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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by CaliGirlB

  1. I think the stalled weight loss probably has more to do with the Soft Foods Syndrome. Have you talked to your doctor about this? Could you be to tight? The band only works well with solid foods so if you can only eat mushies the band isn't working for you. Mushies will go right through.

    I have PCOS and the Met didn't help with my weight loss at all. Everyone said it would help but it didn't. It may sound weird but going on Birth Control did seem to help with my weight loss. I think because it helped a lot with my hormones and when they were in check I didn't eat as much.

  2. I am 11 weeks out, have had two fills and have great restriction. But I have had a hard time getting my head around it. Sometimes I will serve my plate up then when I sit down to eat I realize that I have a plate all pilled up and there is no way I could eat it all. My husband is also banded and I am just now figuring out how little I have to cook. I can cook one good size salmon filet, one large potato and vegatables and it is plenty for the 2 of us. I guess it just takes time to get your head right.

  3. Don't be discouraged. You are in the hardest stage. It gets so much easier. Right now you have -0- restriction. I wasn't allowed solid foods until 3 weeks out but once I got there I could eat any and everything. It was really hard until I got that first fill and I was totally eating things I shouldn't have been eating. Hang in there!

    I do Water aerobics and water pilates and I love them both. Let me warn you, the first time I did water pilates I thought "Well, that wasn't a workout" then I woke up the next morning and I thought my stomach muscles were going to fall out on the floor. I couldn't believe it. I can really tell a difference in them since I started. I am now doing 110 pounds on the ab machine at the gym. I have found that alot of the regular aerobics classes are still a little hard for me, my knees and ankles really hurt after. I am hoping that with my weight loss it will get easier. I have taken a Salsa class at the Y that I really liked.

  4. Good Morning, My name is Amanda and I live in Olive Branch, MS but work in Memphis, TN. I was banded on April 10 and I have lost 32 pounds. I have had two fills and I am feeling pretty comfortable with my fill level now. I am looking for a new "support home" I have been on another message board primarily but the drama over there is really getting in the way of support. I have two kids so going to my DR's support groups is very difficult. So I get most of my support online. I have been reading a lot of your posts and have been so inspired. It is also nice to know that I am not the only one who slips up once in a while. Anyway, I just thought I would introduce myself I will post some pictures soon.


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