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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BUNNY7

  1. Hi there - it's over and it really wasn't bad despite me letting out a squeak in preparation for the needle - very embarrassing as he hadn't pricked me yet:blush:. I've noticed on this forum that you guys in the States have the area numbed before you get your fill. Seems like it's a bit wild here in Africa as my darling doc didn't even go there so no wonder it was painful. Oh well, it certainly didn't come close to the injection you get at the dentist. I know tomorrow is your day so here's wishing you well in the next part of the weight loss journey. Thanks for your good wishes. :thumbup:
  2. Well it's my 6 week anniversary of being banded today and my first fill of 4ml. My doc was very upbeat and encouraging and didn't seem to phased when I let out a yell as he was about to put the needle in the port!!! I was just terrified it was going to be hugely painful because unfortunately I saw the needle which looked long enough to do some knitting with. I told him to tell me when he was going to do it so I was ready. So glad I had my husband at my side - it was sore but not unbearable and once the fill was done, I felt totally normal again and went shopping afterwards, armed with a bottle of vitamin juice and my beloved at my side. I've been on liquids all day and tomorrow morning I'm allowed to test the band by having scrambled eggs for breakfast. My instructions are to eat for 15 minutes, STOP for 15 minutes and assess as to whether I'm hungry or not. So tomorrow's a new day and hopefully the weight will begin to shift again though he was pleased with the 7kg (15lb) loss so far. The work really begins now in eating the right portions, not drinking 1/2 hr before or after eating and really making every meal count nutritionally - I DON'T want my hair to fall out!!! Wish all you Sept bandsters strength and awareness for the rest of the week. Des
  3. BUNNY7

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Thanks for your bright and beautiful welcome Phyl - it's good to have a group who are in the same boat!:party:Warm wishes to all of you. Des
  4. BUNNY7

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Sorry you're battling Donna - hope someone can give you advice/help. I can't as Ihaven't had my first fill yet. Tricky business this!! Keep us updated on how you're going and hoping you find the 'sweet spot' that I often read about. Des
  5. BUNNY7

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    So encouraging to hear from someone banded a year ago and at goal!!!!! Can;t even imagine that at this point - just 6 weeks post op tomorrow and my first fill and not feeling any different than pre-op. I feel I could eat a whole plateful of food - I haven't which does encourage me about me.
  6. Hi everyone and welcome back Brian!:smile2: We missed you being around as our thread starter. I really love your honesty about your journey!!!! It keeps things real about our food addiction and the challenge of eating soooo much less so I totally related and could see myself making those precise mistakes. If and when I do I'll remember that others (Brian) have gone before me, learnt the lesson and moved on. Exciting about your big weight loss - I feel hopeful as I've been on a plateau for 2 weeks since eating normally - not surprised though :blushing: So, thanks for the detailed info as I'm going for my first fill tomorrow morning and am feeling a tad nervous:sad:. I am so pleased the band is doing it's work when you overeat which we ALL do except we keep it and add on the pounds prior to having restriction. I'm so looking forward to having the band to help me keep my portions down - had a bad weekend of going over the limits as I'm FEELING no limits at all except the mental one yelling at me to stop :eek: which I partially managed - it's the grazing that gets me!!!!! I have to really work hard at that problem:glare:. Hoping all you September bandsters are winning and that you have a great week - stay connected! Hoping 1 year from now we will all be so delighted at our new selves! DES/BUNNY
  7. Hi there I noticed something important from you letter "I am finally losing at 1-2lbs a week". I am 5 weeks post op and wondering "When does the weight start to drop off????" I was doing so well for the first 4 weeks but now things have ground to a halt. Did you find that your body suddenly starting ditching the fat cells? How long did it take for that to happen? Sorry about all the questions but would love to hear about those first few months. Thanks so much. Des
  8. Gosh thanks so much! I forget it's only 5 weeks post op but I have a nagging feeling that I should have lost a lot more by now... guilt about the 4 milkshakes I had!!! :w00t: You're spot on about a wild ride.... I think that's kind of how it is and if that's the kind of journey that most people experience I feel relieved!!! I'm not a perfectionist and always seem to rebel against rules - You'd think I'd know better at my age:bored: So many posts indicate disciplined, fitness dedicated and nutritionally responsible people. I really admire that so much but I'm afraid that my character still needs some working on! Having said all that, I will keep on with this journey and just push through the hikes, spikes and mountains, hills, valleys, swamps etc etc. It's good to have a group like this so thanks to you all for being there. Des:thumbup:
  9. BUNNY7

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi All - what a lovely group!!!! Just popping in to say that I'm finding these last two weeks tough as I feel totally normal. I see my doc next week for my first fill but am nervous that it will make no difference to how much I eat. I have to use huge restraint at the moment! I have found my weight plateauing out and since going on to normal food. Roll on Tuesday and praying the restriction works. Have no idea if the band was filled or not during the op. I really appreciate the shared stories as we have very little support in this country and the surgeon basically says cheers and that's the last you her from him or his team. Perhaps I'm expecting too much???
  10. :thumbup: So sorry it was a frustrating visit but when I saw how MUCH you've already lost I felt encouraged for you. You seem to have inner strength despite not reaching that sweet spot yet. Keep on doing what you did to lose that much - you are fantastic to have done that much so far. We are all cheering you on to Nov 15! :w00t:
  11. Hi there I'm so impressed that you are activating your lifestyle ... the thing that I really battle to keep up :w00t: You are doing so well and you're going to reap the benefits with your weight loss so keep going. I felt concerned about you being so tired - are you getting to sleep before 10pm? The best, most healing and stengthening sleep period is between 10pm and 3 am. Also, are you on Vitamins - mine are really helping me feel clear headed though the energy does flag toward afternoons. High blood pressure can also make you feel exhausted - trust me I know this one:eek: but thankfully it's sorted. I'm not sure when you were banded but I'm coming up to the 6 week mark next Tuesday and am only now starting to feel the tiredness lessening. Our bodies have taken a huge knock. Hope there is something in all this that helps you to identify the root of your tiredness. Be tender to yourself :thumbup:
  12. Congratulatiions Moni - size 18 is a HUGE goal to reach. Happy throwing out! Glad the fill went so well and thanks for letting us all know. We look forward to hearing about the difference it's made which I suppose you'll notice in 3 days time!! We're all cheering you on! :wink2: Des
  13. Hi Monica.... looking forward to hearing about your first fill - mine is next week. You are doing soooo well and it's lovely hearing how supportive your folks are especially with the gift. :cursing: Love to hear how you felt the difference when you ate and what your portion size is. Wishing you a great week with the next step you've taken:thumbup: Des/bunny
  14. Wonderful news Laura! We all applaud you even if we're not there yet. Keep going and letting us know how you're doing.
  15. Hi Shell - it could have been me writing your post - thought it was at first until I checked your name! I'm also battling with portion size, time management of eating and drinking and not getting to do any real exercise. So... here's wishing you and me more focus and a good outcome to our first visit to the doc!!! Warm wishes to all the rest of you out there. Bunny - Desi
  16. Hi everyone! I was banded on 14 Sept so it's now 5 weeks down the road. I'm seeing my doc next week for the first fill - I THINK!!! Not much support where I live : ( I have found the last week HUGELY CHALLENGING as I can eat anything and don't feel any restrictions at all. Also find the eating & drinking rule hard as you have to remember the fluid intake in the between hours. I also gained weight when I went on to soft foods which was so depressing - 2 lbs! Since I've upped my water I've have lost a bit. I think we're in what everyone refers to as bandster hell. I must say that being on normal foods and chewing the food to a mush has made life a lot easier. We WILL GET THERE!!!!!! Strength and awareness blessings for all of you September Sweeties!
  17. I'm exactly 3 weeks post op today and feel ready to resume normal eating already!!! l'm not pushing it but am definitely eating more than the baby food jar portion recommended- just not enough and I still feel hungry and unsatisfied. I wonder if anyone else is 'cheating' out there and how you're managing to keep to the limits. HELP!
  18. Hi there... technically you're correct in saying it's not the band that causes the vomiting. I'd like to add to that and say that it is caused by overfilling the pouch that the band has created. You are obviously having portion sizes that are just right so you've haven't had that impulse. It's difficult for many people in the early days to sense when they've had enough and vomiting occurs. It's all about trial and error and learning how to eat in a new way. By the way there is tons of literature about vomiting and the banding procedure so it is very common. You are one of the lucky ones!!!
  19. Please give the doc a ring.... it may be nothing but this is all part of post-op self care. You will have peace of mind - Please let us know how you're doing so we can have peace of mind about you. Warm wishes Des PS Sorry it's icky but we all have internal stitches. The band has to stitched on to our abs and on to the stomach to keep it in place. In the 1st six weeks it's all about healing and having the lapband bond to where its been sewn on to.
  20. I also have that problem! Just managed half a ham sandwich and soup - no feeling full, nauseous or bloated. I'm 3 weeks since banding so now I'm feeling guilty as I'm only supposed to be on solids in 2 weeks time!!!! Let me know what your doc said to you please. Thanks, Des
  21. The BIG caution is that pain is a 'gift' in that it tells us that something is wrong and that we need to keep a checklist of what we need to keep an eye on. ie Is the area of my port inflamed? Is the pain easing day by day or getting worse? Am I able to keep up my fluid intake to at least one litre a day? Am I running a temperature? If you're answering yes to any of these you should be calling your doc. Infection is a very real danger so 'toughing it out' can be disasterous!!!!!!! This is why we have this forum so we can all feel safe, be truthful about our struggles and not compare with one another. I think we also need to show some grace towards Herraven who is PRE OP and trying to keep up a positive attitude as it can be totally unnerving when you read negative things. Suggest Herraven that as a PRE OP person, you focus on the positives till you've had your banding. Wishing you a successful banding as you start your new life.
  22. Hope you've called your doc. You risk getting dehydrated so the fluid intake is extremely important. Keep us posted!
  23. Thanks Desiree - great advice and first time I've heard that. Have a great week from a another Desiree living in Africa!
  24. So glad your husband is being a watch dog. Good to hear you being more positive. You won't believe the difference in yourself by the end of this week!
  25. Loved to see all the great advice given to our struggling fellow bandsters. Basically we MUST all be our body's best friend and if there's anything we're feeling unhappy about we must give ourselves permission to call the doctor and get some information. You have all reinforced this for me even though all going fairly well 2 weeks down the road. For those with pain - TAKE YOUR MEDS. Pain is depresssing, brings negative thinking and stops us thinking clearly. The meds are there to help us so don't be afraid of taking them. Have great week all.

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