes me draw away! Before it was 'pile in'! So my attitude is changing and so is my behaviour. Thank you so much for posting.... it was such a lovely feeling reading your encouraging letter to me. Bless you. Warm wishes from South Africa.
  6. BUNNY7

    starting over with lapband

    My heart goes out to all of YOU... my dear friend, who is a counsellor, often asks me this question: "What unmet needs do you have that you're replacing with food?" So I ask myself: 'At this moment I really want to eat something even though I'm not hungry. What I really need ...... (is a calmer and more peaceful heart or my stress levels to be lowered or to know that I'm loved or to love myself more as Ive been self hating or to make peace and forgive X or to deal with my loneliness and boredom or to bring down my anger/irritation/frustration etc etc. My life pattern has been to fill that void by nibbling, wandering to the fridge and staring inside. I'm involved in a course which is called Boundaries which is a popular book all about when to say yes and when to say no to take charge of ones life. I'm working on that NO to the nibbles and trying to identify what need I;m medicating with food. I Hope this gives you dear fellow strugglers some food for thought and encouragement to do a self check as you turn to the naughties. Wishing you strength and peace and self control in the week ahead.:scales:
  7. BUNNY7

    starting over with lapband

    Sorry, mixing up your user names.... all this fluffiness is going to my head being a bunny!!!
  8. BUNNY7

    starting over with lapband

    I get the feeling that you guys are missing each other's point. I thought Formerly Fluffy was trying to encourage you to seek another option not because you're a problem but the band might be.... My doc mentioned that to me before the op that I might find it doesn't work for me/my personality/ temperament. That doesn't make me bad just that Imight want to consider another option. I DON'T want to go there at this point and want to keep on trying. You've had such a challenge as I have.... let's keep positive, forgive Formerly Fluffy for putting things down in a way that you could be misunderstood and just look at all the positives.... WE STILL HAVE OUR BAND AND OUR DOCTORS . Have a good week
  9. Hi there.... we share a banding birthday and my experience is very similar to yours. I also have had 4 fills and the restriction is ever so slight but mostly not enough. I also eat far more that the recommended palm size/half a cup. I followed a thread on this site called 'starting over' and those ladies have been so humble, so helpful and so honest about how tough it really is for a lot of us bandsters. They have lost loads of weight, gained weight but still are winning - suggest you read their posts. Most of them had the banding done over 2 years ago. I haven't lost more than a kilo since December so was feeling totally discouraged and wanting to give up. They have inspired me and i'm feeling more positive and ready to try another fill.... always dread them as I arrive feeling guilty! I'm going to book for my next fill in the new week so will be holding thumbs for both of us. :thumbup:
  10. BUNNY7

    starting over with lapband

    Thanks so much Diane - I so enjoyed reading your post and how honest and open you were. I related on all sorts of levels and your child picture hit a cord for me too.... so right! Sometimes I;ve felt like just ripping the thing out and saying 'I'm over this!!!" The hard thing is I have a dear friend who had this done a year ago and seemed to cruise through it losing most of her weight in 9 months. Seeing her success helped me make my decision but our journeys couldn't have been more different. Also she was afraid of putting me off so never shared any of her struggles. I had a totally over optimistic outlook despite masses of research on the web prior to the decision. It never really prepared me for the uncertainty, bewilderment, confusion and utter frustration of not feeling what my friend told me to feel for.... She kept on saying 'Listen to your body and it will tell you when to stop" :sigh: - my body is mostly silent = the rebellious pizza incident of last week. My attempt and seeing if anything would happen ... still waiting. Only thing that happened was a weight gain. Haven't done that again though as I'm aware of band erosion and slippage. Do you have support groups there and if so did you use them and did they help?.... Bunny / Des
  11. BUNNY7

    starting over with lapband

    Hi there and thank you for your huge encouragement - brought tears to my eyes!!! I really salute you for your perserverence and the hope that you bring me. You have reminded me that it is a journey and that I'm not a statistic belonging to the group of 'they couldn't do it'. Bless you for your kindness and effort in responding to me....:Angel_anim:
  12. BUNNY7

    starting over with lapband

    I was banded last September so I found reading this thread reassuring on one hand but depressing on the other. I have battled to find restriction and so battled with portion control and self control!!!
  13. Hey there Shely - thanks for the information. It was the portion size I was looking at as that's my problem but good to see what you eat for new ideas - I start the day pretty near to what you have. Half a cup is what the dietician says but I'm just not satisfied by that and still feel like I need more food. I like the idea of a tea saucer - will try it this weekend. Have a good one....:Angel_anim:
  14. Hi Shelly Thanks so much for the encouragement!!! Hooray for your doc being so helpful and you finding restriction - I totally related to all you said. I played down how hard it's been - I've stayed at the same weight for 4 months with a bit up and a bit down now and again so anger, depression, doubt and guilt have been my unwelcome buddies for way too long. I had such high hopes of losing at least 50% of my weight by now but not my story so far I get you about being scared of losing the restriction .... we so want this to work!!!! I definitely have to go for another fill so will make that booking this week - never a fun outing hey! I will share your story with the man. I'm also NOT a gym bunny so well done to you for making a start :Banane52: . I have a orbital stationery bike which I want to start on soooon. (I've just moved house so not organised yet). Just a question if you don't mind - What is your portion size for each meal and what is your common daily 'menu'. I'm holding thumbs for your success with the new restriction.... :thumbup:
  15. Hi All - it's been ages since I've been on but good to see all the posting and the ups and downs of the banding journey. I was banded on the 14 September 2010 and it's been such a hard journey as despite 3 fills, I still haven't reached the restriction I hoped for. Sooo, that means that I can eat way more than I should be able to do - I tested it on pizza a few days ago. No fullness! I have 12cc band and am sitting at 7cc at the moment so have some way to go. I'm hanging in there, trying to keep my portion sizes to the half cup but it's tough!
  16. Hi there - was interested in you post - we're close in age & also banded mid 2010 Sept. 3 months down the line & feeling so discouraged. Had 2 fills (6ml) & still not feeling much difference and can eat normal portions easily. Only lost about 4 lbs since op. How long did it take you to get feeling of being satisfied on half a cup of food? Feeling like I'm missing something?? Tks, Des

  17. BUNNY7

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hello everyone. Getting my second fill on Tuesday next week. Had my first one 3 weeks ago with no change so am looking forward to the greater restriction. I've been away on an art weekend at the coast and really felt like it was preband time. Forgot about not drinking carbonated drinks and was sitting there with the gals, sipping a delicious G&T (gin and tonic) as the sun was setting and enjoying the gorgeous sea air. As I finished it I remembered!!!! Well the good news is there was no sense of blowing up like a blowfish and it all just went straight through without a problem!!!! I need a problem so hopefully Tuesday is the day when I get a few ; ) Hope you all had a great weekend - mine was just wonderful! Back to reality now ....
  18. BUNNY7

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Phyll, how wonderful having such a great supporter. My husband is so sweet but isn't sure how to help and I'm not sure what to ask! I sound so ditzy!!!! As my daughter remarked today - Mom, you sound confuzzed - confused and puzzled. Precisely!!!
  19. BUNNY7

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I relate to what you're saying but I just don't trust myself yet or maybe I don't trust that I'll actually lose this weight eventually. I loooooooooooooooooooong for that feeling of just being satisfied and even full. Don't particularly feel either at this point. Thanks for dropping me a line. It help me not to feel so lonely in this. There is no support group in this country.
  20. BUNNY7

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    What you're talking about is raising our level of awareness in our lives - and only I can do that. I have designed a 'week-at-glance' food diary form so I can look at yesterday, plan today and think about tomorrow. I printed out again and so have recorded todays eating. I love the idea of also have an exercise diary.... mine wouldn't have much in it at the moment unless you count 'carried my grandchild across the parking lot" This is going to be my great challenge!!!! It's hot, hot, hot and very humid where I live in as we're moving into our summer months. We have a pool so once we've skimmed all the insects and other wildlife - the place is teeming with them as it's sub tropical:eek:, I will venture in. Off to have my first weighed dinner thanks to you of 56.5grams of chicken and 1/2 cup of veg. Love google that makes conversions easy! Warm wishes to you.
  21. BUNNY7

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Thanks so much for putting all that effort into helping me over this bump! It seems that counting calories is a useful tool as well, which I may start trying out. I was on an equivalent weight loss club called Weighless, based on weighing all food and consequently getting portion control. I lost a lot of my weight on three occasions but slowly regained it - this all over a 20 year period. I gained a huge amount of knowledge about food groups and healthy eating and that truly changed my attitude which I'm grateful for. My challenge now is having under nourishment fears due to the tiny amount consumed - I'm still battling to get my head around it but I'm confident I'll get there. I take vitamins daily. I've also started a new food diary today which I know will help. I will keep soldiering on!!! Thanks again.
  22. BUNNY7

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Thanks so much for the encouragement - I'm looking forward to that day!!!! :smile2:
  23. BUNNY7

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi girls I'm feeling a bit down at the moment - almost 8 weeks post op, had my first fill and just don't feel any difference in terms of how much I can eat. (I know that this takes time and requires a few fills) I often read the statement on this forum about the band being a TOOL. I'd really like clarity on that as I'm just in the dark about what to expect. I've had a couple of days of undisciplined eating moment - not over the top but worrying for me and I so wish I could have sensed that STOP button internally - if that's what the band does?? Otherwise, I'm going to have to rely totally on self control and visual estimates of how much is enough and that depresses me as that was the form of control I've used for 20 years on WL and failed!!! As one of the girls on the forum wrote: "If I didn't have the scars on my stomach, I would start to think the op had never been done!" Hoping to get some encouragement and information from those of you who are ahead of me. MAIN QUESTION: How does this tool work when it's working properly????? What can I expect if I went over the half cup measurement per food serve? Thanks so much to you all. I'm so grateful there is this site for me to post to. Hope you new banders are just flying so welcome to our 50s link. Des
  24. BUNNY7

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Sorry... I know you;ve been around for a while and I posted to the wrong person!!! You responded to "Lose, lose, lose" and me being somewhat technologically challenged, posted it to you! :frown: Just want to add anyway, that you've been a huge encouragement to so many including me. Thank you - it's a great thread!
  25. BUNNY7

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Lovely having you with us on our journey and fantastic that you took the plunge and did it. We're all rooting for you:youcandothis:

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