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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BUNNY7

  1. So sorry to hear you are so ill.... thank heavens you went to the hospital. Praying you will make a quick recovery - keep us updated!
  2. Boy this is difficult... I really had a giggle imagining taking a tub of cottage cheese to bed with me. You are full of great ideas and Ihadn't thought of that at all. Roll on first fill.... we'll just have to do what we can to stave off the starved feelings with fat free stuff. All the best for the new week - my second week of pureed food. hmmm
  3. I'm exactly the same.... banded 2 and half weeks ago. I've have minimal pain left, never been nauseous or vomited, hve been constipated (I was warned by dietician) and took movicol which worked like a charm. I am managing 1 and half litres of water and everything I have eaten thus far has been fine (except for a thin slice of carrot cake washed down with coffee - won't do that again!!!) I too wondered if everything is okay inside? Have to just trust that all is well and I'm just lucky - like you! By the way the gas comes and goes.
  4. Hi there. There seems to be a general pattern of diet of clear liquids first then pureed/liquidized food then mashed food then solids. How is your body reacting to the whole food? I made up mind to take responsibility for my own health on every level so I take vitamins every day and try and follow the diet rules. I also checked up on the internet to see what nutritionists advised - I just typed in Lapband post op diet and there was lots of stuff about it. Good luck and well done for questioning as it's your success and health that's important.
  5. Same happened to me in the 1st week.... hang in there, your body knows what it's doing. You will have a sudden drop one morning and stand amazed!
  6. Thanks Brian. That's what I want... to have a few bites and just can't face any more! How many oz of soup are you having per serving/meal? So good to hear that you threw that sandwich away... wow and congratulations! You must have felt so empowered and encouraged. Taming our appetites/overeating impulses feels to me to be like taming a lion. When you manage it it's fantastic. That would have been a huge thing for me too though forbidden to touch the stuff at this point. I'm terrified of the band slipping! Thanks for responding and hope your week is full of successes. ps We don't get those wonderful ice lollies in South Africa. : (
  7. Hi Amy.... just hang in there. I'm almost 3 weeks down the road and same happened to me in the first weeks. No loss and then BOOM 2 lbs drop and then no change (even went up the scale on some days!) and then WHOOSH down again. I'm on the pureed diet now and the weight loss isn't so dramatic but still going down a kilo (2.2lbs) a week. I haven't lost anything this week but am hanging in for my 'official weigh day on Tuesday. You can do it and it will come down as long as you're not cheating your band with sweet stuff like milkshakes and chocolate drinks. Keep reading the stories on this site as they are hugely encouraging. We're with you in your journey. Warm wishes Des
  8. Great thread... thanks! Banded 9/14/10 My Ups: Losing 10 lbs since the pre op diet and surgery Having a great support from my husband & riends My wounds all healed and no pain anywhere My double chin almost gone Not vomiting once Crossing my legs easily Having a friend who had it done in January - my mentor! Having only 8 days to my next diet stage... soft mashed food. DOWNS No post op follow-up call from my doc No effective support groups Not getting a feeling of being satisfied after eating Wanting to nibble all the time and it's only 2 weeks 4 days post op!!! Feeling sad when the family have a barbecue and I've got a tiny cup of pureed soup! Having to wait 3 and half weeks for my 1st fill
  9. Hi there Brian. I am feeling exceptionally well and enjoying the pureed food after the liquid diet. My BIG WORRY is that I think I'm eating too much! The 'baby food' jar sized portion just doesn't nearly satisfy so find myself going for seconds an hour later. I'm pretty good with the type of food - fat free veg Soup, low fat smoothies. I feel like I'm in a no mans land pre first fill and my body isn't talking to me about having enough. Do you experience this????
  10. Hi Brian ... good on you for doing this as we need it. You are being so proactive and supportive of the group. Thanks! I am finding your eating out experiences very helpful as that's just around the corner for me - banded 14Sept. Have a nutritious weekend! Des
  11. I had a huge emotional dip 3 days post op and just felt like I wasn't coping. I also just wanted to chew anything so pureed a few nuts in my mouth. I'm a comfort eater so this is my danger moment when I'm depressed. The good news is that it passed and those down evenings (always after 5pm) are getting further apart. I try and keep busy until bed which has helped so much. It's a lifetime of bad habits we're trying to undo so don't be hard on yourself and be real with your beloved. I suspect a lot of people have the downers but don't want to put others off so don't say anything! I'm feeling great today and it's a good week. You will get there!!!
  12. We have to get over our embarrassment as this is just part of having a banding. Had the same experience as you did especially early days. Read that they inflate the stomach for easy location to place the band around. Consequently there is a lot of 'air' inside us that must be released. I'm trying to be matter of fact about it but my family is giggling so having a sense of humour about it helps. I explained to my family that this was just how it is at the mo - seems to have freed them up too so it's quite noisy in the home at the moment!!! A lot less gas as I've arrived at the end of my second week post banding. (banded 14 Sept).
  13. Hi all - everyone seems to be doing sooo well!!! Today is 2 weeks anniversay post op - banded on 14 Sept. The official weigh in day I've made for myself is Tuesdays - same day as the op. So happy this morning as I have lost 14 lbs since pre-op weigh -in and 5 lbs this month. On puree diet (mushies starting today) Scrambled egg for breakfast, banana and yoghurt snack so far - YUM. So nice after the 2 week liquid diet. Started at gym yesterday on a reclining bike for 25 min. Trying, trying, trying.... eating/drinking SLOWLY. I'm challenged not to wolf it down so using a small little teaspoon. Hope you're all faring well and that the port pain is lessening - wound healed but still sore inside!
  14. I do feel for you but am wondering as to whether you have gained muscle rather than fat? I know there is a scale that can do the reading which good gyms have. Would you feel happier if your weight gain is associated with muscle which is much heavier than fat?
  15. You have just proved what all the literature about banding says. Each of us loses in different ways - a sudden drop is nice but slow and steady is what I'm looking for so that I don't get saggy and baggy. Thanks for posting - we can't make hard and fast rules and everyones different. Important thing is to keep going....
  16. It's so good to hear that all of us are doing so well. We are also all going through similar things: bitter pills, strange bruises and sore ports - all normal part of the early days. I had no problem in cutting my tabs in half (with scissors) and just swallowing them with a bit of juice. I'm still doing it with my daily vitamin capsules with no pain or problems. I realise this may change once the band is tightened when I will mix it with a bit of yoghurt. Watched an excellent UTube clip last night showing a banding being done. A doc explained what was going on and now I realise why we're all so tender! We have lots of stitches inside. By the way, the itching means you're healing!!! Good luck to those who are being banded in the next 5 days. We're all waiting for you on this side.
  17. Great news.... it's so encouraging when that happens. It seems to be the way one goes with losing the weight. A few days the same and then a drop. I've been the same weight for three days now so expecting the drop tomorrow.
  18. Wonderful news and you're doing so well Lorraine. Keep taking the pain killers as it really helps in those first 5 days. By the 5th day I managed without so you can see how quickly the body starts to heal itself. Great about your hubby - mine has been fantastic and so supportive. Just what we all need even if it's a friend, family member, whatever.... CONGRATULATIONS NEW BANDLETTE
  19. Thanks Nursecutie...I've joined the group but it was a bit tricky finding it. Perhaps you can help the others by giving them instructions on how to join.

  20. Hi Trish and congrats - you've done it!!! Great that you're part of the September Sweeties and best of luck for a great journey to your goal. It's liquids still but remember your tummy has been shoved around, strangled and stitched. It needs to be allowed to rest, be still and have very little demanded of it so stick to those clear fluids and you'll heal QUICKLY. I'm talking to myself as much as I am to you. Look forward to hearing how it went. Best wishes, Des/Bunny
  21. Great! I'm also a teacher but have retired now - you never want to stop teaching though so am doing other kinds. I'm battling with the liquids only but went on UTube and watched a banding op. Did me a lot of good as it showed how much my poor stomach has gone through. Determined to really keep to the right measured amounts! I've been a little casual about the 2hr stretch between meals. Hope you're cruising along happily!!
  22. Congratulations on the banding! I had mine done 10 days ago. When I woke up the pain at the port site was a 10 for me - screamingly sore but I couldn't scream. Just big tears (thank the Lord for them) and they immediately gave me injections for it. I was very tender - mainly at the port site for the 1st week. As I write this I can gently press all my wound sites and there hardly any pain at all. I really get sore if I stretch/bend over at an angle or pick up anything over 7kgs - so I don't! Keep an eye on your wounds - if they're very red, especially around the port and it doesn't improve, ring your doc. Please don't leave it ...Let me know how you're going.
  23. BUNNY7


    No prob Shurmeka.... just so impressed with your weight loss!!! I have such a long way to go still and can't imagine being down that amount so perhaps I'm the one feeling discouraged! When did it get easier re the eating?
  24. You finally did it!!!!! Congratulations on loving yourself enought to go through with it. Yes, you HAVE done the right thing : 0 )
  25. I'm so proud of you!!!! Well done for making an excellent choice for yourself. After all you gone through so much already - you DESERVE for this to work for you. I'm terrified I go in for my first fill only to be told by the doc that my band has slipped....eeeek! That thought keeps me in check and I don't want to go through surgery again. I have 4 weeks to go for my 1st fill - 16 October. Look forward to hearing about your one.

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