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Everything posted by BUNNY7

  1. BUNNY7

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Thanks Sue - glad you enjoyed it. I'll probably need to do the same when I forget! Congratulations on your 30th wedding anniversary - hope you two are going to do something marvellous together - different, loads of fun and memorable. I see you've lost 9lbs - we work in metric here and I'm about the same weightloss down but trying hard to be a bit more disciplined this week with drinking Water and getting in enough veg. Had my first 4ml fill 10 days ago and still not feeling the hoped for restriction but have learnt from this forum that in many cases, it trial and error. Hope the counselling went well today - you're doing a really wonderful thing for these kids.:eek:
  2. BUNNY7

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Cheri - what an encouragement on hearing that you reached goal in January. I'm just 7 weeks post op so it was wonderful seeing your success. CONGRATULATIONS:smile2: I turn 58 next year July so I pray that I will have shed this weight by then. I haven't felt significant restriction and have had only one fill of 4ml last week -my first and only fill. My question is, when did you really see the weight coming off? Was it once you felt restriction? I'm white knuckling it at the moment and never get a sense of fullnes/satiety and it's pure discipline not to go over 1 1/2 cups of food. Would value your input. Best wishes - Des (Bunny)
  3. BUNNY7

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Just love what you're doing in your 50s Llyra especially the dance part! Would have joined your class if I wasn't so far away.... Africa! I'm a HUGE fan of "So you think you can dance." Reading your note above just gave me such a warm feeling about this site and the lovely people who write in. It's not always plane sailing for everyone but there is so much caring and genuine kindness. :wub:
  4. BUNNY7

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Cheri and welcome to the 50s. I'm 57 and I NEVER want to go back. I have found this such a liberating season. My kids are all grown up and left home = peace, less stress on budget and freedom with my husband of nearly 30years. We're moving into a wonderful new place that is smaller in land but better in spaciousness which symbolises this season I'm in. Love it! The greatest changes have come in my attitude towards people and the world. I used to really worry in my 40s, about what people thought, said, and observed about me. Now, I'm simply not that interested unless it's a beloved lifelong friend or family member. I have time, experience and knowledge of how I want to spend my days, weeks, months and year. This year was about intentional living and doing things differently. So, I abandoned the dieting club of 20 years and had the banding done in Sept - our spring. I took a year's sabbatical from counselling as I was feeling burnt out and to my surprise I have NO GUILT. I motivated that we sell our house and move- it's happening and that my husband and I have regular marriage time -theatre dates galore! :wub: I don't take myself so seriously anymore and find myself far more forgiving about others - they too are fragile in their humanity and everyone has their unique story of pain! Lastly (there's so much more!) I am grabbing hold of life as best as I can and giving myself permission to have fun and spoil myself. Off to an art weekend at the beach with my art group; a ballet outing with my adult daughter to see Cinderella while the men babysit and a trip to Cape Town in 6 weeks to see my sister. I'm sooooo blessed!!! So... it's an ongoing season of learning, experiencing, cherishing and evaluating what is important and ditching what isn't. Those books have to go!!! This is your 'find the real me' season so enjoy doing the homework! I had to mourn the new wrinkles, slowing down, forgetting names, not having another 50 years left....etc for a while and it is okay but more importantly is to get on to the list of new dreams for the decade and to Celebrate maturity. Best wishes for the journey you're about to embark on. Des
  5. How are you doing? I haven't lost much either - the real weight loss seems to come when the fill is perfect! Hope your doc hit the spot first time!
  6. Hi all you September bandsters... wondered how you're all doing with November now here and the festive season around the corner. I been doing a lot of research into the whole 'fill' thing and the penny finally dropped that it may take a few months to reach that elusive 'sweet spot' that everyone is talks about. I can easily eat 2 cups of food and feel no restriction though I'm not going overboard as I'm terrified of damaging the band. I realise that I'm going to need another fill next month - I was disappointed but it's just par for the course in the banding journey that it takes a few fills to find that perfect spot where you feel satiated. Hope you're all getting in the right foods and have a great month.
  7. Hi there! You can find Dr G D BROMBACHER on the internet as he has a webpage that gives you all the information you need. Just google his name - Ithink it's the second name from the top. You can phone Sunninghill Hospital - Jhb and they will also be able to give you a name up in Gauteng. Dick Brombacher is in Pietermaritzburg. Best wishes
  8. BUNNY7

    3rd Fill

    Thanks for sharing your fill experiences.... we all seem to be going through a similar experience and trying to reach that place. I've only had one fill of 4cc and feel no restriction. I could also easil consume two cups of food. It's tough!!!! How long do you have to wait between fills?
  9. BUNNY7

    2nd opinion

    Girls, girls we are here to support one another not to try and root out where Ayana is at fault!!!! Not everyone has the finances, ability or opportunities that lucky PhranP has. We just can't assume anything on this website. Ayana, I'm sure you're feeling angry, confused, disappointed and totally frustrated. I get that as I've been in the same boat off and on. After reading some of the more encouraging and informative comments on this thread, I suddenly realised that a big part the problem is lack of restriction and not knowing that there's a journey of a few months to find it - the FAMOUS SWEET SPOT!! My doc has never mentioned it Ayana, you have been hugely brave in taking this radical step so I encourage you to take a deep breath, grab hold of your courage that's in there somewhere and give it another go. Also phone the doc and discuss having another fill. I am giving it another week of no sense of having had enough (the band is going to give us this message eventually!!) and then I'm going to phone my doc. We 're all behind you and want you to push through this first hill in front of you. Let us know how you're doing.
  10. Hi there - I'm also in my 50s and trying to unlearn habits too. Had my first 4mls fill a week ago and I'm noticing very little difference. I never feel "tight" and can drink and eat at the same time without any noticable effect - I don't make a habit of this but tried it too see. Nothing. It seems I'll need another fill if I compare notes with you. Thanks for the information.
  11. BUNNY7

    Post Op Clear Liquid Diet

    We're all feelling worried about you - PHONE YOUR DOCTOR PLEASE. The dizziness sounds like dehydration so make sure you're drinking 8 glasses of Water a day. Let us know how you're doing....we're rooting for you.
  12. BUNNY7

    Post Op Clear Liquid Diet

    I was on clear liquids for 2 weeks but took vitamins daily, had a Meal Replacement split over 2 serves every day, (Ensure 1/2 cup), clear broth and loads of sugar free jelly/jello and of course a lot of liquid in the form of a diluted fruit juice. Physically, I also took it very easy and had plenty of rest and quietness for 2 weeks. Didn't lift heavy things nor did I do much beyond slow walks at the local mall. I was very tired after my surgery which took 1 hour and 8 minutes and I know this knocks your system so important to take great care of yourself. Hope this helps. Bunny
  13. I finally found out the answer to this on the internet.... if you drink liquid straight after eating, your meal is literally washing out the food that's just arrived in your pouch into the larger stomach = hungry quickly! Drinking just before a meal fills the pouch and then you can't get your full serve in as your pouch is already half full or even three quarters full. :smile2: This is quite tough as you have to remember to drink before hand and then STOP in time and stay dry for at least 1 hour afterwards. I'm not good with time awareness!!!:thumbup:
  14. I also battle with this but I find it's worse if I haven't had a lot of liquids between my meals. I try to get through 1 1/2 litres a day. I have a tiny sip of water with a meal if I feel particularly thirsty but the thought of clearing my pouch of food too quickly and then being hungry in an hour keeps me disciplined! I have a dry mouth just writing this which means I need some more water. You're not alone! :thumbup:
  15. BUNNY7


    Hi there and thanks so much for posting this. You shared something HUGELY important and I have certainly filed your experience away in case I ever get a bug that causes the vomiting. I'm so sorry you had to go through with this and the added insensitive/ignorant remark!!! I am so glad that you are at goal so feel confident and hopeful that all will now be well as you continue your road of health and success. You are an inspiration as it's such early days for me still - thanks again for posting your thought. Many people are going to learn from you about tummy bugs and how careless words impact others! Best wishes to you.:smile2:
  16. :thumbup:Congratulations on making a lifechanging decision - you're now on the other side and your big adventure has started! The pain started easing a little each day as the wounds starting healing. One week down the road it was totally manageable. 6 weeks down the road no pain unless I twist around to go something - more of a pulling feeling. The bowel movement part is important - I recommend you get something to help. Don't expect any 'large results' :thumbup: You have had very little food in your system so not much waste product. I used a product called Movicol which is a powder you stir into Water and drink. It keeps what is in your inside soft and smooth as you really don't want constipation. All in all post recovery = rest, rest, rest. Keep an eye on your port for any redness increasing - phone doc, sleep, take Vitamins and keep up your Fluid intake. I drank Vitamin based drinks all day.
  17. Hi there, here are some of the mushes I did at this stage: 1. tin of tuna, slim mayo and cottage cheese. 2 cottage pie and veg (mash potato, mince meat and mixed veg) I bought a ready meal and mushed it all. Very tasty 3. Veg Soup 4. papaya, pear and banana with yoghurt Hope this helps- good luck
  18. It differs person to person but most people's doctors (mine included) tell you to do 2 weeks clear liquids(must be able to go up a straw), 2 weeks puree (baby food smooth) and 2 weeks mushy (mashed with a fork consistency). This is so that your stomach is given time to heal and doesn't put strain on it too quickly. It takes 6 weeks to heal. Hope this helps you - it can be confusing but I'm 6 weeks on and that part of my journey is now history. Good luck with yours - you're on a great web site.:thumbup:
  19. :thumbup: I think it's normal as most people seem to mention this for quite a few months. I also feel pain if I twist my body or lie on my stomach when I sleep. The only thing we have to be concerned about is if there is redness around the port or if the pain is excruciating generally. These are good questions to ask though and ultimately your doc is the one to talk through it with you.
  20. Hi there... just wondered if anyone had responded to your request? I was banded in Sept 2010 and went on to your thread to get encouraged and saw your post. Were you given a food guide to follow when you were banded? Are you eating the right proportions (1 cup per meal), have you given up the liquid high calorie food eg icecream, chocolates, alcohol etc? Do you drink and eat? Hope some of these questions help you to evaluate where you are. If you email me I can send you something I came across about evaluating whether you have balance in you banding life. You can contact me at desmitchell@afrihost.co.za. Do hope you haven't given up - I'll try and help you find your way through. :thumbup: Example of my eating/drinking day: Wake up: coffee (small mug) Breakfast: small banana and yoghurt (fills half a cup) Midmorning: tea, coffee, juice, Water Lunch: tuna fish 1/2 tin & salad with low fat dressing Midafternoon: fruit (small & soft eg papaya) Dinner: 1 chicken thigh and mixed veges with gravy - might have a little mashed potato (saucer size portion)
  21. Hi All - wondering how everyone is doing eating normally again. It's 3 days post fill and I'm starting to notice the change as pre-fill I was really starting to feel like I was eating too much. It's a great relief feeling the band doing it's work - just had some salmon and because it was a bit on the dry side, i can feel pain in the stomach area and a bit of grumbling. Lesson learnt - add sauce to dryish meats. Still struggling to remember to drink enough between meals so to stay hydrated. I'm still feeling nagging doubts that this is all going to work after a life time of success/failure/success/failure etc It's early days I know and there are those who are a year down the road who have done fantastically. Have a great weekend all.
  22. BUNNY7

    Any September 2010 Banders?

    Hi there and good to see you on this site. You are on the same journey that most of us have been - finding out as much as you can about the procedure. You lost an amazing amount of weight on the CD (Is that crash diet?). Unfortunately the body learns about 'starvation' so once you go back to normal eating it stores up in case there is a starvation period again and so the cycle goes. The September group is lovely and everyone is so eager to support and give information so post your questions under the September bandsters 2010!!! thread. :thumbup:
  23. Exercise an issue for me too.... :unsure:groan so thanks for the link. Great weight loss - can't wait to have lost that much. I also prefer not to discuss my weight but I have to say that I don't agree that people think 'fat is fat'. I think everyone is so caught up in their own stuff that it's got to be a DRAMATIC difference before they notice. People aren't that observant! My experience after losting 25 kgs (about 15lbs) is that people would get a puzzled look on their faces and ask me 'Have you lost weight or something??" I'd think to myself -"Are you kidding me??? This is a result of me losing fat off my body that is equivalent to 2 huge bags of dog food and some more." My reply was: "Yes, just a little...":rolleyes2: You have to have a sense of humour when you're on this journey!!!!:thumbup: Thanks for the Thai dinner ideas... great as we're out next Friday. Have a healthy weekend:thumbup:
  24. Oh WOWEE - you're doing fantastically!!!!:hurray: It seems your band is just right for you because if it wasn't, you would have stayed the same for ages. I had my first post fill breakfast this morning of 2 soft scrambled eggs and 2 light crackers. Now I'm waiting for 15 minutes per doc's instructions to see if I feel satisfied :biggrin: .... so I thought I'd drop our group a quick line and see how you're doing. I've decided to keep a food diary again so I'm CONSCIOUS of what I'm eating - I'm always concerned about getting enough vitamins and minerals! Have agreat day :w00t:
  25. Good to hear from you Tiffany - my goodness you really have your hands full so well done for losing so much already despite having so many demands as a Mom. We all need a co-worker like you have during the day - she must be your 'diet angel". Can I borrow her???? I also battle with temptation - my son brought along some gorgeous Swiss chocolate tonight which I have to admit I sampled. :thumbup: It's going to take time for me to refuse that sort of thing so for the moment, I have a 'clean kitchen' with nothing there to tempt me in that area. Hope things settle down a bit with the kids and that you can get some 'me time'.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
